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Written by Denis Scott Chabrol   
Monday, 09 July 2012 21:53

President Ramotar, Foreign Minister Rodrigues-Birkett and Prime Minister Samuel Hinds pose with Guyana's diplomats shortly after the conference was declared open.

The International Organisation of Migration (IOM) is to assist Guyana in tapping into the rich human resource-base of the Diaspora- a community that President Donald Ramotar urged Guyanese diplomats to target.

The Guyanese leader was at the time addressing the opening of a week-long conference of Guyana's High Commissioners, Ambassadors and Consuls who are based in Europe, North America, Asia, the Middle East, the Caribbean and Guyana.

Foreign Minister, Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett told Demerara Waves Online News ( that the IOM and the Guyana government are spearheading a project to develop a database of overseas-based Guyanese.

She explained that advertisements for consultancies and other job-openings would be made available to overseas-based Guyanese as part of efforts to involve them more in the country’s development.

“…not looking at the Diaspora as people we have lost but as people who can contribute and are willing to contribute,” she said.

Using Social Media and other means of communication, the project hopes to target members of the Diaspora who are willing to contribute not only their skills and expertise but also their perspectives, she said. The project is expected to be launched by September, 2012 and a Diaspora conference would likely be held in another two years.

The Diaspora Desk at the Foreign Ministry would also be collaborating with Guyana’s diplomatic missions in facilitating Guyanese who would like to assist various institutions.

President Ramotar told the diplomats that they should see themselves as the first point of contact with the Diaspora and, along with Guyanese authorities at home, create the mechanisms and structures to take advantage of professional skills and capital.

While acknowledging that some Guyanese abroad might have become detached, the President noted that for the same reason they could bring “perspectives and best practices” from their adopted homelands.

“Because probably they are outside of Guyana, very often they can be very objective in what is taking place here and they can make important contributions also from the point of view of fertilizing our own ideas,” he added.

There is at least one million Guyanese living in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, the Caribbean, Brazil, Venezuela and Suriname.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by TI        With all the experts on GNI, the spots will be filled right here!

"Using Social Media and other means of communication, the project hopes to target members of the Diaspora who are willing to contribute not only their skills and expertise but also their perspectives, she said"

GNI obviously
While acknowledging that some Guyanese abroad might have become detached, the President noted that for the same reason they could bring “perspectives and best practices” from their adopted homelands.

“Because probably they are outside of Guyana, very often they can be very objective in what is taking place here and they can make important contributions also from the point of view of fertilizing our own ideas,” he added.

There is at least one million Guyanese living in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, the Caribbean, Brazil, Venezuela and Suriname.

Of note.


Very interesting ppl and their less truthful words.


Strange ppl at the Guyana Consulate in Toronto. Dem ppl dat doan bother to reply by e-mail, phone, fax or pony express. As recent as June 19, 2012. Confidential Secretary position is useless and as for Consular Officers, man they cannot multi-task or capable of making decisions on the spot. As for the Office of the Consul General, I think that is part-time position


The AS PORA will DI before they tek us seriously.


The country need some good good managers.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Very interesting ppl and their less truthful words.


Strange ppl at the Guyana Consulate in Toronto. Dem ppl dat doan bother to reply by e-mail, phone, fax or pony express. As recent as June 19, 2012. Confidential Secretary position is useless and as for Consular Officers, man they cannot multi-task or capable of making decisions on the spot. As for the Office of the Consul General, I think that is part-time position


The AS PORA will DI before they tek us seriously.


The country need some good good managers.

Reflects nothing less than a lack of accountability which emanates from the center of Govt itself in GT.  They are not there to serve people, but to serve their masters in GT.  It is an extension of Guyana, so expect the Guyana treatment.


Expats who are not politically aligned to PPP or PNC have developed a zero tolerance level for corruption, rascality , skullduggery, stupidity and backwardness - all of which Guyana is about. Expats who are connected to parties are hoping to join in the cabal and children of expats dont give a rat's a55 about Guyana. The govt needs to get off their a55 and create incentives for guyanese to get educated , be entrepenurial and stay in Guyana and stop trying to entrap expats with incentives to return or invest in Guyana ....they lookin fuh tief from yuh!

Originally Posted by kidmost:

Expats who are not politically aligned to PPP or PNC have developed a zero tolerance level for corruption, rascality , skullduggery, stupidity and backwardness - all of which Guyana is about. Expats who are connected to parties are hoping to join in the cabal and children of expats dont give a rat's a55 about Guyana. The govt needs to get off their a55 and create incentives for guyanese to get educated , be entrepenurial and stay in Guyana and stop trying to entrap expats with incentives to return or invest in Guyana ....they lookin fuh tief from yuh!


Originally Posted by kidmost:

Expats who are not politically aligned to PPP or PNC have developed a zero tolerance level for corruption, rascality , skullduggery, stupidity and backwardness - all of which Guyana is about. Expats who are connected to parties are hoping to join in the cabal and children of expats dont give a rat's a55 about Guyana. The govt needs to get off their a55 and create incentives for guyanese to get educated , be entrepenurial and stay in Guyana and stop trying to entrap expats with incentives to return or invest in Guyana ....they lookin fuh tief from yuh!

Well said!!!

Originally Posted by kidmost:

Expats who are not politically aligned to PPP or PNC have developed a zero tolerance level for corruption, rascality , skullduggery, stupidity and backwardness - all of which Guyana is about. Expats who are connected to parties are hoping to join in the cabal and children of expats dont give a rat's a55 about Guyana. The govt needs to get off their a55 and create incentives for guyanese to get educated , be entrepenurial and stay in Guyana and stop trying to entrap expats with incentives to return or invest in Guyana ....they lookin fuh tief from yuh!

True true

Originally Posted by kidmost:

Expats who are not politically aligned to PPP or PNC have developed a zero tolerance level for corruption, rascality , skullduggery, stupidity and backwardness - all of which Guyana is about. Expats who are connected to parties are hoping to join in the cabal and children of expats dont give a rat's a55 about Guyana. The govt needs to get off their a55 and create incentives for guyanese to get educated , be entrepenurial and stay in Guyana and stop trying to entrap expats with incentives to return or invest in Guyana ....they lookin fuh tief from yuh!




 While you have a valid point - very valid. I am inclined to look at it as if I can be able to say "I have return home". I would love to be able to do so without hope or grace. If I can add anything that will be good it will be nice and also will be comforting. My mind is where I am most accepted and that is in the country where I was born.



Originally Posted by Sammyj:


 While you have a valid point - very valid. I am inclined to look at it as if I can be able to say "I have return home". I would love to be able to do so without hope or grace. If I can add anything that will be good it will be nice and also will be comforting. My mind is where I am most accepted and that is in the country where I was born.



Wait when the PNC get back in power, see how quickly your mind will change.


The PNC made me leave is true. But back then (1974) as a young man the decision was made for me. I do not have any regrets for the choice others have made for me. As I get older and NOT so wise I think I can make in today's Guyana.



The GG needs to look at the Guyana UN operation.

We gave several persons their contact number and we are asked if this is how our UN mission is functioning.

I have personally spoke to Talbot. He is yet to provide an answer.


It is indeed a sad state of affair as many students needs access to this important office

Vish M

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