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Former Member

Guyana perceived as corrupt – US State Dept

– crime, inadequate infrastructure remain barriers to investment– corruption discourages investments, undermines development

The fact that corruption indices continue to rank Guyana with only minor improvements, crime and inadequate infrastructure has been cited by the US State Department’s 2018 investment climate statements as problems Guyana has to deal with. sole sourcing of the DHB contract is one of the few sole sourcing allegations that went through an investigation and even the findings of that is unclear

According to the State Department in its assessment of the situation, allegations of corruption continue to trouble Guyana. It cited the Transparency International’s 2017 Corruption Perception Index, which ranked Guyana at 91 out of 180 countries. To make matters worse, Guyana has since dropped to 93rd position in TI’s latest report.

There are widespread concerns about inefficiencies and corruption regarding the awarding of contracts, particularly with respect to concerns of collusion and non-transparency. In his annual report, the Auditor General had noted continuous disregard for the procedures, rules, and the laws that govern public procurement systems,” the State Department said.

“The World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report 2015-2016 identified inefficient Government bureaucracy as the largest obstacle to doing business in Guyana, followed by corruption. Corruption discourages potential foreign direct investments and foreign investors, and it also undermines economic development and growth,” the analysis advised.


According to the TI index, Guyana fell by one spot to the 93rd position out of 180 countries. The index placed Guyana’s corruption perception score at 37 to tie with Gambia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Mongolia and Panama. Infrastructure Minister David Patterson

The highest ranked Caribbean country was The Bahamas at 29th place and a score of 65. It is followed by Barbados, which received a score of 68 for being anti-corruption. The next Caribbean country is St Vincent and the Grenadines, which was ranked at 41 with a score of 58.

The top ranked countries on the list were Denmark at number one, then New Zealand at number two. The United States of America was ranked at 71, with a score of 22.

Last year, Guyana scored 38 when it ranked 91 out of all the countries reviewed. The index came at a time when much was said about the Auditor General’s 2017 report and the sole sourcing of contracts.

Red flag

This includes the Public Procurement Commission investigating and red-flagging the sole sourcing of the Demerara River bridge feasibility study. The contract in question was awarded to Dutch company, LievenseCSO, for a feasibility study into the new Demerara River bridge crossing.

The parliamentary Opposition had requested that the Public Procurement Commission investigate the award of the $148 million sole sourced contract.

In its report on the matter, the Commission flagged Public Infrastructure Minister David Patterson for requesting from Cabinet that the contract be sole sourced, instead of being processed through the Procurement Board as the law says should be done.

After agitation from the parliamentary Opposition, the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) had begun investigating the contract award. Right from the start, Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo had stressed the need for the Unit to avoid showing favouritism to Patterson, particularly at a time when Opposition politicians were being brought into SOCU for questioning on other matters.

SOCU has since said it completed its investigation into the sole sourced feasibility study contract, with the unit’s head, Assistant Police Commissioner Sydney James confirming that the file has been in the hands of the Police Legal Adviser since last year.

Meanwhile, Patterson himself told Guyana Times recently that SOCU has concluded its investigations but he is uncertain of the findings. The Minister had added that the project for the new bridge is expected to come up at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) shortly.

According to him, “That is supposed to be a public-private partnership. It’s being piloted at the moment, reviewed by the public-private unit under the Ministry of Finance with the help from the [Caribbean Development Bank] CDB and obviously that will go to tender shortly.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Demerara_Guy posted:

Guyana perceived as corrupt – US State Dept

According to the State Department in its assessment of the situation, allegations of corruption continue to trouble Guyana. It cited the Transparency International’s 2017 Corruption Perception Index, which ranked Guyana at 91 out of 180 countries. To make matters worse, Guyana has since dropped to 93rd position in TI’s latest report.


Nehru posted:

And your point is?

The level of deep corruption is so embedded in every corner of society that it will take a national excision or exorcism, change in the culture, persecution of corrupt officials, and leadership from the top to even think of controlling it. 


Guyana scored 37 points out of 100 on the 2018 Corruption Perceptions Index reported by Transparency International. Corruption Index in Guyana averaged 28.79 Points from 2005 until 2018, reaching an all time high of 38 Points in 2017 and a record low of 25 Points in 2006.

Guyana Corruption Index,

Last edited by Former Member
Demerara_Guy posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Guyana perceived as corrupt – US State Dept

According to the State Department in its assessment of the situation, allegations of corruption continue to trouble Guyana. It cited the Transparency International’s 2017 Corruption Perception Index, which ranked Guyana at 91 out of 180 countries. To make matters worse, Guyana has since dropped to 93rd position in TI’s latest report.


When the PPP was in power you all screamed that the TI was controlled by the PNC and others who hated the PPP.

So why is it suddenly credible?


VishMahabir posted:
Nehru posted:

And your point is?

The level of deep corruption is so embedded in every corner of society that it will take a national excision or exorcism, change in the culture, persecution of corrupt officials, and leadership from the top to even think of controlling it. 

No!  The one they pointed, the bridge, was no embedded deep seated corruption hang over from the PPP!  This was a conscious decision by the PNC ministry to single source!  What prevented them from seeking multiple bids and have an audit firm vet the process?

Stop the nonsensical generalization!   

That was single source corruption by the PNC!

Last edited by Former Member
Demerara_Guy posted:

Guyana Corruption Index,

Interesting....if the higher the number on the TI index means corruption is less than previous year...then corruption is consistently less since the coalition came to office. Look at the PPP years and compare the numbers...near Mexico and I am sure...Haiti...

VishMahabir posted:

Damn...dat bridge look an American one.

BTW:   This corruption started in the PPP days...for real!

Vish, corruption was before PPP. 

PNC had design the distribution of Flour, Sugar, Stockfeed etc to be done by the regional office. We used to pay towards a fund (goes to  PNC party ) before we received our allocation.

We have to also buy a copy of the new nation ( PNC paper) 

We have to further pay 3 other person or buy lunch  on our way before the invoice. 

At the delivery bond, they will purposely give you have the amount and back order 50%, unless you bribe the delivery clerk. 

The difference under PPP... the people ( not the PPP party   were so corrupt, they set the bar into the thousands/ million. They calculate your profit and tells you what they need. 

I can share so much personal experience. 

The current government are three times worst than PPP. 

Nagamootoo will soon have a luxury boat that travels on Road. They have been stealing in wholesale qualities since the NCM. 


VishMahabir posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Guyana Corruption Index,

Interesting....if the higher the number on the TI index means corruption is less than previous year...then corruption is consistently less since the coalition came to office. Look at the PPP years and compare the numbers...near Mexico and I am sure...Haiti...

Perhaps, education/schooling on how to read/understand graphical info will be an important and essential start for you.

Dave posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Damn...dat bridge look an American one.

BTW:   This corruption started in the PPP days...for real!

Vish, corruption was before PPP. 

PNC had design the distribution of Flour, Sugar, Stockfeed etc to be done by the regional office. We used to pay towards a fund (goes to  PNC party ) before we received our allocation.

We have to also buy a copy of the new nation ( PNC paper) 

We have to further pay 3 other person or buy lunch  on our way before the invoice. 

At the delivery bond, they will purposely give you have the amount and back order 50%, unless you bribe the delivery clerk. 

The difference under PPP... the people ( not the PPP party &nbsp were so corrupt, they set the bar into the thousands/ million. They calculate your profit and tells you what they need. 

I can share so much personal experience. 

The current government are three times worst than PPP. 

Nagamootoo will soon have a luxury boat that travels on Road. They have been stealing in wholesale qualities since the NCM. 


But the question has to be asked...why did the PPP in 23 years not stem the tide in corruption...even if it started under the PNC previously??

23 years is a long time....Most people may not be affected by the events you listed...However, the mansions will not go away and are very even if the coalition cannon convict anyone, they can still point to the mansions and make a convincing argument that massive corruption existed under the PPP.

Demerara_Guy posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Guyana Corruption Index,

Interesting....if the higher the number on the TI index means corruption is less than previous year...then corruption is consistently less since the coalition came to office. Look at the PPP years and compare the numbers...near Mexico and I am sure...Haiti...

Perhaps, education/schooling on how to read/understand graphical info will be an important and essential start for you.

Am I reading this backward???

VishMahabir posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Guyana Corruption Index,

Interesting....if the higher the number on the TI index means corruption is less than previous year...then corruption is consistently less since the coalition came to office. Look at the PPP years and compare the numbers...near Mexico and I am sure...Haiti...

Perhaps, education/schooling on how to read/understand graphical info will be an important and essential start for you.

Am I reading this backward???

Your statements relative to the graphs will answer your question.

VishMahabir posted:
Dave posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Damn...dat bridge look an American one.

BTW:   This corruption started in the PPP days...for real!

Vish, corruption was before PPP. 

PNC had design the distribution of Flour, Sugar, Stockfeed etc to be done by the regional office. We used to pay towards a fund (goes to  PNC party ) before we received our allocation.

We have to also buy a copy of the new nation ( PNC paper) 

We have to further pay 3 other person or buy lunch  on our way before the invoice. 

At the delivery bond, they will purposely give you have the amount and back order 50%, unless you bribe the delivery clerk. 

The difference under PPP... the people ( not the PPP party &nbsp were so corrupt, they set the bar into the thousands/ million. They calculate your profit and tells you what they need. 

I can share so much personal experience. 

The current government are three times worst than PPP. 

Nagamootoo will soon have a luxury boat that travels on Road. They have been stealing in wholesale qualities since the NCM. 


But the question has to be asked...why did the PPP in 23 years not stem the tide in corruption...even if it started under the PNC previously??

23 years is a long time....Most people may not be affected by the events you listed...However, the mansions will not go away and are very even if the coalition cannon convict anyone, they can still point to the mansions and make a convincing argument that massive corruption existed under the PPP.

I give you credit for asking the tough questions. Nehru, DG, and Baseman are invited to jump in and share some facts as to why this hasn't happened.  


Because there are corrupt officials in both Parties. The problem with the PNC is that they sanction, condone and encourage Corruption as a mean of extracting funds from perceived PPP supporters.

Demerara_Guy posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Guyana Corruption Index,

Interesting....if the higher the number on the TI index means corruption is less than previous year...then corruption is consistently less since the coalition came to office. Look at the PPP years and compare the numbers...near Mexico and I am sure...Haiti...

Perhaps, education/schooling on how to read/understand graphical info will be an important and essential start for you.

Am I reading this backward???

Your statements relative to the graphs will answer your question.

You are speaking with FORKED TONGUE! 

Simple YES or NO will do.

Demerara_Guy posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Guyana Corruption Index,

Interesting....if the higher the number on the TI index means corruption is less than previous year...then corruption is consistently less since the coalition came to office. Look at the PPP years and compare the numbers...near Mexico and I am sure...Haiti...

Perhaps, education/schooling on how to read/understand graphical info will be an important and essential start for you.

Am I reading this backward???

Your statements relative to the graphs will answer your question.

DG just proved that the PPP was more corrupt. Jagdeo must be screaming at you and threatening to bash your head in.  The HIGHER number shows that Guyana is LESS corrupt than it was under the PPP.

VishMahabir posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Guyana Corruption Index,

Interesting....if the higher the number on the TI index means corruption is less than previous year...then corruption is consistently less since the coalition came to office. Look at the PPP years and compare the numbers...near Mexico and I am sure...Haiti...

Perhaps, education/schooling on how to read/understand graphical info will be an important and essential start for you.

Am I reading this backward???

Your statements relative to the graphs will answer your question.

You are speaking with FORKED TONGUE! 

Simple YES or NO will do.

READ THIS (from your own post), Knucklehead:

"The Corruption Perceptions Index ranks countries and territories based on how corrupt their public sector is perceived to be. A country or territory’s score indicates the perceived level of public sector corruption on a scale of 0 (highly corrupt) to 100 (very clean). This page provides the latest reported value for - Guyana Corruption Index - plus previous releases, historical high and low, short-term forecast and long-term prediction, economic calendar, survey consensus and news. Guyana Corruption Index - actual data, historical chart and calendar of releases - was last updated on April of 2019."

VishMahabir posted:

But the question has to be asked...why did the PPP in 23 years not stem the tide in corruption...even if it started under the PNC previously??

23 years is a long time....

Carefully review of the graph ....

Guyana scored 37 points out of 100 on the 2018 Corruption Perceptions Index reported by Transparency International. Corruption Index in Guyana averaged 28.79 Points from 2005 until 2018, reaching an all time high of 38 Points in 2017 and a record low of 25 Points in 2006.

Guyana Corruption Index,

Nehru posted:

Because there are corrupt officials in both Parties. The problem with the PNC is that they sanction, condone and encourage Corruption as a mean of extracting funds from perceived PPP supporters.

I am not sure what "variables" are used to measure the corruption index, but this makes the PNC come out smelling like roses, and the PPP seen as very corrupt (lower numbers closer to ) means corruption).

So, why yall Jagdeo cool-aid drinkers jumping for joy??

Demerara_Guy posted:
VishMahabir posted:

But the question has to be asked...why did the PPP in 23 years not stem the tide in corruption...even if it started under the PNC previously??

23 years is a long time....

Carefully review of the graph ....

Guyana scored 37 points out of 100 on the 2018 Corruption Perceptions Index reported by Transparency International. Corruption Index in Guyana averaged 28.79 Points from 2005 until 2018, reaching an all time high of 38 Points in 2017 and a record low of 25 Points in 2006.

Guyana Corruption Index,

37 is higher than 30.        The higher the score the LESS corrupt a country is so Guyana is LESS corrupt than it was in 2014.  Canada has a score of 81.

Demerara_Guy posted:
VishMahabir posted:

But the question has to be asked...why did the PPP in 23 years not stem the tide in corruption...even if it started under the PNC previously??

23 years is a long time....

Carefully review of the graph ....

Guyana scored 37 points out of 100 on the 2018 Corruption Perceptions Index reported by Transparency International. Corruption Index in Guyana averaged 28.79 Points from 2005 until 2018, reaching an all time high of 38 Points in 2017 and a record low of 25 Points in 2006.

Guyana Corruption Index,

Suh...what happen between 2009-2013 when PPP was in power?

The graph is not your best friend here... 


Corruption Perceptions Index, 2017

Source --


One will note ...

80 to 89 -- Canada

70 to 79 -- US_of_A and Australia

20 to 29 -- Guyana; Parts of South America; Parts of Africa; etc..

Last edited by Former Member
Prince posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Dave posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Damn...dat bridge look an American one.

BTW:   This corruption started in the PPP days...for real!

Vish, corruption was before PPP. 

PNC had design the distribution of Flour, Sugar, Stockfeed etc to be done by the regional office. We used to pay towards a fund (goes to  PNC party ) before we received our allocation.

We have to also buy a copy of the new nation ( PNC paper) 

We have to further pay 3 other person or buy lunch  on our way before the invoice. 

At the delivery bond, they will purposely give you have the amount and back order 50%, unless you bribe the delivery clerk. 

The difference under PPP... the people ( not the PPP party &nbsp were so corrupt, they set the bar into the thousands/ million. They calculate your profit and tells you what they need. 

I can share so much personal experience. 

The current government are three times worst than PPP. 

Nagamootoo will soon have a luxury boat that travels on Road. They have been stealing in wholesale qualities since the NCM. 


But the question has to be asked...why did the PPP in 23 years not stem the tide in corruption...even if it started under the PNC previously??

23 years is a long time....Most people may not be affected by the events you listed...However, the mansions will not go away and are very even if the coalition cannon convict anyone, they can still point to the mansions and make a convincing argument that massive corruption existed under the PPP.

I give you credit for asking the tough questions. Nehru, DG, and Baseman are invited to jump in and share some facts as to why this hasn't happened.  

Listen I don’t want to relitigate what the PPP did or didn’t do.  My question was more specific.   What prevented the PNC from not seeking multiple bidders for the feasibility study?  That is not such tall order.   It’s standard procedure!

VishMahabir posted:
Dave posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Damn...dat bridge look an American one.

BTW:   This corruption started in the PPP days...for real!

Vish, corruption was before PPP. 

PNC had design the distribution of Flour, Sugar, Stockfeed etc to be done by the regional office. We used to pay towards a fund (goes to  PNC party ) before we received our allocation.

We have to also buy a copy of the new nation ( PNC paper) 

We have to further pay 3 other person or buy lunch  on our way before the invoice. 

At the delivery bond, they will purposely give you have the amount and back order 50%, unless you bribe the delivery clerk. 

The difference under PPP... the people ( not the PPP party &nbsp were so corrupt, they set the bar into the thousands/ million. They calculate your profit and tells you what they need. 

I can share so much personal experience. 

The current government are three times worst than PPP. 

Nagamootoo will soon have a luxury boat that travels on Road. They have been stealing in wholesale qualities since the NCM. 


But the question has to be asked...why did the PPP in 23 years not stem the tide in corruption...even if it started under the PNC previously??

23 years is a long time....Most people may not be affected by the events you listed...However, the mansions will not go away and are very even if the coalition cannon convict anyone, they can still point to the mansions and make a convincing argument that massive corruption existed under the PPP.

All race are corrupt. Let’s start with PNC days, Ministers had multiple homes and cars... blacks have a history of spending on several wife’s and kids, there is no excess to build mansion. 

PPP came to power and the infrastructure started, the economy start to show progress.the corruption was known by most but there was no trail of evidence to prosecute.

Now blacks have have the mansion also. 

Comparing corruption to Canada and US, it’s there. A personal check will be written to the political party as a contribution, in reality the person who wrote the check, his business will benefit from projects. 



Nehru posted:

Because there are corrupt officials in both Parties. The problem with the PNC is that they sanction, condone and encourage Corruption as a mean of extracting funds from perceived PPP supporters.

You rass lie, Nehru. If lies were sins you would suddenly get a big Godey already.   The PPP 23 years in office should have washed off all that the PNC has done in their lifetime. Burnham days are over and the new evil raises his head in the PPP.  


Bhai Prince, yuh ever heard about National Defense Bonds? Where is all that money collected? Also, Dave described the State Control of Goods and services eloquently so I will leave it there.

VishMahabir posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Guyana Corruption Index,

Interesting....if the higher the number on the TI index means corruption is less than previous year...then corruption is consistently less since the coalition came to office. Look at the PPP years and compare the numbers...near Mexico and I am sure...Haiti...

Perhaps, education/schooling on how to read/understand graphical info will be an important and essential start for you.

Am I reading this backward???

No, you are correct. The higher number means less corrupt and we can clearly see the improvement over the PPP years. Don't tek that ole fool too serious. Senility is a cruel condition.

Last edited by Mars
Baseman posted:



Listen I don’t want to relitigate what the PPP did or didn’t do.  My question was more specific.   What prevented the PNC from not seeking multiple bidders for the feasibility study?  That is not such tall order.   It’s standard procedure!

yet you readily relitigate what Burnham and Hoyte did and even debate about the riots of the early 60s.

Interesting how the PPP frauds never like to face up to fraudulent behavior of their Lords and Masters.

Demerara_Guy posted:

Corruption Perceptions Index, 2017

Source --


One will note ...

80 to 89 -- Canada

70 to 79 -- US_of_A and Australia

20 to 29 -- Guyana; Parts of South America; Parts of Africa; etc..

Stop with the book sense and speak from your heart for once. Jagdeo has book sense and he is a wise crook.

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:



Listen I don’t want to relitigate what the PPP did or didn’t do.  My question was more specific.   What prevented the PNC from not seeking multiple bidders for the feasibility study?  That is not such tall order.   It’s standard procedure!

yet you readily relitigate what Burnham and Hoyte did and even debate about the riots of the early 60s.

Interesting how the PPP frauds never like to face up to fraudulent behavior of their Lords and Masters.

No you fraud.  I asked specifically on the bridge project, which was cited as an example!

Answer that!!

Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:



Listen I don’t want to relitigate what the PPP did or didn’t do.  My question was more specific.   What prevented the PNC from not seeking multiple bidders for the feasibility study?  That is not such tall order.   It’s standard procedure!

yet you readily relitigate what Burnham and Hoyte did and even debate about the riots of the early 60s.

Interesting how the PPP frauds never like to face up to fraudulent behavior of their Lords and Masters.

No you fraud.  I asked specifically on the bridge project, which was cited as an example!

Answer that!!

Given that Guyana is considered LESS corrupt than it was under the PPP how come you didn't ask about any of their projects?

DG actually helped out the Coalition here. He showed that as corrupt as they are the PPP was much WORSE!

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:



Listen I don’t want to relitigate what the PPP did or didn’t do.  My question was more specific.   What prevented the PNC from not seeking multiple bidders for the feasibility study?  That is not such tall order.   It’s standard procedure!

yet you readily relitigate what Burnham and Hoyte did and even debate about the riots of the early 60s.

Interesting how the PPP frauds never like to face up to fraudulent behavior of their Lords and Masters.

No you fraud.  I asked specifically on the bridge project, which was cited as an example!

Answer that!!

Given that Guyana is considered LESS corrupt than it was under the PPP how come you didn't ask about any of their projects?

DG actually helped out the Coalition here. He showed that as corrupt as they are the PPP was much WORSE!

Ok. Point taken.  Now let’s get back to the bridge contract!  This was a decision solely at the ministry level.  They had all decision making power to do the right thing.  Why did the not put into practice what the were critical of the PPP for?

Dont jump around like Michael Jackson’!!

Last edited by Former Member
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