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Guyana stands isolated and shamed

The APNU+AFC has disgraced Guyana. Never before have so many countries, respected international organizations and individuals come out in condemnation of the attempts to deny the democratic will of the people.
Never before have visa sanctions been imposed on the country. There was the threat of such sanctions years ago when the then PPP/C government was dilly-dallying with the paperwork to receive deportees from the United States but they did so before the hammer came down.
Never before has a neighbouring state issued a statement on elections in Guyana. A few days ago, Brazil called on the local political parties [read that to mean APNU+AFC] “to respect the popular will emanating from the elections, in line with the recent sentence of the Caribbean Court of Justice, in order to guarantee the prompt official announcement of the country’s new representatives.”
Never before has the Organization of American States (OAS) summoned a Special Meeting of its Permanent Council to discuss Guyana elections. Four days ago, the Secretary General of the OAS indicated that he will be soon summoning such a meeting.
Only once before has the Caribbean Community had to summon a special summit to address election fraud. That was the rigged elections of 1985 under the Presidency of Desmond Hoyte.
Eugenia Charles wanted to kick Guyana out of Caricom because of its dubious electoral practices. Caricom was headed in that direction. However, the head of the Maha Sabha in Trinidad and Tobago, Sat Maraj, was a very close friend of Desmond Hoyte.
He approached then Prime Minister and Chairman of Caricom, James Fitz-Allen Mitchell, and asked him to listen to Hoyte. A meeting of some Heads was held in Mustique in 1985. The leaders cut a deal with Hoyte which included a commitment to liberalize the press, allow the re-importation of flour and permit election observers.
It was Mustique who formed the foundation for the presence of official election observers. James Mitchell had this to say recently about the subject: “I became involved long ago in February 1985 in the election when President Hoyte succeeded President Burnham, and the election irregularities created difficulties for us in Caricom, not wanting to be seen as silent. It was with colleague Prime Ministers in Mustique that we resolved the issue and created the framework for election observation in Guyanaâ€Ķ for which we had secured approval by President Hoyte in Mustique.”
Hoyte later tried to make excuses over his slothfulness in upholding his end of the bargain. He reportedly told Carciom that he was receiving push-back from the old guard within the PNC, including Viola Burnham, the wife of the Rigger-in-Chief, Forbes Burnham.
Many years ago, the PNC sought to take credit for restoring the importation of flour, the importation of which had been restricted under the same PNC. It was said then that the decision to allow the re-importation of flour was due to a motion moved on the floor at one of its Congress. That motion may have been moved but the decision to allow the importation of flour was part of a political deal, which he had cut with the Caricom leaders at Mustique during the latter days of the Cold War.
There is no Cold War now to give the Caricom leaders cold feet about placing manners on Guyana. In fact, a number of Caricom leaders have been outspoken in their comment on the Guyana elections.
Among those who have been outspoken are the Prime Ministers of Trinidad and Tobago who predicted, quite correctly, that the matter will not end well; the Prime Minister of Barbados, Dominica and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Expect more regional leaders to come out against what is taking place.
Two former Caribbean Prime Ministers, Owen Arthur and Bruce Golding led election observer missions to Guyana in March of this year. One as head of the Organization of American States and the other as Head of the Commonwealth. Both have made less than flattering statements about the attempts to manipulate the tabulation process. One of them has gone as far as saying that he has never before seen such a transparent attempt to steal an elections.
There will be no repeat of Mustique. President Granger will find it difficult to be accepted again within the ranks of the Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community. He did not participate in the virtual ceremony, which was held to welcome the new Chairman of the Community, Dr. Ralph Gonsalves, from St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
Guyana’s undemocratic actions will not be entertained within Caricom this time. The country stands isolated and ostracized regionally and internationally. Caricom and the rest of the world will not be dealing with anyone from the APNU+AFC. If the leaders of the Coalition do not appreciate that fact by now, then they are sorrier a lot than can be imagined.



The PNC is in a state of shock. For some strange reason they thought that the politics of the 60s & 70s are still useful. Fortunately for democracy's sake, the rest of the world has moved into the 21st century and don't support the antiquated politics of the PNC. Granger sincerely believed that CARICOM will facilitate his attempted theft of the elections so named their report as of one of the 4 essential elements of the recount process. He referred to them as the most credible interlocuter. Credible was not enough to describe them. He insisted on describing them as most credible. Then, bang, zoom, to the moon, they stood up for democracy, law and order instead of his attempted theft so suddenly they don't matter. They are the enemy.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

I’m still mystified at the PNC believing they can pull this off in today’s world.  They must have been under a rock the past 30 years. 

You're mystified? I'm kinda taken aback by Harmon"s we're not going to bend statement.  If the US, who were staying in the shadows and now emerge and tell u to back it in.  Pack it in. 

Harmon and his saber rattling will do him and APNU no good. Don't pick a fite with America. Bad move.

@cain posted:

When big mouth Priya told the US off the PPP guys here said nothing against her, suddenly dem kissin whiteman foot.

Priya eventually went home with a big tub of Haagen Dazs to drown her sorrows.  PNC can do the same or you and Harmon can go stand guard at the Takatu bridge looking out for the Brazilian army.

Last edited by Abu Jihad
@cain posted:

When big mouth Priya told the US off the PPP guys here said nothing against her, suddenly dem kissin whiteman foot.

PPP guys aren't kissing "whiteman foot". It just happens that the PPP/C and the US now have a convergence of views. But that's not new under the sun.

History provides an abundance of examples showing former enemies turning friends. Look at the US and Japan. During WW2 they were deadly enemies. In fact the only two nuclear bombs used in warfare were dropped by the US on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The US and Japan are strong buddies now.

Today the Nagasaki people don't have to worry about US bombing but the Nagamootoo people have to worry about US bombshell.

@Former Member posted:

PPP guys aren't kissing "whiteman foot". It just happens that the PPP/C and the US now have a convergence of views. But that's not new under the sun.

History provides an abundance of examples showing former enemies turning friends. Look at the US and Japan. During WW2 they were deadly enemies. In fact the only two nuclear bombs used in warfare were dropped by the US on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The US and Japan are strong buddies now.

Today the Nagasaki people don't have to worry about US bombing but the Nagamootoo people have to worry about US bombshell.

What happens when Naga Bwoy has to see a cardiologist or have heart problems? Is he going to go to Cuba or China?

Last edited by Former Member

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