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By Jomo Paul 

Vice President and Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan during the launch of the Suicide Prevention Hotline. [iNews' Photo]

Vice President and Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan during the launch of the Suicide Prevention Hotline. [iNews’ Photo]

[] With a 2014 World Health Organisation (WHO) report naming Guyana as the country with the highest suicide rate per capita, the trend seems to be continuing with recent suicide statistics showing 272 reports over a thirty month period.

Vice President Khemraj Ramjattan, who has responsibility for Public Security on Thursday August 06, detailed police statistics as it relates to reported cases of suicide in Guyana.

Ramjattan released the statistics at the launch of the Inter-Agency Suicide Hotline which was spearheaded by the Guyana Police Force.

He pointed out that in 2013, there were some 129 reports of suicide with the Berbice area amassing the highest amount of reports at 42, most of whom were East Indians. It was indicated that 90 of the 129 reports were relative to male victims.

Ramjattan indicated that the same trend continued in 2014, although there was a stark decline in the amount of suicide reports. There were 97 suicides and again most of the reports involved male victims with 68 of the reports being persons of East Indian descent.

For the first six months of 2015, the Public Security Minister stated that the Guyana Police Force recorded some 46 reports of suicide, 29 of which emanated from the Berbice area.

It was further noted that there were three major underlying factors that led to suicide, the first of which was domestic violence and this was followed by alcohol abuse and terminal illnesses, respectively.

A section of the gathering at the launch. [iNews' Photo]

A section of the gathering at the launch. [iNews’ Photo]

Suicide by hanging and consuming poison was also pointed out to be the two major mediums utilised. Ramjattan pointed out that there is need for more stringent monitoring of the pesticides sector and indicated too that access restriction is something that will be explored by the current government.

Meanwhile, Commissioner of Police Seelall Persaud told those gathered at the launch that the new helpline will be subject to weekly reviews to ensure that it is working in a manner that is satisfactory.

“We decided we won’t open these lines until we are comfortable that they can deliver what they are intended to deliver…we will be collecting data on suicide to prove or disprove what happened…You can call, you can text – by any of these means communicate to us and we will respond appropriately,” said the Police Commissioner.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

This Ramjattan seems to have simplistic solutions to everything. Rampant crime? Let's have a curfew. Tons of suicides? Give them a hotline! I suppose it's a start. I shudder to think what a Guyanese suicide hotline looks like. Imagine the amount of people put on hold.


Caller: ah gon kill mehself

Hotline: hole on man. ah gaffo eat now.


This problem of suicide is a serious one and requires a united front in resolving this epidemic. APNU has a golden opportunity to prove that they can tackle this problem which the PPP failed to even attempt to address.


The rate is alarming in the Indo Guyanese community and I honestly believe that Alcohol is a major contributor in a large number of cases.


As Indos, we need to look to the Afro community for answers on this epidemic. Their rates are much lower than ours.  There should be no shame in addressing this epidemic.


Excellent observation by Ramjattan:


"Ramjattan pointed out that there is need for more stringent monitoring of the pesticides sector and indicated too that access restriction is something that will be explored by the current government."

Originally Posted by Itaname:

This Ramjattan seems to have simplistic solutions to everything. Rampant crime? Let's have a curfew. Tons of suicides? Give them a hotline! I suppose it's a start. I shudder to think what a Guyanese suicide hotline looks like. Imagine the amount of people put on hold.


Caller: ah gon kill mehself

Hotline: hole on man. ah gaffo eat now.

This is a mental health problem and clearly not under the auspices of security since it is impossible to secure a person from themself through other means than intervention aimed at addressing their psychological predisposition to this morbid outcome. Ramjattan is not an expert on coping.


It is also quite childish to make fun in light of this serious matter. Our people are dying from a position of complete and total hopelessness. Indeed there can be a rational basis for a suicide but here we are talking of people without coping skills and culturally predisposed to suicide.



Originally Posted by Cobra:
Indos cannot live under extreme pressure, especially when under the influence of alcohol.


They must be given the tools and education to reduce this problem. We must all recognize that this is an epidemic.


Mental illness plays a part and the PPP failed to address this issue.


I hope that APNU can do better.


This is not about tools, education and all that jazz, though they do help. Look at the root causes. These people are depressed, hopeless, in debt with little to no jobs, no prosperity and struggling to survive. What exactly is their future if they can't escape overseas, eh? So with tons of idle time and a multitude of problems and hopelessness, they turn to alcohol and their descent begins and the family structure collapses.


And this, in Berbice, while the PPP THAT THEY ELECTED WAS IN POWER FOR 23 FREAKING YEARS!!!!!!! But no, alyuh waste yuh time on race. Yuh want to be governed ONLY by your own. So this is what they gave alyuh.


To stem suicide, one needs a multi-pronged approach.  In Guyana, it's pesticides, but if not, it will be something else, or even increased violence as people act out their frustrations in other ways.


In Guyana there is an epidemic of frustration/mental health and hopelessness which needs to be addressed at the grass-roots level.  This must include civic, religious, mental health and village leaders.  People should have a place to go to when feeling overwhelmed by events.  In addition, early education needs to incorporate sensitivity and empathy as part of social awareness and development.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Stormy, you had a much different view on suicide during the PPP time. I can pull up some of your responses from the archives and prove it.

I have had the same consistent view of suicide since it is one based on rational precepts. That does not change. You can go to the archive as many times as you wish you will only return the same answer. Actually, I addressed it directly and in a lengthy post some years ago.

Originally Posted by Itaname:

This is not about tools, education and all that jazz, though they do help. Look at the root causes. These people are depressed, hopeless, in debt with little to no jobs, no prosperity and struggling to survive. What exactly is their future if they can't escape overseas, eh? So with tons of idle time and a multitude of problems and hopelessness, they turn to alcohol and their descent begins and the family structure collapses.


And this, in Berbice, while the PPP THAT THEY ELECTED WAS IN POWER FOR 23 FREAKING YEARS!!!!!!! But no, alyuh waste yuh time on race. Yuh want to be governed ONLY by your own. So this is what they gave alyuh.

Your conclusion that this is a poor people problem fails on the obvious...the majority of the world's poor is on worse footing than us and we lead the pack.


Much of what you stated that are their ailments....alcohol...inability to cope are not problems of poverty but mental defect.


The PPP did not invent this. I have had three of my high schools friends dead...and if alcoholism is deemed part of th e spectrum...I can add a couple more. Two of my friends died because they felt they were being "prevented" from being with the ones they loved. The other because he could not gather the resources necessary to fulfill his expectation of attending a US university even though he had t he ability. These issues are unrelated to politics but to cultural deficiency and lack of security nets to help the disadvantaged.  If there is a lacking in in politics it is the failure to consider that we have a serious social disease eating away at t he fabric of our society and taking some of our most needed citizens.


Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Itaname:

This is not about tools, education and all that jazz, though they do help. Look at the root causes. These people are depressed, hopeless, in debt with little to no jobs, no prosperity and struggling to survive. What exactly is their future if they can't escape overseas, eh? So with tons of idle time and a multitude of problems and hopelessness, they turn to alcohol and their descent begins and the family structure collapses.


And this, in Berbice, while the PPP THAT THEY ELECTED WAS IN POWER FOR 23 FREAKING YEARS!!!!!!! But no, alyuh waste yuh time on race. Yuh want to be governed ONLY by your own. So this is what they gave alyuh.

Your conclusion that this is a poor people problem fails on the obvious...the majority of the world's poor is on worse footing than us and we lead the pack.


Much of what you stated that are their ailments....alcohol...inability to cope are not problems of poverty but mental defect.


The PPP did not invent this. I have had three of my high schools friends dead...and if alcoholism is deemed part of th e spectrum...I can add a couple more. Two of my friends died because they felt they were being "prevented" from being with the ones they loved. The other because he could not gather the resources necessary to fulfill his expectation of attending a US university even though he had t he ability. These issues are unrelated to politics but to cultural deficiency and lack of security nets to help the disadvantaged.  If there is a lacking in in politics it is the failure to consider that we have a serious social disease eating away at t he fabric of our society and taking some of our most needed citizens.


You make a good point re the poverty. I wonder if this goes back to life on the estates. As for the PPP, I didn't suggest they created it. I agree it's been around since I was a child, but the PPP did nothing about it for 23 years and now their supporters want it resolved. Instantly.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Itaname:

This is not about tools, education and all that jazz, though they do help. Look at the root causes. These people are depressed, hopeless, in debt with little to no jobs, no prosperity and struggling to survive. What exactly is their future if they can't escape overseas, eh? So with tons of idle time and a multitude of problems and hopelessness, they turn to alcohol and their descent begins and the family structure collapses.


And this, in Berbice, while the PPP THAT THEY ELECTED WAS IN POWER FOR 23 FREAKING YEARS!!!!!!! But no, alyuh waste yuh time on race. Yuh want to be governed ONLY by your own. So this is what they gave alyuh.

Your conclusion that this is a poor people problem fails on the obvious...the majority of the world's poor is on worse footing than us and we lead the pack.


Much of what you stated that are their ailments....alcohol...inability to cope are not problems of poverty but mental defect.


The PPP did not invent this. I have had three of my high schools friends dead...and if alcoholism is deemed part of th e spectrum...I can add a couple more. Two of my friends died because they felt they were being "prevented" from being with the ones they loved. The other because he could not gather the resources necessary to fulfill his expectation of attending a US university even though he had t he ability. These issues are unrelated to politics but to cultural deficiency and lack of security nets to help the disadvantaged.  If there is a lacking in in politics it is the failure to consider that we have a serious social disease eating away at t he fabric of our society and taking some of our most needed citizens.


You make a good point re the poverty. I wonder if this goes back to life on the estates. As for the PPP, I didn't suggest they created it. I agree it's been around since I was a child, but the PPP did nothing about it for 23 years and now their supporters want it resolved. Instantly.

No, it's the buttheads here calling for this, they are still angry PPP LOST.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Indos cannot live under extreme pressure, especially when under the influence of alcohol.


They must be given the tools and education to reduce this problem. We must all recognize that this is an epidemic.


Mental illness plays a part and the PPP failed to address this issue.


I hope that APNU can do better.

Other things that trigger suicides among Indos in Guyana:

[1] Boy loves girl but cannot marry her because parents object. Same for girl.

[2] Chronic financial difficulties and debts.

[3] Loss of a dearly loved one, causing depression and hopelessness.

The above three causes are based on my personal observations and newspaper reports.


Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Itaname:

This Ramjattan seems to have simplistic solutions to everything. Rampant crime? Let's have a curfew. Tons of suicides? Give them a hotline! I suppose it's a start. I shudder to think what a Guyanese suicide hotline looks like. Imagine the amount of people put on hold.


Caller: ah gon kill mehself

Hotline: hole on man. ah gaffo eat now.

This is a mental health problem and clearly not under the auspices of security since it is impossible to secure a person from themself through other means than intervention aimed at addressing their psychological predisposition to this morbid outcome. Ramjattan is not an expert on coping.


It is also quite childish to make fun in light of this serious matter. Our people are dying from a position of complete and total hopelessness. Indeed there can be a rational basis for a suicide but here we are talking of people without coping skills and culturally predisposed to suicide.



Where is the minister whose portfolio cover this issue? Sound of silence? Need to put some ideas forward to at least try and address the issue.


There is a very thin line between sanity and insanity.


One month should be set aside for Mental Health Awareness. During that month there should be various workshops free of charge for the public.

These people have to know there are many others in the same boat, they are not alone and suicide does not only take me out of the picture, it can also wreck the lives of those remaining.

I've seen it in my own relatives.



I agree that there are many factors that result in suicide in Guyana. You all know them. They -suicides happened before the PPP government, during the PPP government snd will happen during all future governments. Let us get that out of the way.  


The main thing we need to address is what people do when they are in crisis. Are effective support mechanisms in place for them to turn to in order to receive help and support? There is also a stigma in Guyana against seeking help, of trusting agencies set up to help. the family network supposedly strong shows how weak it is when crisis rear it's head. More fundamental is the decision-making process that leads to people making that decision to end his/her life. For me, though the support mechanisms need to be more effective more important is that we have to work on the problem solving skill,  conflict management skill and emotional intelligence of our population at an early stage, in schools. This must permeate the whole society, be taught consistently to families and communities, to young adults and elders. This must happen over the long term and not be dropped as so often happen in Guyana until critical mass is achieved and thus it becomes self-sustaining. We need to provide suppirt and skills so that conflicts are managed in positive ways and that decision made are effective in dealing with issues and problems, that people are proud of themselves, emotionally sure of who they are and not dependent on others for affirmation.


Well, if we all take off our political lens we can make an excellent contribution.


We should have a "Soft Political Discussion Forum" where we can set aside differences and have more civil conversations.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Well, if we all take off our political lens we can make an excellent contribution.


We should have a "Soft Political Discussion Forum" where we can set aside differences and have more civil conversations.

Why can we not do it all the time?


What a bunch of GNI suicide 'experts' in front of a computer.

Get off your ass and come see the real situation.


Which suicidal person going to trust the corrupt police force and what will happen after they 'talk' to them.

Suicide intervention is not only a phone call.

Who will do follow up ?  You !!


Originally Posted by yuji22:

Well, if we all take off our political lens we can make an excellent contribution.


We should have a "Soft Political Discussion Forum" where we can set aside differences and have more civil conversations.

Yuji your suggestion is not only good for GNI, but also for all Guyana.


I like 'SOFT POLITICAL' and suggest this be implemented for those who leave biases aside.

We all screwed up. Now 50 years later, its time to go forward as one.    

Originally Posted by cain:

There is a very thin line between sanity and insanity.


One month should be set aside for Mental Health Awareness. During that month there should be various workshops free of charge for the public.

These people have to know there are many others in the same boat, they are not alone and suicide does not only take me out of the picture, it can also wreck the lives of those remaining.

I've seen it in my own relatives.


I know  exactly what you mean.

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Well, if we all take off our political lens we can make an excellent contribution.


We should have a "Soft Political Discussion Forum" where we can set aside differences and have more civil conversations.

Yuji your suggestion is not only good for GNI, but also for all Guyana.


I like 'SOFT POLITICAL' and suggest this be implemented for those who leave biases aside.

We all screwed up. Now 50 years later, its time to go forward as one.    

Good point Tola,by the way where were you hiding,good to see you back.

Last edited by Django
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Tola, I believe this is a discussion forum and we're discussing the many causes of suicides and how to prevent it. Are we not allowed?

Cain, we have been discussion this issue for dankey years.

Same shit, different day.

When do we stop talking  and contribute to help resolve it.

Discussion about a serious issue tends to lead to an action.

Where is the action? 


If you rass na Guyanese first disown am na.   

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Well, if we all take off our political lens we can make an excellent contribution.


We should have a "Soft Political Discussion Forum" where we can set aside differences and have more civil conversations.

Yuji your suggestion is not only good for GNI, but also for all Guyana.


I like 'SOFT POLITICAL' and suggest this be implemented for those who leave biases aside.

We all screwed up. Now 50 years later, its time to go forward as one.    

Agreed 100 percent.


Our inflexible political positions made Guyana a complete mess. There is no middle ground.

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Tola, I believe this is a discussion forum and we're discussing the many causes of suicides and how to prevent it. Are we not allowed?

Cain, we have been discussion this issue for dankey years.

Same shit, different day.

When do we stop talking  and contribute to help resolve it.

Discussion about a serious issue tends to lead to an action.

Where is the action? 


If you rass na Guyanese first disown am na.   

Oi Tola, since when snakeman is cain? Banna doan do that to Iman I feel hurt...boooo hoooo.


Bro' I know this subject is close to your heart and there's lots to be done in this area, any ideas?

Originally Posted by Cobra:
I don't believe GNI can facilitate a forum for every idea that comes to mind. They can mostly change the name of one that is not frequently visited.

This one should be pinned for at least one month, why not start awareness now?

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Well, if we all take off our political lens we can make an excellent contribution.


We should have a "Soft Political Discussion Forum" where we can set aside differences and have more civil conversations.

Yuji your suggestion is not only good for GNI, but also for all Guyana.


I like 'SOFT POLITICAL' and suggest this be implemented for those who leave biases aside.

We all screwed up. Now 50 years later, its time to go forward as one.    

Good point Tola,by the way where were you hiding,good to see you back.

Django, the sound of chainsaw and bullets don't go well in Berbice.

The people are still scared and if there is no relief they might be more suicide.

There is talk that the opposition might be escalating  the situation, to make the government look bad.

But the people are surprised that the new government is not taking firmer action to prevent the crime situation.         

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Well, if we all take off our political lens we can make an excellent contribution.


We should have a "Soft Political Discussion Forum" where we can set aside differences and have more civil conversations.

Yuji your suggestion is not only good for GNI, but also for all Guyana.


I like 'SOFT POLITICAL' and suggest this be implemented for those who leave biases aside.

We all screwed up. Now 50 years later, its time to go forward as one.    

Agreed 100 percent.


Our inflexible political positions made Guyana a complete mess. There is no middle ground.

The day the people see them selves as Guyanese and not by

their ethnicity Guyana will be a paradise.

Last edited by Django
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Tola, I believe this is a discussion forum and we're discussing the many causes of suicides and how to prevent it. Are we not allowed?

Cain, we have been discussion this issue for dankey years.

Same shit, different day.

When do we stop talking  and contribute to help resolve it.

Discussion about a serious issue tends to lead to an action.

Where is the action? 


If you rass na Guyanese first disown am na.   

Oi Tola, since when snakeman is cain? Banna doan do that to Iman I feel hurt...boooo hoooo.


Bro' I know this subject is close to your heart and there's lots to be done in this area, any ideas?

Sorry Bro, me got some heavy on me mind.

A close friend  25 year old son just died. 

When in your area, me owe you some 'erbs or a new bike seat.


Cobra you want to convert, we got a good pension plan ?  


Originally Posted by yuji22:

This problem of suicide is a serious one and requires a united front in resolving this epidemic. APNU has a golden opportunity to prove that they can tackle this problem which the PPP failed to even attempt to address.


The rate is alarming in the Indo Guyanese community and I honestly believe that Alcohol is a major contributor in a large number of cases.


As Indos, we need to look to the Afro community for answers on this epidemic. Their rates are much lower than ours.  There should be no shame in addressing this epidemic.

Indians and Africans cope with problems differently.  The vast majority of the mental cases roaming around are African.  Maybe Indians kill themselves before it reaches that point.


This is worthy of study of BOTH communities.

Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Well, if we all take off our political lens we can make an excellent contribution.


We should have a "Soft Political Discussion Forum" where we can set aside differences and have more civil conversations.

Why can we not do it all the time?

Too boring.


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