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Vote on UN Resolution on Syria…Guyana explains abstention

September 1, 2012 | By
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Doesn’t agree with call for Al-Assad to step down
The Government of Guyana did not vote on the United Nations Resolution on Syria because it did not agree with the call for President Bashar Al-Assad to step down, and also it did not agree for there to be cohesion among the Syrian opposition, the Foreign Affairs Ministry revealed in a statement yesterday.

Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad


The United Nations estimates that nearly 20,000 people have been killed in Syria since the uprising against Assad began in March 2011, but Syrian opposition groups say the death figure is much higher.The Foreign Ministry said that it found “unacceptable” the call for Al-Assad to step down, “since this was outside the accepted international norms of democratic governance processes.”

Further, the Ministry said that “the resolution also encourages cohesion among the opposition, many of whom are unknown to the international community, and some of whom are identified by the UN Human Rights Council’s Commission of Inquiry with the perpetration of human rights violations, and with contributing to the escalation of the conflict. Guyana could not blindly support opposition elements under such circumstances.”

Earlier this week, Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine, a leading Member of the Opposition coalition, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), said that the government seems fixated with the opposition, and assigning blame.

The government has been blistered for abstaining on the UN resolution.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that Guyana has followed “with grave concern” the unfolding situation in Syria and “the increasingly heavy toll” it is taking on the people of that country.


The Ministry referred to United Nations reports as noting that there have been “serious violations of human rights and of international humanitarian law” that have been perpetrated by all sides to the conflict.


The Government of Guyana had on two previous occasions supported resolutions of the General Assembly strongly condemning violations of human rights and of international humanitarian law by the Syrian authorities, even though the said resolutions paid scant attention to the actions of other parties, the Ministry stated.


The most recent of these votes was for the appointment of the Joint Special Envoy of the United Nations and the Arab League.


The Ministry said that Guyana’s abstention vote on August 3 has to be seen in the context of the evolving situation on the ground, the urgent need for a political settlement and for an efficacious response by the international community within the framework of the United Nations Charter and international law.


A number of changes have taken place on the ground, which have led to a reconsideration of Guyana’s position, the Ministry stated. These are that the situation has become increasingly militarised and the presence of terrorist elements has been recognised as contributing to the intensification of the conflict, and that the international community has grown more divided, resulting in the inability of the Security Council to agree on an appropriate response.


The government here noted that the outgoing Joint Special Envoy of the United Nations and the Arab League has observed that the challenges within Syria have been compounded by the lack of unity on the part of the international community.


“The Government of Guyana is of the view that the interests of the Syrian people will be served by an immediate end to the violence and bloodshed by all parties and the provision of the necessary humanitarian and other support as envisaged in the six-point plan endorsed by the Security Council,” the Ministry stated.


It added that the focus of attention has to be on the search for a viable political solution, and for there to be success; the international community needs to be united and to adopt a comprehensive approach addressing all sides to the conflict.


“The mere singling out of one party will not suffice,” the statement indicated.
The government said the situation in Syria is a complex one, exacerbated by differing interests of the many actors on the ground that has seen the people of Syria being the greatest casualties.


“As a concerned member of the international community, Guyana continues to urge a peaceful resolution in accordance with the principles of international law.’

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 Seriously, is Syria even remotely democratic?

I doubt that is the single barometer.  Syria is a complex and serious business and even the US knows the fall-out from an outright collapse.  This is not Libya or Tunisia or Egypt where a monolithic citizenry demanded change of Govt.  We saw the Lebanese civil war and the toll it took over a decade.  Syria will be quantumly larger with far reaching effects well beyond its borders.


We keep hearing that Syria is Alawites, Christians and other dominating a majority Sunni population, yet most of the high-level defections in the Military and Govt are Sunnis.  If the Sunnis are so excluded, how come they hold such vital and forward positions?  I say, there is more than meet the eye in the Syria strife.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 Seriously, is Syria even remotely democratic?

That is not what is at issue here. The government of Bahrain is not even "remotely democratic," yet, instead of calling for regime change in Bahrain, the Brits are selling spyware to their government to help them suppress opposition. The "regime change" policy, which has become a regular feature of Anglo-American foreign policy, has nothing to do with democracy, human rights or Weapons of Mass Destruction. It is all geopolitics, and creating a pretext for managing the British and American domestic populations under conditions of economic collapse and privation.


All this has put the US in the ridiculous position of using fear of Al-Qaeda as the justification for police state measures at home, while simultaneously arming them in Libya and Syria.


The Guyanese government is right to insist upon strict adherence to international law.

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 Seriously, is Syria even remotely democratic?

That is not what is at issue here. The government of Bahrain is not even "remotely democratic," yet, instead of calling for regime change in Bahrain, the Brits are selling spyware to their government to help them suppress opposition. The "regime change" policy, which has become a regular feature of Anglo-American foreign policy, has nothing to do with democracy, human rights or Weapons of Mass Destruction. It is all geopolitics, and creating a pretext for managing the British and American domestic populations under conditions of economic collapse and privation.


All this has put the US in the ridiculous position of using fear of Al-Qaeda as the justification for police state measures at home, while simultaneously arming them in Libya and Syria.


The Guyanese government is right to insist upon strict adherence to international law.

Why is it when the subject is one one nation the tendency is to say look over there? It is the People that has to do it not outsiders. Syria's problem started when its brutal police shot people for writing anti government graffiti. That boiled over and we have what we have.


Note the hope in 2000 was that Asad's western education may mean a flowering of an new liberal era. Instead, he fell in line with the jackboot mentality, implanted his family and tibial members into political influence and oppressed the Sunnis.  Would he was like king Juan Carlos and ushered in a break with the past. He is the maker of his own demise. BTW, the US is not helping anyone with weapons there.


The PPP government is hedging its bet. It knows in a jiffy its corruption can cause no less a similar reactionary collapse. It is doing exactly what Asad did, consolidating state power and state assets in the hands of kit and kin. The PPP is simply hedging its bets.

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by D2:
 BTW, the US is not helping anyone with weapons there.



Have you personally been doing the delivery for them? No one except you seem to know the US is supplying arms to the Syrian opposition.


he believes...not evidence of anything happening. Are revolution rational events, what the hell is this fool taking of? He is simply restating the same domino theory of the neocons. Unfortunately what the Jihadist could not do  or the west could not do, a fruit vendor did by setting himself on fire. That may be hard for you to believe but it is what it is.

Originally Posted by warrior:

what the AMERICAN should do is send arms to guyana for a coup let jail some of the ppp crime family

Guyana is a democratically elected Govt in a free and fair election whether those who lose chose to see it that way or not.  If you don't like the Govt, go vote you will next election.


Guyana gov't does not agree for Assad to step down? Then what does it believe in, elections in Syria? And can this really happen? Not a chance with Basheer being stubborn. The world is watching and there needs to be change in Syria, and urgently. 

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Guyana gov't does not agree for Assad to step down?

Guyana gov't does not agree for one country to invade another to force "regime change." Especially when the pretext is fraudulent -- the US and UK do not care about dictatorships. They don't attempt to overthrow the regimes in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, etc., because those are puppet dictatorships, not independent dictatorships like Syria. Also don't forget that the pretexts for other "regime change" wars, such as the Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, which seemed so credible when you heard them a few hundred thousand times in the media, turned out to be fake. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

Originally Posted by warrior:
what the AMERICAN should do is send arms to guyana for a coup let jail some of the ppp crime family

Don't laugh, they might be doing it now, or at least they might be funding the AFC like they funded AIFLD in the '60s.

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Guyana gov't does not agree for Assad to step down?

Guyana gov't does not agree for one country to invade another to force "regime change." Especially when the pretext is fraudulent -- the US and UK do not care about dictatorships. They don't attempt to overthrow the regimes in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, etc., because those are puppet dictatorships, not independent dictatorships like Syria. Also don't forget that the pretexts for other "regime change" wars, such as the Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, which seemed so credible when you heard them a few hundred thousand times in the media, turned out to be fake. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

Originally Posted by warrior:
what the AMERICAN should do is send arms to guyana for a coup let jail some of the ppp crime family

Don't laugh, they might be doing it now, or at least they might be funding the AFC like they funded AIFLD in the '60s.

America overthrew a legitimately elected government once already in Guyana. We saw the results that lasted for 28 years. Don't wish this on your worst enemy.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Guyana gov't does not agree for Assad to step down?

Guyana gov't does not agree for one country to invade another to force "regime change." Especially when the pretext is fraudulent -- the US and UK do not care about dictatorships. They don't attempt to overthrow the regimes in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, etc., because those are puppet dictatorships, not independent dictatorships like Syria. Also don't forget that the pretexts for other "regime change" wars, such as the Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, which seemed so credible when you heard them a few hundred thousand times in the media, turned out to be fake. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

Originally Posted by warrior:
what the AMERICAN should do is send arms to guyana for a coup let jail some of the ppp crime family

Don't laugh, they might be doing it now, or at least they might be funding the AFC like they funded AIFLD in the '60s.

America overthrew a legitimately elected government once already in Guyana. We saw the results that lasted for 28 years. Don't wish this on your worst enemy.

They did not over threw an elected government. They facilitated their ousting using a way of counting votes we still used to day ( and find no fault with) called PR and coalition after the election.


Note, the PPP is using the LFSB electoral system and constitution to stay in power and they have been there 20 years so in a sense the Americans "interfering" is still with us.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

America overthrew a legitimately elected government once already in Guyana. We saw the results that lasted for 28 years. Don't wish this on your worst enemy.

They did not over threw an elected government. They facilitated their ousting using a way of counting votes we still used to day ( and find no fault with) called PR and coalition after the election.

Aren't you leaving out three years of disruption by paid rioters who did $40 Million worth of damage to G-Town, leaving 160 people dead and more than 1,000 homes destroyed, culminating in the arrival of British troops and the declaration of a State of Emergency where all political activity was forbidden? Or perhaps that is what you mean by "facilitating."

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

America overthrew a legitimately elected government once already in Guyana. We saw the results that lasted for 28 years. Don't wish this on your worst enemy.

They did not over threw an elected government. They facilitated their ousting using a way of counting votes we still used to day ( and find no fault with) called PR and coalition after the election.

Aren't you leaving out three years of disruption by paid rioters who did $40 Million worth of damage to G-Town, leaving 160 people dead and more than 1,000 homes destroyed, culminating in the arrival of British troops and the declaration of a State of Emergency where all political activity was forbidden? Or perhaps that is what you mean by "facilitating."

 The point is an elections removed them from office. By all accounts it was a fair one.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Note, the PPP is using the LFSB electoral system and constitution to stay in power and they have been there 20 years so in a sense the Americans "interfering" is still with us.

It requires, at least, sixty-six percent of the members of parliament to make this changes to the constitution.


PNC and AFC never took the steps to work with the PPP/C Government to make this change.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Don't laugh, they might be doing it now, or at least they might be funding the AFC like they funded AIFLD in the '60s.

America overthrew a legitimately elected government once already in Guyana. We saw the results that lasted for 28 years. Don't wish this on your worst enemy.

They did not over threw an elected government. They facilitated their ousting using a way of counting votes we still used to day ( and find no fault with) called PR and coalition after the election.


Note, the PPP is using the LFSB electoral system and constitution to stay in power and they have been there 20 years so in a sense the Americans "interfering" is still with us.

I was not aware that pre-1992 there was a two-term limit to the presidency!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Don't laugh, they might be doing it now, or at least they might be funding the AFC like they funded AIFLD in the '60s.

America overthrew a legitimately elected government once already in Guyana. We saw the results that lasted for 28 years. Don't wish this on your worst enemy.

They did not over threw an elected government. They facilitated their ousting using a way of counting votes we still used to day ( and find no fault with) called PR and coalition after the election.


Note, the PPP is using the LFSB electoral system and constitution to stay in power and they have been there 20 years so in a sense the Americans "interfering" is still with us.

I was not aware that pre-1992 there was a two-term limit to the presidency!

What does the term limits have to do with the party remaining in power due to features in our constitution and electoral system facilitating that fact?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Don't laugh, they might be doing it now, or at least they might be funding the AFC like they funded AIFLD in the '60s.

America overthrew a legitimately elected government once already in Guyana. We saw the results that lasted for 28 years. Don't wish this on your worst enemy.

They did not over threw an elected government. They facilitated their ousting using a way of counting votes we still used to day ( and find no fault with) called PR and coalition after the election.


Note, the PPP is using the LFSB electoral system and constitution to stay in power and they have been there 20 years so in a sense the Americans "interfering" is still with us.

I was not aware that pre-1992 there was a two-term limit to the presidency!

What does the term limits have to do with the party remaining in power due to features in our constitution and electoral system facilitating that fact?

Listen you clown, no constitutional rule, not even in the great USA limits the rule of the Party.  Pre-1992 an individual could be "president for life", not anymore.  The PPP remains in power BY POPULAR VOTE which is the standard barometer in most democratic nations.  The fact that the PPP is corrupt and how to address is a different thing, but the suggestion that an ouster is justified is pure nonsense, but then again, why am I surprised at your stance.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Don't laugh, they might be doing it now, or at least they might be funding the AFC like they funded AIFLD in the '60s.

America overthrew a legitimately elected government once already in Guyana. We saw the results that lasted for 28 years. Don't wish this on your worst enemy.

They did not over threw an elected government. They facilitated their ousting using a way of counting votes we still used to day ( and find no fault with) called PR and coalition after the election.


Note, the PPP is using the LFSB electoral system and constitution to stay in power and they have been there 20 years so in a sense the Americans "interfering" is still with us.

I was not aware that pre-1992 there was a two-term limit to the presidency!

What does the term limits have to do with the party remaining in power due to features in our constitution and electoral system facilitating that fact?

Listen you clown, no constitutional rule, not even in the great USA limits the rule of the Party.  Pre-1992 an individual could be "president for life", not anymore.  The PPP remains in power BY POPULAR VOTE which is the standard barometer in most democratic nations.  The fact that the PPP is corrupt and how to address is a different thing, but the suggestion that an ouster is justified is pure nonsense, but then again, why am I surprised at your stance.

 You are dumb as a skunk in this area and ought to focus more on precisely what the present constitutional and electoral system entails to correct that deficit. Ravi dev and his crew, tried to bring it to the national attention albeit under the guise of sneaking consociational federalism through the back door.


The matter is not about the difference then vs now about the tenure of the president but about the executive presidency and closed lists in essentially a one nation constituency. It facilitates the fear driven race based voting patterns where dysfunctional psychological damage is done to people like yourself so much  that you only see the political landscape in terms of PPP vs PNC and not in terms of representation based on merit by people who have a history of work. You do not see the lack of political voice and complete absence of exit strategies in the system.


You can be surprised all you want but it is due plainly to ignorance rather than to clarity. The sequences of events that play out in societies as ours has been studied fairly well.  Popular vote means little then it is about  ethnic majorities in a majoritarian system with winner take all producing uncountable autocracies.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Don't laugh, they might be doing it now, or at least they might be funding the AFC like they funded AIFLD in the '60s.

America overthrew a legitimately elected government once already in Guyana. We saw the results that lasted for 28 years. Don't wish this on your worst enemy.

They did not over threw an elected government. They facilitated their ousting using a way of counting votes we still used to day ( and find no fault with) called PR and coalition after the election.


Note, the PPP is using the LFSB electoral system and constitution to stay in power and they have been there 20 years so in a sense the Americans "interfering" is still with us.

I was not aware that pre-1992 there was a two-term limit to the presidency!

What does the term limits have to do with the party remaining in power due to features in our constitution and electoral system facilitating that fact?

Listen you clown, no constitutional rule, not even in the great USA limits the rule of the Party.  Pre-1992 an individual could be "president for life", not anymore.  The PPP remains in power BY POPULAR VOTE which is the standard barometer in most democratic nations.  The fact that the PPP is corrupt and how to address is a different thing, but the suggestion that an ouster is justified is pure nonsense, but then again, why am I surprised at your stance.

 You are dumb as a skunk and ought to focus more on precisely what the present constitutional and electoral system entails. Ravi dev and his crew, tried to bring it to the national attention albeit under the guise of sneaking consociational federalism through the back door.


The matter is not about the difference then of the tenure of the president but the executive presidency and closed lists in essentially a one nation constituency. It facilitates the fear driven race based voting where dysfunctional psychological damage is done to people like yourselves that you only see the political landscape in terms of PPP vs PNC and not in terms of representation and people who have a history of work.


You can be surprised all you want but it is due plainly to ignorance rather than to clarity. The sequences of events that play out in societies as ours has been studied fairly well.  Popular vote means little then it is about  ethnic majorities in a majoritarian system with winner take all producing uncountable autocracies.

Listen jackass, the discussion started when a poster suggested an unconstitutional removal of the Govt from power.  My response were merely to that fact that it's a elected Govt.  No one says some constitutional enhancements would not add to the betterment of Guyana, but to suggest some armed solution is totally out of line.


I am one who harped constitutional changes, INCLUDING removing the GDF from national political involvement to which nuts like Redux strongly oppose.  Constitutional reform will only come when all aspects of concerns are addressed and a critical element IS the PNC/GDF nexus which STILL exists.  Until all issues are on the table, you go piss upwind.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Don't laugh, they might be doing it now, or at least they might be funding the AFC like they funded AIFLD in the '60s.

America overthrew a legitimately elected government once already in Guyana. We saw the results that lasted for 28 years. Don't wish this on your worst enemy.

They did not over threw an elected government. They facilitated their ousting using a way of counting votes we still used to day ( and find no fault with) called PR and coalition after the election.


Note, the PPP is using the LFSB electoral system and constitution to stay in power and they have been there 20 years so in a sense the Americans "interfering" is still with us.

I was not aware that pre-1992 there was a two-term limit to the presidency!

What does the term limits have to do with the party remaining in power due to features in our constitution and electoral system facilitating that fact?

Listen you clown, no constitutional rule, not even in the great USA limits the rule of the Party.  Pre-1992 an individual could be "president for life", not anymore.  The PPP remains in power BY POPULAR VOTE which is the standard barometer in most democratic nations.  The fact that the PPP is corrupt and how to address is a different thing, but the suggestion that an ouster is justified is pure nonsense, but then again, why am I surprised at your stance.

 You are dumb as a skunk and ought to focus more on precisely what the present constitutional and electoral system entails. Ravi dev and his crew, tried to bring it to the national attention albeit under the guise of sneaking consociational federalism through the back door.


The matter is not about the difference then of the tenure of the president but the executive presidency and closed lists in essentially a one nation constituency. It facilitates the fear driven race based voting where dysfunctional psychological damage is done to people like yourselves that you only see the political landscape in terms of PPP vs PNC and not in terms of representation and people who have a history of work.


You can be surprised all you want but it is due plainly to ignorance rather than to clarity. The sequences of events that play out in societies as ours has been studied fairly well.  Popular vote means little then it is about  ethnic majorities in a majoritarian system with winner take all producing uncountable autocracies.

Listen jackass, the discussion started when a poster suggested an unconstitutional removal of the Govt from power.  My response were merely to that fact that it's a elected Govt.  No one says some constitutional enhancements would not add to the betterment of Guyana, but to suggest some armed solution is totally out of line.


I am one who harped constitutional changes, INCLUDING removing the GDF from national political involvement to which nuts like Redux strongly oppose.  Constitutional reform will only come when all aspects of concerns are addressed and a critical element IS the PNC/GDF nexus which STILL exists.  Until all issues are on the table, you go piss upwind.


You are twisting in the wind and flailing for a grounding.  You retorted with a stupid comment on term limits when I suggested  the PPP benefits from american intervention indirectly since they still are in power by what burnham created, our Constitution.


Dont try to trim your sails and not introduce another pathology of the system in the discussion. I am speaking to the disease not its manifestation such as the ignorance you display.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:


Note, the PPP is using the LFSB electoral system and constitution to stay in power and they have been there 20 years so in a sense the Americans "interfering" is still with us.

I was not aware that pre-1992 there was a two-term limit to the presidency!

What does the term limits have to do with the party remaining in power due to features in our constitution and electoral system facilitating that fact?

Listen you clown, no constitutional rule, not even in the great USA limits the rule of the Party.  Pre-1992 an individual could be "president for life", not anymore.  The PPP remains in power BY POPULAR VOTE which is the standard barometer in most democratic nations.  The fact that the PPP is corrupt and how to address is a different thing, but the suggestion that an ouster is justified is pure nonsense, but then again, why am I surprised at your stance.

 You are dumb as a skunk and ought to focus more on precisely what the present constitutional and electoral system entails. Ravi dev and his crew, tried to bring it to the national attention albeit under the guise of sneaking consociational federalism through the back door.


The matter is not about the difference then of the tenure of the president but the executive presidency and closed lists in essentially a one nation constituency. It facilitates the fear driven race based voting where dysfunctional psychological damage is done to people like yourselves that you only see the political landscape in terms of PPP vs PNC and not in terms of representation and people who have a history of work.


You can be surprised all you want but it is due plainly to ignorance rather than to clarity. The sequences of events that play out in societies as ours has been studied fairly well.  Popular vote means little then it is about  ethnic majorities in a majoritarian system with winner take all producing uncountable autocracies.

Listen jackass, the discussion started when a poster suggested an unconstitutional removal of the Govt from power.  My response were merely to that fact that it's a elected Govt.  No one says some constitutional enhancements would not add to the betterment of Guyana, but to suggest some armed solution is totally out of line.


I am one who harped constitutional changes, INCLUDING removing the GDF from national political involvement to which nuts like Redux strongly oppose.  Constitutional reform will only come when all aspects of concerns are addressed and a critical element IS the PNC/GDF nexus which STILL exists.  Until all issues are on the table, you go piss upwind.


You are twisting in the wind and flailing for a grounding.  You retorted with a stupid comment on term limits when I suggested  the PPP benefits from american intervention indirectly since they still are in power by what burnham created, our Constitution.


Dont try to trim your sails and not introduce another pathology of the system in the discussion. I am speaking to the disease not its manifestation such as the ignorance you display.

Listen jackass, it was not your comment, it was a comment much earlier in the thread.  Your justification for the 60's events which led to the institution of a long dark history of brutality, oppression and deprivation of the Indian masses came much later.  But as usual, you think you are the most important poster here.  You are NOT you long-winded jackass.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:


Note, the PPP is using the LFSB electoral system and constitution to stay in power and they have been there 20 years so in a sense the Americans "interfering" is still with us.

I was not aware that pre-1992 there was a two-term limit to the presidency!

What does the term limits have to do with the party remaining in power due to features in our constitution and electoral system facilitating that fact?

Listen you clown, no constitutional rule, not even in the great USA limits the rule of the Party.  Pre-1992 an individual could be "president for life", not anymore.  The PPP remains in power BY POPULAR VOTE which is the standard barometer in most democratic nations.  The fact that the PPP is corrupt and how to address is a different thing, but the suggestion that an ouster is justified is pure nonsense, but then again, why am I surprised at your stance.

 You are dumb as a skunk and ought to focus more on precisely what the present constitutional and electoral system entails. Ravi dev and his crew, tried to bring it to the national attention albeit under the guise of sneaking consociational federalism through the back door.


The matter is not about the difference then of the tenure of the president but the executive presidency and closed lists in essentially a one nation constituency. It facilitates the fear driven race based voting where dysfunctional psychological damage is done to people like yourselves that you only see the political landscape in terms of PPP vs PNC and not in terms of representation and people who have a history of work.


You can be surprised all you want but it is due plainly to ignorance rather than to clarity. The sequences of events that play out in societies as ours has been studied fairly well.  Popular vote means little then it is about  ethnic majorities in a majoritarian system with winner take all producing uncountable autocracies.

Listen jackass, the discussion started when a poster suggested an unconstitutional removal of the Govt from power.  My response were merely to that fact that it's a elected Govt.  No one says some constitutional enhancements would not add to the betterment of Guyana, but to suggest some armed solution is totally out of line.


I am one who harped constitutional changes, INCLUDING removing the GDF from national political involvement to which nuts like Redux strongly oppose.  Constitutional reform will only come when all aspects of concerns are addressed and a critical element IS the PNC/GDF nexus which STILL exists.  Until all issues are on the table, you go piss upwind.


You are twisting in the wind and flailing for a grounding.  You retorted with a stupid comment on term limits when I suggested  the PPP benefits from american intervention indirectly since they still are in power by what burnham created, our Constitution.


Dont try to trim your sails and not introduce another pathology of the system in the discussion. I am speaking to the disease not its manifestation such as the ignorance you display.

Listen jackass, it was not your comment, it was a comment much earlier in the thread.  Your justification for the 60's events which led to the institution of a long dark history of brutality, oppression and deprivation of the Indian masses came much later.  But as usual, you think you are the most important poster here.  You are NOT you long-winded jackass.


Where did I justify anything? To the contrary I corrected an inaccuracy and highlighted the fact that american intervention has ramifications that still affects us.


An elected government was not ousted. A popular government was thwarted with electoral gerrymandering albeit not illegally so. The fact that electoral systems can be used tactfully to steer outcome in particular direction is what I highlighted.


The fact that the same system with firmer dictatorial powers are in place means the PPP benefits from what was installed then. They said they have no desire to do anything that would take away from their advantage.


Your stupid name calling wont avoid the fact you are simply arguing nonsensically.


Originally Posted by Stormborn:

You are twisting in the wind and flailing for a grounding.  You retorted with a stupid comment on term limits when I suggested  the PPP benefits from american intervention indirectly since they still are in power by what burnham created, our Constitution.


Dont try to trim your sails and not introduce another pathology of the system in the discussion. I am speaking to the disease not its manifestation such as the ignorance you display.

Listen jackass, it was not your comment, it was a comment much earlier in the thread.  Your justification for the 60's events which led to the institution of a long dark history of brutality, oppression and deprivation of the Indian masses came much later.  But as usual, you think you are the most important poster here.  You are NOT you long-winded jackass.


Where did I justify anything? To the contrary I corrected an inaccuracy and highlighted the fact that american intervention has ramifications that still affects us.


An elected government was not ousted. A popular government was thwarted with electoral gerrymandering albeit not illegally so. The fact that electoral systems can be used tactfully to steer outcome in particular direction is what I highlighted.


The fact that the same system with firmer dictatorial powers are in place means the PPP benefits from what was installed then. They said they have no desire to do anything that would take away from their advantage.


Your stupid name calling wont avoid the fact you are simply arguing nonsensically.


As I said, MY comment was to the poster who suggested an "armed" solution to the PPP rule.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Listen jackass, it was not your comment, it was a comment much earlier in the thread.  Your justification for the 60's events which led to the institution of a long dark history of brutality, oppression and deprivation of the Indian masses came much later.  But as usual, you think you are the most important poster here.  You are NOT you long-winded jackass.

Correction: D2 think he is the most important two posters here.

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Listen jackass, it was not your comment, it was a comment much earlier in the thread.  Your justification for the 60's events which led to the institution of a long dark history of brutality, oppression and deprivation of the Indian masses came much later.  But as usual, you think you are the most important poster here.  You are NOT you long-winded jackass.

Correction: D2 think he is the most important two posters here.

I see you have been into licking toads again. There is only one of me.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
There is only one of me.

One in person.


Multiple as posters on GNI.

then you are paranoid delusional in addition to senile.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
There is only one of me.

One in person.


Multiple as posters on GNI.

then you are paranoid delusional in addition to senile.

As Stormborn again makes a storm about his paranoid, senile and delusional conditions.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
There is only one of me.

One in person.


Multiple as posters on GNI.

then you are paranoid delusional in addition to senile.

As Stormborn again makes a storm about his paranoid, senile and delusional conditions.

I told you, don't wait to die to go to greener pastures. That concrete jungle is warping your mind. It is the only explanation one can have for the above.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

The PPP approached Assad for financial help in their efforts to wipe out the black population in Guyana. Jagdeo himself traveled to Syria in search of chemical weapons.

I still get surprised occasionally at the stupidness people will post on this board.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
There is only one of me.

One in person.


Multiple as posters on GNI.

then you are paranoid delusional in addition to senile.

As Stormborn again makes a storm about his paranoid, senile and delusional conditions.

I told you, don't wait to die to go to greener pastures. That concrete jungle is warping your mind. It is the only explanation one can have for the above.

As Stormborn grunts to himself in front of the mirror.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
There is only one of me.

One in person.


Multiple as posters on GNI.

then you are paranoid delusional in addition to senile.

As Stormborn again makes a storm about his paranoid, senile and delusional conditions.

I told you, don't wait to die to go to greener pastures. That concrete jungle is warping your mind. It is the only explanation one can have for the above.

As Stormborn grunts to himself in front of the mirror.

You always elicit wonder and awe Rahaim;  age has done no more than make you a highly polished and confusing contrarian?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
As Stormborn again makes a storm about his paranoid, senile and delusional conditions.

I told you, don't wait to die to go to greener pastures. That concrete jungle is warping your mind. It is the only explanation one can have for the above.

As Stormborn grunts to himself in front of the mirror.

.... age has done no more than make you a highly polished and confusing contrarian?

As Stormborn mutters to and questions himself.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
As Stormborn again makes a storm about his paranoid, senile and delusional conditions.

I told you, don't wait to die to go to greener pastures. That concrete jungle is warping your mind. It is the only explanation one can have for the above.

As Stormborn grunts to himself in front of the mirror.

.... age has done no more than make you a highly polished and confusing contrarian?

As Stormborn mutters to and questions himself.

as uncreative as an old dog in a trailer park.


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