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Guyana headed for dictatorship

November 12, 2014 9:10 am Category: Opinion, Regional A+ / A-


Below is an editorial published in today’s edition of the Jamaica Observer

President Donald Ramotar.

President Donald Ramotar.

Guyana is a country where democracy has traditionally been weak; indeed, for long periods political manipulation has just barely masked some form of dictatorship.

The history of Guyana shows a consistent unwillingness to accept the will of the people as expressed in free and fair elections. The root cause of the undemocratic tendency is the unabated tension between the two ethnic groups, the Afro-Guyanese and the Indo-Guyanese. This persistent, pandemic and virulent racism has become even more perverted and vicious because both tribes see control of the state as a means of distributing scarce benefits in a very poor country.

This practice of racial exclusion from the scarce benefits derivable from the state spawns social and political polarisation.

Guyana has a National Assembly which is a unicameral legislature of 65 members of which 25 members are elected from 10 constituencies by proportional representation and 40 members are chosen also on the basis of proportional representation from national lists named by the political parties.

The president is elected for a five-year term on the basis of parliamentary elections which were last held on November 28, 2011. The president is not directly elected. At the time of elections each party presenting a slate of candidates for the assembly must designate a leader who will become president if that party receives the largest number of votes.

The current situation is that the Indo-Guyanese-controlled People’s Progressive Party won 32 seats in the 2011 election and has formed the Government under Mr Donald Ramotar. A coalition of opposition groups, including the People’s National Congress dominated by Afro-Guyanese, and the Alliance for Change, controls the majority of 33 seats in parliament.

The opposition coalition on August 7, 2014 delivered to the clerk of the National Assembly a motion of “no confidence” against the Government of Mr Ramotar, who knows that this will succeed and new elections will be necessary.

Since the announcement of the intention to have a vote of “no confidence” he has refused to convene a sitting of parliament. Now in a move which undermines the democratic process, Mr Ramotar has prorogued parliament for six months, a move some suggest can be repeated until elections are constitutionally due. This would certainly provoke a constitutional crisis.

His specious justification for this undemocratic act is a transparent farce, claiming that proroguing Parliament was his “sole recourse” to preserving the life of the current Parliament and to bring an end to the opposition’s “political gamesmanship”.

Mr Ramotar also gave the “assurance” that the six months’ prorogation would be used to engage the parliamentary opposition in “constructive ways”. He further stated that if no agreement for “normalcy” was reached, then he would have no choice but to hold early general elections.

All this is clearly intended to maintain himself in power and delay elections as long as possible.

Meanwhile, he has done his country considerable reputational damage. To deliberately create a situation in which the executive is exercising power without a functioning parliament is a subversion of democracy. It is tantamount to the conversion of an elected president into a de facto dictator.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

In a move which undermines the democratic process, Mr Ramotar has prorogued parliament for six months, a move some suggest can be repeated until elections are constitutionally due. This would certainly provoke a constitutional crisis.

Mr Ramotar also gave the “assurance” that the six months’ prorogation would be used to engage the parliamentary opposition in “constructive ways”. He further stated that if no agreement for “normalcy” was reached, then he would have no choice but to hold early general elections.


President Donald Ramotar.

President Donald Ramotar.


Guyana headed for dictatorship, November 12, 2014 9:10 am Category: Opinion, Regional A+ / A-

Gist of the issues ... Elections after the intended period or, should the opposition so desire, it can be earlier.


Nothing ambiguous with President Donald Ramotar's decision.


Ramotar has stolen democracy

November 12, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,

Reprobates have legitimately stolen democracy by discontinuing to meet in parliament. Prorogation! No sitting of the opposition-controlled National Assembly.
A band of cowards has chosen a dictatorial path to rulership, rather than face parliamentary scrutiny. The choice made yesterday by PPP/C has irreparably damaged its future. The ruling party has chosen methods it decried; the same methods used by our colonial master, Britain, to usurp the will of the people, to sanction what type of governance we as Guyanese had wanted in October 1953.
Just a mere 61 years ago Cheddi Jagan, the then elected Premier of then British Guiana, had the election overturned by the prorogation of parliament and thence turfed from power! The oppressed has become the oppressor.
This very act denounced and repudiated by the predecessors of the current rulers is now being deployed. They must not have been acquainted with their history or they have blatantly chosen to ride roughshod over their electorate.
This dastardly act has cemented a rule by decree for the next six or a possibly 10 months. In essence the rule by this Minority President Donald Ramotar and his cronies will go unchecked. They can do what they want.
It is up to all citizens of this great land, as our forefather did, to rise up, stand up and emerge from our apathetic coma in order to put a halt to this blight on this nation of ours.
Louis Nestor


As a political whore, no one believes his lies re quote "He further stated that if no agreement for “normalcy” was reached, then he would have no choice but to hold early general elections." unquote

Originally Posted by asj:

The problem is he wants to talk to the oppositions but no one wants to talk with him, he is shunned by both Parties.


He is a drowning Dictator, gasping for breath


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by asj:

The problem is he wants to talk to the oppositions but no one wants to talk with him, he is shunned by both Parties.


He is a drowning Dictator, gasping for breath


Thanks Bro, I wanted to style this way "POLITICAL WHORE GUYANA'S DICTATOR HERR DONALD RAMOTAR" On a second thought I decided against.


Proroguing of Parliament is an act of desperation

November 12, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
After 22 years in power, the PPP regime has turned Guyana into a corrupt, brutal, dictatorial and undeveloped society where civilization might no longer be possible. The country’s race driven politics, its corrupt and brutal regime, its archaic judicial system, its collapsed education and health care systems, its unprofessional, corrupt and barbaric Police Force.
Its dysfunctional Parliament is clear evidence that Guyana is still a primitive state. And if that was not enough, the do-nothing president has prorogued Parliament for no apparent reason other than he is afraid to call elections. It is the same do-nothing president who supported the foul-mouthed, indecent, immoral and pimping Attorney General who used physical threats against the staff of Kaieteur News.  How low is this impish and dictatorial communist minority PPP regime is prepared to go to bring more shame to the people and our beloved Guyana.
The opposition cannot allow this corrupt, barefaced and rogue regime to cause any further shame and destruction to Guyana. Enough is enough. Guyanese have already become a “laughing stock” in the Caribbean.
Brigadier Granger’s Armageddon to end the reign of the uncaring, reckless, lawless and anti-working class PPP regime must start now. The AFC must join in the battle to redeem the people’s freedom and let the chips fall where they may.
The do-nothing president and his unruly cabinet have declared war on the Guyanese people and the majority opposition has to get rid of this bully PPP regime. Time for action is now. There is no greater power in Guyana that can match the people’s power. In this struggle of “All for one and one for all” the people’s power will prevail.  They cannot kill or jail everyone.
And it is Nelson Mandela who said “it is better to die on our feet than to live on your knees.”
Asquith Rose and Harish Singh

Dear Editor,


Brigadier Granger’s Armageddon to end the reign of the uncaring, reckless, lawless and anti-working class PPP regime must start now. The AFC must join in the battle to redeem the people’s freedom and let the chips fall where they may.



Proroguing of Parliament is an act of desperation, November 12, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters , Asquith Rose and Harish Singh

When the chips fall and the dust settled, the PPP/C will remain standing to again be elected to govern Guyana.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Dear Editor,


Brigadier Granger’s Armageddon to end the reign of the uncaring, reckless, lawless and anti-working class PPP regime must start now. The AFC must join in the battle to redeem the people’s freedom and let the chips fall where they may.



Proroguing of Parliament is an act of desperation, November 12, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters , Asquith Rose and Harish Singh

When the chips fall and the dust settled, the PPP/C will remain standing to again be elected to govern Guyana.

Perhaps, perhaps not


Donald ain’t got a mind of he own

November 12, 2014 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 

Old people seh that life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath. There is another saying. “It’s not what you gather, but what you scatter that tells what kind of life you have lived!” Jagdeo scatter nuff sh**t suh till a big load fall pun Donald head. He follow Jagdeo and get suh stupid that he run and cancel de same Parliament that give he power. When Parliament pass a law is he got to sign it. But he get very crookish of lately. Dem boys coulda never believe that he woulda invite people to he house fuh dinner and lock up he house and go way. That is wha he do to dem MPs. He send out notice de week before; he plan de date and everything to reconvene Parliament suh dem could have proppa dialog—not de log wha Bai Shan does ship out. When he do that he had de nerve to seh that he shut parliament to have dialog wid de opposition. This got to be de strangest episode in de history of Guyana. Everybody, even de smallest child, know that is parliament all de dialog and discussions fuh de people business got to tek place. How come Donald don’t know that? He tell de nation that he shut down de parliament to have dialog wid de opposition.  Dem boys hear is de Goat Man and Jagdeo tell him to do that. De first meeting, dem boys hear, is at de house of de man who seh goat nah bit he. From that house he plan fuh meet in de house of de man who Rohee seh got tremendous influence inside de PPP. Who is this man? This is de man who resemble de devil. That is why dem boys seh that Donald is behaving like de thing that ain’t bite Rohee. He is president and he allowing a man who is a private citizen fuh tell he wha fuh do. This is de same man who did holla pun Donald when he was GS (Goat Sh**t like Rohee now) and tell he fuh stick to running de party and lef he fuh run de government. Now this man running de party, de government and Donald, plus Rohee. CN did use to seh pun he TV is a shad, shad shishuashan we in. Talk half and pray fuh Guyana under Donald.


Man gets suspended sentence for 67 kilos of cocaine

November 13, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

A confessed drug dealer who admitted to trafficking in more than 67 kilograms of cocaine may not spend a day in prison.

Leonard Bacchus

Leonard Bacchus

Leonard Bacchus who was arrested three years ago after a police raid netted the $300M worth of narcotics, which was contained in kunds, was handed a five year suspended sentence by Magistrate Alex Moore when the matter came to a close on Tuesday.
Bacchus was also given a slap on the wrist suspended sentence of two years for being in unlawful possession of 125, 12-guade cartridges and 115, .32 rounds of ammunition, which also stemmed from the raid on his block 20 Enmore/Haslington Housing Scheme, East Coast Demerara home on August 16, 2001.
In addition to being spared a mandatory prison term, Bacchus was fined a measly $2.5M.
This means that he will only go to jail if he commits another offence within the five year period.
When the prosecution, which was started by Superintendent Karim Baksh and concluded by Inspector Stephen Telford, closed its case, the court found that a case was made out against Bacchus and Magistrate Moore ordered him to lead a defence.
But in a surprise move, Bacchus, who was represented by Attorney at Law James Bond, changed his plea to guilty on both charges.
Magistrate Moore accepted the plea and then informed Bacchus that in addition to possible jail time he was staring at a fine of more than $300M.
But, then to the amazement of most of the persons in the courtroom, the Magistrate handed down the suspended sentence for both of the charges.
He then considered the pleas of Bacchus’ lawyer that he could only afford to pay a fine of $2.5M, which he was given up to the end of June next year to do.
Meanwhile, Bacchus’ wife Indranie was set free by the Magistrate.
His 17- year old son was also acquitted by the Magistrate who said that no evidence was offered against him.
Legal sources have indicated that the law hardly provides for a suspended sentence when a person is found guilty of trafficking in narcotics and possession of ammunition.
The Director of Public Prosecutions has indicated that the Magistrate’s decision would be appealed.
The case of the cocaine in kunds attracted much public interest when it first came to light in 2011.
Back then, the now late attorney Vic Puran, who in representing the Bacchus family had said that Leonard Bacchus had given police a statement saying that he was merely doing a job of sanding and polishing the Kunds, “which were delivered to him by someone else.”
The lawyer had also accused investigators of trying to force Mr. Bacchus into a plea bargain deal and into implicating others in the drug find.
After the bust, the police had questioned a housing scheme developer after allegedly being informed that he was the person shipping the kunds overseas.
Police said that the Bacchus family had been under surveillance for three months prior to the discovery of the cocaine in their home.
The Bacchus family members were remanded to prison when they made their first court appearance on August 23, but were able to secure high court bail to the tune of $1M each on November 23rd.


Shameful, since the buck stops with Herr Dicktator, this particular case would make him again the laughing stock of the World, reason why the Majority of Guyanese voting age population might have shunned him as a crook


PPP is like “an ungrateful dog” to the people – Nagamootoo

November 12, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

The prorogation of the Parliament by President Donald Ramotar has elicited strong responses from leaders of the

AFC Vice Chairman, Moses Nagamootoo

AFC Vice Chairman, Moses Nagamootoo


opposition parties, with Vice Chairman of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Moses Nagamootoo, asserting that the action by the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) administration is tantamount to being an “ungrateful dog” to the people.
The attorney-at-law commented that the government has certainly served the Parliament, and by extension the citizens, a “devastating blow”. He predicted, too, that the government would most likely use the “break” to start a campaign to garner lost votes.
Nagamootoo told Kaieteur News that he is worried about the financial improprieties that will take place, in light of the absence of scrutiny that will result from the suspension of the National Assembly.
The AFC Parliamentarian opined that government will now use the opportunity to go on a spending campaign in an effort to recover lost ground.
“They will be spending. They will probably commit themselves to activating certain programmes to show that they care. So what is going to happen is a campaign of social bribes. They will focus on Amerindian areas and other communities, for it is all about catching as many votes as it can now.
“They will also use state media to the maximum to sell the party, because at this point, the government is terribly wounded. The PPP is more concerned about recovering lost ground. The government is also going to use this six-month breathing period to deal with internal problems.”
The Vice Chairman said that there is an internal crisis in terms of deciding who will be the Party’s next Presidential candidate should there be a general election.
“And obviously Ramotar knows he is being challenged, and talks of the likes of Rohee and others – who would be standing and looking on to see where they would come in – are already in the air. I am not at all enamored by the idea that we are going to see the PPP focusing on the bigger developmental projects; they always miss the bigger picture,” Nagamootoo said.
Asked to what extent he believes the Parliament will be affected by the six-month suspension, the AFC Executive said that he believes that the decision will be a huge setback.
He made reference to the fact that members of the regional districts rely on their representing Members of Parliament to bring their troubles to the national table for discussion.  However, he said, those citizens will now have to suffer from a huge “disconnect”. He deemed this to be a most dangerous implication of the decision taken by the government.
“If you are not able to bring the feelings or the concerns of the people to the Parliament, then you are asking for trouble. In any democracy, a Parliament is considered a cooling-off pool where people can come and peacefully resolve issues, but in an extra-parliamentary situation, such as what we have today, it breeds confrontation. That for me is an ingredient in our politics that we shouldn’t have,” the politician asserted.
Nagamootoo was also asked if he believes that the move to prorogue parliament has, in a sense, made the people powerless for six months. He answered in the affirmative.
“President Donald Ramotar has undone the power of the people. While some sections of society voted for the government, they have now realized that they are not worth anything, considering that it (Gov’t) has withdrawn from the place to talk the people’s business. The people want the government to face the edge of the sword and it is hiding from its inevitable end.”
“The problem with the current administration is that it continues to beat its chest at the top of the highest tower and shout about its belief of empowering the people, and when it gets down from the tower, it goes on a hypocritical stage and acts out its true feelings—that being that it doesn’t care about the people.”
“It’s like training your own dog to be a pet and it has turned back to bite you. That’s what the PPP has done. It has turned its back on the people. It’s an ungrateful dog!” Nagamootoo stated emphatically.
The Parliamentarian said that the government’s decision to make the Parliament impotent sends a “terrifying message” for politics in Guyana.


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