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April 23, 2016 Source

Hailing the Paris Agreement on climate change as the “most ambitious” international environmental pact in modern history, President David Granger yesterday said Guyana will play its part by bringing two million hectares of forest under conservation, among other steps.

Aside from the increased acreage under conservation, the planned Emissions Reduction Programme (ERP) will also see the encouraging of more efficient mining and logging activities to aid in the fight against global warming, Granger said.

The pledges were among several made by the Head of State as he joined other world leaders in inking the historic Paris Agreement in New York.

David Granger
David Granger

The Paris Agreement sets out a global action plan to put the world on track to avoid dangerous climate change by limiting global warming to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels.

The agreement was approved by the 196 Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Paris on December 12 last year. The deal also requires rich nations to maintain a US$100 billion a year funding pledge beyond 2020, providing greater financial security to developing nations to build their defences to extreme weather.

In the short term, up to 2020, Granger told the signing ceremony yesterday that Guyana will improve timber monitoring and maintain a high level of timber legality and increase value-added activities in the forestry sector so as to augment carbon storage in long-use wood products.

Further, the country will intensify the sustainable management of the indigenous communities, which own and manage 14% of the national territory, he said.

Granger also pledged that Guyana will implement Reduced Impact Logging (RIL). He also committed to investing in solar power, wind power and hydropower to transition more rapidly to renewable sources of energy and reduce the country’s dependence on fossil fuels.

Reuters reported that the United Nations said 175 states took the first step of signing the deal yesterday, the biggest day one endorsement of a global agreement. Of those, 15 states also formally notified the UN that they had ratified the deal. Many countries still need a parliamentary vote to formally approve the agreement. The deal will enter into force only when ratified by at least 55 nations representing 55 percent of man-made greenhouse gas emissions.

Yesterday, China and the United States, the world’s top producers of greenhouse gas emissions, pledged to formally ratify the Paris Agreement by the end of the year, raising the prospects of it being enforced much faster than anticipated, Reuters reported. China and the United States together account for 38 percent of global emissions.

‘No effort spared’

Granger was among a number of world leaders signing the deal and in his remarks, released by the Ministry of the Presidency, he said Guyana has signed the Agreement on account of its recognition of the need for resolute action to combat this challenge. He pledged to ensure that Guyana will ratify the deal this year.

“Guyana, through the pursuit of a Green Economy, will spare no effort to contribute to both a sustainable future and to an effective global response to climate change,” Granger said. He asserted that Guyana is a net carbon sink and its forests sequester more carbon than the country’s human activities generate.

Guyana, with the world’s second highest percentage of rainforest cover -85% – commands important carbon stocks, he said, while adding that Guyana, nevertheless, is fully committed to contributing to limiting the rise in global temperature to below 1.5 degrees Celsius.

The president said that Guyana intends to implement initiatives in the forest and renewable energy sectors, including through the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) Plus programme. “We will move closer towards a 100% renewable power supply by 2025, conditional on appropriate support and adequate resources,” he said.

According to Granger, Guyana’s proposed commitments, through avoided emissions, can contribute the equivalent of up to 48.7 million metric tonnes of carbon dioxide to the global mitigation effort.

He said Guyana is prepared to sustainably manage conserve and protect the national patrimony and place its ecological resources at the service of humanity.

Granger acknowledged the leadership of the government of France, the stewardship of the UN Secretary General as well as the partnerships forged by the Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC and the efforts of others who contributed to the consummation of this agreement.

“The Paris Agreement is the most ambitious international environmental agreement in modern history. The Agreement presents a historic opportunity for the global community to respond to the challenge of climate change in an appropriate manner,” Granger said.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

alena06 posted:

Following in the footsteps of BJ - like a true follower.  No original ideas.

Jagdeo did not do a damn thing. As usual he was a loud mouthed opportunist seeing an means to pocket some loot. The opt in strategy to let Amerind come in after the fact rather than persuade them on the best strategies of conservation and so include them initially speaks to that. His entire tenure without emissions standards to those hundreds of junkers being imported into the nation by his friends also spoke to that. Then there was the reality that despite our energy starvation he did not advocate every house on the coast install solar panels with tax allowances for the projects. He had no damn strategy any place. Not for the prohibiting of plastic bags, Styrofoam or even a banning of the use of mercury and arsenic in mining. That bitch was as opportunistic as they come. He only cared that he got the money in one hand and in the other he was leasing the lands to Chinese and Indian loggers for kickbacks. He turned  over our entire park system to his buddy, another fraud.  These were among the  reason hes did not get but a tiny fraction of it. The Norwegians did not trust him.


Granger should not have pledged the forest without the country getting compensations similar to the Norway deal.  Why should Guyana bear the cost of supplying the rest of the world with O2?

Drugb posted:

Granger should not have pledged the forest without the country getting compensations similar to the Norway deal.  Why should Guyana bear the cost of supplying the rest of the world with O2?

SAYYYY what?????

Zed posted:

Trottman had said that the PPP gave away all the forest. I wonder where granger will get the  2 million hectares. Maybe from rescinding all the exploration permits that were granted?

One million hectares were already set aside by President Desmond Hoyte in Iwokrama. No big-scale logging and mining is permitted within the Iwokrama project boundary. President Granger is adding one million hectares more along the same lines. Details to be announced.

Drugb posted:

Granger should not have pledged the forest without the country getting compensations similar to the Norway deal.  Why should Guyana bear the cost of supplying the rest of the world with O2?

You are just as short sighted and greedy as Jagdeo. Preserving the forests is an imperative and a necessary good. It is not dependent on who give us money or who we can blackmail into giving us money or else we cut it down as was jagdeo claim. The Chinese who are plunderers of the worlds forests have the foresight to impose a moratorium on harvesting trees in their own. They can rely on jackasses like you who would give up their s for pittance.

Danyael posted:
Drugb posted:

Granger should not have pledged the forest without the country getting compensations similar to the Norway deal.  Why should Guyana bear the cost of supplying the rest of the world with O2?

You are just as short sighted and greedy as Jagdeo. Preserving the forests is an imperative and a necessary good. It is not dependent on who give us money or who we can blackmail into giving us money or else we cut it down as was jagdeo claim. The Chinese who are plunderers of the worlds forests have the foresight to impose a moratorium on harvesting trees in their own. They can rely on jackasses like you who would give up their s for pittance.

No you joker!  Everyone exploits their resources to develop their nation.  If Guyana must set-aside its forest to serve as the lungs of the world, then there should be compensation.  The oil producers getting super rich extracting oil, the industrial nations living high on their output, but little nations like Guyana must forgo their development in the interest of oxygenating the atmosphere in the interest of all humanity!!

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
Drugb posted:

Granger should not have pledged the forest without the country getting compensations similar to the Norway deal.  Why should Guyana bear the cost of supplying the rest of the world with O2?

You are just as short sighted and greedy as Jagdeo. Preserving the forests is an imperative and a necessary good. It is not dependent on who give us money or who we can blackmail into giving us money or else we cut it down as was jagdeo claim. The Chinese who are plunderers of the worlds forests have the foresight to impose a moratorium on harvesting trees in their own. They can rely on jackasses like you who would give up their s for pittance.

No you joker!  Everyone exploits their resources to develop their nation.  If Guyana must set-aside its forest to serve as the lungs of the world, then there should be compensation.  The oil producers getting super rich extracting oil, the industrial nations living high on their output, but little nations like Guyana must forgo their development in the interest of oxygenating the atmosphere in the interest of all humanity!!

Thanks Base, I couldn't have said it better.  Even when I was in college the concept of carbon credits were discussed where nations with large forests would trade their preservation for compensation from the nations destroying the atmosphere. 


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