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Guyana seeks bids to build 330-kW Kato micro-hydro project

02/22/2013, Source - HydroWorld


The government of Guyana seeks bids to construct the 330-kW Kato micro-hydro project and its related irrigation system on Guyana's Chiung River.

Registration is due March 1 for a March 19 bidders meeting and a March 20 mandatory site visit. Questions must be submitted by April 2, with bids due April 23.


The European Union provided a US$2.5 million loan for the project under the 10th European Development Fund program, with Guyana responsible for covering the remainder of the US$3.23 million project's costs. Electricity generated by the project primarily will be used to power the proposed Kato Secondary School and other government buildings.


Guyana's Ministry of Finance seeks bids for two lots:
Lot 1: design and construction of a weir and hydro plant at the Chiung River falls in Kato, including supply, installation, and commissioning of two turbine-generators for 36 meters of head and flows of 1.16 cubic meters per second;

Lot 2: design and construction of irrigation infrastructure including an irrigation weir, pumping station with 90-kW pumping capacity and four pumps, 1,000 meters of irrigation water feeding pipe, and a 7,600-cubic-meter water storage reservoir.


Tender documents may be obtained from the address below for 10,000 Guyanese dollars or US$50 per lot payable by cash, bank draft, or managers check to Permanent Secretary, Office of the Prime Minister.


Bids in English are due by 9 a.m. April 23. For information, contact National Authorizing Officer, NAO Task Force, Ministry of Finance, Main & Urquhart St., Georgetown, Guyana; E-mail:,


EU extends loan for new Guyana micro hydropower plant

12/12/2012, Source - Hydropower


A US$2.5 million loan from the European Union will help the Guyanese government construct a new 330 kW hydroelectric plant on the Chiung River.


The financing is being made under the 10th European Development Fund program, with Guyana responsible for covering the remainder of the $3.23 million project's costs.


Power generated at the new hydropower station will primarily be used to power the proposed Kato Secondary School and other existing government buildings.


Construction on the project is expected to begin in October 2013 and will take about 18 months to finish.



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