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Like last year, the United Nations’ annual World Economic Situation and Prospects (WESP) report 2014 projects that Guyana and Haiti will take the lead in economic growth for Latin America and the Caribbean.


Both countries are projected to grow by 4.5 per cent this year. The report said that Guyana grew by 4.6 per cent in 2013 while Haiti was pegged at 3.5 per cent. Guyana has experienced seven years of consecutive economic growth. Overall in the Caribbean region, growth is projected at 3.3 per cent for this year. Last year, growth for the Caribbean region was estimated at 2.4 per cent in 2013, slightly slower than in the last two years. Latin America and the Caribbean are expected to hasten their growth to 3.6 per cent and 4.1 per cent in the next couple of years, up from 2.6 per cent in 2013, according to WESP.


The report attributes the positive growth in 2014-2015 to sound macroeconomic policies, resilient domestic demand and the gradual recovery in developed economies.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Nehru:

You just cant stop a great country, don't matter what they do. They tried Mo Fiah Slo Fiah and even that did not work. Dem Place getting like Dubai slowly.

well this have to be a first a great country that is the poorest in south america

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Despite the spiteful budget cuts over the past two years by the joint opposition, Guyana's economy has been steadily progression.

Dat, they can put in their Pipes and smoke it

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Despite the spiteful budget cuts over the past two years by the joint opposition, Guyana's economy has been steadily progression.

the opposition help stop some thieving but just a little,soon it will be over for the ppp day does run until night catch him 


GDP is meaningless. The PPP/C controls the numbers. The QUALITY of Life has not improved for the past 3 decades. If the GDP is so great why is Guyana the poorest "English" speaking country in the Carribean and second to Haiti the poorest nation? Why are Guyanese leaving in droves for betterment?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

GDP is meaningless. The PPP/C controls the numbers. The QUALITY of Life has not improved for the past 3 decades. If the GDP is so great why is Guyana the poorest "English" speaking country in the Carribean and second to Haiti the poorest nation? Why are Guyanese leaving in droves for betterment?

They are indeed faking the data. Lies these people. 

Originally Posted by Conscience:


Source: UN

That one percent country experiences a Quality of life a 1000 percent better than us. They do not have a thieving corrupt racist party at its helm who demands autocratic power to support their friends and family scheme. Imagine...all of that spending while our population experiencing zero growth and we sending almost a third of the gdp to support them and we are still at the bottom of the pile. The growth here is mainly a friends and family pocket book growth. Some one said 9 families now own 99 percent of the nations wealth....don't doubt it. I bet this will not include any of the 20 or so that used to own most of the earnings.


This man, Danyael, who claims to be Amerindian is as bogus as paiwari made in China. Look at the trash he writes everyday on this BB. Does he have a job or is his job just is to be on GNI and post concocted stories about Guyana? 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

This man, Danyael, who claims to be Amerindian is as bogus as paiwari made in China. Look at the trash he writes everyday on this BB. Does he have a job or is his job just is to be on GNI and post concocted stories about Guyana? 

Instead of claiming I write it is trash. That is your duty except for opening your fly trap. Nothing there is concocted. Actually they are understated.

Originally Posted by Conscience:


Source: UN

* This is, indeed, depressing news for the PNC/AFC Opposition.


* Check their sourpuss faces










Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Conscience:



Source: UN

* This is, indeed, depressing news for the PNC/AFC Opposition.


* Check their sourpuss faces










to the emphasizes the fact one is measuring the increase of  wealth of the crooks not the change in poverty of the people. Remission makes up a third of gdp,borrowing, begging and vending non renewable assets making up most of the rest. None of our traditional industries are in the red. Poverty is constant...unemployment at 12% and above constant and sugar on its way out.


If you want to see scoundrels check those who as old soviet style apparatchik with their Atlantic coast dachas all at the nations expense. Where else in the Caribbean have you seen prime real estate turned over to party elites exclusively?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Are you goons disputing the UN report?....smh

So you do agree when they say that Guyana has the lowest quality of life, highest levels of corruption, and lowest per capita income in the English speaking Caribbean.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:


 None of our traditional industries are in the red.


* Isn't sugar in the red ?



Originally Posted by KishanB:

Divest 49% of Guysuco, Skeldon estate should be hived off

Posted By Staff Writer On January 6, 2014 @ 5:08 am In Letters | No Comments

Dear Editor,

“Madam Speaker, our Government continues to place the highest priority on ensuring the long term viability of our sugar industry by increasing its competitiveness. The enhancement of agricultural productivity, diversification, increased investment in research and development, and the establishment of new processing facilities are among the key areas targeted to achieve the goals of the sector.”

Source – Page 21 of the 2008 Budget Speech from the Hon. Minister of Finance Dr. Singh.

Yet in 2013, Guysuco’s production dropped to a 23-year low at a dismal 186,807 tonnes some 5 years after.  Clearly the PPP has failed in the sugar belt.

The main risk at Guysuco continues to be is the inability of the decision makers to be entrepreneurial and effectively invest the limited resources in the industry to immediately stabilize production.  Why can’t Guysuco guarantee the nation a minimum production of 235,000 tonnes by fixing all the key performance inhibitors?

(Our international and local quotas add up to 235,000).

For this to happen, Guysuco has to be managed like a business, not a PPP political step child.  Thus I strongly encourage the PPP to do the following:

1. Separate Skeldon Estate as a new and distinct sugar company that will not be the financial responsibility of Guysuco.  The Skeldon Factory was imposed on the nation, by the Jagdeo PPP Government and thus the PPP has to take full financial responsibility for Skeldon.  This new sugar company will be vested to and owned by NICIL who will bear the full financial burden of this estate.  Ideally, NICIL should hire Guysuco on a Management Contract to manage the estate and supervise the work of the South Africans with the caveat that the new General Manager of the estate is a new talent who understands the Chinese technology at this estate but also the technical works that the South Africans are carrying out.  That person will be rewarded on production.

2. Consolidate the operations on the other functional estates and divest 49 percent of the shareholding of Guysuco to the local private sector, and international investors.  This will preserve this socio-economic industry firmly in the hands of the State which is not the optimal economic decision but is the better socio-political decision.  Such a decision will allow for new skills to be brought into the boardroom and at the same time raising valuable private capital to conduct comprehensive rehabilitation of the factories and the fields.  Every single estate will become its own cost centre so that we can identify which estates are a financial drain, why and take corrective strategic action.

3. Just go back to the basics please!  Let us review the current agronomical and engineering practices and compare it to the Jock Campbell days to assess what he did better and why and just make some basic changes like re-establishing the flood fallowing system from those days and re-adopting the techniques his scientists used when they allowed field hands to check the leaves of the cane to ascertain how and when to apply fertiliser.

4. As the final leg of this recommended four-step approach, concurrently set up a special projects team made up of technicians and policy makers from the Ministry of Agriculture, NAREI and the University of Guyana who will be tasked with conducting comprehensive scientific research on the production bottleneck issues with the objective of unleashing strategic solutions and funding options.

5. For Jock sake – appoint, empower and embrace a professional and competent board.  No more Raj Singh.

This letter is not intended to attack the PPP but to appeal to them earnestly to stop seeing “ghosts” all over the place and start doing something concrete for the 90,000 mouths than depend on the sugar belt.  For how long will these people continue to suffer?

All of us are in this together and thus we all are committed to the rehabilitation, rationalization and modernisation of Guysuco to ensure its long-term sustainability.  For how long will Khemraj Bagwandatt, a sugar factory worker at Enmore and his children, have to endure the small dilapidated shack at Pigeon Island in abject poverty because the PPP mismanaged the industry since 2001? (see article at 2013/features/sunday/beyond-gt/12/29/ pigeon-island-squatting-area/)

I am extremely concerned that the majority opposition especially Dr. Roopnaraine, the agriculture spokesperson for APNU has not found it within their power to make a difference in the life of the Bagwandatt family and all other sugar workers who continue to live in horrible conditions some 40 years after the “white man” left the sugar estates?

Why is the opposition not opposing, exposing and working hard at deposing the respective PPP Ministers of Agriculture and that Board of Directors who have failed these people since 2001 especially Mr Raj Singh from New Jersey?

 Yours faithfully, Sasenarine Singh



Originally Posted by KishanB:

The main risk at Guysuco continues to be is the inability of the decision makers to be entrepreneurial and effectively invest the limited resources in the industry to immediately stabilize production.  Why can’t Guysuco guarantee the nation a minimum production of 235,000 tonnes by fixing all the key performance inhibitors?


Mr. Mitwah:


* Mr. Danyael said none of the major industries in Guyana was in the red.


* Thanks for pointing out to Mr. Danyael that the Sugar industry is, indeed, in the red.


* I believe Mr. Danyael confused red and black.



Originally Posted by Rev:

Mr. Mitwah:


* Mr. Danyael said none of the major industries in Guyana was in the red.


* Thanks for pointing out to Mr. Danyael that the Sugar industry is, indeed, in the red.


* I believe Mr. Danyael confused red and black.



Sugar is either brown or white.


Why can’t Guysuco guarantee the nation a minimum production of 235,000 tonnes by fixing all the key performance inhibitors?

(Our international and local quotas add up to 235,000).

For this to happen, Guysuco has to be managed like a business, not a PPP political step child.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Sugar is either brown or white.



Mr. Mitwah:


* The Rev is most impressed with your deep and profound knowledge of sugar. You are, indeed, a Guyana scholar.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Sugar is either brown or white.



Mr. Mitwah:


* The Rev is most impressed with your deep and profound knowledge of sugar. You are, indeed, a Guyana scholar.




Why can’t Guysuco guarantee the nation a minimum production of 235,000 tonnes by fixing all the key performance inhibitors?

(Our international and local quotas add up to 235,000).


Originally Posted by Mitwah:


Why can’t Guysuco guarantee the nation a minimum production of 235,000 tonnes by fixing all the key performance inhibitors?

(Our international and local quotas add up to 235,000).




* The people running Guysuco are cronies of the current and former president.


* They lack the competence, the expertise, the proficiency and the know-how to get the sugar industry back on track.


* They are PPP fat cats collecting huge salaries while bankrupting the sugar industry.


* Hope you are satisfied with the Rev's blunt and honest answer Mr. Mitwah.







Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:


 None of our traditional industries are in the red.


* Isn't sugar in the red ?



I am happy the inconsistency of the statement above smacks you in the face given the truth of their status as being in the red.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:


Why can’t Guysuco guarantee the nation a minimum production of 235,000 tonnes by fixing all the key performance inhibitors?

(Our international and local quotas add up to 235,000).




* The people running Guysuco are cronies of the current and former president.


* They lack the competence, the expertise, the proficiency and the know-how to get the sugar industry back on track.


* They are PPP fat cats collecting huge salaries while bankrupting the sugar industry.


* Hope you are satisfied with the Rev's blunt and honest answer Mr. Mitwah.







I thought you said these are primarily the affliction of the incompetent black man and on account of that you are averse to any black person being the president? Racism is a bitch!



Originally Posted by Rev:

Mr. Mitwah:


* Mr. Danyael said none of the major industries in Guyana was in the red.


* Thanks for pointing out to Mr. Danyael that the Sugar industry is, indeed, in the red.


* I believe Mr. Danyael confused red and black.



sorry, i am not color blind. You knew what I meant. The done and tenor of the post indicated well where I was heading despite that mistake.





* Why in the name of allah, the beneficient, the merciful would any sane Guyanese want to be ruled by a Cuffy led PNC ?


* It is crystal clear---the CUFFY LOVERS are insane.



Originally Posted by KishanB:

Well done Guyana


Guyana and Haiti to lead Caribbean growth in 2014

* Be honest Kishan.


* You and your fellow CUFFY LOVERS would have much preferred to see this in Guyana:



* That's right---a negative growth rate.


* Bad news for Guyana is great news for the CUFFY LOVERS.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Well done Guyana


Guyana and Haiti to lead Caribbean growth in 2014

* Be honest Kishan.


* You and your fellow CUFFY LOVERS would have much preferred to see this in Guyana:



* That's right---a negative growth rate.


* Bad news for Guyana is great news for the CUFFY LOVERS.



I do not know what you are talking about  - as I said well done Guyana.  Do not put words in my mouth or I will have to direct you to the mad house run by Dr. Bhiro Harry.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Well done Guyana


Guyana and Haiti to lead Caribbean growth in 2014

* Be honest Kishan.


* You and your fellow CUFFY LOVERS would have much preferred to see this in Guyana:



* That's right---a negative growth rate.


* Bad news for Guyana is great news for the CUFFY LOVERS.



if you guys is claiming guyana is growing and its still backward i will like to know how it was before it was not growing.wait until the rain set up


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