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Guyana to seek additional Amaila partners : -PresidentPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Nadine Sanchara   
Thursday, 22 August 2013 22:11

GUYANA is going to continue to seek additional partners for the Amaila Falls Hydropower Project (AFHP) to ensure that the project comes into fruition.

This pronouncement was made by President Donald Ramotar while underscoring the benefits of cheaper sources of energy at the commissioning of the Bio-ethanol plant at Albion, Berbice.
The AFHP has been threatened after Sithe Global, a major investor, withdrew from the project citing the need for national consensus, following the non-support of the major opposition party, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), for the amendments to the Hydroelectric Act and a motion to increase the debt ceiling on external loans, both of which were critical to the AFHP.
The president said that the worst that could happen to the project at this time would be a delay, but not a long delay as before, alluding to failed previous attempts at developing a hydropower plant in Guyana.
He pointed out that the Amaila Falls plant is supposed to be handed over to Guyana in 20 years, but noted that even before that, in the first 12 years, electricity bills will be reduced by 40 percent.
Moreover, he advised that in the following eight years, electricity bills will go down by 71 percent and by time the plant is handed over to Guyana, it will be reduced by 91 percent, the mere operating cost of the plant.
Ramotar said that with cheap energy, more investment can be attracted into Guyana and that this is why the current situation with the project is “such a painful issue” since it is a project that would touch the lives of every single person living in the country in a positive way.

$6B Electricity Subsidy
He related that some $6B was spent last year to subsidise electricity, in order to prevent the ordinary people and businesses from paying more than they already do, and he stated further that approximately the same amount will be spent in that regard this year.
In addition, he noted that Guyana’s single largest import bill is that of fuel used to generate electricity.
He said that if the country gets a cheap source of energy, such as that which Amaila promises, the country will be saving a significant amount which can then be invested in other areas.
“If we generate electricity by renewable source, like hydro, that money could be saved to deal with many of the social problems that we have in the society, or to be invested in the productive sector so that we can generate more wealth,” Ramotar asserted.
Meanwhile, speaking at the same forum, Agriculture Minister, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy told the president that he, and the Government of Guyana, should not be discouraged by the “irresponsibility of a small group of Guyanese.”
“I say to you that this nation is behind you. We want hydroelectricity now, we want Amaila now. We do not want to dream another 20 years, another 40 years...” he asserted.
Ramsammy stated that the government’s pursuit of hydroelectricity via the Amaila hydroelectric plant has been recognised by people throughout the country, as not only an exciting venture but a necessity as well.
He noted that for Guyana’s development to be accelerated, a cheaper source of energy is needed, and if the people are going to be ensured access to reliable, affordable energy, the AFHP must be realised.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

 Everyone wants to cheep energy. They do not want the illusion of cheap energy.


Again the best policy for that energy supply is not a single source. It has to be a distributed system and inclusive of wind solar and small hydro systems. Further, the cost of energy is increasingly in the grid itself.


We see the GPL inefficient management of the grid increases energy cost by 100 percent. Who the hell thinks that will be any better with increased complexity?


The PPP is ass backward on this as they are on every big project to date.


U.S echoes calls for opposition to support Amaila Hydro Project

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U.S Ambassador to Guyana Brent Hardt in a statement yesterday echoed what is now a popular call for all political parties to support the Amaila Falls hydro power project. Hardt said this must be done in the interest of the nation so that Guyana can benefit from cheaper electricity which is necessary for its continued development. The APNU continues to oppose the Amaila Falls Hydro project despite calls for it to put politics aside from various sections of the society.

OP-ED by U.S Ambassador to Guyana Brent Hardt:

At the recently concluded Investment Conference organised by the Canadian High Commissioner with the support of the U.S., EU, and UK diplomatic missions and an array of local private sector organisations and enterprises, participants were able to examine both the investment opportunities available in Guyana and some of the obstacles investors face in pursuing opportunities here.

One of the most critical elements for investors is political stability and reliability over the term of an investment.  They need to know that a project, once launched, will enjoy continuing support regardless of potential political shifts.  Such political stability and reliability require political leadership that is willing to pursue policies that will advance long-term national interests, create new opportunities for people, and improve the standard of living for all.
Over the past month, the apparent demise of the Amaila Hydropower project had vividly demonstrated just how these issues can directly affect economic development and progress.  Until recently the project, which has been under development for six years under Sithe Global, appeared to enjoy the implicit support of all political parties. 
In recent weeks, however, the project suddenly became enmeshed in political battles that had little to do with the potential of the project to generate cheaper, more reliable, and more environmentally friendly energy for decades to come.
To mitigate potential political concerns for a project that represented 25 percent of Guyana's GDP -- the biggest single investment in Guyana's history -- the investors determined that they would require a unified commitment from all of Guyana's political parties.  Such a commitment was necessary to ensure that the investment required would not become subject to a loss of support in the event of shifting political configurations.
Sadly, the country's political parties have thus far been unable to come together to support a project that offers all citizens -- of all parties -- the prospect of lower electricity rates and more reliable energy.  The demise of this project is likely to diminish Guyana's future attractiveness to international investors, and make future investments in the energy sector riskier and more costly.
While the window to prevent such an occurrence is small and closing fast, we call on all political parties to come together in the national interest to support a project that all parties have long agreed is necessary to boost Guyana's competitiveness and improve the lives of its peoples with less expensive and more reliable energy.


The ambassador has to intervene on behalf of a US company.  But I do not know why you of all will think the US is giving great advice. I see the advice on human trafficking, extrajudicial killings, lack of justice and corruption from every us group ie the state department, transparency international etc rejected soundly by this administration.

Originally Posted by TI:

AFC/APNU recommends using firewood for energy. If everyone plant a tree, you would have enough fuel to light up the country



As stupid as your comment is intended to  imply  is there can be some truth to the matter that as usual in your bias you ignorantly miss. We can use begasse and other wood products and by products of manufacture  no less than they are employed here and elsewhere as energy generation. Britain has one that runs on chicken poop.


By the way, why the "Amerindian electrification" model employed by the PPP in the interior is not a model to be ramped up on the coast? I think one sees the irony here of a 60 watt bulb a solar panel, cheap inverter and a battery as " electrification"!


Over the past month, the apparent demise of the Amaila Hydropower project had vividly demonstrated just how these issues can directly affect economic development and progress.  Until recently the project, which has been under development for six years under Sithe Global, appeared to enjoy the implicit support of all political parties. 
In recent weeks, however, the project suddenly became enmeshed in political battles that had little to do with the potential of the project to generate cheaper, more reliable, and more environmentally friendly energy for decades to come.
To mitigate potential political concerns for a project that represented 25 percent of Guyana's GDP -- the biggest single investment in Guyana's history -- the investors determined that they would require a unified commitment from all of Guyana's political parties.  Such a commitment was necessary to ensure that the investment required would not become subject to a loss of support in the event of shifting political configurations.
Sadly, the country's political parties have thus far been unable to come together to support a project that offers all citizens -- of all parties -- the prospect of lower electricity rates and more reliable energy. The demise of this project is likely to diminish Guyana's future attractiveness to international investors, and make future investments in the energy sector riskier and more costly.


The project was flawed because it was conceived by the small minds in the PPP. Such projects should be inclusive of political consensus and with a healthy imput from civil bodies. The PPP is alien to such understanding. With dufus as Anil, Iffart as their intellectual and tech mage they are truly in shits creek.




 I can conclude you have nothing to contribute but the usual propaganda. I wonder if Jagdeo knew Ramotar was squatting on OMAI an getting fat while they rape and pillage our land? Get real punk. The PPP with all its Goebbels like machinations will never  commit to making a law that prohibits or demands a firewall between office holders and their companies while in they are a government officer.


Let me reiterate.....the PPP has not moved to separate officers of the state from being involved in business with companies seeking business from the state.  Were that the case Jagdeo would have found his ass in jail. In the US he would be there for receiving 29tons of lucre from Ed Ahamad quid pro quo.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

The project was flawed because it was conceived by the small minds in the PPP. Such projects should be inclusive of political consensus and with a healthy imput from civil bodies. The PPP is alien to such understanding. With dufus as Anil, Iffart as their intellectual and tech mage they are truly in shits creek.



Yet the AFC voted for it, hehehe



Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

The project was flawed because it was conceived by the small minds in the PPP. Such projects should be inclusive of political consensus and with a healthy imput from civil bodies. The PPP is alien to such understanding. With dufus as Anil, Iffart as their intellectual and tech mage they are truly in shits creek.



Yet the AFC voted for it, hehehe



Much to their perfidy!...Hope they learn you cannot dance with the devil even in the pale moonlight and think no one will see.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

If the hydro project is a bad idea, why the AFC supported it, and why both Cathy and Nigel are on their payroll?

 I am not here to speak for the AFC. I am not a player on their team. I am my own team so do not ask me nonsense on their account.


I speak with the hope they do not become corrupted as you. It is clear that in small societies as ours corruption is incestuous. There are less than three degree of separation between the average Guyanese. Everyone is a blood relative to or a relative of another by marriage.


With corruption endemic in the PPP and they being in control of the state as dictators for 20 years  it is hardly unlikely that the necrotizing infective capacity of corrupting influences do not seep across to others.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

The project was flawed because it was conceived by the small minds in the PPP.

Usual nonsense.

go sit on a pole if that is what it will take for you to be of any useful input on the board.


Leader of the AFC, Khemraj Ramjattan said that the Party’s position on the project is in concurrence with what was stated by U.S Ambassador, Brent Hardt.

“We feel that there were imperfections about this project but they were imperfections which could have been given a second opinion by the IDB due diligence…Now that it is in a very bad shape, yes indeed we are going to suffer because financial structure like these don’t come easy,” Ramjattan said.


After playing partisan politics, it appears the AFC's conscience prick them...

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

The project was flawed because it was conceived by the small minds in the PPP.

Usual nonsense.

go sit on a pole if that is what it will take for you to be of any useful input on the board.

I have no desire to take you usual position.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Leader of the AFC, Khemraj Ramjattan said that the Party’s position on the project is in concurrence with what was stated by U.S Ambassador, Brent Hardt.

“We feel that there were imperfections about this project but they were imperfections which could have been given a second opinion by the IDB due diligence…Now that it is in a very bad shape, yes indeed we are going to suffer because financial structure like these don’t come easy,” Ramjattan said.


After playing partisan politics, it appears the AFC's conscience prick them...

The US said you were lax if not silly to deny there are persons trafficked in the state.... the Manick one threw a does not happen here the little piggy squealed...those bloody yanks need to mind their own business....


Corruption said the state is endemic..."What!!!!" came the chorus from the PPP? Look at Iraq then talk


Go ride a horse if you think the US ambassador weighing in should be sacrosanct.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

The ambassador has to intervene on behalf of a US company.  But I do not know why you of all will think the US is giving great advice. I see the advice on human trafficking, extrajudicial killings, lack of justice and corruption from every us group ie the state department, transparency international etc rejected soundly by this administration.

Well put Mr Danyeal!

Originally Posted by Danyael:

The ambassador has to intervene on behalf of a US company.  But I do not know why you of all will think the US is giving great advice. I see the advice on human trafficking, extrajudicial killings, lack of justice and corruption from every us group ie the state department, transparency international etc rejected soundly by this administration.

Two different things, one is a US Company investment interest the other an internal security issue.


The US sponsored African terrorists in the 60's that killed off many Indians.  The GoG has to do what it deems necessary to protect the citizenry from the evil mindset of a few sewn in the 60's.


the ppp boys already have lots of money in this deal so they have to keep pushing too bad it was not a cocain deal some of them will get their head chop off the guyanese people want hydro but the ppp need to come clean and this is what they cannot 


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