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ian posted:

What ayo backside fighting about black and Koolie. Ayo rass should be fighting the white man who hadour grandparents as slave, toiling in rain and sun. The British who destroy every country and create racism. Wise up guys.  

They stole our resources and our kids suffer.  

Ian, it's a blessing in disguise they choose to take that journey,look at most of their off springs today,they are all over the world.

Last edited by Django
ian posted:
skeldon_man posted:
yuji22 posted:

It is quite possible that Granger's DNA is linked to Burnham's. And because D2 believes in evolution from Apes, his DNA might be linked a Monkey from the rain forest.

We have and will always been humans. I have ZERO Ape genes.

God created us in his own image.

Let those who believe that humans evolved from apes remain apes and monkeys.

Maybe D2 might be right. Granger's ancestors might have been evolved from apes. I have seen some black people who, if an anthropologist saw them, he might have considered one of them as the "missing link".


what is so humorous in the racist trash talk above that you get a belly full of laugh? When Caribj calls you folks the brown KKK he surely has cause. You fellows are completely vile.

Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:
yuji22 posted:

It is quite possible that Granger's DNA is linked to Burnham's. And because D2 believes in evolution from Apes, his DNA might be linked a Monkey from the rain forest.

We have and will always been humans. I have ZERO Ape genes.

God created us in his own image.

Let those who believe that humans evolved from apes remain apes and monkeys.

Maybe D2 might be right. Granger's ancestors might have been evolved from apes. I have seen some black people who, if an anthropologist saw them, he might have considered one of them as the "missing link".

The missing link with you is the transition point that would have caused you to be possessed of good sense. You remain a dumb assed racist and is going to your grace that that is truly sad. You would have missed more than one half of reality.

Any of your relatives might be the missing link?

Stormborn posted:
yuji22 posted:

It is quite possible that Granger's DNA is linked to Burnham's. And because D2 believes in evolution from Apes, his DNA might be linked a Monkey from the rain forest.

We have and will always been humans. I have ZERO Ape genes.

God created us in his own image.

Let those who believe that humans evolved from apes remain apes and monkeys.

I guess you are on BiBi's team! Dummy, in no text book is there a claim that man came from apes. That is the common claim of the under schooled in the subject of evolution. Apes and Humans share the same ancestor. They are not one from the other. 

And jackass, you not only share some genes with apes and share some 99 percent of your genetic makeup with them however much you may want to believe otherwise.


Listen Ape, since you called me names, 

Let me repeat very slowly:

God created man in his own image.

It is ok if you are comfortable with being an ape or of ape ancestry.

Im am proud that God created us and there is ZERO evidence that we are of ape ancestry. We all atomic spirit souls. A tiny fragmental portion of the supreme.


Last edited by Former Member

Evolution is a BIG Crap of Lies and just hogwash, supported by Monkeys and Apes:

Evolution frauds
Why are there evolution frauds.

In 1859, in his book Origin of the Species, Charles Darwin said: β€œWhy, if species have descended from other species by insensibly fine gradations, (why) do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional forms?”. This is from chapter six entitled Difficulties on the Theory. Scientists who believe evolution have been searching for transitional forms ever since but they have been not found. Therefore, fraudulent fossils have been made and presented as transitional forms.

See 9 frauds of evolution below.

Earnst Haeckels evolution embryo fraud.

Evolution fraud Haeckels drawings
Evolution fraud. Haeckels drawings are still printed in some of todays school science text books with full knowledge that they are wrong.
One of the most popular and familiar pieces of evidence used to bolster the theory of evolution – reproduced for decades in most high school and college biology textbooks – is fraudulent, and has been known to be fraudulent for nearly 100 years.

Most people have seen those drawings of human embryos next to developing animal embryos, and they look virtually indistinguishable. (The Haeckel embryo sequence shown purported to show – left to right – a hog, calf, rabbit and human).This has long been said to demonstrate that humans share a common ancestry with these animals and thus prove the theory of evolution.

These pictures were designed by German zoologist Ernst Haeckel. What few people know – and one of many surprises in the evolution debate is that they were fakes. At Jena, the university where he taught, Haeckel was charged with fraud by five professors and convicted by a university court. His deceit was exposed in β€œHaeckel’s Frauds and Forgeries,” a 1915 book by J. Assmuth and Ernest R. Hull, who quoted 19 leading authorities of the day.

Ernst Haec

Rutimeyer said in 1868,
β€œHaeckel claims these works to be both easy for the scientific layman to follow, and scientific and scholarly. No one will quarrel with the first evaluation of the author, but the second quality is not one that he seriously can claim. These are works, clothed in medieval formalistic garb. There is considerable manufacturing of scientific evidence perpetrated. Yet the author has been very careful not to let the reader become aware of this state of affairs.” (Referate, L. Rutimeyer, in Archiv fur Anthropologie, 1868). [Notes: In 1868, L. Rutimeyer wrote an article, entitled β€œReferate,” which appeared on pages 301-302 of the Archiv fur Anthropologie (Archives of Anthropology). In that article, Rutimeyer, professor of zoology and comparative anatomy, at the University of Basel, reviewed two of Haeckel’s books, Natural History of Creation (Naturliche Schopfungsgeschichte), and his Uber die Enstehung and den Stammbaum des Menschengeschlechts, both of which had been newly published the same year that Rutimeyer’s review was published: 1868. Rutimeyer the fraudulent woodcuts. For example, the dog embryo and human embryo, shown on page 240 of Haeckel’s book, are completely identical. Haeckel maintained that he faithfully copied the dog embryo from Bischoff (4th week). Rutimeyer then reprinted the original drawing made by Bischoff of the dog embryo at 4 weeks, and the original of human embryo at 4 weeks made by Haeckel. The originals were very much different! Then Rutimeyer notes that, elsewhere in Haeckel’s book, that same woodcut is used to portray a dog, a chicken, and a tortoise! Rutimeyer was a well-known German scientist living at that time. He regularly had articles in each yearly volume of Archiv fur Anthropologie, yet his book review was never translated into English nor published in Britain or America!]

Yet, despite Haeckel’s fraud conviction and early exposure, Western educators continued using the pictures for decades as proof of the theory of evolution.

The matter was settled with finality by Dr. Michael Richardson, an embryologist at St. George’s Medical School in London. He found there was no record that anyone ever actually checked Haeckel’s claims by systematically comparing human and other fetuses during development. So Richardson assembled a scientific team that did just that – photographing the growing embryos of 39 different species.

In a 1997 interview in The Times of London, Dr. Richardson stated: β€œThis is one of the worst cases of scientific fraud. It’s shocking to find that somebody one thought was a great scientist was deliberately misleading. It makes me angry. … What he [Haeckel] did was to take a human embryo and copy it, pretending that the salamander and the pig and all the others looked the same at the same stage of development. They don’t. … These are fakes.”

Today – believe it or not – Haeckel’s drawings still appear in many high school and college textbooks. Among them are β€œEvolutionary Biology” by Douglas J. Futuyma (Third Edition, Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates, 1998), and also the bedrock text, β€œMolecular Biology of the Cell” (third edition), whose authors include biochemist Dr. Bruce Alberts, president of the National Academy of Sciences.

Haeckel’s fraudulent drawings are just one of evolution’s pillars now under spectacular scientific assault. There are many others.

Piltdown man, deliberate evolution fraud.
Completley fabricated fraud showing the willingness of evolutionists to swollow anything that seems to support their pet theory.
Completley fabricated fraud showing the willingness of evolutionists to swollow anything that seems to support their pet theory.
Britain’s Greatest Hoax. That was the title of the β€˜Timewatch’ investigation of the Piltdown Man fraud, shown on BBC2 television recently.1 Viewers were presented with a great British β€˜whodunnit’ that tried to identify those who made monkeys out of the scientists of the day.

The history of the discovery of the earliest Englishman (as Piltdown Man was so often called) is fairly common knowledge. A laborer was supposedly digging in a gravel pit near the village of Piltdown in Sussex in southern England when he found a piece of bone. He passed it to the local amateur archaeologist of the district, Charles Dawson, who verified its antiquity and pronounced that it was part of a skull which was possibly human. Dawson began to search for the rest of the skull and, in 1912, a jawbone was discovered. Sir Arthur Smith Woodward of the British Museum verified that the skull had human features and the jaw was ape-like. The fossils became known as Piltdown Man and were called Eoanthropus dawsoni which means β€˜Dawson’s Dawn Man’. In 1915, another Dawn Man was found a couple of miles away from the site of the first find. Fossil remains of animals that lived with Piltdown Man, together with the tools that he used, were also found at the two sites. At last, here was β€˜proof’ that apes had evolved into humans in England.

Almost forty years later, in 1953, Piltdown Man was exposed as a forgery, mainly through the work of Dr Kenneth Oakley. He showed that the skull was from a modern human and that the jawbone and teeth were from an orangutan. The teeth had been filed down to make them look human. The bones and teeth had been chemically treated (and sometimes even painted) to give them the appearance of being ancient. In addition, it was also shown that none of the finds associated with Piltdown Man had been originally buried in the gravel that had been deposited at Piltdown. The Piltdown Man fraud was a great embarrassment to the UK scientific community and questions about it were even asked in the House of Parliament.At the time that the discovery of Piltdown Man was announced, it was believed that the remains of the Neanderthals that had been found in Germany were ape-men and it was believed that the cave paintings that had been found in France had been painted by ape-men. The British evolutionists, however, had other ideas. They believed that apes had evolved into humans in the UKβ€”preferably in England. Piltdown Man was β€˜proof’ that the first ape-man lived in the garden of England! The desire to find the earliest Englishman had blinded the scientists of the day, so they uncritically accepted Piltdown Man as being genuine. No scientist is a seeker after truth in some sort of idealized neutral fashionβ€”in this case, they interpreted their finds within their (evolutionary) world view, fashioned by parochial prejudice.Some have suggested Sir Arthur Smith Woodward was the fraudster. He was without doubt Piltdown Man’s greatest advocate. Had he carried out some basic scientific tests and a more detailed examination of the finds, he would have realized that he was dealing with a hoax. He retired from the British Museum in 1924 and spent the next 20 years, until his death in 1944, digging at the Piltdown Man site in Piltdown searching for more finds. He did not find any. Surely if he was the perpetrator of this hoax, he would not have wasted the last 20 years of his life in what he would have known to be a futile search.It would appear that the best candidate for being the perpetrator of the Piltdown Man fraud is none other than Charles Dawson. He was always vague about the events surrounding the initial discovery and after he died in 1916, it was realized that all the historical artifacts that he had supposedly found and that were on display in Hastings Museum were forgeries. However, it appears that Martin Hinton of the British Museum suspected that Piltdown Man was a hoax. Hinton, himself, was one who enjoyed playing hoaxes and jokes on others. In 1915, Dawson and Woodward found a curious bone implement under a hedge at Piltdown. This implement had all the hallmarks of a Hinton joke for it looked like a cricket batβ€”presumably the first Englishman loved his game of cricket! It is quite likely that Hinton fashioned this implement and placed it at the site in the hope that it would be found and that as a result, Dawson would know that someone knew that Piltdown Man was a forgery. Unfortunately, this plan backfired and a description of this implement was written up and published!

Evolutionists often express irritation when Piltdown Man and other fakes are raised by their opponents. A common attempt to put a β€˜positive spin’ on the whole affair is to portray it as a β€˜plus’ for science, demonstrating its allegedly β€˜self-correcting nature’. After all, we are told, it was evolutionary scientists themselves who discovered the fraud. However, the issue is not the hoax as such; the scandal of Piltdown is that such an amateurish, clumsy and obvious fraud (even showing filemarks on the teeth) went undetected for over 40 years. Generations were indoctrinated into the β€˜fact of evolution’ via Piltdown gracing countless textbooks and encyclopedias.Many scientists, including people writing doctoral theses, had access to the bones, and they were laboriously studied. No-one saw the hoax at the time, but afterwards, it all seemed obvious; things like the file marks suddenly sprang into view. It was clear that even highly qualified scientists had simply seen what they were looking for and ignored that which did not fit their preconception. It is also no surprise that the hoax was not uncovered until after other β€˜plausible candidates’ for man’s evolutionary ancestry were on the horizon.

(ref, Dr A J Monty White. CEO AiG UK)

Nebraska Man. False evolutionary model made from a pigs tooth. The pig was still alive too.
This drawing of nebraska man was formed in the minds of evolutionists from a pig tooth.
This drawing of nebraska man was formed in the minds of evolutionists from a pig tooth.
Like many supposed predecessors to our current human form. Nebraska man was formed form the minimalist of bones. A single tooth was all it took for evolutionists to come up with the drawing you see above.

In 1922 Paleontologist Harald Cook found a single tooth in Western Nebraska USA in Pliocene deposits that were alleged to be 6 million years old. To find a β€œMissing link” in the USA is a big thing for a start as most humanoids were thought to be from Africa. Another example of β€œwe will take any proof of evolution”. This Nebraska man tooth was the reason that evolution started to be taught in schools. Before Nebraska man evolution had a hard time getting taught in schools but such was the fanfare of Nebraska man that evolution became the excepted norm. Even so this embarrassing oversight due to the rabidness of evolutionists to β€œprove” their theory, only lasted a few years before it was found out as a β€œDUMB” mistake. The pig it belonged too is a species of pig called β€œprosthennops serus”, this pig was found still alive in Paraguay in 1972.

Java Man is False!
Java man was created from this bone fragment.
Java man was created from this bone fragment.
The human fossil commonly known as Java Man was found in 1891 by Eugene Dubois who was the first person to deliberately search for human ancestors. Dubois was a former student of Earnst haeckel who became intent on discovering the missing link his mentor believed had evolved somewhere in Africa or East Asia, and which Haeckel had already named without any physical evidence – Pithecanthropus alalus (man without speech). To aid in his investigations, Dubois signed up as a doctor with the Dutch medical corps in the Dutch East Indies with the intention of hunting for fossils during his spare time.

After years of excavations with the assistance of forced laborers, they dug up a tooth and skullcap on the banks of the Solo River on Java island (an island of Indonesia). The skullcap was ape-like having a low forehead and large eyebrow ridges. The following year and about forty feet away, the workmen uncovered a thigh bone that was clearly human. Due to the close proximity of the find, Dubois assumed they belonged to the same creature. Dubois then named the find Pithecanthropus erectus (erect ape-man).

After returning to Europe in 1895, Dubois went on a lecture circuit and displayed his fossils to the International Congress of Zoology. His discovery received a lukewarm reception, causing him to became secretive, and paranoid, refusing to let anyone else examine the bones. Rudolph Virchow, who had been Haeckel’s professor and is considered the father of modern pathology remarked: β€œIn my opinion this creature was an animal, a giant gibbon, in fact. The thigh bone has not the slightest connection with the skull.”

A later team of German scientists traveled to Java in 1907 to unearth more clues on human ancestry. They hired 75 workers and sent 43 crates of fossil material back to Germany, but no evidence of Pithecanthropus could be found. Instead the German scientists found modern flora and fauna in the strata where Dubois had found his Pithecanthropus. Dr. E. Carthaus, a geologist on the expedition concluded that Pithecanthropus was a modern human.

Further suspicions regarding the credibility of Dubois involve two other skullcaps that Dubois expedition had uncovered which were clearly human. He apparently failed to display the human skullcaps when parading his Pithecanthropus. In fact, he kept the skulls hidden under the floorboards of his house for thirty years, then finally made them known in the 1920s.(ref,

Neanderthal man, another deliberate fraud by evolutionist scientists.

Neanderthal fraud man.
Neanderthal fraud man.

β€œIf it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.” Most of us have heard this piece of advice on more than one occasion. Yet, this was exactly the case with a famous Neanderthal fossil discovered in a peat bog near Hamburg, Germany. Prior to its discovery, the evolutionary timeline of ape-like creatures remained extremely β€œfuzzy” as it approached modern man. There simply were not any fossils that shed light on this period. But a single discovery dated by Professor Reiner Protsch cleared up the picture. Many years ago, he was invited to date the famous skull, which he later pronounced to be the vital missing link between Neanderthals and modern humans. He dated the skull at 36,000 years old, allowing it to fall neatly into the evolutionists’ timeline between Neanderthals and modern man. Finally, thanks to Protsch, the gap had been filled. All the pieces were in place.

For evolutionists, it was too good to be true. And indeed, it was. On February 18, 2005, Protsch was forced to retire in disgrace after a Frankfurt University panel ruled he had β€œfabricated data and plagiarized the work of his colleagues” (see β€œAnthropologist Resigns in β€˜Dating Disaster,’ ” 2005). Once believed to be a world-renowned expert on carbon dating, Protsch’s entire professional career is now being questioned. The university noted: β€œThe commission finds that Prof. Protsch has forged and manipulated scientific facts over the past 30 years” (β€œAnthropologist Resigns…”).

Protsch’s work first attracted suspicion when scientists at Oxford wanted to double-check the authenticity of his dates and verify the ages of many previously reported fossils using modern techniques. Oxford officials insist that this β€œdating disaster” was discovered during a routine examination, and was not an attempt to discredit Professor Protsch. The fossils he had dated were just in a long line of others that were being rechecked. According to Thomas Terberger, the archaeologist who discovered the hoax: β€œ[A]nthropology is going to have to completely revise its picture of modern man between 40,000 and 10,000 years ago” (as quoted in Harding, 2005). He continued: β€œProf. Protsch’s work appeared to prove that anatomically modern humans and Neanderthals had co-existed, and perhaps even had children together. This now appears to be rubbish” (emp. added).

But the Neanderthal skull was not the only forgery Oxford discovered. Protsch also had paraded β€œBinshof-Speyer” woman before the public, stating that she was 21,300 years old. Yet the new Oxford date puts this woman living at 1,300 B.C. Protsch also claimed that β€œPaderborn-Sande Man” walked the Earth 27,400 B.C., and yet the corrected figure reveals that he died only a couple hundred years agoβ€”in A.D. 1750! Futhermore, Protsch also is being investigated for a scandal in which he allegedly tried to sell 280 chimpanzee skulls to individuals in the United States for $70,000.

Evolutionists are quick to point out that this is how science worksβ€”that it is self-correcting. And there is a great deal of truth to that statement. However, one must question how such scientists can continue to support evolution being taught as β€œfact,” knowing that much of what we believe to be true today will have to be β€œself-corrected” in the future. Why not allow students to β€œexamine the controversy” and discuss possible problems with evolutionary theory? How many students did Professor Protsch affect with his forged information? Likely, that number is in the thousands. After all, his dates β€œlooked good” and β€œfit the evolutionary timeline,” which meant textbooks would be quick to pick them up. Never mind that the material was a complete hoax.

According to the World Net Daily Web site, Rudolf Steinberg, Frankfurt University’s president, β€œapologized for the University’s failure to curb Protsch’s misconduct for decades. β€˜A lot of people looked the other way,’ he said.” But what good does that apology do when it comes to unraveling the lie that was sold to the public for so many years? The article went on to report: β€œChris Stringer, a Stone Age specialist and head of human origins at London’s Natural History Museum, said: β€˜What was considered a major piece of evidence showing that the Neanderthals once lived in northern Europe has fallen by the wayside. We are having to rewrite prehistory’ ” (2005). How many times must we rewrite evolutionary history? Don’t students deserve better? Don’t we all deserve better?

Neandethal man, just a modern human with disease.

After discovering the first Neanderthal skullcap in 1856 in the Neander Valley near Dusseldorf, Germany, German anatomist Ruldolph Virchow said in essence that the fossil was the remains of a modern man afflicted with rickets and osteoporosis. In 1958, at the International Congress of Zoology, A.J.E. Cave stated that his examination of the famous Neanderthal skeleton established that it was simply an old man who had suffered from arthritis. Francis Ivanhoe authored an article that appeared in Nature titled β€œWas Virchow Right About Neanderthal?” (1970). Virchow had reported that the Neanderthal’s ape-like appearance was due to a condition known as rickets, which is a vitamin-D deficiency characterized by overproduction (and deficient calcification) of bone tissue. The disease causes skeletal deformities, enlargement of the liver and spleen, and generalized tenderness throughout the body. Dr. Cave noted that every Neanderthal child’s skull that had been studied up to that point in time apparently was affected by severe rickets. When rickets occurs in children, it commonly produces a large head due to late closure of the epiphysis and fontanels.

Even though Ivanhoe was an evolutionist, he nevertheless went on to note that the wide distribution of Neanderthal finds in various parts of the world explained the differences seen in bone configuration. The extreme variation in locations of these Neanderthal discoveries probably played a role in the diversity of the fossils assigned to the Neanderthal group. The differences likely were a result of different amounts of sunlight for a given area, which prevented or retarded vitamin D production (vitamin D is manufactured in the skin upon exposure to sunlight). In adults, a lack of vitamin D causes osteomalacia, a softening of the bones that often results in longer bones β€œbowing” (a condition reported in many Neanderthal fossils).

Scientists have debated long and hard concerning whether there exists any difference between Neanderthal specimens and modern humans. One of the world’s foremost authorities on the Neanderthals, Erik Trinkaus, concluded:

Detailed comparisons of Neanderthal skeletal remains with those of modern humans have shown that there is nothing in Neanderthal anatomy that conclusively indicates locomotor, manipulative, intellectual or linguistic abilities inferior to those of modern humans (1978, 87[10]:58).

Harding, Luke (2005), β€œAnother Day, Another β€˜Science’ Fraud,” MedKB, [On-Line], URL:

β€œAnthropologist Resigns in β€˜Dating Disaster’ ” (2005), World Net Daily, [On-line], URL:
Copyright Β© 2005 Apologetics Press, Inc. All rights reserved. Article by Brad Harrub PH.D.



Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Stormborn posted:
yuji22 posted:

It is quite possible that Granger's DNA is linked to Burnham's. And because D2 believes in evolution from Apes, his DNA might be linked a Monkey from the rain forest.

We have and will always been humans. I have ZERO Ape genes.

God created us in his own image.

Let those who believe that humans evolved from apes remain apes and monkeys.

I guess you are on BiBi's team! Dummy, in no text book is there a claim that man came from apes. That is the common claim of the under schooled in the subject of evolution. Apes and Humans share the same ancestor. They are not one from the other. 

And jackass, you not only share some genes with apes and share some 99 percent of your genetic makeup with them however much you may want to believe otherwise.


Listen Ape, since you called me names, 

Let me repeat very slowly:

God created man in his own image.

It is ok if you are comfortable with being an ape or of ape ancestry.

Im am proud that God created us and there is ZERO evidence that we are of ape ancestry.


You are too dumb for me to explain. And again for clarity, you are asserting apes are our ancestors exposing a profound ignorance of evolutionary linage.

yuji22 posted:

Evolution is a BIG Crap of Lies and just hogwash, supported by Monkeys and Apes:

Evolution frauds
Why are there evolution frauds.

Harding, Luke (2005), β€œAnother Day, Another β€˜Science’ Fraud,” MedKB, [On-Line], URL:

β€œAnthropologist Resigns in β€˜Dating Disaster’ ” (2005), World Net Daily, [On-line], URL:
Copyright Β© 2005 Apologetics Press, Inc. All rights reserved. Article by Brad Harrub PH.D.



Science deniers are a special breed of god deluded fools.

yuji22 posted:

Keep jumping.

I do not have to jump. Evolution is describable in three sentences leading to a deductive conclusion. God is your fiction.

In any event, I am not contesting your belief. You are entitled to be self deluded.  I am contesting your incomplete understanding of evolutionary theory and your ignorant statements about it.

Last edited by Former Member
Stormborn posted:
yuji22 posted:

Is that your Ape response ?

We came from God and God is no Ape.

Please enjoy your APE  ancestry. 

We on the other hand, are God's children.

It is an apt response for unschooled ignoramus with rants about your god delusion. 

Wondering how far the gods kingdom in space,with all the exploration none have been found so far,hope i don't raise red ants nest.

Cobra posted:

Everyone getting excited over Granger DNA. There is nothing special about him. He was born to be a dicktator for some idiotic coolie who would bow to his feet and spit on their parents. They say an idiot born everyday tolet a Blackman ride them.

Oii Cobra i live thru Kabaka days was not afraid of blacks,a few times i challenged a few to duke it out.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

God created us in his own image.

Let those who believe that humans evolved from apes remain apes and monkeys.

Praim say Hanuman ki jai!!!

You think Yugi can give an explanation to the above picture.

I see he calling people apes.

Yuji only prays to one God, his name is Krsna. I live and die by the Bhagavad Gita.


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