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Guyana Power and Light to phase out fossil fuel generators


Coverage courtesy Fly Jamaica

Guyana’s state-owned power company is pushing ahead with plans to phase out fossil fuel electricity generators and replace them with solar farms and other renewable energy sources, Public Infrastructure Minister, David Patterson announced Friday in New York.

‘As our existing thermal generators become redundant we will be replacing them with renewables,” he said. He was one of several panelists at a session titled “The Investment Landscape: Opportunities Abound in Guyana” at the Guyana Means Business Investment Conference at was held at the Harvard Club.

Patterson said the United Arab Emirates-based International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) has shortlisted Guyana for concessional financing for the construction of a seven megawatt solar farm.  He added that a five megawatt solar power farm would be installed in West Coast Berbice to replace a 4.6 megawatt fossil-fuel generator there.

With the Wartsila generators at Land of Canaan approaching the end of their lifespan, he said they would be replaced with renewable energy sources. A one megawatt solar farm is also expected to be built in Bartica.

The Guyana Power and Light has a total capacity of 131 megawatts with a total peak demand of 110megawatts. Private entities generate about 60 t 70 megawatts.

The Public Infrastructure Minister said he is next Monday expected to receive the final report of a power generation study that will examine Guyana’s needs up to 2035.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The UK now generates more electricity from solar power than from coal powered generators. It's the obvious way to go. The PPP idea about Amalia is now old technology that is far too expensive compared to the latest solar farms. Just as well that the PPP was not allowed to go ahead with it. The country would have been bankrupted.

ksazma posted:
Mr.T posted:

The UK now generates more electricity from solar power than from coal powered generators.

Doesn't one need sunshine to produce solar power?

Bhai like you on to something concerning the Sun.

Danyael posted:

Solar alone cannot replace fossil fuel.

Correct and as it is now, still an expensive proposition however, maybe they have some offsetting credits to apply.  Solar could play a role though it's not the full answer so I give them credit for doing this!  Any large parking lots, and even streets could be covered with solar as it also provides much needed shade!

ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:

Solar alone cannot replace fossil fuel.

Correct and as it is now, still an expensive proposition however, maybe they have some offsetting credits to apply.  Solar could play a role though it's not the full answer so I give them credit for doing this!  Any large parking lots, and even streets could be covered with solar as it also provides much needed shade!

we need a multi pronged approach; solar, wind, mini hydro, bio mass, bio diesel etc.

ksazma posted:
Mr.T posted:

The UK now generates more electricity from solar power than from coal powered generators.

Doesn't one need sunshine to produce solar power?

Nope. Even under an overcast sky solar cells can generate electricity.

But why ask such a dumb question? Don't tell me: the PPP was hoping to run Amalia on hot air, not water.


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