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Albouystown flood relief continues; no aid for businesses

July 22, 2015 2:28 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-

By Jomo Paul

Public Infrastructure Minister David Patterson and CDC Director Chabilall Ramsarup.

Public Infrastructure Minister David Patterson and CDC Director Chabilall Ramsarup.

[] – As heavy rains continue throughout the coast of Guyana, residents of Albouystown are being supported by way of flood relief and a flood shelter compliments of the Civil Defence Commission (CDC.)

Director General, Colonel Retired Chabilall Ramsarup told reporters on Wednesday that persons at the Albouystown centre continue to receive three hot meals per day, which is complemented by food hampers and clothing from Food for the Poor.

Ramsarup detailed that if existing conditions persist and there is no further torrential downpours, persons can be expected to return to their homes within two to three days; however he added that they will be given cleaning kits upon leaving the relief centre.

With respect to the other regions and outlying areas, the CDC Head revealed that there have been reports of loss of cash crops and livestock but could not quantify the amounts that perished.

Public Infrastructure Minister David Patterson, when questioned by reporters, indicated that the government would not be providing flood relief to businesses since they would be covered by insurance.

“I don’t think we can be offsetting claims by businesses,” said Patterson as he explained that businesses would have sought relevant insurance to cover their costs.

Meanwhile, it was also revealed that a task force was established to look into Guyana’s drainage situation by studying recommendations that would have been made previously.

Some of the persons named for the task force include prominent businessman Stanley Ming, Dr David Singh and Dr Charles Sohan.

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Albouystown centre continue to receive three hot meals per day, which is complemented by food hampers and clothing from Food for the Poor.


Why Granger can't send these people at Pegasus hotel for shelter?

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Albouystown centre continue to receive three hot meals per day, which is complemented by food hampers and clothing from Food for the Poor.


Why Granger can't send these people at Pegasus hotel for shelter?

ID 10 T


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