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Maybe the following is worth reading. 

They (the truth) is unnerving the spirit or IT with words using computers to alter information on the TV, internet, newspapers, and books in real time. This is why the Guyana Police Force and the Ministry of Finance did not reply to my email to them about how to email my father's life certificate for his pension (the internet function was disabled). It is my strong belief that the American government is using hackers for this. 

Ratio Nerve 9:25 Word [forgotten memory force time = 26.57 03/18/2016].


Ronald Anthony Arjune
Ronald Anthony Arjune posted:

Maybe the following is worth reading. 

They (the truth) is unnerving the spirit or IT with words using computers to alter information on the TV, internet, newspapers, and books in real time. This is why the Guyana Police Force and the Ministry of Finance did not reply to my email to them about how to email my father's life certificate for his pension (the internet function was disabled). It is my strong belief that the American government is using hackers for this. 

Ratio Nerve 9:25 Word [forgotten memory force time = 26.57 03/18/2016].


Dedicated to Stormborn and FC 

FC posted:
ian posted:
FC posted:

It looks like you are mentally challenged as the person you are quoting.

Are you retarded. You have no flipping respect for Arjune. You moron.  

No you are the moron for referencing me to to his post. I had no conversation with him or you.  You address him if you like.

Then the cap fits you jackass. Hahaha 

Ronald Anthony Arjune posted:

Maybe the following is worth reading. 

They (the truth) is unnerving the spirit or IT with words using computers to alter information on the TV, internet, newspapers, and books in real time. This is why the Guyana Police Force and the Ministry of Finance did not reply to my email to them about how to email my father's life certificate for his pension (the internet function was disabled). It is my strong belief that the American government is using hackers for this. 

Ratio Nerve 9:25 Word [forgotten memory force time = 26.57 03/18/2016].


It looks like Ronald finally found his smarts. Thanks man.

ian posted:
FC posted:

It looks like you are mentally challenged as the person you are quoting.

Are you retarded. You have no flipping respect for Arjune. You moron.  

How did u come up with this ian? You asked if FC is retarded because he spoke of someone being mentally challenged. The words he used were right on, the words you used showed the no respect you speak of.


What is happening is a rewrite of reality in Guyana. Overnight we hear that Walter Rodney killed himself. Us East Indians have something called human rights. But we are so engaged in koolie crabdog fight up and koolie spit and envy that we forget we have human rights. The  Guyana Times remains the only true organ that keeps our dignity as a people intact.

Last edited by Prashad
FC posted:

It looks like you are mentally challenged as the person you are quoting.

Interpretation of the meaning seems to be affected by the feelings installed from the words coming from the post by FC. How are we able to detect the meanings--positive of negative? It appears that FC is mentally challenged by differences he once admired in himself that he sees in others. Tell us what happened FC--I ask you with utmost respect. If I may ask, did someone hurt you? 

There seems to be a test for integrity to see what to feel from beliefs because we feel our decisions will have consequences. 

Ratio FC 10:22 PATIENCE [memory of forgotten force of time =24 03/19/2016]

Ronald Anthony Arjune
Prashad posted:

Ronald no hard feelings bro but you should consider taking up writing poetry. You will be a good poet.

Prashad; what would be the point--no one, including my family is telling me what's going on in this world around me. How could lets say going to college benefit me; the professors will not tell me about the soul and love. They would be found guilty of love along with most people in this world. I am blind--I cannot see feelings of IT. Obviously you believe my poetry lacks something. Can you risk being honest and tell me what is the problem with my writing? I don't need to be blinded with more education. I just need to know and see the truth--that will liberate me from my pointless life. Four of my books are poetry and one is my impression of what I think I see (x=x-1). No one is confirming that I am right about this simple equation so who in this world can I depend on or trust. I only trust the soul of the Earth (IT) and the computers and the electronics technology which is being misapplied for love. Isn't love how they make babies and not sex (this is my suspicion). What child would like to know they came about by love (sodomy with God and the soul) and not sex, call me crazy. No one is confirming my paranoia so I have to live like the fool I am to others. They want cigarettes to kill us for a bad decision to smoke--they are not telling us that the spirit or soul of the earth can cure us of cancer and we can still smoke without fear of dying. I see that I have to stop the status quo in America and the rest of the world who tell us we have to live with limitations that they are causing. If the Muslims what to kill people, kill them and not people who have been deceived unknowingly. The Jews have the money--can you prove to me and the rest of the audience why they are or are not the enemy of us all. We need some closure here. What you can do for me Prashad is, identify the guilty, because I would like to know how we are being deceived with reality.


Ronald Anthony Arjune

Back to the topic of Prashad's thread: Guyana Times.

Prashad is within his rights to name Guyana Times as his favorite newspaper. Guyana Times, like any newspaper, has a particular set of readership and loyalists.

My favorite newspaper in the homeland remains Kaieteur News.

Having said that, I must add that no newspaper is absolutely objective. Each takes a side based on its owner's preferences. Nothing wrong with that; to each his own.


I subscribe to three newspapers here in Guyana and when time permits, I read some of the others on-line. I get all the angles and know that the truth is somewhere between what they are all trying to propagate.

I think that it is unfair to criticize someone for reading just one newspaper that you do not favour. We create our own reality because of our cognitive structure that is a result of our experiences, our education, our readings,  etc. 

Zed posted:

I subscribe to three newspapers here in Guyana and when time permits, I read some of the others on-line. I get all the angles and know that the truth is somewhere between what they are all trying to propagate.

I think that it is unfair to criticize someone for reading just one newspaper that you do not favour. We create our own reality because of our cognitive structure that is a result of our experiences, our education, our readings,  etc. 

I know Caribj has a unique cognitive structure-the same country, the same events but he processes in a different reality. 

Ronald Anthony Arjune posted:
Prashad posted:

Ronald no hard feelings bro but you should consider taking up writing poetry. You will be a good poet.

Prashad; what would be the point--no one, including my family is telling me what's going on in this world around me. How could lets say going to college benefit me; the professors will not tell me about the soul and love. They would be found guilty of love along with most people in this world. I am blind--I cannot see feelings of IT. Obviously you believe my poetry lacks something. Can you risk being honest and tell me what is the problem with my writing? I don't need to be blinded with more education. I just need to know and see the truth--that will liberate me from my pointless life. Four of my books are poetry and one is my impression of what I think I see (x=x-1). No one is confirming that I am right about this simple equation so who in this world can I depend on or trust. I only trust the soul of the Earth (IT) and the computers and the electronics technology which is being misapplied for love. Isn't love how they make babies and not sex (this is my suspicion). What child would like to know they came about by love (sodomy with God and the soul) and not sex, call me crazy. No one is confirming my paranoia so I have to live like the fool I am to others. They want cigarettes to kill us for a bad decision to smoke--they are not telling us that the spirit or soul of the earth can cure us of cancer and we can still smoke without fear of dying. I see that I have to stop the status quo in America and the rest of the world who tell us we have to live with limitations that they are causing. If the Muslims what to kill people, kill them and not people who have been deceived unknowingly. The Jews have the money--can you prove to me and the rest of the audience why they are or are not the enemy of us all. We need some closure here. What you can do for me Prashad is, identify the guilty, because I would like to know how we are being deceived with reality.


Remember this always Ronald . You come from a great civilization. You can do anything that you are determined to do. I see the  potential in your writing to achieve the skills of a good writer or poet. So continue with your writing and reflection on life.



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