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Former Member

Ramotar condones Ministers’ use of the treasury as their private bank account – AFC

November 17, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

“Actually, this President has set the bar so low for his Ministers and party officials when it comes to ethical standards that one has to be the most gifted limbo dancer to fall below these standards.”- David Patterson


Recent pronouncements by President Donald Ramotar on issues that came out of the recorded conversation between Attorney General, Anil Nandlall and a Kaieteur News reporter have resulted in a drawn conclusion that Guyana is being run at the lowest standards.
General Secretary of the Alliance For Change (AFC), David Patterson, yesterday told Kaieteur News that he had no other choice but to arrive at that conclusion because the stance being taken by the President is strongly suggesting that he is condoning Nandlall’s actions.
The President held a press conference last Friday and addressed his recent prorogation of Parliament.

President Donald Ramotar

Donald Ramotar

 Attorney General, Anil Nandlall

Attorney General,
Anil Nandlall

 AFC’s General Secretary, David Patterson

AFC’s General Secretary,
David Patterson


After he finished answering questions on that issue, the President entertained questions on one of the most prominent issues facing Guyana—the infamous Nandlall recording.
The recording revealed many things that Nandlall would have preferred to stay out of the public domain. These included his knowledge of a planned attack on Kaieteur News during which “innocent” lives would have been taken. The recording also revealed Nandlall’s misuse of public funds as well as his apparent degrading of women.
Nandlall was heard saying “I use some money from the government and Glenn mek an issue of it. I pay back deh f**king money long before he even mek (it an) issue.”
The AG later declared that the money was released to him by Cabinet for a medical emergency.
The money used by Nandlall amounted to $6M.
During the press conference on Friday, President Ramotar was asked numerous questions on the money Nandlall expended on the “medical emergency” which he admitted had to do with his wife.
But the President said that the reason Nandlall used public money is private matter. He said that he does not like to get into people’s business about their health and that it is unethical for him to let the public know how the money was spent. Ramotar also asked reporters to forget about the issue.
In an invited comment yesterday, Patterson deemed Ramotar’s statements nonsensical. He said that the misuse of public funds can never be regarded as a private matter. The General Secretary said, “This is the typical PPP (People’s Progressive Party) way of doing things. They use the treasury as their private bank account, hence the reason they think that they are not accountable.”
“Now look at it logically” Patterson said. “There is a Minister on record admitting that he used this money and that he paid it back…It is illogical for you to pay back an entitlement, so something about this entire deal is not above board.”
Addressing the President’s request that the media forget about the issue, Patterson said that the PPP has a long history of its Ministers going astray but always wants to gloss it over and hope that the nation forgets.
Patterson noted that the President has now gone an extra mile to come out and ask the media, and by extension the nation, to forget about his Minister’s transgressions.
The politician questioned, “Where is (Presidential Advisor) Gail Teixeira now?”
He said that Teixeira is usually one of the first PPP members to jump up and say what is conventional and what is a disgrace.
“She should now say what is the conventional thing to do when a nation is faced with a matter like this,” said Patterson.  He said, “The conventional thing to do is to have the Minister resign for the goodwill of the country…When the protector of the constitution knows about a planned criminal act and does not disclose this information to the relevant authority, what more hope can we have in him?”
The AFC official said that it is worrying that the President finds this sort of behaviour from one of his Ministers acceptable and has the nerve to ask that the nation to forget about it.
He reminded that it was President Ramotar who was presented with an audited report stating that there was fraud at NCN but has done nothing for three years.
“It goes to show that he (the President) has low standards in running the country,” said Patterson.
He continued, “Actually, this President has set the bar so low when it comes to ethical standards for his Ministers and party officials that one has to be the most gifted limbo dancer to fall below these standards.”

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Patterson noted that the President has now gone an extra mile to come out and ask the media, and by extension the nation, to forget about his Minister’s transgressions.
The politician questioned, “Where is (Presidential Advisor) Gail Teixeira now?”


The Accountant general cannot authorize any money to be paid to any Minister with proper documentation. The financial regulations gave the Accountant general powers to refuse payment if he consider it to be illegal.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The Accountant general cannot authorize any money to be paid to any Minister with proper documentation. The financial regulations gave the Accountant general powers to refuse payment if he consider it to be illegal.

So how did your fambly Anil get money for Sperm implant?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The Accountant general cannot authorize any money to be paid to any Minister with proper documentation. The financial regulations gave the Accountant general powers to refuse payment if he consider it to be illegal.

So how did your fambly Anil get money for Sperm implant?

Ask him!

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The Accountant general cannot authorize any money to be paid to any Minister with proper documentation. The financial regulations gave the Accountant general powers to refuse payment if he consider it to be illegal.

So how did your fambly Anil get money for Sperm implant?

Ask him!

Did you quit GPL?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The Accountant general cannot authorize any money to be paid to any Minister with proper documentation. The financial regulations gave the Accountant general powers to refuse payment if he consider it to be illegal.

So how did your fambly Anil get money for Sperm implant?

Ask him!

Did you quit GPL?

There is no need for you to know....

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The Accountant general cannot authorize any money to be paid to any Minister with proper documentation. The financial regulations gave the Accountant general powers to refuse payment if he consider it to be illegal.

So how did your fambly Anil get money for Sperm implant?

Ask him!

Did you quit GPL?

There is no need for you to know....

I am sorry things did not work out for you.


AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes says: “History, our children and our future scream in deafening decibels for courageous souls to confront, dismantle and obliterate this albatross around our neck. It’s time to get this [PPP] monkey off our back.”


de facto dictator Ramotar will go to great length to protect his corrupt compañeros who use taxpayers money for personal benefit. Time to get Donald and his band of thieving monkeys off the people's back.

Originally Posted by asj:

Patterson noted that the President has now gone an extra mile to come out and ask the media, and by extension the nation, to forget about his Minister’s transgressions.
The politician questioned, “Where is (Presidential Advisor) Gail Teixeira now?”

The Dictator should forgive all those criminals in Jail and forget or forgive their transgressions.

Last edited by Former Member


Today the Chief Justice Ian Chang rules that taking money without approval is illegal, re


Govt’s spending of $ 4.5B was unconstitutional – Chief Justice rules

February 13, 2015 6:42 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-

By Jomo Paul



[] – Acting Chief Justice Ian Chang on Friday, February 13, ruled that Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh acted outside the law when he spent $4.5B from Guyana’s treasury, although the National Assembly had disapproved spending of the monies.

This decision from the Chief Justice was part of a ruling made in a case brought before the High Court by Leader of the Opposition David Granger, accusing the Finance Minister and Attorney General Anil Nandlall in aiding the unauthorised spending of the more than $36.7 billion, which was disapproved in the National Budget.

Attorney General (left) Anil Nandall and Attorney – at – Law, Basil Williams. [iNews’ Photo]

Basil Williams, lead Attorney representing the interest of Granger during the trial made the announcement after a short hearing with the Chief Justice on Friday afternoon.


According to Williams, “He [the Chief Justice] has found it to be unconstitutional, that were not approved by the Parliament…in other words once Parliament disapproves something the government cannot spend it.”

Williams told Reporters that the decision is welcomed given that it would mean that the Finance Minister is to be held accountable for the spending of monies not approved by Guyana’s National Assembly.

“It is a good decision for us, because it tells you that the Minister of Finance cannot override the decision of the Parliament,” Williams.

Meanwhile, Shadow Finance Minister Carl Greenidge said that “the decision confirmed that the expenditure undertaken is…illegal.”

He pointed out too that the Statement of Excess was never approved by the House. This is despite the fact that the House met a number of times before it was prorogued last year.

According to Greenidge, the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act points to sanctions and even jail time for persons found culpable of spending monies from Guyana’s treasury without approval from the National Assembly.

He said that the Finance Minister and “a number of officials in the Ministry and the Ministries that undertook the expenditure” can find themselves answering to the law following this ruling by the Chief Justice.

But according to the Attorney General, it is important to note that the conservatory order was not granted since there were no grounds for it to be done.

He said that “no case was made out for a conservatory order to be granted…in essence the application of Mr. Granger has been disapproved by the Court, the Court finds it has no basis…the conservatory order has been refused.”

He lamented that within Article 218 of Guyana’s constitution, provisions were made for excesses and these allow for “a curative mechanism to be employed to cure the violation of (Article) 217.”

He maintained that the ruling confirms the government’s position that the conservatory order “ought not to have been granted.”


The Corrupt PPP/C would now try to find all the excuses to debunk Ian Chang's ruling, the people are opt to the PPP/C  tricks of fooling the population. Ramotar and his gang are in for a rude awakening comes Election time.


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