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Updated: Auto dealer shot, robbed of GUY$2.5 M

  • Friday, 13 March 2015 12:12


Updated: Auto dealer shot, robbed of GUY$2.5 M


Police have identified the businessman, who was shot and robbed of GUY$2.5 millon, as an auto dealer.
Police spokesman, Ivelaw Whittaker said auto dealer Intiaz Arakhan,23 of of Eccles, East Bank Demerara was held up by man armed with a firearm at about 10:15 AM.
“The perpetrator shot Intiaz Arakhan to his right foot and took away an haversack with $2.5M and escaped on a motor cycle,” he said.
The incident occurred at the Demerara Shipping wharf, Lombard Street, Georgetown. 
Investigators said he had moments earlier withdrawn the money from a foreign-owned commercial bank.
No one has been arrested.
Police are looking at close circuit television footage as part of efforts to track down the perpetrators.

dey just aint learning...a business man and he dont have a cheque book..they ears hard de police keep telling dem stop walk with all that money


    Thank God he was not killed ,this is one more crime that will go unsolved. Why  and where is the MoHA he was quick to acknowledge Crum Ewing death so what happen here ,you are guilty  minister


    This is a real "Friday the 13th" experience for this businessman. My sympathy to this gentleman and wishing him a speedy and full recovery.


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      Everyday is Friday the 13th in Guyana!!!.These bandits always seems to know who have the money or they getting tipped off.That's a whole lot of money to carry around in Guyana.There needs to be a better way...........................!!!.



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