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Guyana-registered ship yields US$7M in cokePDF| Print |
Written by Demerara Waves  
Monday, 19 November 2012 09:10

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KUALA LUMPUR: Liquid cocaine worth more than RM22 million (US$7.1M) were seized from a Guyana-registered ship which had berthed in Port Klang last week for supplies.

The ship, from Guyana, was on its way to Mozambique. The crew had decided to take the long route to avoid detection by the authorities.

But following a tip off, Malaysian police and Royal Customs Department raided the vessel on Monday where they seized 16 cartons of tins allegedly containing coconut milk and processed pineapples.

Federal Narcotics director Datuk Noor Rashid Ibrahim said the drugs, weighing 76kg, were in liquid form.

“They stopped here to get their supplies but we had a tip off on what they were actually carrying. Checks revealed that the drugs were meant for Mozambique,” he said.

Noor Rashid added that the tip off came from the United States Drug Enforcement Agency. The ship arrived in Port Klang on schedule.

“We spent several days analysing the seized items before finding the drugs,” said.

Police found 980 cartons of processed food and checks revealed that 384 tins (16 cartons) contained the liquid cocaine.

“The weight of one tin with its content is 400g but after distilling the drugs and other fluid, we found that the weight of the cocaine is roughly 200g in a tin.

“The top of the tins which contained the drugs also have a bump on it, we believe that it was due to chemical reaction.

“This is one of the most sophisticated ways of smuggling drugs which we have uncovered to date,” Noor Rashid said, adding that the new modus operandi was used to smuggle drugs in big quantities.

He explained that the drugs were dissolved in coconut milk to fool the authorities into believing it was food stuff.

No arrests were made.


+1#1Concerned2012-11-19 09:33
I'm tired of this drug smuggling.....get the ppp/c out of office. We new leaders honest ones that will bring an end to this madness, they just making things west for guyana.
0#2Realist2012-11-19 09:36
Wow.. Guyana doesnt have facilities for that kind of operation. Definitely from Colombia/Vene/Brazil and Guyana acted as the port..
I do admire the ingenuity tho
+1#3DEA2012-11-19 09:56
Dem tink dem smart but dem get ketch, laffin hard, hard...
Good job DEA & Federal Narcotics, put wan dent in jagbat mafia, ehhehehehehe
+1#4DEA2012-11-19 09:58
No mo $ fuh jagbat & de res ah dem taj mahal...
0#5bishin lim2012-11-19 10:04
shame on guyana wat is da government doing
+1#6marvelousmarva2012-11-19 10:17
My God people! What next? You continuing to give Guyana a bad name.
0#7Sharda2012-11-19 10:49
Only Guyanese.Always figure out a way to outsmart the authorities.Problem is they are dumb enough when it comes to their Govt.
+1#8joe terwal2012-11-19 10:53
Very interesting. What was the name of the ship?.When did the journey from Guyana start. Are the crew members Guyanese?. If we are exporting these products who is the producer.?..
+1#9kbaksh2012-11-19 11:29
It may be these high tech coconut tree causing this problem What next? Guyanese making a unique name for all of us

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Latest Nigerian drug syndicate smuggling tactic  through canned food foiled

Latest Nigerian drug syndicate smuggling tactic through canned food  foiled

Posted on November 20, 2012,  Tuesday

HIDDEN DRUGS: Noor Rashid (right) shows the drugs  hidden in 384 cans of coconut milk which contains mixture of cocaine during at  the press conference. — Bernama photo

KUALA LUMPUR: A Nigerian drug syndicate has been found dissolving drugs  believed to be cocaine with liquid coconut milk in a can with pieces of  pineapple as the latest tactic to smuggle drugs to avoid detection.

Bukit Aman Narcotics CID director Datuk Noor Rashid Ibrahim said the tactic  was foiled by the Selangor Customs Department after detaining a ship carrying a  container cargo in which a section contained drugs worth RM22 million.

“Based on information from United States Drug Enforcement Administration  (USDEA),

the ship which arrived yesterday at Port Klang

was filled with 980  cartons of cans containing coconut milk

 and pieces of pineapple.


“Sixteen cartons comprising 384 cans of coconut milk were identified as  mixtures with 400g of cocaine in each can by the Chemistry Department,” he told  a media conference here yesterday.


He said the container which originated from Guyana in


South America was to be  sent to Mozambique with

South Africa as a transit point to transfer the  container

 into another ship.

Noor Rashid said the modus operandi of the syndicate was more sophisticated  by hiding the drugs not in its original form.

The liquid drugs seized could produce not less than 76kg of cocaine when  processed, he said. — Bernama

Read more:


Bhaijee Kneeru......dem 3 man in de picture must be want to know if all guyanese like you and believing all de lies and kaka from Jagabat,De Duck and De Roti.

With the help of the US Govt....Dem 3 man bus up them runnings....dem 3 man know who stupadee and is a jackass living off of the Guyanese Treasury.




GUYEXPO.....Now if u r interested in Crime,Narco,Mismanagement, Corruption and Lies.....Kneeru will take u to "De Top Guns"

Jagabat, De Duck, De Roti and De 29 Funny-Fellas....all under one roof.


Another failed AFC fund raising campaign.  I believe the leadership of the AFC have investments in coconut milk canning establishments. Now they will have to find other sources of fund raising.


Like Nehrugee teking a rest....and Bid Seed Gordie Wala gon hang around fuh a while.


Gordie Walla now saying is de AFC running GuyExpo

Gordey man dont understand that it is the US that buss de bag pon dem

HIDDEN DRUGS: Noor Rashid [right) shows the drugs hidden in 384 cans of coconut milk which contains mixture of cocaine during at the press conference. — Bernama photo

Walla stop talking trash and scratch .....

we know yuh got de itch.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Jalil pon de war path and Nehru Bhai deh pon de wraang path or is it de odda way?

Some aya think Bhaigee na know wha eee aaa do.

Aaa Bhai appy.....eee a knak eee poke and ah get ee poke knak.

eee na want noting poor guyanese can suffer....but eee poo-k  -eeee belly full.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

These AFc fools now got agents in Nigeria bottling cocaine in coconut water. hahahaha The PPP tip off the police Malasia and buss their bag. ahahahah

De shit cyant fly. Everybady pun de street in Guyana know dat de givernment (Ramoutar/Jagdeo Government) turned a blind eye on de pushahs. De pushah dem a dem frens. Look how you na gat common sense. If AFC bin a de pusha...yuh na tink PPP woulda put dem in jail by now fuh get rid a wan big plimpla in dem side? Yuh ignorant and pagalee. 

Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

These AFc fools now got agents in Nigeria bottling cocaine in coconut water. hahahaha The PPP tip off the police Malasia and buss their bag. ahahahah

De shit cyant fly. Everybady pun de street in Guyana know dat de givernment (Ramoutar/Jagdeo Government) turned a blind eye on de pushahs. De pushah dem a dem frens. Look how you na gat common sense. If AFC bin a de pusha...yuh na tink PPP woulda put dem in jail by now fuh get rid a wan big plimpla in dem side? Yuh ignorant and pagalee. 

It is the AFC/PNC police who are tasked with enforcing drug trafficking. In the US do you blame Obama and the democratic party for the drug trade that goes on unabated? No, in fact here in the US it is not even a political issue, but rather a human tragedy. You fools take ever issue and try to blame govt. ahhahaa Meanwhile the AFC boys filling their pockets and their campaign chest with ill gotten gains from the drug trade. ahahaha Don't forget the pepper sauce man and Cathy Hughes affiliation with Bramha's brother. ahahahah


what this fool keep saying about the peppersauce man these guys that get bust live in the west end in toronto but the matermind that ship the cocain live on the east coast of dem and he is one of the biggest supporter of the ppp,infact that village he is from you better donot go in there and badmouth the ppp BFOOL ask ANIL HE KNOW HIM WELL

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

These AFc fools now got agents in Nigeria bottling cocaine in coconut water. hahahaha The PPP tip off the police Malasia and buss their bag. ahahahah

We understand De Hydro-Seed Scratching,

dem bhai say is like nuff plimpla in de Goordie.....

suh yuh cant think right now....

soak de seed in some kero and try scratching with a match......

Roti promise to charge de AFC guys yuh claiming involve in de Narco Business....

Roti seh eee dont need no evidence, 

eee seh if yuh seed recover and stop scratch......

All dem AFC Narco boys yuh talking about gon get lock up

U holding back Roti from  Charging dem AFC Boys......

in de mean time look after yuh sungu.....Kero and Match... Scratch It...


Bhai yuh in lil discomfort,

even dem bhai in de AFC sorry fuh yuh,

But yuh got to scratch yuh self because de Ramtar & Jagdeo Bhai afraid of de itch


But Lord Nelson mek a song about yuh situation

Originally Posted by Mitwah:



Bigoardee gat de itch.  LOL!



Fleas overrun QCPDF| Print |
Written by Kwesi Isles  
Monday, 19 November 2012 20:16

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Guyana’s premier secondary school Queen’s College was Monday forced to send home its students because of a flea infestation.

Demerara Waves Online News was told by students that it was believed to be the result of stray cats and dogs that live in the school compound.

Students were sent home at noon but were not told when they would be able to return.

DemWaves later learnt that pest control company Rentokil was called in to combat the infestation.

Efforts to contact Principal Nadia Hollingsworth were unsuccessful.

 Mitwah, tha bana dont listen....Kero a match and eee is being hunted down by Jagdeo & Ramotar want to out eee light quick.


Bigordie give QC de Itch.



In fact the AFC is now solely funded by spoils from the drug trade as well as Ramjattan and Nagamootoo exploitation of the poor clients. Naga was accused of robbing poor people when they applied for house lot. Now the party investing in the drug trade, their coconut scam with the Nigerians has now been revealed. More to come as the party of fools(afc) will soon go back to robbing to fund their campaign. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

In fact the AFC is now solely funded by spoils from the drug trade as well as Ramjattan and Nagamootoo exploitation of the poor clients. Naga was accused of robbing poor people when they applied for house lot. Now the party investing in the drug trade, their coconut scam with the Nigerians has now been revealed. More to come as the party of fools(afc) will soon go back to robbing to fund their campaign. 

Malaysian officials with some of the canned coconut milk which contained cocaine.


Drugs have been known to be found in wigs, crotch,Gordie, Big-Seed,Songu,Hydro-seed,Big Balls,Coconut, pepper sauce, and in some cases the carriers have been caught after swallowing tiny packets..... or sticking it up in places  Kwame and Gordeyman abuse.


According to Bernama, Bukit Aman Narcotics CID director Datuk Noor Rashid Ibrahim said the tactic was foiled by the Selangor Customs Department after detaining a ship carrying a container cargo in which a section contained drugs worth RM22 (US$7.1M).


Roti is promising to lock up the entire AFC if Big Seed Wala can come clean and get rid of the Itch and eee Sungi.

Hydro-Seed....U need Kero and a Box of Match.....and  Scratch away.


Can u tell us how much drugs can you hide in your sack?????


De Jumbo-seed is perfect for carrying Narco customs officer dare touch yuh Oversized Walla.

U shut down QC whole school scratching now.





Classes disrupted at QC after flea infestation

November 20, 2012 | By | Filed Under News

Classes were disturbed at Queen’s College, Camp Road yesterday due to a flea infestation. Around 09:15hrs, students of the institution complained of being bitten by what they assumed to be fleas.

Students and teachers take shelter in the shade as they await action from the Ministry of Education.

As hundreds filled the lawns of the school compound, pretentious teachers who obviously knew of the situation were reluctant to speak, since they were “ordered by the Head Mistress” not to speak to the media. This was also passed onto students. Some students decided to leave for home after they reported to their parents what transpired, and school was eventually dismissed for the day. Some students said that the presence of a number of dogs in the school compound more than likely contributed to the infestation. Information further indicated that hours after the infestation was reported to the Ministry of Education, pest control experts were sent to fumigate the institution. It was also noted that over the weekend the issue was raised about the infestation, but nothing was reported to the Ministry.


De Goodeyman keeping Rentokill busy.


Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

In fact the AFC is now solely funded by spoils from the drug trade as well as Ramjattan and Nagamootoo exploitation of the poor clients. Naga was accused of robbing poor people when they applied for house lot. Now the party investing in the drug trade, their coconut scam with the Nigerians has now been revealed. More to come as the party of fools(afc) will soon go back to robbing to fund their campaign. 




More PPP bull crap from Bgurd.


The people had enough of the PPP diet of lies from the Chronicle of Lies and the Times of Deception.


Drugs have been known to be found in wigs, crotch,Gordie, Big-Seed,Songu,Hydro-seed,Big Balls,Coconut, pepper sauce, and in some cases the carriers have been caught after swallowing tiny packets..... or sticking it up in places  Kwame and Gordeyman abuse.

Indeed the AFC have found inovative ways to ply their evil trade. Their biggest supporters are drug dealers who used all kind of seeds and carriers to transport narco. But their time will come as we see slowly but surely the AFC drug carriers are being caught both locally and overseas.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Drugs have been known to be found in wigs, crotch,Gordie, Big-Seed,Songu,Hydro-seed,Big Balls,Coconut, pepper sauce, and in some cases the carriers have been caught after swallowing tiny packets..... or sticking it up in places  Kwame and Gordeyman abuse.

Indeed the AFC have found inovative ways to ply their evil trade. Their biggest supporters are drug dealers who used all kind of seeds and carriers to transport narco. But their time will come as we see slowly but surely the AFC drug carriers are being caught both locally and overseas.

Bigoadey Walla like yuh fuhget to bray.


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