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Former Member
  News Top Story Opposition says ‘No’ to Hydro-Electric Power Bill : ...PM Hinds ‘begs’ for support for the benefit of the Guyanese people
Thursday, 18 July 2013 22:05

THE Hydro-Electric Power (Amendment) Bill was last evening rejected by members of the combined parliamentary Opposition, who voted against its second reading after also choosing to abstain from the debate on the bill.Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh had warned that without parliamentary support on this bill, progress with the Amaila Falls Hydro Power (AFHP) project could be threatened as critical deadlines and expiration dates are looming. The amendment to the Hydro-Electric Power Act would have increased the penalty for the breach of regulations made under the principal Act to $1M, and would have also conferred on the president the power to create hydro-electric offset reserve areas and rules for the establishment of the said areas, and for the conservation and preservation of the environment and ecosystem surrounding the hydroelectric resources in Guyana. The bill was read for the first time on June 13, and was scheduled to be read a second time last evening when a vigorous debate was also expected. However, in a show of their non-support for the bill, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC) chose not to participate in the debate, leaving the government Members of Parliament (MP’s) “begging” for their support. Prime Minister and Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, Mr. Samuel Hinds, who moved the second reading of the bill in the National Assembly, noted that the opposition parties chose to remain mum as it relates to the Hydro-Electric Power (Amendment) Bill and stated that this clearly shows their opposition to a developmental initiative which would bring electricity rates down by more than 50 percent and protect the country against the volatility of oil prices. “For the benefit of the people of Guyana, we are prepared to beg the opposition to reconsider their position and support this bill,” Hinds stated, while still trying to convince opposition members to lend their support. The PM further cautioned that if this bill is not passed, it may take five to ten years to attract investors to come back to Guyana and invest in such a project, regardless which political party is in government. In his bid to persuade members of the House of the bill’s importance, Hinds noted that the existing Act is nearly 60 years old and as such, there is much that requires updating. According to him, the bill sought to address the environmental considerations which in these times, he said, must be factored into hydro-electric power development projects. Meanwhile, Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment, Mr. Robert Persaud, said that the amendments to the Hydro-Electric Power Act were harmless but very important, noting that Guyana has long had tremendous potential in the area of hydro-power. “If we’re moving so close, why is it we cannot have some level of consensus, if only just to realise that long-held dream and aspiration, ambition we’ve had as a nation?” he questioned. He further stated that, putting aside that dream, it is also about the economic, social and the environmental survival of the nation. Persaud stressed that any objective observer would be startled as to why a country with such tremendous potential in hydropower is still discussing whether or not there should be support for amendments and eventually for the entire project. He further emphasised that the People’s Progressive Party Government has made it clear and shown by its actions that it is serious about the eventual development of a hydro electric station. “I want to assure you, Mr. Speaker, and assure the people of Guyana, that the PPP/Civic will not be daunted and that we will stay on the course of ensuring that there is hydro electric development in our country,” he emphasised. Persaud stated that the amendments to the Act would allow Guyana to not only be compliant with its international partners, but would also ensure that the impact of the project is minimised. He added that the passage of the bill would not bring any political points or glory to anyone, but it will ensure that Guyana, as a nation in its march forward and in its efforts to develop a hydro electric station, does so in compliance with the best environmental safeguards. Minister of Public Works, Mr. Robeson Benn, said that the missing term in Guyana’s development equation is the question of cheap power. “Our country will always remain poor, backward, underdeveloped, if we cannot solve the question of power and in this case, hydro power,” he asserted. The minister also joined his colleagues on the government side in “begging” for the opposition’s support for the bill. “I am not a man who is accustomed to begging, I am prepared Mr. Speaker here tonight to beg the members on the other side of this House to make a clear assessment of what they need to do in the national interest. This is not a political interest, this is the national interest” he stated. During the recess, after PM Hinds had started the ball rolling on the debate, members of the government and the opposition parties discussed and deliberated for more than an hour on the way forward in dealing with the Hydro-Electric Power (Amendment) Bill. However, upon resuming the sitting, Speaker of the National Assembly Mr. Raphael Trotman informed that many proposals were made, all of which he said had merit, but they were still unable to arrive at a compromise or consensus. As such, the “debate” resumed without participation from any opposition members. At the end of the debate, members of the APNU and the AFC voted against the second reading of the bill. After a division was called by the government side, the votes had initially amounted to 32 members against the motion for the second reading of the bill and 31 for. However, after government Chief Whip Gail Teixeira pointed out that one opposition member had voted while he was not seated, that vote was not counted. The results of the division were therefore adjusted to 31/31, representing a tie and the motion was still not carried.

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Samuel Hinds

‘Funeral of Amaila, Donald & Bharat’

-gov’t says after defeat of bill, debt motion

3 mins ago

By Johann Earle  Last evening’s rejection of a bill and debt motion by the opposition has been described by the government as the “funeral” of the ambitious US$840M Amaila Falls Hydropower Project .

Last edited by Former Member

Opposition votes down hydro-power bill

  • Friday, 19 July 2013 02:38

Leaders from the three parties huddle and try for a compromise during an extended break.

Leaders from the three parties huddle and try for a compromise during an extended break.

The parliamentary opposition Thursday night voted against a government bill and motion viewed as critical to the administration’s flagship Amaila Hydropower Project, with the finance minister later dubbing it an “act of sabotage.”
The APNU and AFC did not speak on the Hydro-Electric Power (Amendment) Bill and a motion seeking to raise the government guarantee of loans from GUY$1B to GUY$150B in a tit for tat move after the government refused to proceed with four local government bills the opposition wanted dealt with first.
The votes against the bill and motion came despite some two hours of meetings to iron out the differences between the sides and exhortations from the government benches.
“I am not a man who is accustomed to begging, I am prepared Mr. Speaker, here tonight to beg the members on the other side of this House to make a clear, dispassionate assessment of what they need to do in the national interest,” Public Works Minister Robeson Benn said during his contribution.
At a news conference following the sitting Minister of Finance Dr. Ashni Singh said the opposition had perpetrated a “grave travesty” against Guyanese.
“One cannot with a straight face look the people of Guyana in their eyes and say that one is a responsible political leader but yet sabotage a beneficial national development project in the manner the opposition did tonight; by casting their vote in the manner they did an act of sabotage was committed by the opposition against the Amaila Falls Project.”
When asked about the government’s next move to salvage the more than US$800M project Prime Minister Samuel Hinds requested time for them to consider their options.
However, Governance Advisor Gail Teixeira told Demerara Waves Online News after the briefing that whilst the practice was that rejected bills were not returned in the same parliament it was not impossible to do so.
She noted that former Speaker of the National Assembly Ralph Ramkarran had set the local precedent when there was contention on an issue with the Ethnic Relations Commission in 2007.
Standing Order 69 states, “Once the second reading of any Bill has been agreed to or negatived, no question shall be proposed during the same Session for the second reading of any other Bill containing substantially the same provision.”
However, Standing Order 112 states that “any one or more” of the Orders may be suspended on a motion from a Member.
“It is not impossible but it’s highly improbable. Procedurally there’s an opening, a very tiny opening, but it does require the opposition to change their view,” Teixeira said.
Dr. Singh had said that the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) – one of the financiers – had indicated that passage of the legislation was necessary for it to sign off on the project and the time to do so was now to meet the timelines.
“Its non-passage does two things; firstly it inflicts injury to that timeline meaning that even if we were to come back for reconsideration in some point in time the timeline is now compromised and the outer date is now placed in jeopardy,” the minister said.
Failure to achieve financial closure in the given time, he added, could lead to renegotiation of the Engineering, Procurement and Construction agreement.
“You could be looking at a project that is considerably more expensive and that changes all of the dynamics of the project including the ultimate cost of electricity to the final consumer,” Singh said.
He reiterated that the rejection also sent an adverse signal to the investors that the parliament was not united on the project.
“You’re asking international partners to support a project the Parliament of Guyana controlled by the APNU and the AFC is not prepared to say it supports,” Dr. Singh said.
Prime Minister Samuel Hinds said the opposition had been seeking a guarantee on presidential assent to two of the four local government bills with which the government was unhappy.
“We did do the horse trading, we worked on our side and we reached the agreement which for quite some time had me feeling that we would rally through this but subsequently their position changed.”
According to Hinds, the opposition parties subsequently indicated that they would only vote in favour of the amendment to the hydro-electric bill but the government maintained that both the bill and motion had to be passed for the Amaila Project.
The House was adjourned until next Thursday but not without more contention. Teixeira had indicated during the sitting that government was prepared to meet the following day to consider the local government bills but Hinds on moving the adjournment suggested next Thursday.
An APNU motion to have the sitting on Friday as initially suggested was defeated after the AFC abstained on the vote.
Prior to the vote House Speaker Raphael Trotman announced that it cost the taxpayers $1.5M to host each sitting and that he would hate to hold one just for three minutes because the government was unwilling to proceed with the bills.


Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, Leader of the Opposition David Granger and Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine attempt to arrive at a consensus last evening.




Last edited by Former Member
The government side at a press conference last night at Parliament following the defeat of the Amaila matters. [GINA photo)

‘Funeral of Amaila’ -gov’t says after defeat of bill, debt motion

2 hours ago

By Johann Earle  Last evening’s rejection of a bill and debt motion by the opposition has been described by the government as the “funeral” of the ambitious US$840M Amaila Falls Hydropower Project .


Last edited by Former Member

# CorruPPPt 2013-07-19 03:25

Great news!!! The people want development but not secret backroom deals that friends and families of the Government benefit from. Keep up the good work opposition.

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