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Caribbean countries in corrupt list

Ten Caribbean countries, except Barbados and Dominica, got poor ratings.
Haiti has not been the only Caribbean country to fare badly in a report on government corruption by Transparency International.
In its latest report the Berlin-based anti-corruption agency ranks Haiti as the most corrupt country in the world.

The table is based on the views of analysts and the business community on levels of corruption among public officials and politicians.

Some got poor ratings

Guyana is also included, as are the Dominican Republic, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago Jamaica, Belize, Cuba and Grenada for scoring low in their efforts to combat corruption.

The index by Transparency International gave Haiti a score of one-point-eight out of ten.

A figure below three is considered to denote rampant corruption.

Guyana was also among those which scored poorly, with an index of two point six which placed it at joint 121st out of the 163 countries surveyed.

Not far behind were the Dominican Republic and Suriname which hovered just over the three.

Corruption continues to be one of the biggest obstacles to effectively fight poverty.

Transparency International

Trinidad and Tobago was among several countries which recorded a significant worsening of their ratings -- falling from number fifty nine last year to seventy-nine in 200.

That puts it just outside the seventy-one countries where corruption was perceived as being rampant.

Others did rather well

Barbados was once again deemed the least corrupt nation in the Caribbean - at number 24 in the index – with a rating of just over seven.

Dominica, which was not on the list last year, was second.

The report by Transparency International said that in Haiti and other low-ranking countries, β€œcorruption continues to be one of the biggest obstacles to effectively fight poverty.”

It called on Latin American and Caribbean countries near the bottom of the list to strengthen democratic institutions and boost accountability of public resources.

Scoring the best marks of the countries surveyed were Finland, Iceland and New Zealand, with Denmark, Singapore and Sweden just behind.

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