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What Guyana needs is a National Front Govt with absolute Checks and Balances. The winning Party will have 50% of the seats and the combine Opposition the other half. Ministers will be 60% Govt and 40% Opposition.  ALL Ministers will be Accountable and will be evaluated on a yearly basis by a select Commmittee.  This Committee will be made up of Technocrats and other highly qualified people( Those that have wide experiences and are regarded as experts in their field AND have demonstrated independence and a very high level of Human Capital Management.


I am aware of the challenges ie Trust, Cooperation, Infighting etc but since I am not an expert of any kind, I will leave that for the experts to figure out.


PLease feel FREE to add Al YUh two cents.

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Originally Posted by Mitwah:

If the people are not able to vote for representatives for their regions or districts and the parties make the choice from a list of their candidates, then only the elites would be ministers.

The very reason why we have the PR system in the first place was because of our ethnic dynamics.  Africans are concentrated into three urban areas.  Indians dominate the broad swath of rural areas, so district based representation guarantees PPP victories.  This despite the fact that almost 50% of the African population is rural.


Georgetown and its immediate environments accounts for over 1/3 of the population.  They only way that we overcome the fact that our two largest ethnic groups have very different settlement patterns is if constituencies are divided such that G/twn and its immediate environs gets 1/3 of the seats. 


What we need is a strong LOCAL government and a reincarnation of the village councils which Burnham destroyed.  These then feed into Regional Councils, and they can also have seats in parliament. 


Stormborn, in an earlier incarnation as D2, spoke about overlapping districts to be designed so that no one ethnic group dominates so that no one person.  So for instance Buxton (black dominated) and Lusignan (Indian dominated) would select one person to represent them at the regional council.  Assuming roughly equal ethnic populations this means that no one will win just based on support from one ethnic group.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

If the people are not able to vote for representatives for their regions or districts and the parties make the choice from a list of their candidates, then only the elites would be ministers.

This is the system used in other parts of the English speaking Caribbean, and there is still elitism in politics.  As in Guyana, there is a top down type of governance where mini tyrants rule, and all must bow down.


I was listening to a program in Jamaica where a constituency held by the opposition received almost no budgetary allocations as punishment.  The PNP, now in power, found it funny, when the JLP MP for the district pointed it out. 


This is why politics in Jamaica is so violent, and I warn people that Guyana is also being a country with garrison communities, where a few (criminal) dons will  have outsized power in their fiefdoms, unless we deal with this emerging security issue NOW!

Originally Posted by yuji22:

I support such a government. We must also be sensitive to the racial make up of Guyana and the cabinet must reflect the true make up of Guyana. 


Time to move Guyana forward.

I hope you don't think that be selecting black stooges that this pacifies grass roots blacks.


Let THEM select who they want to represent them and then DIALOGUE with those so selected.


I see no evidence that the PPP will do this, so I predict that a National Front government will not last any longer than did the PNC/UF alliance.


What you and the PPP think is that you buy docility by bringing the PNC under your control by assigning them minority status within this framework.


If the PPP cannot respect APNU/AFC as is, they will NOT respect the PNC anymore when the PNC segment of cabin has a problem with how the PPP is doing things.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

If the people are not able to vote for representatives for their regions or districts and the parties make the choice from a list of their candidates, then only the elites would be ministers.

The very reason why we have the PR system in the first place was because of our ethnic dynamics.  Africans are concentrated into three urban areas.  Indians dominate the broad swath of rural areas, so district based representation guarantees PPP victories.  This despite the fact that almost 50% of the African population is rural.


Georgetown and its immediate environments accounts for over 1/3 of the population.  They only way that we overcome the fact that our two largest ethnic groups have very different settlement patterns is if constituencies are divided such that G/twn and its immediate environs gets 1/3 of the seats. 


What we need is a strong LOCAL government and a reincarnation of the village councils which Burnham destroyed.  These then feed into Regional Councils, and they can also have seats in parliament. 


Stormborn, in an earlier incarnation as D2, spoke about overlapping districts to be designed so that no one ethnic group dominates so that no one person.  So for instance Buxton (black dominated) and Lusignan (Indian dominated) would select one person to represent them at the regional council.  Assuming roughly equal ethnic populations this means that no one will win just based on support from one ethnic group.




Very good observations.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

If the people are not able to vote for representatives for their regions or districts and the parties make the choice from a list of their candidates, then only the elites would be ministers.

The very reason why we have the PR system in the first place was because of our ethnic dynamics.  Africans are concentrated into three urban areas.  Indians dominate the broad swath of rural areas, so district based representation guarantees PPP victories.  This despite the fact that almost 50% of the African population is rural.


Georgetown and its immediate environments accounts for over 1/3 of the population.  They only way that we overcome the fact that our two largest ethnic groups have very different settlement patterns is if constituencies are divided such that G/twn and its immediate environs gets 1/3 of the seats. 


What we need is a strong LOCAL government and a reincarnation of the village councils which Burnham destroyed.  These then feed into Regional Councils, and they can also have seats in parliament. 


Stormborn, in an earlier incarnation as D2, spoke about overlapping districts to be designed so that no one ethnic group dominates so that no one person.  So for instance Buxton (black dominated) and Lusignan (Indian dominated) would select one person to represent them at the regional council.  Assuming roughly equal ethnic populations this means that no one will win just based on support from one ethnic group.



Both you and stormy have said it more eloquently than I could have presented it. I have said it before we need the village councils that Burnham destroyed, BTW, my father was chairman for our district. He and my mother were honored to meet the Queen of England.  I saw how hard he and fellow councillors worked to put a budget together for development and maintenance of infrastructures, social services, job creation, housing, sports, annual athletic races, regatta.... donkey race was one my favs...

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

As good as these proposals sound they cannot materialize unless the parliamentary parties agree to amend the constitution. These parties are too embroiled in self-preserveration and battle for political power.

When the various stake holders put the fear of God into the two major parties that is when there will be serious discussion. 


But if we continue with the top down approach, then we will do nothing and whine that the "politicians bla bla bla bla".  This while grown adults in the business, religious, trade unions, and other civic organizations "tremble in fear" or sip soup while trying to placate both parties (APNU discreetly).

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

There is a great deal of mistrust between the major parties as reflected between the two major groups. It's hard to build trust overnight. It will take time for us to get over the past and move on to new grounds with new rules that offer security and confidence.

You need to elect guys like baseman and Caribj to sort out the issues.  Like baseman, CaribJ goes directly to the "heart of the matter".

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

There is a great deal of mistrust between the major parties as reflected between the two major groups. It's hard to build trust overnight. It will take time for us to get over the past and move on to new grounds with new rules that offer security and confidence.

You need to elect guys like baseman and Caribj to sort out the issues.  Like baseman, CaribJ goes directly to the "heart of the matter".

You asking for for an escalation of tensions.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

There is a great deal of mistrust between the major parties as reflected between the two major groups. It's hard to build trust overnight. It will take time for us to get over the past and move on to new grounds with new rules that offer security and confidence.

You need to elect guys like baseman and Caribj to sort out the issues.  Like baseman, CaribJ goes directly to the "heart of the matter".

Caribji, would you retain his nephew, Oh Nandababa as AG?

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

. It will take time for us to get over the past and move on to new grounds with new rules that offer security and confidence.

This is why there will NOT be trust.  You continue to peddle your Indo centric narrative of Guyana without acknowledging that there is also an Afro centric narrative.


It is not just the PAST that we must get over.  Its the PRESENT as the PPP is doing to blacks exactly what the PNC did to Indians.


Don't expect me to listen to you if you refuse to listen to me!


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