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Former Member

As I had mentioned sometime ago, my nephew is in Guyana completing his High School Thesis on the life and times of the Guyana Sugar Worker!  He has been in the fields with cane cutters, in the factory and in the homes and villages.

Anyway, his father (my brother) is with him and went around meeting and observing villagers and sent me this feedback.  These were his words:

"I was able to meet the manager and spend some time with him. 
I encouraged him to cut back on the plastic packaging and use paper with maybe a plastic window so consumers can see the golden crystals in the bag. Also, on the bag to introduce a bio of the people and culture who work on the fields to produce this product. Maybe even a cane cutter working in the field. To put a small Guyana flag or Guyana May on the upper corner of the bag. 
He was very interested with our input. 
Very surprising, the village where the cane cutter lives is a very tight group of people. The have small houses but very well kept. They all live like a big family. Black and Indians are very close. There are more things uniting these people than dividing them. 
Most cane cutters in this village work 6-7 days a week. They are all married with kids. All the kids are in school and many go into university or post secondary school training. 
The village has limited garbage collection but unlike many parts of Guyana this village is very clean. They organize their own cleaning crew and weed the side walk. 
They truly value their families. Wives are very supportive and wake up very early to prepare meals for their husbands who has to be in the field by 430-5am. It’s an hour long commute by truck. 
It’s a really sad state the hear their stories. They carry a smile on their faces when you talk to they. Black and Indians are in the field cutting.   I saw them working, almost military discipline.  They work very fast and non-stop.
Interesting all the NEW supervisors are Blacks. The managers I met are all Blacks, not Indians, in a industry which is almost 80% Indians. 
For these people, they believe they have been failed by every one successive govt and the union.  They do not blame the current Govt, they understand the issue and the economics which forced the closures.  They believe the industry was mismanaged for decades and why it is today.
One thing is certain, they are strong and united. They work hard and are not looking for handouts. They are all hopeful that they will come out of this present crisis with their pride and dignity intact. “They can wield a good cutlass and chop good” 
Just looking at them I do have hope as they have survived worst in the past and are still very proud of who they are. 
Please encourage everyone to buy Demerara gold sugar so we can help secure the live hood of our beautiful people".

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"Very surprising, the village where the cane cutter lives is a very tight group of people. The have small houses but very well kept. They all live like a big family. Black and Indians are very close. There are more things uniting these people than dividing them."

End of Quote.

This is an excellent observation, ugly politics brings up the issue of race mainly at election time. The people go about their daily activities normally after elections.

The US has it share of race relations issue and so does Guyana.

Your nephew is doing an excellent exercise by interacting directly with people. I hope that it opens up the eyes of younger people and pave the way in ending racial biases.

Last edited by Former Member

He said it’s probably the best trip he ever made. The estate manager taking him through the entire estate and every step of the sugar-making process.  He Likes the people a lot.  Even the hotel cooks had him make bake and salt fish.  He also met many of my father’s relatives, some work at the estate!

Leonora posted:
cain posted:

Terrible news for Prashad.

Prash's Utopia has been dealt a terrible blow. 

I am very disappointed. I was hoping to be the Emperor for life in his Utopia

skeldon_man posted:
I am very disappointed. I was hoping to be the Emperor for life in his Utopia

Haile Selassie Skelly! Prash reminds of Ravi Dev who was my high school teacher and known as Dave.

Leonora posted:
skeldon_man posted:
I am very disappointed. I was hoping to be the Emperor for life in his Utopia

Haile Selassie Skelly! Prash reminds of Ravi Dev who was my high school teacher and known as Dave.

He was teaching in NYC ? heard he is also a  lawyer.

Leonora posted:
skeldon_man posted:
I am very disappointed. I was hoping to be the Emperor for life in his Utopia

Haile Selassie Skelly! Prash reminds of Ravi Dev who was my high school teacher and known as Dave.

I went to college with a short Ethiopian dude who claimed to be the grandson of Haile Selassie. Needless to say, he was the laughing stock of the foreign students. He worked at a restaurant as a busboy.

Leonora posted:
He was teaching in NYC ? heard he is also a  lawyer.

He was a teacher in Berbice in the early '70s.

whe de rass in from bubice you come from from deh u know? Where did he teach?

skeldon_man posted:
Leonora posted:
skeldon_man posted:
I am very disappointed. I was hoping to be the Emperor for life in his Utopia

Haile Selassie Skelly! Prash reminds of Ravi Dev who was my high school teacher and known as Dave.

I went to college with a short Ethiopian dude who claimed to be the grandson of Haile Selassie. Needless to say, he was the laughing stock of the foreign students. He worked at a restaurant as a busboy.

Haile musse really used to sow he seed. I went to college here with a girl who claimed to be a granddaughter. In her case though, she had a picture of her, so she claimed, on his knee.

Django posted:
Leonora posted:
He was teaching in NYC ? heard he is also a  lawyer.

He was a teacher in Berbice in the early '70s.

OK cool,I know he belongs to WCD.

Ravi Dev is also known as Show Boy, he is from Uitvlugt, Ocean View, WCD, I lived a few houses from him, he is a self taught educator, very brilliant.


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