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Guyana on cusp of national crisis – Rohee

PPP/C General Secretary Clement Rohee

PPP/C General Secretary Clement Rohee

– PPP presents 26-point demand to stabilise economy


Realising that the local economy is slowly grinding to a halt, among other problems affecting the country, the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) Opposition has developed and proposed a 26-point demand to the Government that may see some semblance of survival for the country’s economic stability.

PPP/C General Secretary Clement Rohee asserted that Guyana is on a cusp of national crisis and on that note disclosed the 26-point demand its members crafted.

At the party’s weekly media conference on Monday, Rohee said the party proposes that the Government should end the political and racial discrimination and the arbitrary dismissals of public servants and young professionals; resuscitate the $30,000 per month Amerindian CSO programme; re-reinstate the “Because We Care $10,000 per Child” programme and reinstate electricity and water subsidies for pensioners.

In addition, the Party is also calling for the end of the controversy over Berbice River Bridge; the need to revoke the astronomical salary increases and benefits to top Government officials and Members of Parliament and provide satisfactory wage and salary increases to public servants.

According to Rohee, the PPP/C has also proposed that there be an immediate relief to rice farmers, in particular, and the farming community in general by providing subsidy for fuel, spare parts and necessary tools for the sustenance of the industry. Continue investments and all-round support to the sugar industry and provide liveable wages for sugar workers were also called on the demand of the party.

The party is also calling for the restoration of the Petro-Caribe Agreement with Venezuela; the need to push for greater access to Caribbean rice markets and the reduction of the royalties for medium and small scale miners.

Rohee also reiterated the call for the reduction of passenger fares for travel on Government ferries throughout the country; the need to address the steep fall in income and employment in towns and municipalities throughout the country and the necessity to restore the plans and programmes to address rising crime and the security sector reform as was proposed under the PPP/C Administration.

The Party is also calling for the need to address immediately the rapid decline of production, in the forestry, fishing, farming and quarry sectors and for immediate steps to be taken to revive the national economy and restore its vibrancy and robustness to the pre-May 2015 levels.

Among the other demands the PPP/C is seeking are that steps be taken to revitalise the construction sector; that there is a guarantee to ensure that the livelihood of the Amerindians and Hinterland communities are not further impaired; and the resumption of the critical Amaila Falls Hydro-power project.

The Party is also calling for the need to respect and uphold parliamentary democracy: that consultations commence with all stakeholders, with a view to carrying out reforms of the electoral system, laws and at GECOM.

“The PPP/C will mobilise around these demands and work assiduously to win the broadest possible support around them,” Rohee stated.

Rohee also highlighted that the current Administration appears to be “oblivious to the social and economic repercussions in the daily lives of the Guyanese working people including their own supporters who are feeling the pinch and seeing the much vaunted “good Life” evaporate before their very eyes.”

It is on this basis that the 26-point demand was proposed, he noted.

For months citizens and business owners have been complaining about the country’s financial system. According to the Mid-Year Report released by the Finance Ministry, Guyana’s economy dipped during the first six months of 2015.

The report stated that the country’s economy declined some 2.5 per cent in the first half of this year when compared to the same period in 2014. The report outlined that initially, Guyana’s half-year growth was estimated to be at 0.9 per cent. However, with the passage of time and the benefit of actual first-half performance in a number of sectors, the country’s real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) recorded a growth of 0.7 per cent in the first half of 2015, with non-sugar GDP recording a growth rate of 0.8 per cent.

With the seemingly faltering pace of Guyana’s economy over the past months, businesses across the country have faced the harsh realities of economic slowdown. Business owners as well as local commentators have stated that the health of Guyana’s economy is deteriorating and has called on the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance for Change (APNU/AFC) Administration to focus on unearthing ways to stimulate the country’s economy.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Rohee want the Govt bring back these Programs PPP set up where they can thief 24/7,


Drop the charges against "De Jenny" who ran these Programs and stole over One Billion Dollar......



And Bring Back "De Jenny" and "De Funny Fellas" to tell the govt what to do with Govt Money.


And.....Reinstate all "dem thiefman" "Crab Louse" & "Parasite" who work for Jagdeo & Ramotar.


and....Stop all the Investigation of thiefing that happen before May 11th 2015.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by TK:

No credibility...

Maduro has already shown that he can unilaterally, with no repercussions, terminate purchases of rice from Guyana, and yet Rohee insists that6 Guyana exposes itself to this Mad Man.


Rohee himself is a mad man.


If a CARICOM market was available, why didnt the PPP pursue it?


The PPP shows daily that they are just as dumb as is APNU/AFC.  No transformative ideas. And in fact one can ask why many of these measures werent implemented within their 23 years.


Poor Guyana.  I guess when a nation loses 90% of its professionals, we ought not to be surprised at this.

Originally Posted by Django:

National Crisis in 5 months is ??,some one

is like a drowning ant.

Clearly indicative of the fact that the PPP left Guyana in a crisis. 'Rohees rant only complains about a few moves that the APNU/AFC has made, most of which were put in place only to buy votes, and in the case of the Amerindians, were not even budgeted for beyond May 2015.

Originally Posted by Prashad:
East Indians have to watch out because the total anti-koolie squad may start to blame them.


It has already started. PNC wants to rub their KoKobeah on Indos.


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