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Number 63 Beach facilities in deplorable state

June 9, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

The government, particularly the Ministry of Tourism, has failed miserably to deliver on its promises and execute its initiatives to enhance and develop the nation’s most popular beach—the Number 63 Beach on the Corentyne Coast.
During a recent visit to the Number 63 Beach, it was observed that one cannot even get into the beach since the access road is impassable. Most of the main entrance is under water at the moment, with large pools at various spots. Additionally, the structures around the beach, namely the benabs, washrooms and changing rooms are filthy.
The pit latrines are in a messy state and the black water tank which was once attached to a shower room apparently has been vandalized. Litter is commonplace; the area is full of garbage including broken bottles. One of the pavilions is literally falling apart.  The changing rooms and toilet seats and floors are covered in thick sand.
The beach stretches from Number 65 Village in the south to Number 54 Village in the north and is considered one of the longest stretches of natural beach in the Caribbean, being approximately 8.5 Km in length. It is well- known for its popular driving surface.
Ever so often, the Ministry of Tourism comes up with some kind of projected vision for the tourism hot- spot but cannot seem to deliver on its promise to put its plans into effect. There are two entrances to the beach—one at Number 60 and the other at Number 63; most persons utilize the Number 63 entrance.
In 2009, then Minister of Tourism, Mr. Manniram Prashad, used the Number 63 Beach as a platform to launch Tourism Awareness Month. The appointment of Prashad then as Minister saw renewed interest in the development of the beach. He put in place a committee, not only to look at maintenance, but also to spearhead the development of the beach as an attractive tourist destination.
There was talk over the years by government about the need to enhance the beach to attract more visitors, but the plans never materialized.
Back in 2011, at the Berbice Expo, Prashad touted the Number 63 Beach Redevelopment Vision which was aimed at enhancing the area. If implemented, that initiative should have seen a more attractive and safer beach with more family- friendly activities.
“We are looking at the possibility of overnight accommodation, improving the facilities at the beach in terms of lounge chairs and a boardwalk. We need to have more persons at the beach to be able to develop concessions for renting paddle boats and jet skis,” Manzoor Nadir, former Minister of Tourism, said in August 2005 on a visit to the beach.
Now Minister of Tourism, Mr. Irfaan Alli, too, seems to have failed miserably in planning and implementing initiatives to enhance the beach.
Last year, the dilapidated beach entrance was highlighted by a letter writer, Ms. Ebony Narpatty, whose restaurant and bar is located on the beach grounds. “An embarrassment to the country, the 63 beach and the government is the dilapidated 63 beach entrance road that exists.”
In 2011, the Upper Corentyne Chambers of Commerce and Industry (UCCCI) erected fifty ‘Clean beach’ sign boards around the entire beach. Today, save for one billboard that stands tall at the beach entrance, none of the fifty sign boards is anywhere to be seen. The clean beach signs were installed along the busier stretch of the location spaced out at approximately 150 feet.
During a meeting in April involving the Chambers of Commerce operating in East Berbice, the Region Six Administration; Corriverton Town Council; Upper Corentyne Chamber of Commerce; the Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA); the Guyana Police Force, Sea Defence Department; GuySuCo; and the Tourism and Hospitality Association of Guyana (THAG), several issues were raised during the engagement.
Director of the Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA), Mr. Indranauth Haralsingh on Saturday, stated that he is aware of the dilapidated structures along the beach and that he recently received estimates from a Corentyne carpenter to repair the structures.
“The [beach] Committee will put that (the estimates) out to the private sector so we will have sponsorship on each structure.”
Co- Chairman of the Beach Committee, Mr. Adrian Anamayah, said on Saturday that the Committee was recently resuscitated and is trying its best. We have plans to do both entrances. We had commitments from businessmen to assist with the Number 60 entrance and we’re looking for assistance from the Regional Administration and Central Government for the Number 63 entrance. Because of the rainfall, the entrance is in a bad state. We have to wait until the weather changes to mobilize equipment to improve the entrance.”
“We have plans to rehabilitate the existing facilities, but that would depend on how much finance we were able to garner. The beach has to be self- sustaining, so we’re proposing to generate revenues and set up a fare structure for vehicles going to the beach. We have plans to correct the situation but some propels are being put forward to the ministry and government and we are in the consultation process.”
While all the nice plans and ideas remain just that, the Number 63 Beach continues to be a disgrace in its current state, which is falling apart at the moment.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

This type of project should not be undertaken by central govt, it should be the responsibility of the local municipality, ndc's and villages. They have more of a vested interest more than folks in Georgetown.  The mentality in Guyana is a dependency of govt for everything,  vestiges of communist mentality. Look around the US and see who takes care of the beaches, the local municipality. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This type of project should not be undertaken by central govt, it should be the responsibility of the local municipality, ndc's and villages. They have more of a vested interest more than folks in Georgetown.  The mentality in Guyana is a dependency of govt for everything,  vestiges of communist mentality. Look around the US and see who takes care of the beaches, the local municipality. 

drugabeer, GNI dankey extraordinaire, brays ignorantly about "communist mentality" . . . apparently unaware that "municipality" is also Government, and that the reason central gov't is being looked to is because it is the only effective taxing authority in the land . . . courtesy of the tiefman PPP's existential fear of devolved power


but then again, incoherence and proud stupidity are conspicuous characteristics of this particular MIGHTY FOOL; one just has to refer to his insistent nonsense about Andre on the other thread . . .



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This type of project should not be undertaken by central govt, it should be the responsibility of the local municipality, ndc's and villages. They have more of a vested interest more than folks in Georgetown.  The mentality in Guyana is a dependency of govt for everything,  vestiges of communist mentality. Look around the US and see who takes care of the beaches, the local municipality. 

drugabeer, GNI dankey extraordinaire, brays ignorantly about "communist mentality" . . . apparently unaware that "municipality" is also Government, and that the reason central gov't is being looked to is because it is the only effective taxing authority in the land . . . courtesy of the tiefman PPP's existential fear of devolved power


but then again, incoherence and proud stupidity are conspicuous characteristics of this particular MIGHTY FOOL; one just has to refer to his insistent nonsense about Andre on the other thread . . .



the fella born dumb and grow up stupid thanks to the ppp brainwashing

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This type of project should not be undertaken by central govt, it should be the responsibility of the local municipality, ndc's and villages. They have more of a vested interest more than folks in Georgetown.  The mentality in Guyana is a dependency of govt for everything,  vestiges of communist mentality. Look around the US and see who takes care of the beaches, the local municipality. 

When will the Gov't hold local government elections?

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This type of project should not be undertaken by central govt, it should be the responsibility of the local municipality, ndc's and villages. They have more of a vested interest more than folks in Georgetown.  The mentality in Guyana is a dependency of govt for everything,  vestiges of communist mentality. Look around the US and see who takes care of the beaches, the local municipality. 

When will the Gov't hold local government elections?


You keep peddling the lies that it is govt that is delaying local elections for 20 years. In fact you should educate yourself about the Herdmanston accord in 1998 when your pnc comrades were rioting. This way you could at least be informed before you write nonsense. Gecom can not move forward with local elections until as defined in the Herdmanston accord,  there is an agreement from all parties in the special task force. There are 3 PNC members of the task force who are using delaying tactics in order to keep their party member Green in power. They don't attend the meetings to pass the reforms and hence the delay. Speak to the PNc and get them to clean up their act before you continue peddling this lie. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
. There are 3 PNC members of the task force who are using delaying tactics in order. 

If the PPP wanted to they would use other methods to deal with this, if it is true.  The PNC blocks them in parliament yet that doesn't stop them.


The PPP is not interested in Local Govt elections.

Originally Posted by caribny:

If the PPP wanted to they would use other methods to deal with this, if it is true.  The PNC blocks them in parliament yet that doesn't stop them.


The PPP is not interested in Local Govt elections.

Read up on the Herdmanston accord and ketch some sense for once.  Don't assume, the pNC agreed to the provisions for general election only because the PPP were in power, they use delay tactics for the local elections because their agent Green is in power and they want him to remain there as long as they can.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

If the PPP wanted to they would use other methods to deal with this, if it is true.  The PNC blocks them in parliament yet that doesn't stop them.


The PPP is not interested in Local Govt elections.

Read up on the Herdmanston accord and ketch some sense for once.  Don't assume, the pNC agreed to the provisions for general election only because the PPP were in power, they use delay tactics for the local elections because their agent Green is in power and they want him to remain there as long as they can.

You are certainly a certified jackass to make such assine statement.
Would you like me to post your picture?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Read up on the Herdmanston accord and ketch some sense for once.  Don't assume, the pNC agreed to the provisions for general election only because the PPP were in power, they use delay tactics for the local elections because their agent Green is in power and they want him to remain there as long as they can.

Druggie Green got into power because the people of Gtown DID NOT WANT the PNC in.  I was in Guyana when those elections were held.


Green left the PNC and sought to destroy that party because of his battles with Hoyte. 


The PPP is never concerned about agreements.  When they want something they scream for it.


When have you heard them screaming for local elections?  They prefer no elections so they can install interim administrations, rather than having people select their local leadership.


The PPP should have told Guyanese many national elections ago that they will refuse to hold any until local govt elections were held, thereby putting pressure on the PNC, if indeed they are to blame.


Indeed Gtwn is supposedly run by the GGG party (not the PNC) which no longer exists.  That should have been sufficient a crisis to let the PPP know that elections in Gtwn were long overdue.


Now rumors are that they want to install an IMC packed with PPP sycophants, clearly NOT possible if there was an election in Gtwn.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
elections because their agent Green is in power and they want him to remain there as long as they can.



Druggie you are behaving as if the PNC has any risk of losing Gtwn.  Indeed the best opportunity for the PNC to lose Gtwn is to keep Green, who most Gtwn folks are highly upset about.


So there is no reason for the PNC to hang on to a failed mayor out of fear that they might lose power otherwise.  Green came out of that part of the PNC which was discredited.  Its the more moderate faction which runs that party now.  Grainger is much loved by the black middle class of Gtwn.  Green is not.

Originally Posted by caribny:


Druggie you are behaving as if the PNC has any risk of losing Gtwn.  Indeed the best opportunity for the PNC to lose Gtwn is to keep Green, who most Gtwn folks are highly upset about.


So there is no reason for the PNC to hang on to a failed mayor out of fear that they might lose power otherwise.  Green came out of that part of the PNC which was discredited.  Its the more moderate faction which runs that party now.  Grainger is much loved by the black middle class of Gtwn.  Green is not.

Now you ketch sense, the PNC have no interest to come to the necessary agreement as per the Herdmanston accord as they already control gtown. If it was a PPP administration in gtown you would see how fast they show up at the meetings and satisfy the agreements. 

Originally Posted by caribny:

Druggie Green got into power because the people of Gtown DID NOT WANT the PNC in.  I was in Guyana when those elections were held.


Green left the PNC and sought to destroy that party because of his battles with Hoyte. 


The PPP is never concerned about agreements.  When they want something they scream for it.


When have you heard them screaming for local elections?  They prefer no elections so they can install interim administrations, rather than having people select their local leadership.


The PPP should have told Guyanese many national elections ago that they will refuse to hold any until local govt elections were held, thereby putting pressure on the PNC, if indeed they are to blame.


Indeed Gtwn is supposedly run by the GGG party (not the PNC) which no longer exists.  That should have been sufficient a crisis to let the PPP know that elections in Gtwn were long overdue.


Now rumors are that they want to install an IMC packed with PPP sycophants, clearly NOT possible if there was an election in Gtwn.

You are incorrect, it has been indicated in the Herdmanston meeting minutes that the PNC members are consistently absent from the meetings, making one excuse after another, a tactic employed as stalling tactics. You folks try to spin and pin this one on the PPP but it is the PNC who are the culprits. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:


Druggie you are behaving as if the PNC has any risk of losing Gtwn.  Indeed the best opportunity for the PNC to lose Gtwn is to keep Green, who most Gtwn folks are highly upset about.


So there is no reason for the PNC to hang on to a failed mayor out of fear that they might lose power otherwise.  Green came out of that part of the PNC which was discredited.  Its the more moderate faction which runs that party now.  Grainger is much loved by the black middle class of Gtwn.  Green is not.

Now you ketch sense, the PNC have no interest to come to the necessary agreement as per the Herdmanston accord as they already control gtown. If it was a PPP administration in gtown you would see how fast they show up at the meetings and satisfy the agreements. 

Druggie the PNC will win Gtwn so they will want to have local govt elections.


Right now the PNC does NOT control Gtwn. An IMC will shortly take over.  The GGG won in 1994, not the PNC.


The PPP knows that they will lose Gtwn in these elections o they will prefer an Interim Management loaded with their cronies.


The facts are that the PPP is not anxious for local elections or they woulod have been screaming for them.  They remain QUIET.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

You are incorrect, it has been indicated in the Herdmanston meeting minutes that the PNC members are consistently absent from the meetings, making one excuse after another, a tactic employed as stalling tactics. You folks try to spin and pin this one on the PPP but it is the PNC who are the culprits. 

And the PPP is quite happy with this so they have not made any complaints.  Were the PPP anxious for local elections they would have made it a big issue in the last national elections.




The PPP screams about Marriott.  How come they dont about local elections?

Originally Posted by caribny:

Druggie the PNC will win Gtwn so they will want to have local govt elections.


Right now the PNC does NOT control Gtwn. An IMC will shortly take over.  The GGG won in 1994, not the PNC.


The PPP knows that they will lose Gtwn in these elections o they will prefer an Interim Management loaded with their cronies.


The facts are that the PPP is not anxious for local elections or they woulod have been screaming for them.  They remain QUIET.

In fact, my understanding is that the PNC will lose GT due to independent candidates, not aligned to any of the 3 parties. The PNC have no motive for having election as they are already in power. 

Originally Posted by caribny:
And the PPP is quite happy with this so they have not made any complaints.  Were the PPP anxious for local elections they would have made it a big issue in the last national elections.




The PPP screams about Marriott.  How come they dont about local elections?

The PPP know they can not force local elections as the PNC is needed to signoff on the requirements as per the Herdmanston accord. So they complain but it falls to deaf ears.

The greater problem is that the residents of Georgetown have not risen up to demand elections. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

In fact, my understanding is that the PNC will lose GT due to independent candidates, not aligned to any of the 3 parties. The PNC have no motive for having election as they are already in power. 

Druggie if Guyanese voted for independents the PPP and the PNC would have died long ago.


The current state of Gtwn has resulted in an IMC being set up to run it.  The GOVT will determine who will be included.


So why will the PNC be happy that the PPP gets to chose who administers Gtwn?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:


The greater problem is that the residents of Georgetown have not risen up to demand elections. 

And why hasnt the PPP used the fact that almost every local governing entity in Guyana, not just Gtwn, has ceased to exist?


The PPP selects who administers all these locations, rewarding all their cronies.  Wy should they want elections?


Guyanese are apathetic and have lost confidence in politicians so will not demand anything.

Originally Posted by caribny:

And why hasnt the PPP used the fact that almost every local governing entity in Guyana, not just Gtwn, has ceased to exist?


The PPP selects who administers all these locations, rewarding all their cronies.  Wy should they want elections?


Guyanese are apathetic and have lost confidence in politicians so will not demand anything.


You seem to lack common sense, the only way to achieve local elections is to fulfill the requirements of the Herdmanston accord which has been stalled by the PNC intentionally not showing up for meetings.  The PPP can not do anything about this as you claim, they can not override the agreement. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

You seem to lack common sense, the only way to achieve local elections is to fulfill the requirements of the Herdmanston accord which has been stalled by the PNC intentionally not showing up for meetings.  The PPP can not do anything about this as you claim, they can not override the agreement. 

If the PPP was so hopeless there would be no Marriott.


The PPP has a lot of mouth about GPL, blaming the PNC for rate increases (CHris Ram says its GPL incompetence).  So why silent about local govt elections?


Druggie here is the deal. Most of the Gtwn folks are PNC supporters. Now what would be a better way to snatch them from the PNC than to tell them that they live in filth because the PNC refuses to allow local elections.


How often have you heard the PPP say so?  Every day the PPP has so  Something to scream about what the opposition is allegedly doing to them.  So why not about local elections which are almost 20 years past due?



Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

You seem to lack common sense, the only way to achieve local elections is to fulfill the requirements of the Herdmanston accord which has been stalled by the PNC intentionally not showing up for meetings.  The PPP can not do anything about this as you claim, they can not override the agreement. 

If the PPP was so hopeless there would be no Marriott.


The PPP has a lot of mouth about GPL, blaming the PNC for rate increases (CHris Ram says its GPL incompetence).  So why silent about local govt elections?


Druggie here is the deal. Most of the Gtwn folks are PNC supporters. Now what would be a better way to snatch them from the PNC than to tell them that they live in filth because the PNC refuses to allow local elections.


How often have you heard the PPP say so?  Every day the PPP has so  Something to scream about what the opposition is allegedly doing to them.  So why not about local elections which are almost 20 years past due?



Why do you keep ignoring the facts: the pnc are using delay tactics to impede agreements necessary for local elections as per the Herdmanston accord

You still keep theorizing that somehow it is the PPP's fault based on unrelated events. I believe you must be one of those 5% afros on mind altering medication. 

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This type of project should not be undertaken by central govt, it should be the responsibility of the local municipality, ndc's and villages. They have more of a vested interest more than folks in Georgetown.  The mentality in Guyana is a dependency of govt for everything,  vestiges of communist mentality. Look around the US and see who takes care of the beaches, the local municipality. 

When will the Gov't hold local government elections?

Right after they lose the general elections.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:



Why do you keep ignoring the facts: the pnc are using delay tactics to impede agreements necessary for local elections as per the Herdmanston accord

You still keep theorizing that somehow it is the PPP's fault based on unrelated events. I believe you must be one of those 5% afros on mind altering medication. 

When the PNC has a poistion that the PPP doesnt like they scream.  They do so about GPL.  They do so about Amaila Falls.  They do so about Marriott.


They even do so about the NCN and GINA, both of which are a waste of taxpayers' money and deserve to be shut down.


So they fact that they do not do so for local elections means that they do not care.


You will need to explain why is the PPP so silent on this topic, yet so noisy on others.  Indeed had they screamed louder they may willo ahve won over some sliver of support from Gtwn residents, as no one is happy with hammie Green, and if the PPP explained exactly why there are no local elections some might have refused to support the PNC.


But the PPP stays silent on this subject, yet wails when the PNC attempts to shut down Guyana Chronicle, another waste of taxpayer's funding.

Originally Posted by Bruddaman:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This type of project should not be undertaken by central govt, it should be the responsibility of the local municipality, ndc's and villages. They have more of a vested interest more than folks in Georgetown.  The mentality in Guyana is a dependency of govt for everything,  vestiges of communist mentality. Look around the US and see who takes care of the beaches, the local municipality. 

When will the Gov't hold local government elections?

Right after they lose the general elections.



The issue might well be that people are less likely to vote race at a local level so BOTH the PPP and the PNC are fearful so try to delay.


Why have we had FOUR national elections since the last local election was held?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This type of project should not be undertaken by central govt, it should be the responsibility of the local municipality, ndc's and villages. They have more of a vested interest more than folks in Georgetown.  The mentality in Guyana is a dependency of govt for everything,  vestiges of communist mentality. Look around the US and see who takes care of the beaches, the local municipality. 

So druggie let me make it easy for you.  Let the PPP resign and disband the national govt and let all decisions be made at the local level.


I mean the PPP cannot be held responsible for our dismal crime fighting apparatus, health care and educational systems.  So what use are they?

Originally Posted by warrior:

the fella born dumb and grow up stupid thanks to the ppp brainwashing

Ask druggie what 10% of 43% is and he says 10%.  Why expect any thing sensible from him?


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