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Late President Arthur Chung tops list of dead people on PLE


GUYANA’s first president, His Excellency Mr Arthur Chung, tops a list of scores of people who, though dead, are still included on the Guyana Elections Commission’s (GECOM) current Preliminary List of Electors (PLE).

Investigations by this newspaper have confirmed the inclusion of Chung’s name on the PLE, as well as the names of several other high-profile figures who are now deceased.

Arthur Chung

Arthur Chung

A source at GECOM told the Guyana Chronicle that names for the PLE are generated from the National Register of Registrants (NRR), and, as per the Commission’s procedures, are removed from the NRR only after the General Registrar’s Office (GRO) has forwarded authentic documentation indicating those persons have died.

“If the Commission receives a report from the GRO saying that a death was registered, then it removes that name from the list. The Commission has to see authentic documentation in the same way it demands authentic documentation for first-time registration,” the source said.

Minister Clement Rohee

Minister Clement Rohee

The GECOM source added that, in the event that a death has not been registered and the name of a deceased person remains on the NRR — even a high profile name like that of former president Chung — the Commission depends on the various measures it has in place to ensure that no person votes twice or casts a vote for someone else.

“The GRO sends a list monthly to the Commission. The Commission does not go out for information…anyone who is reported as dead, the claims and objections period provides the opportunity for that name to be objected to, and there is a procedure to treat with any such objection with a view to determining whether the objection be upheld or denied,” the source said.

The ongoing process of objections ends on September 3.

General Secretary of the ruling PPP, Mr Clement Rohee, when asked to comment on the issue, told the Guyana Chronicle that the party wants a “clean” list of electors, and has been writing


DCEO, Mr. Vishnu Persaud

the Commission about the names of deceased persons included on the list.

He said, “As we find the names of persons who are deceased, we have been writing to GECOM. Our party activists on the ground have been using the claims and objections period to bring this problem to the attention of the Commission.”

Rohee added that, given that the Commission uses either authentic documentation from GRO or documentation from persons raising objections, there ought to be some flexibility by GECOM to ensure the credibility and integrity of the final voters’ list.

“GECOM has to exercise some flexibility where persons, including well-known persons, who have died can be removed. Our party has been working with GECOM to address this, but GECOM needs to work closer with the GRO. For GECOM to wait for someone to object, well we are not going to get a far way this way,” Rohee said.

Rohee also said that while GECOM insists that it has measures in place to avoid persons voting twice, or someone voting for someone else, past experience makes it clear that the system is not water tight.

“If someone wants to bog the system, they can find ways and means to do so. We are working to ensure this does not happen. We all have a role to play, and we must work together to clean up the list as much as possible…. If we build Chinese wall around the system, we would have a problem,” he said.
Rohee stressed that the ruling party has a vested interest in ensuring that the Official List of Electors (OLE) is a clean list. He noted that the PPP will continue to work with GECOM

Additionally, Deputy Chief Elections Officer (DECO) Mr. Vishnu Persaud, in a prior interview, confirmed that of the three parliamentary political parties, the People’s Progressive Party is the only party that has raised concerns with the Preliminary List of Electors.

“As at this time, I am not aware of other parties expressing concerns about the PLE,” he said.

The DCEO noted that it is within the right of any political party to express concerns pertaining to any aspect of GECOM’s work; and that, correspondingly, it is GECOM’s responsibility to respond appropriately.

Notwithstanding this position, he stressed that GECOM stands by the accuracy of the PLE, considering the names on the PLE were extracted from the accurate National Register of Registrants (NRR).

“The Guyana Elections Commission is convinced that every person on the National Register of Registrants, from which the names for the PLE are taken, is a bona fide registrant. Accordingly, we stand by the accuracy of the PLE,” Persaud said.

Persaud pointed out that, in the 2008 house-to-house registration, persons were registered at their homes with the participation of scrutineers from the governing and joint opposition political parties in Parliament. Thereafter, scrutineers were involved in the registration of persons in each consecutive cycle of Continuous Registration.

Further, he pointed out that each registration transaction goes through a series of checks before being accepted and committed to the National Register of Registrants.

Persaud said that if any political party is dissatisfied with the Official List of Electors to be produced after the Claims and Objections period is over, GECOM would be more than willing to address those concerns to the satisfaction of all concerned.

(By Vanessa Narine)


extracted from the Guyana Chronicle

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Looks like the Election Commission has been bought out by the PNC.


Rigging by the PNC will be happening all over again. Granger introduced his trick at his convention and now is implementing it at the Election Commission level.


Steve is a sell out. Speak out now. Dead Men will vote according to Steve.



A vote for Moses = A vote for PNC

Moses = PNC

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Looks like the Election Commission has been bought out by the PNC.


Rigging by the PNC will be happening all over again. Granger introduced his trick at his convention and now is implementing it at the Election Commission level.


Steve is a sell out. Speak out now. Dead Men will vote according to Steve.



A vote for Moses = A vote for PNC

Moses = PNC

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The folks especially those from Whim Berbice who once supported "Moses" are now seeing his true colors, many are beating the chest while saying...never again...never again.


That's right.


I have always said that the AFC = PNC.


A vote for Moses = A vote for the PNC
Moses = PNC
AFC is finished.
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The P.P.P need to continue to be vigilant and expose the devious plot of the joint opposition, the democracy achieved in 1992 must be safeguarded.

GECOM give you all 1 week more, please get to work and clean up the blasted list and stop fretting all day like an old car.


Come on conscience, get to work.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

GECOM's P.L.E must be fully sanitize before the holding of any general or local government elections. The late President's name could be the tip of the iceberg of dead votes.

Burnham and Hoyte RIGGING all over again. Id dat the Guyana these CRABDAAGS want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


PPP's incompetence on full display...........They have been in office for 22 years and they still cannot sort out the basics.


GECOM's flaws were never a problem as long as the PPP was winning but now that they will lose GECOM will become a serious problem.


Hilarious, what have you been doing the past 22 years to shore up democracy in Guyana? the PPP is making the same mistakes Hoyte made prior to 92. Hoyte failed to change the constitution in any significant way to hold government accountable.


When the PNC lost the election then they slowly realized they are screwed because the PPP is now using that same constitution to ram wood in their behinds.


PPP will make the same mistake, they think they will remain in power forever.


The P.P.P is never and will never to afraid to face the electorate, the Guyanese populace are no fools, they have all tasted directly or indirectly the venom of the joint opposition due to complacency on behalf of the P.P.P, it appears the P.P.P has realize their mistakes of 2011 and after correcting them are fully geared to contest the polls, should the "no-confidence vote" is not defeated or withdraw.


A majority awaits the P.P.P, the joint opposition is very cognizant of such, as a result they are trying all devious schemes by attempting to pad the voters list, the P.P.P must remain vigilant, a free and fair election will result in a P.P.P victory thus ensuring progress continues... 

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The folks especially those from Whim Berbice who once supported "Moses" are now seeing his true colors, many are beating the chest while saying...never again...never again.

why they beat their chest?


Charrandass is destroying the PPP in Berbice on a daily basis. The PPP continues to bleed even without mutt and jeff in berbice these other stooges and square pegs in round holes are no better.


The PPP is mired in incompetence and complacency which has led them right to where they are now. I notice pictures on facebook where in the heart of PPP country in port mourant the opposition is there meeting with the people.


Some of these folks were die hard jagdeo supporters in 2011 now they are engaging with moses and prak. In 2011 they did not want to even hear about the AFC.


All this nonsense about AFC supporters returning to the PPP is a figment of their imagination. Remember in 2011 how the PPP were showing us pictures of the great rally they had in albion? One question I ask, how many seats did the PPP win in berbice?


Mr.Charrandass is a very questionable public figure, not so long ago he was in the News.


AFC’s Charrandass Persaud in ‘hot water’ again


THE Alliance For Change (AFC) seems to be in trouble with ethical and moral principles and the law, once again.

Executive member of AFC, Mr. Charrandass Persaud, attorney-at-law, who was a candidate for that party in the 2011 General Elections, has found himself in the middle of an investigation of fraud in respect of a property situated at Lot 7 Blairmont, West Bank Berbice.

A judge of the High Court in Berbice has ordered a police investigation into the matter when the alleged fraud came to the judge’s knowledge while the judge was hearing an application in the High Court of Berbice for Title to be issued for the land.

In an Affidavit in support of Summons, sworn to by Harmati Bissoon of Lot 7 Blairmont, West Bank Berbice, which was drawn by Mr. Charrandass Persaud and dated 6th March, 2013, Bissoon deposed that she purchased a property at Lot 7 Blairmont, West Bank Berbice, from Basdai and Hooblall Umrao for US$13,000 while the parties were in New York.

In that very affidavit, Harmati Bissoon also deposed that the vendors have no agent to pass title and that their whereabouts are unknown to her since 2008, despite the fact that she made several attempts to contact them. It is on this basis that she petitioned the Court to pass Title to her.

However, the records at the Land Registry established that the same Basdai Umrao filed documents to transfer the very property to Harmati Bissoon on 31st January, 2013, that is only three months before. These documents were all prepared again by Charrandass Persaud, attorney-at-law for both parties and signed by those parties.

This transfer document was supported by Affidavit of Vendor and Affidavit of Purchaser, sworn to by the same Basdai Umrao and Harmati Bissoon, all being done on 31st January, 2013 and all prepared by Attorney-at-Law, Charrandass Persaud. Significantly also, the purchaser price which is stated on these affidavits is G$2,000,000 and not US$13,000 as stated in the previous affidavits.

Therefore, there is one set of documents prepared by Attorney-at-Law, Charrandass Persaud on 31st January, 2013, in which he claims that the purchaser could not have located the vendors since 2008 and then another set of documents, dated 6th March, 2013, a mere few months after, prepared by the same lawyer and signed by those very parties who, apparently not only found themselves but also colluded to change the purchase price.

Legal minds whom this newspaper consulted have expressed the view that if this is not criminal conduct, then, at minimum, it amounts to grave professional misconduct for which Mr. Charandass Persaud should be disciplined, if not charged by the police.

The same Charrandass Persaud was recently forced to apologise to a female medical doctor in Berbice after he made ridiculing and disparaging remarks about her at a public political meeting, of the AFC, in Berbice.

Mr. Charrandass was forced to apologise after there was widespread public condemnation of his verbal onslaught on the young doctor. On that occasion, the AFC distanced itself from him and the statements. The party may have to do so again.


source: Guyana Chronicle

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Mr.Charrandass is a very questionable public figure, not so long ago he was in the News.


AFC’s Charrandass Persaud in ‘hot water’ again


THE Alliance For Change (AFC) seems to be in trouble with ethical and moral principles and the law, once again.

Executive member of AFC, Mr. Charrandass Persaud, attorney-at-law, who was a candidate for that party in the 2011 General Elections, has found himself in the middle of an investigation of fraud in respect of a property situated at Lot 7 Blairmont, West Bank Berbice.

A judge of the High Court in Berbice has ordered a police investigation into the matter when the alleged fraud came to the judge’s knowledge while the judge was hearing an application in the High Court of Berbice for Title to be issued for the land.

In an Affidavit in support of Summons, sworn to by Harmati Bissoon of Lot 7 Blairmont, West Bank Berbice, which was drawn by Mr. Charrandass Persaud and dated 6th March, 2013, Bissoon deposed that she purchased a property at Lot 7 Blairmont, West Bank Berbice, from Basdai and Hooblall Umrao for US$13,000 while the parties were in New York.

In that very affidavit, Harmati Bissoon also deposed that the vendors have no agent to pass title and that their whereabouts are unknown to her since 2008, despite the fact that she made several attempts to contact them. It is on this basis that she petitioned the Court to pass Title to her.

However, the records at the Land Registry established that the same Basdai Umrao filed documents to transfer the very property to Harmati Bissoon on 31st January, 2013, that is only three months before. These documents were all prepared again by Charrandass Persaud, attorney-at-law for both parties and signed by those parties.

This transfer document was supported by Affidavit of Vendor and Affidavit of Purchaser, sworn to by the same Basdai Umrao and Harmati Bissoon, all being done on 31st January, 2013 and all prepared by Attorney-at-Law, Charrandass Persaud. Significantly also, the purchaser price which is stated on these affidavits is G$2,000,000 and not US$13,000 as stated in the previous affidavits.

Therefore, there is one set of documents prepared by Attorney-at-Law, Charrandass Persaud on 31st January, 2013, in which he claims that the purchaser could not have located the vendors since 2008 and then another set of documents, dated 6th March, 2013, a mere few months after, prepared by the same lawyer and signed by those very parties who, apparently not only found themselves but also colluded to change the purchase price.

Legal minds whom this newspaper consulted have expressed the view that if this is not criminal conduct, then, at minimum, it amounts to grave professional misconduct for which Mr. Charandass Persaud should be disciplined, if not charged by the police.

The same Charrandass Persaud was recently forced to apologise to a female medical doctor in Berbice after he made ridiculing and disparaging remarks about her at a public political meeting, of the AFC, in Berbice.

Mr. Charrandass was forced to apologise after there was widespread public condemnation of his verbal onslaught on the young doctor. On that occasion, the AFC distanced itself from him and the statements. The party may have to do so again.


source: Guyana Chronicle

The chronicle of lies????






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