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Con Woman fleeces family of $52 Million



A West Bank Demerara family is now at wits end as it pursues the possibility of reclaiming in excess of $52 Million that was conned from their pockets in less than three months.

THE VICTIM: Marlene ‘Debbie’ Rambrijhaman

THE VICTIM: Marlene ‘Debbie’ Rambrijhaman

The con-artist was identified as 37-year-old Sharon Lall who would normally be accompanied a young man whom she says is her cousin, identified only as Kevin. The woman, according to reports, repeatedly demanded large sums of cash from poultry vendor Marlene ‘Debbie’ Rambrijhaman under threats that harm will come to members of her family.


Kaieteur News understands that the ordeal began during the closing week of June and continued until September with Rambrijhaman emptying her bank accounts by frequently withdrawing large sums of cash, often in six and seven digits, then handing the monies over to the con woman.
She even handed over millions of dollars that were kept at home along with a large quantity of jewellery after her accounts went dry.


It is believed that Lall used the money to purchase several properties scattered across West Bank Demerara at locations like Crane, La Parfaite Harmonie, Coghlan Dam, La Grange and in Vreed-en-Hoop. However, her location is unknown.


Information also indicates that this is not the first action of the con woman but this time she ‘hit the jackpot’. In 2008, the woman was remanded to prison after it was alleged that she defrauded another woman of $1.25 Million by falsely pretending that she had supernatural powers that would enable the woman to become pregnant.


On another occasion, Lall appeared before the Commercial Court over a $3 M property deal that went sour.
During an interview with Kaieteur News yesterday, a still stricken Rambrijhaman recounted the heartrending ordeal that now leaves her family broke and without a way forward.


Rambrijhaman said that about six months prior to the Lall’s threats and attacks, they had developed a relationship as Lall became “a regular customer” at her poultry stand in Vreed-en-Hoop. According to Rambrijhaman, it is as a result of the relationship that Lall, one day, requested for the first time a sum of $120,000, claiming that she was “in a tough situation”.


Rambrijhaman said that she along with her husband made a decision to loan Lall the monies and it was agreed that Lall would return the sum within a week. She did not.


Two weeks later, Kaieteur News was told that Lall returned to the stall where she informed that the sum will be available the following day at “the Vreed-en-Hoop junction.”


It was at this juncture that the threats came. Rambrijhaman said that while the woman turned up with empty hands, her mouth was filled with threats that she did not consider to be empty.


“There is where she start to threaten me. She tell me if is so I behaving for $120,000 and she will know what to do with me. She told me that it will cost me millions. She said that she will kidnap my husband, kill him and kidnap my daughter,” the stricken woman said.
The threat against her daughter, Rambrijhaman said, sent her running to the nearby Nursery School where she met up with the con woman and the young man in a car, reaffirming her belief that one day the woman will make good on her threats.


It is this fear, Rambrijhaman explained, that caused her to withdraw her life’s savings and hand it over to the con artists.
“She keep threatening me and is so I drawing out all this money. I borrowed from my sister, from my mother, from neighbours; because like she was not satisfied with what she get. I just give it to her to save lives. “
Rambrijhaman said that Lall never explained why she needed the money. “Day after day she would call and say she wants more money. She don’t say the reason why she needs it, all she say is that I have to give her this money or else she would kidnap my child or make my husband get in accident or kill him on the road. She said they will kill me too.”
The grieving woman said that throughout the ordeal she had not uttered a word to anyone for fear the attackers would make good on their threat to kill her. She said that on one occasion, after demanding two million dollars, the young man who normally accompanied Lall, pressed a gun to her waist.
It was with this justification that Rambrijhaman opted not to inform even her husband. Sister of the victim, Angelene Mohamed, who was also present during the interview recounted that the victim’s husband became overly anxious about his wife’s strange behaviour. “He came to us and said he doesn’t know what is going on, like she is in depression. She is not her normal self.”


According to Rambrijhaman, it was only three weeks ago, after the con artist made off with the last set of money that she confided in her relatives and the matter was reported to the Leonora Police Station.
It is now the family’s hope that society, after reading about the ordeal, will assist the police in capturing the pair. It is believed that they are hiding in Suriname.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Folks, this is not the first crime of its kind where a woman is involved. There was another story where a woman was involved in an Auto scam business. God knows how many more are preying on innocent people in Guyana. When you think killing, murder and stealing is not enough, you have to worry about a new chapter in crime that will fleece you of your hard-earned money.


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