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Guyana ushers in 47th independence anniversary with creativity, cultural diversity, beauty


For the overwhelming majority of patrons who have been turning out at the National Park for independence celebrations over the years, the cultural presentation is usually the most eagerly anticipated. This year was no different.


Police trainees of the Felix Austin College performing in front of a packed National Park during the independence anniversary show

Police trainees of the Felix Austin College performing in front of a packed National Park during the independence anniversary show


Patrons young and old began filling the stands of the brightly lit area as early as 21:00 hours, arriving to live musical acts performed by some of Guyana’s top local artistes in soca, chutney, calypso and reggae.


The entry of the Joint Services Guard of Honour under the command of female Major Lorraine Foster, to perform their usual Parade March was met with loud cheers from the packed stands.


A section of the gathering of patrons in the National Park during the Guyana’s 47th Independence Anniversary

A section of the gathering of patrons in the National Park during the Guyana’s 47th Independence Anniversary


There were four guards on parade, the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) males, the platoon sergeant, and the number two guard GDF females. At the centre of the parade was the Colour Party.


Seven officers and 129 other ranks drawn from the Joint Services constituted the Guard of Honour.


Children performing a cultural piece in the National Park during Guyana’s independence anniversary

Children performing a cultural piece in the National Park during Guyana’s independence anniversary


A medley of folk songs by the Messengers Acapella Group and patriotic songs by the National School of Music and the National Steel Orchestra, under the control of Music Development Officer Andrew Tyndall serenaded the attendees.


Recruits from the Felix Austin College, comprising males and females entertained the crowd with a menu of acrobatic manoeuvers. A dance by the Nytrageet dancers also added flare to the list of performances.


As protocol had it, the Guard of Honour, neatly assembled in the usual military fashion, awaited the arrival of Prime Minister Samuel Hinds who was greeted by Minister of Culture Youth and Sport Dr Frank Anthony, GDF Chief of Staff Commodore Gary Best, Acting Police Commissioner Leroy Brummell, Director of Prisons Dale Erskine and Chief Fire Officer Marlon Gentle.


The Prime Minister was afforded the general salute clearing the way for President Donald Ramotar who was given the Presidential Salute and invited to inspect the Guard of Honour.


At the end of President Ramotar’s half hour address, the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport showcased an awe inspiring performance with a group of 490 youths of different age ranges.


The performers, taking the form of contemporary and Guyanese traditional dances included costumes that depict the creativity, cultural diversity and beauty of Guyana.


Fireworks over the Golden Arrowhead during Guyana’s 47th Independence Anniversary

Fireworks over the Golden Arrowhead during Guyana’s 47th Independence Anniversary


It was a depiction of the Guyanese identity characterised by the uniquely diverse ethnic and social backgrounds with independence as the uniting factor.  It is a heritage that continues to influence the country’s youth and a force in shaping the country.


At midnight the Golden Arrowhead was hoisted with President Ramotar, the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar, Minister Anthony and Disciplined Forces Officers standing beneath.


A 47th Independence Anniversary message from soldiers who climbed Mount Ayanganna preceded prayers by student of the Bishops’ High, John Edghill, the recital of the National Pledge and the hoisting of the Golden Arrowhead accompanied by a 21-gun salute. A dazzling display of fireworks followed.

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Guyanese are enjoying better days – President – at 47th independence anniversary


Forty seven years after Guyana severed ties with its former colonial ruler British Guiana to become a sovereign nation, 20 of which were governed by the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), President Donald Ramotar has assured that its citizens are enjoying ‘better days’.


Speaking on the eve of Guyana’s independence, to thousands in the National Park President Donald Ramotar Guyana’s seventh executive President alluded to the success stories in housing, education and health as the indicators.


President Donald Ramotar inspecting the Guard of Honour during Guyana’s 47th Independence Anniversary

President Donald Ramotar inspecting the Guard of Honour during Guyana’s 47th Independence Anniversary




The President said the Government’s ambitious housing programme has significantly relieved the pressures that the shortage of housing had created within families and communities, and has upped Guyana’s reputation as the only country in the CARICOM that has embarked on such an ambitious housing programme, focused on housing the poor and low income families.


He explained that in the last five years, 50% of all persons who own a house lot under these schemes are single mothers and women-headed households.


“This is a major achievement for our women who can begin to break the cycle of poverty and take a more equal position in the society,” President Ramotar said.


With water closely associated with housing, President Ramotar reported that over 90% of Guyanese citizens now have access to clean and reliable water, eliminating the burden of walking for miles to fetch water.


President Donald Ramotar looking on as the golden arrowhead was being hoisted at midnight

President Donald Ramotar looking on as the golden arrowhead was being hoisted at midnight




Over the last eight years Guyanese students have distinguished themselves at the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) and the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE). In seven of those eight years Guyanese students have topped the Caribbean, President Ramotar said.


The Government has credited those achievements to the investments in the education sector, with the construction of new schools, the achievement of universal access to primary education, gender parity and the goal towards universal access to secondary education.


“There are more and better schools for children to attend, and these investments have yielded dividends,” President Ramotar said.




The construction of a specialty hospital at Liliendaal is by far the latest in major investments in the country’s health sector that when complete will see Guyana offering services that are only available overseas. At the moment this project has been stymied as a result of the opposition cutting its allocation in the 2013 budget.


In addition, services offered at state institutions have expanded while partnerships are being established with others to improve the delivery of a wider range of services to Guyanese. President Ramotar said, “For the average man and woman, the quality of life is indisputably much better today than it ever was.”


Fireworks over the Golden Arrowhead during Guyana’s 47th Independence Anniversary

Fireworks over the Golden Arrowhead during Guyana’s 47th Independence Anniversary


Physical infrastructure


A new bridge across the Demerara River is at present being conceptualised while the design phase for the widening of the thoroughfare between Better Hope and Belfield on the East Coast of Demerara is ongoing.


“This will ensure a smoother flow of traffic and avoid citizens having to spend long hours getting to and from home,” President Ramotar said.


On the East Bank of Demerara, where traffic congestion has become intolerable, there are steps are being taken to widen the existing roadway and construct a major bypass that will link the East Coast to Diamond with connecting feeder roads at various points such as Eccles and Mocha.


President Ramotar said major rehabilitation works are needed on the access road linking communities on the East Bank of the Berbice River and there are intentions to build a sturdy and durable surface which is needed to withstand the growing volume of heavy- duty traffic in that area.


He announced that the possibility of reopening the Del Conte trail via a road link between Parika and communities close to Bartica is being examined.When constructed, the road will open up thousands of acres of new lands for agricultural cultivation, increase food production, secure greater economic opportunities for farmers and provide a much needed road link to areas accessible by river.


New sectors




Guyana is rapidly advancing towards new hubs of growth like the tourism sector which President Ramotar said holds huge possibilities for everyone, and remains one of the growing segments of the global economy.


Recognising that significant investments are needed for the sector to develop, the Government has invested in the expansion and modernisation of the Cheddi Jagan International Airport and world class accommodation services like the Marriot Hotel.




Investment in the stringing of a fibre optic cable from Brazil is aimed at revolutionising the Information Communication Technology (ICT) sector to put Guyana on par with the world of   Science and Technology.


President Ramotar said developments in these fields are impacting communications and transportation in a substantial way and Guyana cannot afford to be left behind.


“We are therefore taking steps to keep abreast with these developments. We are preparing our children at school and at home to deal with the new technologies of the world.  Our One Laptop per Family Programme is ensuring that no one would be left behind in this the information and technological age,” President Ramotar said.


The ICT sector has over the past10 years created about 3,000 jobs with the potential to grow even further and open access to education and other services to people in the most remote areas.






As the only English speaking country in South America,Guyana has taken advantage of possibilities to forge ties with neighbouring countries and to promote mutual trade and economic development.


Suriname and Guyana have approached multilateral institutions to undertake a feasibility study for the construction of a bridge cross the Corentyne River.  President Ramotar said such a bridge will not only increase people-to-people contact and make travel easier, but will also stimulate greater economic activities between the two countries.




Relations with Brazil have led to deals on infrastructural integration, with a deep water port and a fully paved Linden-Lethem road that would allow for Guyanese products to be traded into additional and much larger markets,


“I am pleased to report that senior-level teams from both countries are working diligently to accelerate the realization of these projects,” President Ramotar said.




Relations with Venezuela have been much improved with trade relations expanding owing to the visionary leadership of the late President Hugo Chavez who President Ramotar described as a true citizen of Latin America and the Caribbean.


Extending a hand of partnership


The Head of State, still optimistic of an atmosphere of political trust that is aimed towards nation building, said he is again extending the hand of partnership to the political opposition.


“I am ready to engage with all stakeholders in pursuit of these goals.  Tonight, I once again commit the government to working towards a brighter future for our motherland, one in which we can all live in peace, freedom, harmony and unity, and one in which our children can enjoy the promise of a fulfilling future,” President Ramotar said.


Citizens’ Concerns


President Ramotar said he is not oblivious to the concerns of ordinary citizens, especially those that confront citizens in the towns and the Neigbourhood Democratic Councils (NDCs), the roads in need of repairs and drainage woes.


He said he is aware that the poor state of sanitation in many communities such as garbage disposal remains a bugbear in almost all the areas on the coast and is fast emerging as a growing concern in many interior communities.


As it relates to worker satisfaction, President Ramotar alluded to the new national minimum wage which will further protect vulnerable workers from abuse and naked exploitation.


“If there is any fulltime employee who is earning less than the specified national minimum wage, I ask you to contact our Ministry of Labour. We will investigate your case.  I had also promised to address concerns relating to domestic workers. This minimum wage has gone a far way in doing so, since domestic workers are entitled to this minimum as well. We have now set their working time at 40 hours per week.  They will now be legally entitled to holiday with pay and all the other benefits that flow from the labour acts.”


The President said from July 1, about 31,000 workers inclusive of those in the security sector, and domestics and shop assistants will have a high wage.


47th Independence Anniversary messages

May 26, 2013, By , Filed Under News, Source


PPP: Guyana is leading the way in the world

The People’s Progressive Party extends best wishes to all Guyanese on the occasion of Guyana’s 47th Anniversary of Independence.
Independence was the ultimate conclusion of the struggles of slaves and indentured laborers for freedom.

At the very beginning of the People’s Progressive Party, we had placed as one of our important objective, the winning of Independence and May 26, 1966 saw us achieving this milestone. At the early stage of our Independence, Guyana had fallen into an undemocratic state due to massive fraud at elections. That action undermined the freedom which generations of our people fought and sacrificed for.

The PPP, under the leadership of Cheddi Jagan, waged an uncompromising struggle to re-establish the basic democratic rights to our people. The PPP always felt that social and economic progress would not be possible without political democracy. The Party was proved right.

Since returning to office in October 1992, the PPP/Civic Government has transformed Guyana. Even in the face of one of the world’s most serious financial and economic crises, Guyana’s economy has demonstrated resilience and has been constantly growing. Our physical and social infrastructures have been restored. Our students are excelling at school and at work.

Today, as we take time to celebrate, we must not lose focus on the many challenges ahead. Now, however, we are more united and better equipped to deal with the challenges we know are ahead. We are confident that a free and democratic Guyana will achieve greater heights in the period ahead.

Once more, the PPP embraces all the people of Guyana and extends best wishes for a peaceful and prosperous Guyana.
Long live Guyana!


AFC: Time to join the struggle for true, meaningful independence

The Alliance For Change extends congratulations to all Guyanese at home and abroad on the occasion of Guyana’s 47th Independence Anniversary.

In the annals of our history, May 26, 1966 will always be remembered as a day of great accomplishment in Guyana. With unparalleled fortitude and of singular purpose our leaders spread the message of a ‘Free Guyana’ throughout our country and inspired our people with a dream.

Forty-seven years on, we must reflect on the values and principles which were in the minds and hearts of those who fought and sacrificed for our freedom. The legacy the Founding Fathers left for us was for Guyana to become the bread basket of the Caribbean and a beacon of hope and prosperity for the region. On this 47th birthday of ours, it must be the pledge of those of us who now have the mantle to lead, to also pledge to push forward the frontiers of what the Founding Fathers started.

As the inheritors of a great dream, it is our duty to bring to fruition the realization of true independence where political freedom prevails and peace is as a result of justice.

This year, let us join the struggle for true and meaningful independence.


PNCR: Time for soul-searching and all stakeholders to play a role

On this 47th Anniversary of political independence of our Republic, the People’s National Congress Reform extends congratulations to all Guyanese, whether in Guyana or in the Diaspora.

A necessary requirement for a healthy functioning democracy is that the Executive must be accountable to the Guyanese people through their representatives in the Legislative branch of the National Assembly. By their votes on 28th November 2011, the people of Guyana indicated that they want to experience a new democratic culture where governance is less confrontational and more cooperative. However, the Executive has shown little enthusiasm to move in this direction and continue to behave as though they still have the majority in the National Assembly. They have shown no disposition to compromise in the interest of arriving at policies and programmes which have the broadest agreement among stakeholders.

Our Party is of the view that the observance of Guyana’s independence should be the occasion for soul searching and pondering on whether we have been successful in ‘Nation Building’.

The PNCR is confident that if we can build a truly, inclusive political culture in which all stakeholders are allowed to play a meaningful role, facilitated by an enabling environment for the orderly development of the nation, we can look forward to a future that is politically successful, economically self-sustaining and culturally enriching.

Therefore, our Party pledges to work with all responsible and reliable forces whose aim is to forge a ‘National Consensus’, which can facilitate the resolution of the many known problems which continue to bedevil Guyana and stultify our development.

On the occasion of the 47th Anniversary of our political Independence, the PNCR embrace and extend our best wishes to all the people of this our Dear Land.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Guyanese are enjoying better days – President – at 47th independence anniversary


Forty seven years after Guyana severed ties with its former colonial ruler British Guiana to become a sovereign nation, 20 of which were governed by the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), President Donald Ramotar has assured that its citizens are enjoying ‘better days’.


Speaking on the eve of Guyana’s independence, to thousands in the National Park President Donald Ramotar Guyana’s seventh executive President alluded to the success stories in housing, education and health as the indicators.


President Donald Ramotar inspecting the Guard of Honour during Guyana’s 47th Independence Anniversary

President Donald Ramotar inspecting the Guard of Honour during Guyana’s 47th Independence Anniversary




The President said the Government’s ambitious housing programme has significantly relieved the pressures that the shortage of housing had created within families and communities, and has upped Guyana’s reputation as the only country in the CARICOM that has embarked on such an ambitious housing programme, focused on housing the poor and low income families.


He explained that in the last five years, 50% of all persons who own a house lot under these schemes are single mothers and women-headed households.


“This is a major achievement for our women who can begin to break the cycle of poverty and take a more equal position in the society,” President Ramotar said.


With water closely associated with housing, President Ramotar reported that over 90% of Guyanese citizens now have access to clean and reliable water, eliminating the burden of walking for miles to fetch water.


President Donald Ramotar looking on as the golden arrowhead was being hoisted at midnight

President Donald Ramotar looking on as the golden arrowhead was being hoisted at midnight




Over the last eight years Guyanese students have distinguished themselves at the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) and the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE). In seven of those eight years Guyanese students have topped the Caribbean, President Ramotar said.


The Government has credited those achievements to the investments in the education sector, with the construction of new schools, the achievement of universal access to primary education, gender parity and the goal towards universal access to secondary education.


“There are more and better schools for children to attend, and these investments have yielded dividends,” President Ramotar said.




The construction of a specialty hospital at Liliendaal is by far the latest in major investments in the country’s health sector that when complete will see Guyana offering services that are only available overseas. At the moment this project has been stymied as a result of the opposition cutting its allocation in the 2013 budget.


In addition, services offered at state institutions have expanded while partnerships are being established with others to improve the delivery of a wider range of services to Guyanese. President Ramotar said, “For the average man and woman, the quality of life is indisputably much better today than it ever was.”


Fireworks over the Golden Arrowhead during Guyana’s 47th Independence Anniversary

Fireworks over the Golden Arrowhead during Guyana’s 47th Independence Anniversary


Physical infrastructure


A new bridge across the Demerara River is at present being conceptualised while the design phase for the widening of the thoroughfare between Better Hope and Belfield on the East Coast of Demerara is ongoing.


“This will ensure a smoother flow of traffic and avoid citizens having to spend long hours getting to and from home,” President Ramotar said.


On the East Bank of Demerara, where traffic congestion has become intolerable, there are steps are being taken to widen the existing roadway and construct a major bypass that will link the East Coast to Diamond with connecting feeder roads at various points such as Eccles and Mocha.


President Ramotar said major rehabilitation works are needed on the access road linking communities on the East Bank of the Berbice River and there are intentions to build a sturdy and durable surface which is needed to withstand the growing volume of heavy- duty traffic in that area.


He announced that the possibility of reopening the Del Conte trail via a road link between Parika and communities close to Bartica is being examined.When constructed, the road will open up thousands of acres of new lands for agricultural cultivation, increase food production, secure greater economic opportunities for farmers and provide a much needed road link to areas accessible by river.


New sectors




Guyana is rapidly advancing towards new hubs of growth like the tourism sector which President Ramotar said holds huge possibilities for everyone, and remains one of the growing segments of the global economy.


Recognising that significant investments are needed for the sector to develop, the Government has invested in the expansion and modernisation of the Cheddi Jagan International Airport and world class accommodation services like the Marriot Hotel.




Investment in the stringing of a fibre optic cable from Brazil is aimed at revolutionising the Information Communication Technology (ICT) sector to put Guyana on par with the world of   Science and Technology.


President Ramotar said developments in these fields are impacting communications and transportation in a substantial way and Guyana cannot afford to be left behind.


“We are therefore taking steps to keep abreast with these developments. We are preparing our children at school and at home to deal with the new technologies of the world.  Our One Laptop per Family Programme is ensuring that no one would be left behind in this the information and technological age,” President Ramotar said.


The ICT sector has over the past10 years created about 3,000 jobs with the potential to grow even further and open access to education and other services to people in the most remote areas.






As the only English speaking country in South America,Guyana has taken advantage of possibilities to forge ties with neighbouring countries and to promote mutual trade and economic development.


Suriname and Guyana have approached multilateral institutions to undertake a feasibility study for the construction of a bridge cross the Corentyne River.  President Ramotar said such a bridge will not only increase people-to-people contact and make travel easier, but will also stimulate greater economic activities between the two countries.




Relations with Brazil have led to deals on infrastructural integration, with a deep water port and a fully paved Linden-Lethem road that would allow for Guyanese products to be traded into additional and much larger markets,


“I am pleased to report that senior-level teams from both countries are working diligently to accelerate the realization of these projects,” President Ramotar said.




Relations with Venezuela have been much improved with trade relations expanding owing to the visionary leadership of the late President Hugo Chavez who President Ramotar described as a true citizen of Latin America and the Caribbean.


Extending a hand of partnership


The Head of State, still optimistic of an atmosphere of political trust that is aimed towards nation building, said he is again extending the hand of partnership to the political opposition.


“I am ready to engage with all stakeholders in pursuit of these goals.  Tonight, I once again commit the government to working towards a brighter future for our motherland, one in which we can all live in peace, freedom, harmony and unity, and one in which our children can enjoy the promise of a fulfilling future,” President Ramotar said.


Citizens’ Concerns


President Ramotar said he is not oblivious to the concerns of ordinary citizens, especially those that confront citizens in the towns and the Neigbourhood Democratic Councils (NDCs), the roads in need of repairs and drainage woes.


He said he is aware that the poor state of sanitation in many communities such as garbage disposal remains a bugbear in almost all the areas on the coast and is fast emerging as a growing concern in many interior communities.


As it relates to worker satisfaction, President Ramotar alluded to the new national minimum wage which will further protect vulnerable workers from abuse and naked exploitation.


“If there is any fulltime employee who is earning less than the specified national minimum wage, I ask you to contact our Ministry of Labour. We will investigate your case.  I had also promised to address concerns relating to domestic workers. This minimum wage has gone a far way in doing so, since domestic workers are entitled to this minimum as well. We have now set their working time at 40 hours per week.  They will now be legally entitled to holiday with pay and all the other benefits that flow from the labour acts.”


The President said from July 1, about 31,000 workers inclusive of those in the security sector, and domestics and shop assistants will have a high wage.

Originally Posted by Prince:

Congratulations to Guyana and the Guyanese people on their 47th Independence anniversary.   


Btw, President Donald Ramotar look like Pt. Nehru of India in his suit. 

Despite all its imperfections the democracy works.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Guyana ushers in 47th independence anniversary with creativity, cultural diversity, beauty


For the overwhelming majority of patrons who have been turning out at the National Park for independence celebrations over the years, the cultural presentation is usually the most eagerly anticipated. This year was no different.


Police trainees of the Felix Austin College performing in front of a packed National Park during the independence anniversary show

Police trainees of the Felix Austin College performing in front of a packed National Park during the independence anniversary show


Patrons young and old began filling the stands of the brightly lit area as early as 21:00 hours, arriving to live musical acts performed by some of Guyana’s top local artistes in soca, chutney, calypso and reggae.


The entry of the Joint Services Guard of Honour under the command of female Major Lorraine Foster, to perform their usual Parade March was met with loud cheers from the packed stands.


A section of the gathering of patrons in the National Park during the Guyana’s 47th Independence Anniversary

A section of the gathering of patrons in the National Park during the Guyana’s 47th Independence Anniversary


There were four guards on parade, the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) males, the platoon sergeant, and the number two guard GDF females. At the centre of the parade was the Colour Party.


Seven officers and 129 other ranks drawn from the Joint Services constituted the Guard of Honour.


Children performing a cultural piece in the National Park during Guyana’s independence anniversary

Children performing a cultural piece in the National Park during Guyana’s independence anniversary


A medley of folk songs by the Messengers Acapella Group and patriotic songs by the National School of Music and the National Steel Orchestra, under the control of Music Development Officer Andrew Tyndall serenaded the attendees.


Recruits from the Felix Austin College, comprising males and females entertained the crowd with a menu of acrobatic manoeuvers. A dance by the Nytrageet dancers also added flare to the list of performances.


As protocol had it, the Guard of Honour, neatly assembled in the usual military fashion, awaited the arrival of Prime Minister Samuel Hinds who was greeted by Minister of Culture Youth and Sport Dr Frank Anthony, GDF Chief of Staff Commodore Gary Best, Acting Police Commissioner Leroy Brummell, Director of Prisons Dale Erskine and Chief Fire Officer Marlon Gentle.


The Prime Minister was afforded the general salute clearing the way for President Donald Ramotar who was given the Presidential Salute and invited to inspect the Guard of Honour.


At the end of President Ramotar’s half hour address, the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport showcased an awe inspiring performance with a group of 490 youths of different age ranges.


The performers, taking the form of contemporary and Guyanese traditional dances included costumes that depict the creativity, cultural diversity and beauty of Guyana.


Fireworks over the Golden Arrowhead during Guyana’s 47th Independence Anniversary

Fireworks over the Golden Arrowhead during Guyana’s 47th Independence Anniversary


It was a depiction of the Guyanese identity characterised by the uniquely diverse ethnic and social backgrounds with independence as the uniting factor.  It is a heritage that continues to influence the country’s youth and a force in shaping the country.


At midnight the Golden Arrowhead was hoisted with President Ramotar, the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar, Minister Anthony and Disciplined Forces Officers standing beneath.


A 47th Independence Anniversary message from soldiers who climbed Mount Ayanganna preceded prayers by student of the Bishops’ High, John Edghill, the recital of the National Pledge and the hoisting of the Golden Arrowhead accompanied by a 21-gun salute. A dazzling display of fireworks followed.

That is a very dangerous act.  That man could have lost his crown jewels in front of Donald and the whole nation.


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