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Sept 22,2016 Source

Hosting the 17th Summit of the Heads of state and government of the Non-Aligned Movement last week, Venezuela got an earful on its territorial claim to Guyana which has seen increasingly tense relations between the two countries over the last 15 months.

Delivering the salvo on Sunday was Guyana’s Ambassador to Venezuela, Marilyn Miles who described Caracas’ claim to more than two-thirds of the country as a “potential threat to our peace and security”.

The text of Miles’ presentation was released yesterday by the Office of the Prime Minister, a day after President David Granger had delivered a stinging rebuke to Venezuela over its claim to Guyana’s territory at the 71st session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

Marilyn Mile
Marilyn Mile

In the presence of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, Miles noted that respect for territorial integrity is one of the sacred principles of the Movement.

“As delegations are aware, more than two thirds of my country is subject to a claim by the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. This represents a potential threat to our peace and security. However Mr Chairman, Guyana is convinced that co-operation, friendship and mutual respect are underlying principles for the maintenance of peace and stability and for the success of integration movements in the Latin American and Caribbean Region, as in the wider world.  Therefore, I wish to use this opportunity to reaffirm that Guyana is committed to the search for a peaceful solution to the controversy with Venezuela”, Miles stated.

She then traced what had transpired with the controversy since the Movement last met in Iran which she said she wished to draw to the attention of “our Non Aligned family”.

She noted that in September of 2014, the Government of Guyana notified the United Nations Secretary General that Guyana did not wish to continue with the Good Offices process which had been ongoing for twenty-five years. She pointed out that the Secretary General is “currently considering the exercise of his mandate under the Geneva Agreement of 1966 with a view to finally resolving the controversy. Guyana continues to fully cooperate with the Secretary General in the exercise of his mandate”.

In his address in New York, Granger accused Venezuela of thwarting all attempts by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to bring finality to the matter. Guyana has been insisting on a juridical conclusion while Venezuela wants a continuation of the Good Offices process.

Miles added: “Mr. Chairman, Guyana is a founding Member of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) which is headquartered in Georgetown, our Capital city. The Heads of Government of CARICOM at their 37th Regular Meeting held in July of this year, signalled (and I quote) `their full confidence in the Secretary General to exercise urgently his authority under the 1966 Geneva Agreement for a choice of option that would bring the controversy to a definitive and judicial conclusion that would be beneficial not only to Guyana but the Caribbean Community as a whole.’”

She concluded her statement on the controversy which has dogged Guyana since its independence 50 years ago by stating “Chairman, Guyanese are peace-loving people and our sister Republic of Venezuela likewise advocates a diplomacy of peace as is evident in the theme of this Summit. This is the basis on which we have built and which we hope to continue to build, good neighbourly relations with Venezuela in the true spirit of Non Aligned unity and mutual respect”.

Miles’ statement at the NAM summit and the President’s address at the UN General Assembly are the latest efforts in an intense diplomatic campaign by the APNU+AFC government to pressure Caracas on its heightened claim following the discovery of oil offshore of Guyana last year.

The NAM summit didn’t deliver the boost that strife-torn Venezuela was hoping for as very few leaders attended.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Nehru posted:

The PNC SHIT HEADS are incapable of solving this problem.  Get Jagdeo, Ramphal, Odeen and Ramkarran in a Committee to work on this.  This is way above the SHIT HEADS!!!

Jagdeo had his chance and did nothing,he was more cushy with Madurro raking in dough for their supporters,the issue was not his concern.

The rest can be counted to assist in resolving the issue.

Django posted:
Nehru posted:

The PNC SHIT HEADS are incapable of solving this problem.  Get Jagdeo, Ramphal, Odeen and Ramkarran in a Committee to work on this.  This is way above the SHIT HEADS!!!

Jagdeo had his chance and did nothing,he was more cushy with Madurro raking in dough for their supporters,the issue was not his concern.

The rest can be counted to assist in resolving the issue.

So the PNC had 28 + 22, is dat 50 years Django???, meh math rusty.

Nehru posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

The PNC SHIT HEADS are incapable of solving this problem.  Get Jagdeo, Ramphal, Odeen and Ramkarran in a Committee to work on this.  This is way above the SHIT HEADS!!!

Jagdeo had his chance and did nothing,he was more cushy with Madurro raking in dough for their supporters,the issue was not his concern.

The rest can be counted to assist in resolving the issue.

So the PNC had 28 + 22, is dat 50 years Django???, meh math rusty.

What the r@ss you saying Jaggy was a weakling,who was running the show Carbin,no wonder that chap lost my support all gone since he became self serving.

Oh skites i just remembered the oil drilling people was run out by Madburro under PPP rule,so he was a weakling and puppet.

Last edited by Django
skeldon_man posted:

our Non Aligned family

Marilyn rass ah lie. What happened to the ABC countries that installed her government? Dem nah kount?


Shut yuh sk0nt!! You have sh1t for brains. What de fu&k does any government has to do what Ms Miles said in the UN? That girl has more brains that all the PPP diplomats combined.

Kari posted:
skeldon_man posted:

our Non Aligned family

Marilyn rass ah lie. What happened to the ABC countries that installed her government? Dem nah kount?


Shut yuh sk0nt!! You have sh1t for brains. What de fu&k does any government has to do what Ms Miles said in the UN? That girl has more brains that all the PPP diplomats combined.

I might be wrong but didn't the PPP recall her from Brazil so that one of their corrupt clowns could be stationed there?

I met a Trini who was in Brazil and he couldn't stop talking about this woman, and how much she did to raise the profile, not only of Guyana but the ENTIRE CARICOM in the eyes of Lula. 

I bet the PPP clown never left his rum bottle when in Brasilia, as he was too embarrassed to show how ignorant he was.

Last edited by Former Member

We have been hearing about this Venezeulan claim on Guyana's territory for the longest while, yet they have not acted on it.  We are jumping up and alarming ourselves about this threat as if its imminent. LFS Burnham incited the nation to prepare for a war with Venezuela and used this so-called territorial claim to deny the Guyanese people's demand for a higher daily wage.  If we are serious about protecting Essequibo let's start with building military bases in that area to counter any attacks from Venezuela. Guyanese Intelligence, which some say is the best in the Caribbean,  should be given more resources to gather more intelligence on the conquistadors next door and prepare to thwart any attempt to take a square inch of Essequibo. Granger can appoint Malcolm Harripaul to to sit on the border and watch for any incursion by the Venezeula military.He is a good watchman.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Kari posted:
skeldon_man posted:

our Non Aligned family

Marilyn rass ah lie. What happened to the ABC countries that installed her government? Dem nah kount?


Shut yuh sk0nt!! You have sh1t for brains. What de fu&k does any government has to do what Ms Miles said in the UN? That girl has more brains that all the PPP diplomats combined.

I like your flowery language. I am not going to stoop to your VP level.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

..  If we are serious about protecting Essequibo let's start with building military bases in that area to counter any attacks from Venezuela..

You know fully well that Venezuela is way more powerful militarily.  In fact building bases can be used as an excuse for provocation with MadBURRO then claiming the right to a preemptive attack.

Guyana's only recourse is to rely on diplomatic initiatives.

caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

..  If we are serious about protecting Essequibo let's start with building military bases in that area to counter any attacks from Venezuela..

You know fully well that Venezuela is way more powerful militarily.  In fact building bases can be used as an excuse for provocation with MadBURRO then claiming the right to a preemptive attack.

Guyana's only recourse is to rely on diplomatic initiatives.

If that is the case then let's cease fighting on the diplomatic front until they make their move.  For over half century diplomacy has not changed anything. Why fuss about it? 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin

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