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Guyana secretly buries dead foreign prisoners

I am going to speak to Nigel Hughes, Christopher Ram and other lawyer friends of mine to see if I can file a complaint against the Government of Guyana for criminal violation of international laws.
What you are about to read is a horror story for which every Guyanese citizen in and out of this land should hold their head in shame for knowing that they belong to this country and are allowing their government to get away with what could be termed crimes against humanity.
If any lawyer is reading this please contact me at My cell is 614-5927. My home is 222-1615-222-1616. If you are reading this from any part of the world, please assist in exposing the Guyana Government for what in my opinion is obvious criminal perversity. Here are the facts that I have uncovered through research over the past two weeks.
At several police stations in Guyana, visitors who entered Guyana illegally or overstayed their time are placed in the stations’ cell and held there until the fund their own airfare. Almost a hundred percent cannot afford it and they are languishing there for months and in some cases for years. Some have died. Some have lost their minds.
It is easy to die in a police station remand because it is not a jail cell in an established prison. These are holding compartments for accused denied bail then transferred to larger prisons after they would have been charged.
One Bangladeshi, one South African, and a Pakistani have died in their cells after spending more than a year. All three were not given post-mortems but were secretly buried. This columnist was informed that they died from tuberculosis. The Bangladeshi couldn’t take the confinement and literally lost his mind and subsequently died in his cell.
You will die from tuberculosis if you have to sleep in a bare concrete cell for a year. The human body cannot withstand such long exposure to the elements. These men are not allowed to go out their cells for sunshine or to take in fresh air.
I spoke to Nazar Mohammed, famous gold magnate whose nickname is “Shell.” He recalls buying the return ticket for a Bangladeshi, a Nigerian and a Jamaican, all of whom were at the Diamond police station holding centre for a long time.

Shell told me he cannot account for what happened to the other Bangladeshis but he did say that the Jamaican was so poor he didn’t have a cent and would have had to remain there if he didn’t offer to buy the airfare. Shell also said that a South African was languishing there and he decided to employ him with his gold company.
I wanted to talk to the six men who are at the Diamond station since last year. Four are Venezuelans, one is from Switzerland, the other from the Dominican Republic. All are imprisoned because they cannot fund their return ticket. They have been there since early 2018. All six persons are emaciated and look sick.
The immigration department gives them a meal a day but most times, they are hungry.
The Dominican Republican guy has an interesting story to tell. He has a Guyanese common-law wife and a Guyanese child born in Guyana but was still detained, went through the court system and ordered deported. He has no money to buy a ticket.
I spoke to ASP, Rovin Dass who is in charge of Diamond police station. Dass has refused an interview. In my talk with him, here is what Das said and refused to speak further.
He acknowledged that there are deportees held up in his station but refused to tell me how many and which countries they are from. He uttered these words three times; “You have to speak to my superiors.”
I did say something to ASP Dass and his countenance changed markedly. I said; “Do you know three prisoners from this station died from TB?” He appeared nonplussed then spoke; “I don’t know anything about that, was not told about that when I took over this station; I know nothing about that.”
My sincere advice to police officials working at the Diamond police station is to take a TB test. So what happens next? Do we leave those deportees to live in those bare cells to sleep on a concrete floor until they die? Or do we as civilized citizens of Guyana confront our government and demand they finance these people’s airfare?
Where are those who jump around Guyana like parrots, denouncing the death penalty? Those deportees are facing, in reality, a death sentence. Three of them have died.


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Something don’t add up.  Were their governments ever made aware of their citizens plight?  The Swiss government would have got their citizen back to Switzerland.  I’m sure others would have also. 


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Communications intended for handling under the Human Rights Council  complaint procedure may be addressed to:

Complaint Procedure Unit
Human Rights Council Branch
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations Office at Geneva
CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Fax: (41 22) 917 90 11

Prashad posted:

What are Pakistanis and Bangladeshis doing in Guyana. I hope that it is not something illegal.

if it is, what yuh gon do bout it?

All you can do is pontificate on GNI


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