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Originally Posted by Prashad:

I think they should be bring back as alchol fueled cars for the poorer classes.  It is an accomplishment that Guyana was able to make them.

why solely for poor people? bio diesel can power heavy machinery and ethanol based fuel can support most gasoline based engines.


Indeed we should be manufacturing these and other small engines. The ceaseless importation of last decade technology in our recycled cars is hostile to our environment and contra any semblance of a low carbon strategy celebrated by the fake environmentalists in the PPP.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by warrior:

guyana never make the tapir,they only assamble it

Yuh rass stupid or wah, Guyana mek tapir.  True da engine and differential wah impoorted, but da ting was mekk in Guyana.  Dem bin even gah wan cantess fuh di name and da Tapir name win.  Abie donk hay know how fa do tings but alyuh up deh sendin' remittance an' peeple geh lazy raass.


PNC teach we fah mek tapir, radio, claath, glass, frige, etc.  PPP teech abie how fa dance and mek love.


Shoulda woulda coulda, the chant of the intellectual deficient. Guyana does not have a manufacturing base and it is not the job of govt in a capitalist society to be producing cars as many of these dunces suggest. Let the fellows from Crabwood creek open up factory to produce car if indeed it is feasible. hahahahaa

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by criminal#1:
Originally Posted by warrior:

guyana never make the tapir,they only assamble it

says who?


The tapir was invented in crabwood creek.

Tapirs were first assembled by AINLIM at Ruimveldt in Georgetown.

Correct! It was  in the  early to mid  70s. While  the  body  was  manufactured  locally,  the  engine ( Vauxhall Viva) ,  differentials and  other  parts  were  imported  from  England. In  the late  70 early  80s with  foreign  exchange restrictions  and  spare parts  scarcity the  Tapir survived  only  in  the  Upper  Corentyne through  innovation cannibalization and  radical modification.  Many  were  retrofitted  with   Datsun  and  Toyota  engines and  modified spares. Unfortunately,  creativity and resourcefulness of  Guyanese  trade  people are  not   encouraged and  recognized until it  is too late,  as was  the  case  of  the  locally  manufactured  busses in  the  50s & 60s.     

Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by criminal#1:
Originally Posted by warrior:

guyana never make the tapir,they only assamble it

says who?


The tapir was invented in crabwood creek.

Tapirs were first assembled by AINLIM at Ruimveldt in Georgetown.

Correct! It was  in the  early to mid  70s. While  the  body  was  manufactured  locally,  the  engine ( Vauxhall Viva) ,  differentials and  other  parts  were  imported  from  England. In  the late  70 early  80s with  foreign  exchange restrictions  and  spare parts  scarcity the  Tapir survived  only  in  the  Upper  Corentyne through  innovation cannibalization and  radical modification.  Many  were  retrofitted  with   Datsun  and  Toyota  engines and  modified spares. Unfortunately,  creativity and resourcefulness of  Guyanese  trade  people are  not   encouraged and  recognized until it  is too late,  as was  the  case  of  the  locally  manufactured  busses in  the  50s & 60s.     

Well said! And that really is the crucial point. Manufacturing leads to positive spill overs and require ingenuity in other areas and in turn that ingenuity feeds back to manufacturing. This does not happen in gold mining or the cocaine trade. It is a pity this nascent auto sector did not continue. What Guyana did back then was revolutionary. That's how cars, computers, smart phones, airplanes, etc, are made today. No single country makes an entire product. That early industralization if properly nurtured could have resulted in Guyana today being a participant in one/more of the components of the global chain of auto. Perhaps windscreen, brakes pad, wipers, and more. Guyana made an excellent refrigerator and stove back in the days.  


If we can't have a steady supply of electricity we can't do anything. Period.


The PPP been in office for 20 years complaining about how bad the PNC was for 28 years and thiefing the money while complaining rather than try to make some real progress. 20 years of complaining and the country still has no continious power supply.

Originally Posted by Guyanese_Son:

You sound like a very intelligent person. A product of the August Holidays Term no doubt. Have you thought about a career in politics?


Welcome the great wise one..Warrior. He hails from unknown parts of the world and professes to be the authority on any and everythng. However, watch out for his "you is". It's very difficult to really understand what he is saying if he writes 2 or more sentences. I ask that you have some patience with him.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Shoulda woulda coulda, the chant of the intellectual deficient. Guyana does not have a manufacturing base and it is not the job of govt in a capitalist society to be producing cars as many of these dunces suggest. Let the fellows from Crabwood creek open up factory to produce car if indeed it is feasible. hahahahaa

Bug---Guard-_See you are more stupid than you look.  The aim of the capitalist in a capitalist society is to destroy all competition to protect his/her profit.  It is the role of the government to protect and help the small businesses.  If those people from crabwood creek try to build that tapir on their own without the Guyana government protecting them then they would be crushed by the large foreign car companies who are protected by their governments. 

Originally Posted by warrior:

soon you ppp fools will run out of names to use on this site guyanese son.i bet you mean kwame bitch


Predictible response. The old "when I have nothing intelligent to say let me find something to pick on' defence. Nowhere have I expressed an affiliation with any party. I found your "fireside" comment very hilarious since we were discussing the Tapir and whether it was made or assembled in Guyana. There was no mention of any party. You're just emphasizing your ignorance. Why don't you go to the bathroom, grab some toilet paper, wipe your mouth and leave the intellectual conversations to the big boys.


Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Henry:

If the AFC ever be blessed to rule Guyana, the leaders will work our people like a jackass down on his knees. Folks, please take note when a donkey can't go any further and Ramjattan would still hoping he will get up and go. Ha, ha, ha...I get a good laugh. Hello TK, how's thinks? 

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Henry:

If the AFC ever be blessed to rule Guyana, the leaders will work our people like a jackass down on his knees. Folks, please take note when a donkey can't go any further and Ramjattan would still hoping he will get up and go. Ha, ha, ha...I get a good laugh. Hello TK, how's thinks? 



Nope the folks in the AFC are well aware of the pitfalls of a dankey cart economy. See: 



Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Shoulda woulda coulda, the chant of the intellectual deficient. Guyana does not have a manufacturing base and it is not the job of govt in a capitalist society to be producing cars as many of these dunces suggest. Let the fellows from Crabwood creek open up factory to produce car if indeed it is feasible. hahahahaa

The government in Taiwan started companies and once they were successful the factories were then sold off to private investors. The UK government did more or less the same. In China many companies are owned by the government. Renault and Peugeot are owned by the French government.

Last edited by Mr.T

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