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Former Member

The PNC is desperately trying to take power by force. Since they never won any election by free and fair means, the only way, they will succeed is by their old habits. Redux is embracing the idea to unseat a democratically elected government by resorting to riots and the use of force by the army. He is also calling to boycott the Marriott hotel and their franchise worldwide. This is to show that we have an enemy of the state between us. If these people don't have respect for democracy and the will of the people, then Guyana is sure to return to the PNC dictator regime.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Cobra:

The PNC is desperately trying to take power by force. Since they never won any election by free and fair means, the only way, they will succeed is by their old habits. Redux is embracing the idea to unseat a democratically elected government by resorting to riots and the use of force by the army. He is also calling to boycott the Marriott hotel and their franchise worldwide. This is to show that we have an enemy of the state between us. If these people don't have respect for democracy and the will of the people, then Guyana is sure to return to the PNC dictator regime.

This is a lie as was reported in the press when Mr Granger visit Queens NY.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

The PNC is desperately trying to take power by force. Since they never won any election by free and fair means, the only way, they will succeed is by their old habits. Redux is embracing the idea to unseat a democratically elected government by resorting to riots and the use of force by the army. He is also calling to boycott the Marriott hotel and their franchise worldwide. This is to show that we have an enemy of the state between us. If these people don't have respect for democracy and the will of the people, then Guyana is sure to return to the PNC dictator regime.

As noted you are a low watt bulb. What would you gain by spreading lies? No one here suggested the removal of the PPP by force is on the table. If any suggested the removal of the PPP can have legitimacy, then that person is me.


I said, if the PPP loses next time and by the silly constitutional road block, are allowed to rule ( with as low as 34 percent), they have a very high burden to rule by consensus. I also said that on that occasion if they demand the autocratic rights as they presently demand  they deserve to be booted.


The Marriott is a management and branding entity which lends their name to projects wholly owned by others. They do not own anything and hardly ever seek to own any percentage of such projects. One gains little by boycotting Marriott overseas

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:


Which election did the PNC won free and fair? Provide the facts. TK is embracing the same regime that kill Rodney and rape Indian mother and daughters.

They won the 64 election per t he rules. The idea of pervasive rapes of indian women is a myth you creeps like to perpetuate. A PPP minister is said to impregnate an underage amerind girl, do we call the PPP rapists? Get real punk.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

The PNC is desperately trying to take power by force. Since they never won any election by free and fair means, the only way, they will succeed is by their old habits. Redux is embracing the idea to unseat a democratically elected government by resorting to riots and the use of force by the army. He is also calling to boycott the Marriott hotel and their franchise worldwide. This is to show that we have an enemy of the state between us. If these people don't have respect for democracy and the will of the people, then Guyana is sure to return to the PNC dictator regime.

You lie! The PPP does not respect democracy. If they did, we would have General Elections. The PPP are autocrats practising communist centralism. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:


Which election did the PNC won free and fair? Provide the facts. TK is embracing the same regime that kill Rodney and rape Indian mother and daughters.

And you embracing the same regime who kill Minister Sawh, Mr Rambarran, Mr Gazz Nabi , Miss Good Friday lady, Mr Bacchus, and hundred more? 

Originally Posted by Cobra:

I can assure you that PNC/AFC will not win election in 2016, despite the non passage of the AML bill. Granger and Ramjattan would rather put Guyana is danger for political mileage.

Nothing is assured since you are not a seer. There is a high probability that the PPP will again form a minority government with a weakened vote count in the assembly.


The PPP is giving away our non renewable assets ( lumber and mineral) to foreign companies for pittance ( while filling their pockets) they Launder our assets via NICIL and crooked accounting schemes; have not facilitated democratic imperatives for  local elections nor met their constitutional obligation for a procurement commission etc so wh at t he hell are you talking about with the AMl bill.


Passage of such a bill will ease the foreign commitments in areas of anti terrorism etc but will not be enforced at home. They would have to jail themselves  and practically every business in the commercial corridors since they all participate in a dual economy. The all dip in the underground economy which is as big as the main one.  

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Cobra:


Which election did the PNC won free and fair? Provide the facts. TK is embracing the same regime that kill Rodney and rape Indian mother and daughters.

And you embracing the same regime who kill Minister Sawh, Mr Rambarran, Mr Gazz Nabi , Miss Good Friday lady, Mr Bacchus, and hundred more? 

I asked you a specific question when did the PNC won an election fair and square. If you intend to derail my thread with nonsense then I will assume that you're in denial of the facts of PNC rigging.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Cobra:


Which election did the PNC won free and fair? Provide the facts. TK is embracing the same regime that kill Rodney and rape Indian mother and daughters.

And you embracing the same regime who kill Minister Sawh, Mr Rambarran, Mr Gazz Nabi , Miss Good Friday lady, Mr Bacchus, and hundred more? 

I asked you a specific question when did the PNC won an election fair and square. If you intend to derail my thread with nonsense then I will assume that you're in denial of the facts of PNC rigging.

These PNC supporters(D2 included) would turn to Boko Haram to help them return to power.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Cobra:


Which election did the PNC won free and fair? Provide the facts. TK is embracing the same regime that kill Rodney and rape Indian mother and daughters.

They won the 64 election per t he rules. The idea of pervasive rapes of indian women is a myth you creeps like to perpetuate. A PPP minister is said to impregnate an underage amerind girl, do we call the PPP rapists? Get real punk.

What a Dum Jackass..PNC did not obtain a majority of the votesin 1964. They formed an allaince with the UF to form a government. As I said before, you are ignorant of all the facts of Guyana. You write in general terms..garbage.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Cobra:


Which election did the PNC won free and fair? Provide the facts. TK is embracing the same regime that kill Rodney and rape Indian mother and daughters.

And you embracing the same regime who kill Minister Sawh, Mr Rambarran, Mr Gazz Nabi , Miss Good Friday lady, Mr Bacchus, and hundred more? 

I asked you a specific question when did the PNC won an election fair and square. If you intend to derail my thread with nonsense then I will assume that you're in denial of the facts of PNC rigging.

Asked and answered. 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Cobra:


Which election did the PNC won free and fair? Provide the facts. TK is embracing the same regime that kill Rodney and rape Indian mother and daughters.

And you embracing the same regime who kill Minister Sawh, Mr Rambarran, Mr Gazz Nabi , Miss Good Friday lady, Mr Bacchus, and hundred more? 

I asked you a specific question when did the PNC won an election fair and square. If you intend to derail my thread with nonsense then I will assume that you're in denial of the facts of PNC rigging.

These PNC supporters(D2 included) would turn to Boko Haram to help them return to power.

I am not a god deluded fool as most of you are. I am an atheist and proud of it. If I were to be religious, Islam would be way down on my list of possibilities if ever.


I do not have an aversion to support the PNC if they are moral agents of change. I definitely will not support the PPP since they are calcified cretins with a compulsion for larceny.  To this point my only offering of support had been to the PPP when I thought them ethical. I have regretted that considerably and were I a godly man would be on my knees in sackcloth doing penance. As an atheist, I am getting even for the deceit.


I have no way of knowing the present PNC are crooks so they stand a better chance to get support from me than these crooks in office with no moral moorings. To date  I am playing the political game  of best outcome.  I follow no one have no allegiance to anyone but to my duty to my country

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Cobra:


Which election did the PNC won free and fair? Provide the facts. TK is embracing the same regime that kill Rodney and rape Indian mother and daughters.

And you embracing the same regime who kill Minister Sawh, Mr Rambarran, Mr Gazz Nabi , Miss Good Friday lady, Mr Bacchus, and hundred more? 

I asked you a specific question when did the PNC won an election fair and square. If you intend to derail my thread with nonsense then I will assume that you're in denial of the facts of PNC rigging.

These PNC supporters(D2 included) would turn to Boko Haram to help them return to power.

SO TRUE.  I would not be surprise to find out that TK is already in contact with Boko Haram to see if he can join them should the PNC kick him away.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Cobra:


Which election did the PNC won free and fair? Provide the facts. TK is embracing the same regime that kill Rodney and rape Indian mother and daughters.

And you embracing the same regime who kill Minister Sawh, Mr Rambarran, Mr Gazz Nabi , Miss Good Friday lady, Mr Bacchus, and hundred more? 

I asked you a specific question when did the PNC won an election fair and square. If you intend to derail my thread with nonsense then I will assume that you're in denial of the facts of PNC rigging.

Jagdeo coveted a seat that belong to the AFC. That man can teef.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

By defending the PNC D2 is trying to cover up feces with white sand. His children will step on it and discover the fraud that he has become

Your children will eat it and then turn around and call you an old goat. Beh! Beh!

Guys, please be civil and keep the children out of your insults.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Cobra, yuh crying "WOLF!!" way too early.

There's no need to stage a coup against the PPP regime.

LEAD is here to wisen up de populace and the ballots will talk. Not the bullets.

i hope this is a personal opinion,as for me i say hang all the ppp low life ministers on the nearest tree 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Cobra, yuh crying "WOLF!!" way too early.

There's no need to stage a coup against the PPP regime.

LEAD is here to wisen up de populace and the ballots will talk. Not the bullets.

i hope this is a personal opinion,as for me i say hang all the ppp low life ministers on the nearest tree 

How about all the low life ones from the PNC? Should we wash their feet with milk?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Cobra, yuh crying "WOLF!!" way too early.

There's no need to stage a coup against the PPP regime.

LEAD is here to wisen up de populace and the ballots will talk. Not the bullets.

i hope this is a personal opinion,as for me i say hang all the ppp low life ministers on the nearest tree 

How about all the low life ones from the PNC? Should we wash their feet with milk?

you can hang them on the next tree,GUYANA needs a break

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



You can't get under my skin no matter what you say or do. I will get under your skin and make you run like a Old Hige in salted skin. Any attempt to touch off my sensitivity buttons will be futile since I consider you to be an odious character who supports politicians without any consideration of good principles.

You know how to butt and run when confronted. The name Billy Ram Goat suits you. You should have stayed in school a bit longer.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Cobra:


Which election did the PNC won free and fair? Provide the facts. TK is embracing the same regime that kill Rodney and rape Indian mother and daughters.

They won the 64 election per t he rules. The idea of pervasive rapes of indian women is a myth you creeps like to perpetuate. A PPP minister is said to impregnate an underage amerind girl, do we call the PPP rapists? Get real punk.

An every other before and after, the PPP won by accepted international rule and by the Guyana constitution.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:

I asked you a specific question when did the PNC won an election fair and square. If you intend to derail my thread with nonsense then I will assume that you're in denial of the facts of PNC rigging.

How about if I ask you this question.  When did the PPP beat the PNC among non Indian voters.  NEVER.


PPP victories occur only because the Indian tribe is bigger than the other tribes.  If the situation was reversed the PPP would either rig, or would be a permanent opposition.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

I asked you a specific question when did the PNC won an election fair and square. If you intend to derail my thread with nonsense then I will assume that you're in denial of the facts of PNC rigging.

How about if I ask you this question.  When did the PPP beat the PNC among non Indian voters.  NEVER.


PPP victories occur only because the Indian tribe is bigger than the other tribes.  If the situation was reversed the PPP would either rig, or would be a permanent opposition.

The situation is reversing so what now, the PPP will lose but so is the PNC.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

I asked you a specific question when did the PNC won an election fair and square. If you intend to derail my thread with nonsense then I will assume that you're in denial of the facts of PNC rigging.

How about if I ask you this question.  When did the PPP beat the PNC among non Indian voters.  NEVER.


PPP victories occur only because the Indian tribe is bigger than the other tribes.  If the situation was reversed the PPP would either rig, or would be a permanent opposition.

You try everything to justify criminal behavior.  So now, tell us the "justifiable intent " of your Buxton FF's.  It is the like of you why race-base voting by Indians are alive and will, and so be it.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Cobra:


Which election did the PNC won free and fair? Provide the facts. TK is embracing the same regime that kill Rodney and rape Indian mother and daughters.

They won the 64 election per t he rules. The idea of pervasive rapes of indian women is a myth you creeps like to perpetuate. A PPP minister is said to impregnate an underage amerind girl, do we call the PPP rapists? Get real punk.

An every other before and after, the PPP won by accepted international rule and by the Guyana constitution.

No doubt they did. However, the manner and mode is not appropriate for us. Neither the PPP or the PNC should depend on their base ( and on race) for their way into office. It is dysfunctional.


Out constitution is a piece of toilet tissue that we should send to the nearest lavatory.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

The PNC is desperately trying to take power by force. Since they never won any election by free and fair means, the only way, they will succeed is by their old habits. Redux is embracing the idea to unseat a democratically elected government by resorting to riots and the use of force by the army. He is also calling to boycott the Marriott hotel and their franchise worldwide. This is to show that we have an enemy of the state between us. If these people don't have respect for democracy and the will of the people, then Guyana is sure to return to the PNC dictator regime.

As noted you are a low watt bulb. What would you gain by spreading lies? No one here suggested the removal of the PPP by force is on the table. If any suggested the removal of the PPP can have legitimacy, then that person is me.


I said, if the PPP loses next time and by the silly constitutional road block, are allowed to rule ( with as low as 34 percent), they have a very high burden to rule by consensus. I also said that on that occasion if they demand the autocratic rights as they presently demand  they deserve to be booted.


The Marriott is a management and branding entity which lends their name to projects wholly owned by others. They do not own anything and hardly ever seek to own any percentage of such projects. One gains little by boycotting Marriott overseas

stormborn, my call for a "boycott" of the Marriott brand is necessarily symbolic . . . a consciousness-raising exercise that is more about letters and e-mails to Maryland headquarters rather than the puny business of Guyanese traveling abroad


the Guyana operation has a management (not a franchise) contract with Marriott, so the Americans will be intimately involved in the fine fine financial runnings of the hotel . . . the boycott in Guyana will bite, and headquarters needs to know why


the idea is to make the association of the Marriott name with Jagdeo's Folly as uncomfortable as possible and, in the end, not worth the trouble


small investment of time . . . with little to lose, and a huge win possible


[btw, Marriott own a shit load of hotel properties around the world; they segregated the two arms of their business for tax purposes, reformulating the real estate into a REIT that enters into management/franchise contracts with Marriott Int'l]

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

By defending the PNC D2 is trying to cover up feces with white sand. His children will step on it and discover the fraud that he has become

I would be a fraud if I am actively a party to one/ To the contrary, the PPP are the kleptocrats and you defend them. Make your own conclusion as you see fit. MY children are americans and they have t heir own burdens. Mine is with respect to the crooked PPP and their kneebending clan.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

. . . Redux is embracing the idea to unseat a democratically elected government by resorting to riots and the use of force by the army. He is also calling to boycott the Marriott hotel and their franchise worldwide. This is to show that we have an enemy of the state between us . . .

oh myyyyy . . .


well, that's what u get when the PPP send a poorly educated tout to do a 'job'


har de har har har har harrr

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:

. . . Redux is embracing the idea to unseat a democratically elected government by resorting to riots and the use of force by the army. He is also calling to boycott the Marriott hotel and their franchise worldwide. This is to show that we have an enemy of the state between us . . .

oh myyyyy . . .


well, that's what u get when the PPP send a poorly educated tout to do a 'job'


har de har har har har harrr


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