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Guyana recalls Diplomat over ‘wrong-


February 4, 2014 | By | Filed Under News

Leila King, Guyana’s Honorary Consul in Boa Vista, Brazil is being replaced over “wrongdoing,” the Minister of Foreign Affairs Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett said yesterday.


King, who is currently on vacation, has denied any wrongdoing and said she will allow the process to unfold before telling her story.
Minister Rodrigues did not get into details, but said an investigation is underway. Asked if she is looking to replace Ms King, she responded in the affirmative.
King told Kaieteur News that the Ministry has not communicated its intention to fire her.
The Minister said that while the investigation is ongoing, she did find that there was “wrongdoing” and confirmed complaints against the diplomat.
King, a Guyanese who worked for many years promoting trade and tourism between Guyana and Brazil, was appointed Honorary Consul in August 2011



Leila King

Leila King

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In the entire PPP there are only two people I can say I like...Carolyn because she did her job as a minister and an Amerindian woman thinking of her people first. The other is Odeen because he always maintained the appropriate distance between the corrupt PPP and his office.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

In the entire PPP there are only two people I can say I like...Carolyn because she did her job as a minister and an Amerindian woman thinking of her people first. The other is Odeen because he always maintained the appropriate distance between the corrupt PPP and his office.

D2, EVERYONE is entitled to like or dislike, it is part of human nature.


The Minister said that whils't the investigation is ongoing she did find wrong doings.


I do hope that they used the same yard stick for those PPP/C crooks, who has been ravaging Guyana left right and center. 


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