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@Former Member posted:

Urges swift declaration of recount results 


Guyana’s destiny rests on the shoulders of Claudette Singh and others – Commonwealth Secretary General

According to Commonwealth Secretary General, Patricia Scotland, Guyana’s destiny as a great nation rests on the shoulders of Chair of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), Justice (retd) Claudette Singh and others who are β€œbound by duty to make the right decisions, respect the rule of law, the will of the people and those who are ready to put their country before personal ambitions.”

Commonwealth Secretary General,
Patricia Scotland

The official made these and other strong remarks in a statement yesterday. In her missive to the press, Scotland urged Guyana’s leaders to be β€œfaithful to the common good” so that the future β€œmay be truly forged”.
The Commonwealth Secretary General also welcomed and noted the recent pronouncements by the Chairman of CARICOM, Prime Minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Dr. Ralph Gonsalves, where he called on all stakeholders to respect the ruling handed down by the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ), Guyana’s final court of appeal.
β€œIn accordance with the applicable laws and the Constitution of Guyana,” Scotland said β€œthe CCJ exercised its final appellate jurisdiction, and, on 8 July, 2020, handed down a clear and unambiguous ruling.”
The CCJ in their judgment stated, β€œIt is for GECOM to ensure that the election results are swiftly declared in accordance with the Laws of Guyana.”
Noting that Guyana is a much loved and valued member of the Commonwealth, Scotland β€œstrongly urged” GECOM to adhere to the directions given by the CCJ and β€œdecisively conclude the March 2, 2020 elections based on the results of the national recount.”
Those results show a clear win for the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) with a total of 233,336 valid votes, handing them the 33-seat majority in Parliament while the incumbent A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) Coalition got a total of 217,920 valid votes, which gained them 31 seats. The tri-party joinder, which includes A New And United Guyana (ANUG), The Liberty and Justice Party (LJP) and The New Movement (TNM), earned enough votes for one seat in Parliament.
Scotland added that for democracy to prevail in Guyana, β€œthe will of the people as expressed in the March 2 polls must be respected.
β€œI urge all political actors and stakeholders in Guyana to accept and respect the results of the national recount and ensure that their words and actions promote an environment of peace, harmony and social cohesion among all Guyanese,” the Secretary General said.

@seignet posted:

The will of the people is always wrong. It was wrong when they chose a communistic leader in 1950. They were wrong when they sided with Forbes in 1965. They were wrong when they allowed Jagdeo to dominate the PPP. 

Granger is only trying to stop a PPP dictatorship.

THE PEOPLE JUSS PLAIN STUPID, both Indians and Afroes. Stupid, stupid.

The PPP is not a  dictatorship. The PPP  leadership is an institution. Granger was the Dictator since 2015. The PPP and the PNC have different rules when choosing their Leaders but it is the People who chose the Government. You have a lot to learn.

@seignet posted:

And I telling you dey (the Indian ppl) always choose WRONG. Has the Black people ever won an election in Guyana? No.

The Indians always selecting some terrible ppl as leaders and then imposing that person on Black people lives. Black Lives Matters. I am not PNC, similar to I am not a robot.

Not if you think that 30% is greater than 42%. Moses the great black hope said that 32 is greater than 33.  That is how they won in 2015 and might repeat again in 2020.  Jagdeo proved that he was better than Burnham and Hoyte.

@Sheik101 posted:

In response to the heading of this thread, does anyone know the status on Claudette Singh? Last I heard she was allegedly hospitalised.

She is at the meeting today and if she has her way she will announce that the PPP won the elections by 15336 votes.  She will disallow the 18857 votes taken from the PPP and give it to the Coalition.  That was daylight robbery. How can those who oppose the PPP not see it?


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