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@Former Member posted:

Comment by General Secretary Bharrat Jagdeo after he emerged from Freedom House where a large crowd gathered. Thank You Comrade Jagdeo.

This man, like him or not,  won the election for the PPP.  Without this man Irfan Ali would stand no chance of being in the position he is today. Irfan owes this man a debt of gratitude. It is my hope now that the PPP practice what Jagdeo preached and take care of all Guyanese.

Now, about those ten people who Jagdeo said should be worried,............ah wonda if Jango on dat list. 😃 😃



First Muslim head of state in the Western Hemisphere.  May be PM Imran Khan of the PPP in Pakistan will congratulate him.

I wish him well and hope Guyana progresses for the benefit of all its citizens.  Our people deserve a better life and now is the time for this government to use the oil funds to develop the country and improve the lives of people.

Billy Ram Balgobin

First Muslim head of state in the Western Hemisphere.  May be PM Imran Khan of the PPP in Pakistan will congratulate him.

I wish him well and hope Guyana progresses for the benefit of all its citizens.  Our people deserve a better life and now is the time for this government to use the oil funds to develop the country and improve the lives of people.

Congratulations to the man Dr. Irfan. We must congratulate Bharat Jagdeo for a brilliant move and his tenacity for standing up to the PNC bullies. I have said all along, Jagdeo is PNC's worst nightmare. De man nah frikken dem.

@Sheik101 posted:

This man, like him or not,  won the election for the PPP.  Without this man Irfan Ali would stand no chance of being in the position he is today. Irfan owes this man a debt of gratitude. It is my hope now that the PPP practice what Jagdeo preached and take care of all Guyanese.

Now, about those ten people who Jagdeo said should be worried,............ah wonda if Jango on dat list. 😃 😃

Bharat Jagdeo is baby Burnhan ,he knows how to RIG the system to win elections, he tried that in 2105  came up short ,the recent 2020 election he did it again and wins. Also the best thing since slice bread for him is the  Burnham Constitution. 

The current PNCR don't know how to cheat  the electoral system,the two past leaders Burnham and Hoyte knew how to perform such acts . Due to the rigging of elections by the past leaders of the PNC ,that stain remains on the party.

The PPP plastered the rigging action of past PNC leaders for all to see ,while they committed the same action to gain power. Jagdeo is no maestro the man is the biggest CON that graced Guyana . He choose Irfaan so he can continue the CON GAME.

I will be watching him, below is what was feed to the US .



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  • merc20
Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Bharat Jagdeo is baby Burnhan ,he knows how to RIG the system to win elections, he tried that in 2105  came up short ,the recent 2020 election he did it again and wins. Also the best thing since slice bread for him is the  Burnham Constitution. 

The current PNCR don't know how to cheat  the electoral system,the two past leaders Burnham and Hoyte knew how to perform such acts . Due to the rigging of elections by the past leaders of the PNC ,that stain remains on the party.

The PPP plastered the rigging action of past PNC leaders for all to see ,while they committed the same action to gain power. Jagdeo is no maestro the man is the biggest CON that graced Guyana . He choose Irfaan so he can continue the CON GAME.

I will be watching him.

The campaign to get rid of these con artists should begin now.  GECOM has to issue an official declaration but if necessary an elections petition should be filed instantly thereafter and the Court should be pressured to hear it urgently.  

@Django posted:

Bharat Jagdeo is baby Burnhan ,he knows how to RIG the system to win elections, he tried that in 2105  came up short ,the recent 2020 election he did it again and wins. Also the best thing since slice bread for him is the  Burnham Constitution. 

The current PNCR don't know how to cheat  the electoral system,the two past leaders Burnham and Hoyte knew how to perform such acts . Due to the rigging of elections by the past leaders of the PNC ,that stain remains on the party.

The PPP plastered the rigging action of past PNC leaders for all to see ,while they committed the same action to gain power. Jagdeo is no maestro the man is the biggest CON that graced Guyana . He choose Irfaan so he can continue the CON GAME.

I will be watching him.

Listen to what you are saying, full of vile hate.

 Today you are concluding that PPP can rig more than PNC and you have all the facts lined up if we ask for proof.  For the PPP to win by over 15,000 votes is a BIG victory, the Guyanese people have spoken, deal with it.

 Guess you will have a miserable next FIVE years.

@Django posted:

Bharat Jagdeo is baby Burnhan ,he knows how to RIG the system to win elections, he tried that in 2105  came up short ,the recent 2020 election he did it again and wins. Also the best thing since slice bread for him is the  Burnham Constitution. 

The current PNCR don't know how to cheat  the electoral system,the two past leaders Burnham and Hoyte knew how to perform such acts . Due to the rigging of elections by the past leaders of the PNC ,that stain remains on the party.

The PPP plastered the rigging action of past PNC leaders for all to see ,while they committed the same action to gain power. Jagdeo is no maestro the man is the biggest CON that graced Guyana . He choose Irfaan so he can continue the CON GAME.

I will be watching him.

And who was Granger? The butcher?
The whole world is wrong and only the PNC folks are correct? Come on Brother Django, you are better than that. Let go of it and use the time for something more constructive.

You can fool some of the people some of the time, some of the people all the time. But you cannot fool all the people all the time.

@kp posted:

Listen to what you are saying, full of vile hate.

 Today you are concluding that PPP can rig more than PNC and you have all the facts lined up if we ask for proof.  For the PPP to win by over 15,000 votes is a BIG victory, the Guyanese people have spoken, deal with it.

 Guess you will have a miserable next FIVE years.

No, he won't have a miserable 5 years.  If the PPP survives 5 years it would the Guyanese people who would be miserable.  The rape of the treasury by the Pradoville mafia is about to resume and the revolt will soon follow.  

@Former Member posted:

What mess? PPP took it from the garbage heap to a thriving country only to be returned to the garbage heap again...empty treasury.

Why have money in the bank and live in the shits. Boast of the PPP, money was in the treasury. Yet infra-structure was the pits, poor people lived in squalor and hosts of other dilemmas for the ORDINARY citizens. The PNC was no better, but cooolie ppl is suppose to know better and do better. For 23 years they basically helped themselves to the treasury.

The PPP first acts would be to sell the Mariott to their initial friends, I give them 2 months after Ali is sworn in. Badal is dead meat, vindictiveness would be once again. Black ppl would fear better though. Coolie ppl leff pan dem own. Watch and see.


The PNC was no better. 

@kp posted:

The only mess the PNC inherited from PPP was Rumjaat and Nagga.

I keep saying that Granger reluctantly put his faith on those Neemak Kkarams of our time. They are the reason why Indians banded together with Amerinds and the mixed population.   They were an embarrassment to the Coalition, now on the verge of being thrown by the wayside.

Totaram, the PPP was winning Elections since 1953 and they haven't lost any "Free and fair" elections since then.   Who is the con_artist?   In 1964 the PNC and the UF conned the PPP with the help of the West Indies Leaders, Britain, Canada and the US.  They coallated after the election was won by the PPP with the most seats. If they ran as on entity they would have still lost the election.    In 2015 they cheated and refused to do a recount in region 7.   You are a very strange person.   You hang around Indians and then turn back and kick their asses.   

Last edited by Ramakant-P
@kp posted:

Listen to what you are saying, full of vile hate.

 Today you are concluding that PPP can rig more than PNC and you have all the facts lined up if we ask for proof. 

For the PPP to win by over 15,000 votes is a BIG victory, the Guyanese people have spoken, deal with it.

 Guess you will have a miserable next FIVE years.

The proof is in the 40 plus ballot boxes on the East Coast Demerara and massive irregularities across the country.

Country man what said may seem like hate you , it's FACTS which many can't deal with. Regarding miserable ,never I man good ,bread on the table by my own sweat ,no skin in the game .

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

The proof is in the 40 plus ballot boxes on the East Coast Demerara and massive irregularities across the country.

Country man what said may seem like hate you , it's FACTS which many can't deal with. Regarding miserable ,never I man good ,bread on the table by my own sweat ,no skin in the game .

This is a non-issue. The workers were INSTRUCTED by the PNC RO not to include them. Don't blame the PPP. Mingo and Lowenfield had this all planned out knowing they were going to lose the election. It backfired.
If there is a petition filed, all this would come to light and a lot of PNC people might end up in jail.

@Former Member posted:

And who was Granger? The butcher?
The whole world is wrong and only the PNC folks are correct? Come on Brother Django, you are better than that. Let go of it and use the time for something more constructive.

You can fool some of the people some of the time, some of the people all the time. But you cannot fool all the people all the time.

Skelly , i know what's right and what's wrong ,i am not the type that will condone wrong doings of my kind or by any other .I don't see my self or my ethnicity as superior . I can spot CONS from a distance.

If Granger wanted to rig the elections he could have done so. The world was fooled by the lobbyist for the PPP.  Be reminded the US  puts one the throne and then cuts  down.

@Django posted:

Skelly , i know what's right and what's wrong ,i am not the type that will condone wrong doings of my kind or by any other .I don't see my self or my ethnicity as superior . I can spot CONS from a distance.

If Granger wanted to rig the elections he could have done so. The world was fooled by the lobbyist for the PPP.  Be reminded the US  puts one the throne and then cuts  down.

He he 


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