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Guyana on the path of creating Green Jobs – Environment Minister

Guyana is already on the path of creating green jobs in the traditional sectors. This is according to Minister for Natural Resources and Environment, Robert Persaud.

Persaud was at the time delivering remarks at a three day workshop, being hosted by the Ministry of Labour, Human Services and Social Security to develop policies and programmes to promote the green economy and green jobs in Guyana.

According to Minister Persaud while Guyana is already producing green jobs, the country can also be a contributor of green jobs on the output side by producing green products and services.

This, he said can present new opportunities for Guyana in order to add to the economic benefit as a nation.

The Environment Minister also made reference to the Low Carbon Development Strategy [LCDS], which he noted is being constantly looked at to ensure it is consistent with global reality and meet the international needs.

Also delivering remarks was representative of the Consultative Association of Guyanese Industry, Mr. Samuel Goolsarran, who noted that green jobs help to preserve the environment and maintaining it in a sustainable manner, to limit green house gas emissions and to reduce waste and pollution.

“We all need to have a better understanding of the concept of green jobs in our national development strategies, to look at good practices in other countries and explore the potential of job creation in green jobs in Guyana, and the impact it can make in our labour market,” Mr. Goolsarran said.

The overall objective of the workshop is to increase trainees’ understanding of how the creation of green jobs can play a crucial role in protecting the environment while supporting the country’s economy.

Special emphasis will be given to the green jobs policy cycle and its implementation in specific sectors of the economy, with particular attention to waste management, water pollution among others.

The workshop also aims to increase participant’s skills in promoting and shaping green jobs strategies at national and local levels.

Remarks were also made by Minister of Labour, Dr. Nanda Gopaul, Head of the Climate Change Unit, Shyam Nokta, International Labour Organisation Specialist, Kelvin Sergeant, President of FITUG, Carvil Duncan and President of the Guyana Trades Union Congress, Norris Witter.

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You guys talk a bunch of bullshi.t. Guyana will begin to speak of green when it implements laws to prohibit styrene and plastic bags, emission standards, proper garbage disposal systems and less of the vending of our land to the Chinese. Note their prepared map has them pretty much operating everywhere so they obviously spoke to the government with respect to these future prospects for them.


We are on the verge of becoming a petroleum producing nation if oil is found. To be green the plan for becoming an producer of fossil fuel means you pay someone a gas tax no less than Norway promises to pay us given they are dumping so much CO2 into the atmosphere in their petrol extraction and use.


Again, the PPP are jokers.


Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Guyana will begin to speak of green when it implement laws to prohibit ...

Guyana not only speaks but has implemented programmes.

No see them when you sleep.


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