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Guyana want see nuff more change

Jun 19, 2016 Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News,

Today is Father’s Day and dem boys mekking a pledge to Guyana to become more bold in de presentation of de news.

After all dem boys is already grandfathers, like Soulja Bai. And like Soulja Bai dem want to mek sure that dem see de change in Guyana during dem lifetime. Plenty people vote fuh a change and a year done and dem only see small change, like ten cents. Is only de small thief getting lock up

Dem ain’t seeing a bab or two bab, like Brassington, Sharma, Marcie, Nizam, Myrna, Luncheon, Kwame wha everybody did expect.

Jagdeo, Irfaat and Ashni is hundred dollar bill. That is de real big change people want to see.

But nobody ain’t gone to jail and like nobody gun go either.

It shameful that Uncle Sam seh, expect arrests soon in Guyana and he seh when he arrest dem in Guyana he gun ship dem out like potato in bag and try dem in de States.

Dem, boys believe that some people under Soulja Bai who close to him telling him not to go down that road and he look like he want buy into it.

That is because some of dem done going down de same path wid de PPP and others want to drive de same road.

Well dem boys pledge on this day, Father’s Day, today, to start a special section in this paper fuh people to lodge their complaint and to expose all de wrang doing wha dem see.

It could be dem bass, dem work mate or even Soulja Bai. Dem don’t have to put dem name. Even if you bass cuss yuh dem boys gun publish it. If dem thief, wuss yet.

Dem boys decide fuh do this because every day dem fed up wid people complaining bout dem bass tekking out spite pun people—pushing people in a corner fuh no reason.

Ann de Yellow do that de other day to a woman wid a degree. She got de woman at a desk doing nutten.

That type of behavior start under Jagdeo. If he don’t like you he pass instructions fuh send you to Monkey Mountain or ee tek way you desk and you secretary and leff you in a room wid de chair.

This is one culture Guyana develop under him and dem boys would use de pages of de paper to reverse that.

And this is a message to dem mothers. All dem fathers who lef you and didn’t send a cent fuh help wid de children, don’t fret, send a meal mix wid you know what.

Talk half and dem boys waiting fuh de second complain.

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