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May 28, 2022


Dear Editor,

Reference is made to “Demerara bridge contract illustrates strength of ties with China Ambassador” (May 27).  Given the tense relations between the US and China and the Monroe Doctrine, and given that the US was primarily responsible for the democratic change in government in August 2020, is it wise for Guyana to become so close to China.  Is our closeness with America being weakened? And to think that closeness with China and cementing of ties and trade relations are happening at a time when the US and West is allied in the war against Russia being fought in Ukraine.

The US, which has been the protector of democracy in Guyana over the last 35 years, has been critical of China’s support for Russia during the ongoing war. China was silent during the attempt to rig the 2020 elections. America took a principled position on Guyana’s elections respect the will of the voters and stood by the side of those of us who fought against the rigging.

Guyana’s relations with the USA are very critical for democracy, economic survival, and the diaspora. There are hardly any Guyanese residing in China. The US is home to more Guyanese than those in Guyana. The diaspora in the US prefer closer relations with USA than China for obvious reasons. The asset worth of the diaspora in the US is in the tens of billions of American dollars. If the US tightens the border to Guyanese, the country would be in trouble. Obviously, Guyana’s overall strategic interests lie in Washington. The country should be careful in its ties with China at the expense of trade with the US or investment by American companies.


Vishnu Bisram

News Americas, WASHINGTON, D.C, Thurs. May 26, 2022: The new oil rich South American CARICOM country of Guyana turns 56 today and the US is among nations saluting the country on its independence anniversary.

US Secretary of State, Antony J. Blinken, in a statement said: “We value the close partnership between the United States and the Co-operative Republic of Guyana.  We have partnered on health security to provide hundreds of thousands of vaccines to the Guyanese people to fight COVID-19.  We continue to develop a robust bilateral trade relationship, focusing on high standards and transparency. ”Blinken also said the US looks “forward to collaborating with Guyana on energy and food security and strengthening our broad ties going forward.”

“As you mark this cheerful occasion, we join you in celebrating your Independence Day,” he added.

Guyana, a Republic, won independence from Britain on May 26, 1966. On Feb. 23, 1970, it became a Republic, removing the Queen as head of state but remaining a member of the Commonwealth.  


Noticeably in the congratulations ,President Biden isn't mentioned. In the past the POTUS name is mentioned.

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