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Django posted:
Tola posted:

Vulgarity never win debate, only show degrade of person and lose. 

Notice the same on social media from supporters of the opposition party.

So who does come on GNI and tell people about how they drop peoples’ panties and talk obsessively about lolo and beetee just to name a few. 

Who was the first poster on this very thread to talk about being on knees getting oral workout?

Do you or that hypocrite Tola have enough courage and uprightness to say who? Bai, yuh really disappointing me. πŸ˜€

Sean posted:

Well, it was many posters who supported the AFC and displayed that vulgarity here. Should I dig up the AFC Bu* plug comments made about Jagdeo ? 
The late Jalil and anti PPP supporters like Mitwah were the master of vulgarity. 

Na bai Tola, the AFC and their supporters started the nastiest attacks and vulgarity here at GNI. 

Granger give them good and prappa now 

Bai, Tola was also one of those involved in that vulgarity. Why do you think I always remind him of his posts back then now that he is pretending to be so righteous. πŸ˜€

ksazma posted:

So who does come on GNI and tell people about how they drop peoples’ panties and talk obsessively about lolo and beetee just to name a few. 

Who was the first poster on this very thread to talk about being on knees getting oral workout?

wellll,  i never mentioned β€œlolo” or β€œbeetee” . . . that’s β€œobsessively” all between your ears bai

and tell me, what exactly is vulgar about pointing to stunted people’s dutty, stink panty er, underwear, hmmmmm?

now, as to you being on your knees in whiteface exercising your diseased  lips on gawd-knows-what smegma generating protuberances offered up by the retard β€˜wizards’ of the Florida klan you seem so keen to impress,. . . i’ll suggest that THAT is fair comment when stepping on the ignorant purveyors of the most virulent hate speech this side of the terrorist sh!ttings we have come to expect from restricted and β€˜monitored’ fora such as StormFront and the xChan sites

especially from coward punks like you who pelt-and-hide like frightened homan

waddya think lil man?                               

Last edited by Former Member
Tola posted:

It looks like Ronan 'the scourge of the world' is getting at you.  What did the black man in Guyana did to you, for so much animosity and hate on GNI ?  

Nobody here gets to me fool. That idiot is always begging for attention for which I don’t care to oblige him. It is my way of conveying his worthlessness. Blacks in Guyana never did anything to me personally. Well one did stole my bicycle by putting a knife to my neck. I speak of what I know about their destitute existence which was all their doing.

 The bigger question is why you feel so afraid to speak the truth?

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
Tola posted:

Vulgarity never win debate, only show degrade of person and lose. 

Notice the same on social media from supporters of the opposition party.

So who does come on GNI and tell people about how they drop peoples’ panties and talk obsessively about lolo and beetee just to name a few. 

Who was the first poster on this very thread to talk about being on knees getting oral workout?

Do you or that hypocrite Tola have enough courage and uprightness to say who? Bai, yuh really disappointing me. πŸ˜€

All them anti-man circling together just be careful before them Jump you. Rawan is a GT gay boy he knows all the tricks, He marketing on line with the help of GNI followers. 

Tola posted:

It looks like Ronan 'the scourge of the world' is getting to you.  What did the black man in Guyana did to you, for so much animosity and hate on GNI ?  

Finally somebody else gets it. His rage is not directed at the PNC, but at BLACKMAN! Dave has it too, but he confessed that he was the victim of a beatdown or something during election time. At least he has an "excuse".

Suh what is responsible fuh Taliban swamp man rage at black man???? Has to do with the times he used to stray into Prashad Nagar / Campbellville area and a black fella box he ass and tek away he woman. There is more, but dat is enough fuh now.

Tola posted:

The AFC might be vulgar, but what has that got to do with the vulgarity of some on GNI ? 


Django posted:
Tola posted:

Vulgarity never win debate, only show degrade of person and lose. 

Notice the same on social media from supporters of the opposition party.





The PPP, Jaggo and Mutt and Jeff  are being cussed by many  in Berbice for what they did to the people, especially the youth.  Just like the Skeldon factory failure, they failed the people with their nastiness and vindictiveness. Including sexually abusing young women who were looking for jobs. Do you know how many of these young women took their own life afterwards, Baseman ?  Your daughter could have been one, yet you support these AHs.

You are a liar and a hypocrite. Read your posts again regarding what you said about Gilly. You are lucky  that you went  into hiding when he replied to your post, because he would of tore a piece off your backside.

Fake initiative eh !! Get off your fat ass in Jersey and  come  see, but make sure you walk with enough security  and  protection for your  rear end. You could get rear ended  by the people who are struggling to stay afloat.

Baseman. you get your kicks by mentioning other poster names , that don't seem to give a rats ass about you. Leave Curly alone, she is a person ten times better than you. And quit stroking your ego by mentioning others, they don't care shit about you either.

You mentioned Bibi a lot, like you know her well

Is this you Tola. 

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:
Tola posted:

Druggie, now you are making an ass-umptions from behind your computer.

Bibi has two suga papa in NY  who are steering her for their own pleasure. 

Basement Baseboard is a loser like hot smoke blowing Jagdeo,  who is pissed for losing business income, when the PPP lost the elections. Ask Baseboard why did they take down from their website, the millions in grant Granger gave them. Like dem shame.

As for you 'Buddy', go take  a swim in an empty lake, dat don't have any shit wata @Warria.  

Now TOtal LoosA, I don't come here often, too busy with a real job and trying to get on top of all my 2017 CPE requirements, so no time for idle talk, especially with low IQ runts like you! I sometimes glance through, take a lil read and head back to more useful activities.  However, I read your demented post and decided to waste a few minutes on you...piece of waste.

First of all, if my memory serves me correctly, about 18 months ago you were chiding baseman [and a female poster] for no longer being steadfast contributors to that Center.  You even published the BOD claiming that Baseman was a member.

Be that as it may, at least there is something real, a real building and real people with real names and lives who stand behind that initiative and there are approx 150 kids fed there six days a week, 52 weeks a year. This is real…and you know it!

Not too long ago, again you attacked baseman for, being a Board member, but not knowing of YOUR contribution of some cricket bats and balls to the Center.  And this was after the "alleged" USD 10k contribution from Granger.  Why you cussing them now?  FYI, its costs USD 20k/annum to keep that Center going!

What went wrong with you are them between then and now?  What got you so pissed off at them?  Is it that Granger gave you laarwa for your "initiative"?  I don't agree with the politics of certain key members of the charity, so I distanced myself.  You however, went headlong hanging your mouth and got some lime juice instead of milk and honey.  It seems, from what I see, they are getting lil milk and honey and TOLA got white mouth, now you rass mad!  You see, you (and a certain other former poster) pick up someone's private fire-rage and came after Baseman.  You all hoped for some payday and got wood, β€œf--ked and chucked” as some would say.  I'm sure you know of what/who I speak!

TOLA, FYI what you crave, Baseman declined.  Yes, Baseman was offered a one-on-one with Granger and his people at a private setting in NJ.  Baseman politely declined meanwhile, poor TOLA shouting at the top of his voice for Granger’s attention, no dice.   And you can rest assure, had I chose to take the meeting, Baseman would have made inroads.  Baseman is a highly accomplished, highly qualified international business/finance professional.  Baseman and his kith and kins are not low life runts like you.  You cannot measure up banna!  You lack the intellectual depth and bandwidth to impress even the PNC!!

On another fraudulent claim, you made some assertion as to the initiative I was involved with a Guyanese transplant patient in Bangalore, India.  This was the most astounding, outlandish, bold, barefaced lie I have ever seen uttered here.  I don’t need to prove anything here as Admin and others knew of my substantive ground and financial involvement in this case.  It was Baseman’s intervention, meeting with the CFO, the head surgeon and the head of admin with the hospital in Bangalore which got things ironed out.  Furthermore, Baseman organized, and funded it 50%, a three-year supply of Swiss-origin anti-rejection drug (Cellcept) at 90% discount for the man.  That’s a fact!!  T'was the least I could do for my fellow Guyanese brother returning to a difficult life in Guyana!

To this day, what does the mysterious β€œTOLA” have to show for his decades-long initiative in Guyana?  Does this β€œentity” TOLA even have a real mortal being behind it?  Could this entity β€œTOLA” publish/produce some documentary evidence of his work?  I mean, you even took the time did β€œhomework” on my late father and then tried to drag and stomp on him on GNI!  You shameless piece of horse manure!  His son, Baseman squashed TOtal LoosA like a cockroach.

Now, run along loser and do what you do best, tell LIES and FAKE claims and carry on with your taste test proposals GNIers.  This is what you do best…FAKESTER!!   And if you notice FAKESTER, I stuck to everything GNI!!  Your fakery here is as opaque as a jellyfish!

Baseman will be gone for a few, too much to do, too little to gain here, and some things on GNI [not politics or sticks and stones] do cut me to the core!


And thanks to Nehru, Drugb, Alena, Bibi and others for holding the line against the reformed foul-mouthed "Scaramucchis" who are running helter-skelter like "Scaredpoochies"!

Hea Basement Baseboard, did you write all that by yourself, or your in-house GNI partner  helped. Stay and chat, don't come with your shit above and run like a drunken NJ whore.

Thanks for reinforcing all I said about you, because you  are still a piece of useless shit. How was your visit with Jagdeo, did you have a good time ? Bhai, be careful, you gun get de woman jealous.  You know how challenging it was the last time.

Do you understand what you wrote above, or you have to go back to school  to comprehend  your own writing. Gibberish and repeating yourself.

Bhai, you know how bad you write when drinking and carrying on. So wait for a sober moment so we can have a better discussion.  But next time, get off the pedestal with your fake achievements, it might be more believable.

As for the Jagdeo crew on GNI, he is still blowing hot smoke in their eyes, just like he is doing to the sugar workers, with his master plan


And Djanjo cussing up Heh Heh 

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Original Post

GNI is not Django's Rum Shop. He should stay home if he is drunk.

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Like DJANGO had some drinks with MOSES? 

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yuji22 posted:

Here is another post in his drunken state:
Screen Shot 2018-07-11 at 8.38.05 PM

Drunk,you got to be out of your mind.Don't touch that stuff for months.

You does tun yuh face on the other side when the drunken Nehru hurls abuses.

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Yugi braying like a jackass. 

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Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

Here is another post in his drunken state:
Screen Shot 2018-07-11 at 8.38.05 PM

Drunk,you got to be out of your mind.Don't touch that stuff for months.

You does tun yuh face on the other side when the drunken Nehru hurls abuses.


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Admin have their favorites who do no wrong.  We see the abuse and personal attacks that pass for debates. Perhaps it's the reason, there are so many guests peeping in for the cheap thrills.  Time to take a break from GNI. 

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Mitwah posted:

Admin have their favorites who do no wrong.  We see the abuse and personal attacks that pass for debates. Perhaps it's the reason, there are so many guests peeping in for the cheap thrills.  Time to take a break from GNI. 

...there was also the solicitation of a female member's niece!

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Prashad posted:

Like DJANGO had some drinks with MOSES? 

Valid question.

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Let there  be peace. GNI is not for the fainthearted. This forum often brings out the worst in us, including me.

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The reality is that there are no group of people who are totally good or bad. People of all groups do good things and bad things. The trouble is that generally, blacks grossly lack contrition. People from all groups when they do something wrong, they will get to a point where they are contrite about it. Blacks generally can't get to that point. It is always someone else's fault that they do what they do. Take the recent case of the black teenager who was shot dead in his head. All the black apologists are arguing that what the police did was wrong. None of them are able to step aside from their bias and consider that long before that cop pulled that trigger, that teenager was involved in criminal activity much more than his age. He was stopped for stealing a car. He ran and jumped the fence. But before he ran, he had to pull his pants up because he is stupid enough to wear droopy pants even though he does things that make it necessary to run. So the police saw him reaching for his pants and thought he was reaching for a weapon and when he scaled the fence he met his death. Had he been s[ending his time in school or doing something else that was legal and productive, he would have been alive. Personally, I prefer him dead than preying on me, my family and properties.

And I would feel the same way about any criminal regardless of their race.

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:

The reality is that there are no group of people who are totally good or bad. People of all groups do good things and bad things. The trouble is that generally, blacks grossly lack contrition. People from all groups when they do something wrong, they will get to a point where they are contrite about it. Blacks generally can't get to that point. It is always someone else's fault that they do what they do. Take the recent case of the black teenager who was shot dead in his head. All the black apologists are arguing that what the police did was wrong. None of them are able to step aside from their bias and consider that long before that cop pulled that trigger, that teenager was involved in criminal activity much more than his age. He was stopped for stealing a car. He ran and jumped the fence. But before he ran, he had to pull his pants up because he is stupid enough to wear droopy pants even though he does things that make it necessary to run. So the police saw him reaching for his pants and thought he was reaching for a weapon and when he scaled the fence he met his death. Had he been s[ending his time in school or doing something else that was legal and productive, he would have been alive. Personally, I prefer him dead than preying on me, my family and properties.

And I would feel the same way about any criminal regardless of their race.

pitiful little punk casting about desperate fuh β€˜recovery’

all the taliban prancing up and down how β€œblacks are the scourge of the world” now bile down to whining and thin gravy about some teenager, β€œpolicing” and β€œcrime”

tap tap tapitty tap

this is the inevitable result when you are a dummy and a COWARD lacking the brains to extricate yuh stinking carcass from a snare and cage lovingly constructed of sh!t with your own hands

good thing i don’t suffer from amnesia

i’m here to make sure you stay right there

uh huh

Last edited by Former Member

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