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Guyana secures financing from Islamic Bank for hydropower projects

The Government of Guyana, which has been ushering in a slew of projects that will cut Guyana’s reliance on Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO), has now secured funding from the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) for renewable energy projects.

According to the Guyana Energy Agency (GEA), funding has been secured from the Bank for the cost of the “Small Hydropower Project”, and some of that money will go towards consultancy services.

The GEA has, in fact, started tendering for consultants, issuing a notice inviting bids from firms for “Design Review and Construction Supervision of two hydropower plants”. One project entails the construction of a new 0.5 megawatt (MW) hydropower plant at Kumu in the Rupununi and the other, the rehabilitation and upgrade of the Moco Moco hydropower facility, to 0.7 MW.

“The consultancy services will be carried out over a period of 33 months from March 2022 to December 2024. The Guyana Energy Agency, the executing agency, now invites eligible consulting firms to indicate their interest in providing the services,” the GEA said in its notice.

“Interested consultants must provide specific information which demonstrates that they are qualified to perform the services (including brochures, description of similar assignments completed and/or ongoing, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, proof of legal status, company profile and contact details for authorised contact person(s) and financial status including audited financial statements for the last three years).”

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Something about Moco Moco Hydro Project, EU gave money for that, then the Japanese gave money. Each one of those funding I tried to secure some business from the Prime Minister Office. Got nowhere with no replies. Now, the Islamic Bank is going to fund the same project. Where is the money going? Several times with the PPP and once with the PNC. It is to be refurbished because the foundation and water channels gave way from the first installing.

@seignet posted:

Something about Moco Moco Hydro Project, EU gave money for that, then the Japanese gave money. Each one of those funding I tried to secure some business from the Prime Minister Office. Got nowhere with no replies. Now, the Islamic Bank is going to fund the same project. Where is the money going? Several times with the PPP and once with the PNC. It is to be refurbished because the foundation and water channels gave way from the first installing.

perhaps the money was deposited offshore.


Moco-Moco hydroelectric power station was built in 1999. However, due to severe rainstorm and a mass soil landslide the project was nonoperational in 2003.

On July 04, 2018, it is noted that the Moco-Moco project is to be financed  by the United Arab Emirates and the Guyana REDD+ Investment Fund (GRIF) under the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS).

Initially, Moco-Moco hydropower project was built through an agreement between the governments of China and Guyana.


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