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We've seen the changes wrought by the Arab Spring. Well there is a groundswell of change to the old race-fear, insulting and amateurish governance.


Guyana has grown up. With a declining racial base the PPP looks like going the way of the Republicans when it comes to national elections. The electorate looks at it and say "whaaat!!!!".


There's the smell and look of fresh green and gold - the bloody red looks stained and ready to be laundered (taken to the cleaners). I said that when the campaign started and the AFC made this a binary choice (black and coolie) the PPP went to work. Then a transformation took place - Moses Nagamootoo (feared and reviled by the PPP) galvanized not only his party but made the stay-at-home-don't-care Blacks feel like they could pull this one out. So I got me thinking this is now a close race. But when you look at Bartica and Vreed-en-Hoop you have to wonder if this thing is not getting away from the PPP.


A people get to a point of fed-up, enough already......and that's what I'm beginning to discern from Diaspora land. This age of social media seems to caught on and transparency looks like seeing the light of day....finally....after 23 years.

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The Guyanese Spring

  •  Crowd at the APNU/AFC rally

Crowd at the APNU/AFC rally

  • Supporters at the APNU+AFC rally


Spring appears to be in the air in Guyana. Not the spring of the northern climates ushering in warmer weather and a greening of the landscape, and not the “Arab Spring” with its attendant violence. Spring in Guyana is defined by the unification of the opposition leaders and through that unity, the revival of the Guyanese vision of a better future of peace, harmony and prosperity for all Guyanese now, and in the future.

Throughout the land, from the Pakarima’s peaks, to the grasslands of the Rupununi to the “sea-washed sun-kissed sands” of the coast, to the sweltering forests of the heartland, Guyanese slowly are awakening from their slumber to join the drumbeat of those who seek change. Change in the way the fortunes of Guyana are being exploited.

Guyanese in their 20s and younger are constantly being told of “difficult days” in the past, but can only relate to the “difficult days of the present”. Many have over at least the last two decades witnessed and endured depravity and struggles with their families.  But even as they have lived in those times, they have also seen via the internet the possibilities that lie in the future.

The youth have managed to engage their parents who may have been viewing the world through ancient prisms and slowly, the momentum of the promise of change has begun to bloom like the blossoms of beautiful trees emerging from winter. The splash of colors of the multi-ethnic Guyanese society is seen across the landscape of the political meetings of the APNU-AFC collation and Guyanese like never before are attracted to the drumbeat of the message of “it is time”.

Young and old alike are trekking to see and listen, to David Granger and Moses Nagamootoo. The crowd was slow to gather in the early days, but as the momentum builds and the coalition finds their stride, the message of unity is spreading across the land.

It is heartwarming that the message of togetherness, unity and inclusiveness is providing Guyanese with the hope that Guyana’s better days are ahead. Sugar cane farmers, rice farmers, and other agricultural workers along with young people from the University of Guyana, the unemployed and the underemployed, the business owners and government workers alike are all beginning to come out in significant numbers.

Spring is in the air; "The Guyanese Spring" - As Guyana pulsates to the Eddie Neblett song “Love and unity, peace and harmony”

Guyanese Spring could be the example to the world that defines political, social and economic change by multi-denominational citizens joining forces peacefully to recapture their country by the ballot box. The blueprint is set for people of the world including the Middle East, Israel and the Palestinian territories.

We can do it Guyana, it is indeed time!

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

You are right, Spring Cleaning Time, ALL contaminants(THe OPPOSITION) will be swept away leaving Guyanese to breathe fresh air.  FIVE MORE YEARS!!!   FIVE MORE YEARS!!! 

you confused...Spring is out with the old (PPP) with the new (APNU/AFC)



Bhai, Put yuh money weh yuh mouth deh.  12 more days!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

You are right, Spring Cleaning Time, ALL contaminants(THe OPPOSITION) will be swept away leaving Guyanese to breathe fresh air.  FIVE MORE YEARS!!!   FIVE MORE YEARS!!! 

you confused...Spring is out with the old (PPP) with the new (APNU/AFC)



Bhai, Put yuh money weh yuh mouth deh.  12 more days!!

$1000...Guyana dollars of course

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

You are right, Spring Cleaning Time, ALL contaminants(THe OPPOSITION) will be swept away leaving Guyanese to breathe fresh air.  FIVE MORE YEARS!!!   FIVE MORE YEARS!!! 

you confused...Spring is out with the old (PPP) with the new (APNU/AFC)



Bhai, Put yuh money weh yuh mouth deh.  12 more days!!

$1000...Guyana dollars of course

Equals to 5 Banks.  I tekkin dat bet.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Arab Spring for Guyana, you mean like Egypt, Libya, Syria, which model you prefer?


The only Spring to come in Guyana is a return to Majority rule of the PPP.

Guyana will be like Syria if the PPP wins.  An angry incumbent gov't killing its own people in a drive for revenge and to maintain power.


Now tell me, what is the PPP doing to communicate to African and mixed voters that they will be fairer to them than they have been over the past 22 years.  NOTHING!


The APNU AFC took a risk.  If it works  for the FIRST TIME in Guyana history there will be a multi ethnic gov't which will have checks and balances to minimize the probability of a mono racial regime.


The PPP continues to have token blacks who do not represent the interests of blacks.  They then wonder why 90% of the black/mixed population refuse to support them, and this has NOT changed in the 22 years that the PPP has been in power.


Monoracial rule in UNHEALTHY for Guyana.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Arab Spring for Guyana, you mean like Egypt, Libya, Syria, which model you prefer?


The only Spring to come in Guyana is a return to Majority rule of the PPP.

Guyana will be like Syria if the PPP wins.  An angry incumbent gov't killing its own people in a drive for revenge and to maintain power.


Now tell me, what is the PPP doing to communicate to African and mixed voters that they will be fairer to them than they have been over the past 22 years.  NOTHING!


The APNU AFC took a risk.  If it works  for the FIRST TIME in Guyana history there will be a multi ethnic gov't which will have checks and balances to minimize the probability of a mono racial regime.


The PPP continues to have token blacks who do not represent the interests of blacks.  They then wonder why 90% of the black/mixed population refuse to support them, and this has NOT changed in the 22 years that the PPP has been in power.


Monoracial rule in UNHEALTHY for Guyana.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Monoracial rule in UNHEALTHY for Guyana.

Mono-racial composition of the political parties started when Forbes Burnham broke with the PPP to form the PPP-Burnhamnite which after the 1957 elections became the PNC.

he told you dat while you were sniffin or?

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Monoracial rule in UNHEALTHY for Guyana.

Mono-racial composition of the political parties started when Forbes Burnham broke with the PPP to form the PPP-Burnhamnite which after the 1957 elections became the PNC.

When Burnham left he took with him several Indians.  In the subsequent elections the African candidates won their seats while the Indian candidates lost to the PPP candidates.


Please indicate why Burnham would have advocated mono racial rule in 1957 when the Indian vote was larger than the African vote, and most mixed, Portuguese and Chinese voters were with the UF.  The UF at that time was as hostile to the PNC as they were to the PPP, seeing both as pseudo socialist.


The only party that could win elections in 1957 based on race was the PPP.  The term apan jhaat was coined by people who joined the PPP after Burnham left.


So blame the PPP for seeking power through becoming a race based party when they had to compete with the PNC for the black vote.  They decided to galvanize the Indian vote, based on race.  They didn't need the black vote, so didn't even bother to woo it!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Arab Spring for Guyana, you mean like Egypt, Libya, Syria, which model you prefer?


The only Spring to come in Guyana is a return to Majority rule of the PPP.

Guyana will be like Syria if the PPP wins.  An angry incumbent gov't killing its own people in a drive for revenge and to maintain power.


Guyana is not a hand-me-down family succession plan but a vibrant democracy.  The people of Guyana elect their leader (s) in free and fair election.  Don't go on promoting your brand, saw what happened the last time around.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Arab Spring for Guyana, you mean like Egypt, Libya, Syria, which model you prefer?


The only Spring to come in Guyana is a return to Majority rule of the PPP.

Guyana will be like Syria if the PPP wins.  An angry incumbent gov't killing its own people in a drive for revenge and to maintain power.


Guyana is not a hand-me-down family succession plan but a vibrant democracy.  The people of Guyana elect their leader (s) in free and fair election.  Don't go on promoting your brand, saw what happened the last time around.


Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Arab Spring for Guyana, you mean like Egypt, Libya, Syria, which model you prefer?


The only Spring to come in Guyana is a return to Majority rule of the PPP.

Guyana will be like Syria if the PPP wins.  An angry incumbent gov't killing its own people in a drive for revenge and to maintain power.


Guyana is not a hand-me-down family succession plan but a vibrant democracy.  The people of Guyana elect their leader (s) in free and fair election.  Don't go on promoting your brand, saw what happened the last time around.


Yep, where is Joey?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Arab Spring for Guyana, you mean like Egypt, Libya, Syria, which model you prefer?


The only Spring to come in Guyana is a return to Majority rule of the PPP.

Guyana will be like Syria if the PPP wins.  An angry incumbent gov't killing its own people in a drive for revenge and to maintain power.


Guyana is not a hand-me-down family succession plan but a vibrant democracy.  The people of Guyana elect their leader (s) in free and fair election.  Don't go on promoting your brand, saw what happened the last time around.

And after you sober up and realized that you were drunk wha happen?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Arab Spring for Guyana, you mean like Egypt, Libya, Syria, which model you prefer?


The only Spring to come in Guyana is a return to Majority rule of the PPP.

Guyana will be like Syria if the PPP wins.  An angry incumbent gov't killing its own people in a drive for revenge and to maintain power.


Guyana is not a hand-me-down family succession plan but a vibrant democracy.  The people of Guyana elect their leader (s) in free and fair election.  Don't go on promoting your brand, saw what happened the last time around.


Yep, where is Joey?

Is he the only family you know of? How about those collecting money under false pretenses related to yall prez and Ministers?

Last edited by cain

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