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Originally Posted by Rev:

Lemme also give a shout out to poster Danyael/Stormborn---Danyael, a graduate of the black Howard University, is dying for the predominantly black PNC to rule Guyana again.



* Will Danyael's beloved PNC put a stop to corruption in Guyana or will they do what they do best---worsen corruption and bankrupt the country like they did when they were illegally in power from 1964 to 1992 ?



SeΓ±or simplicio, I know your brain only function on the black/indian mode with the idea of the indian superior being. I am sorry to say one need not argue with the ignorant.


Where is the tape Jagdeo claimed he has about the PNC’s involvement in criminal activities at Buxton?

December 9, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, A few years ago, then President Bharat Jagdeo made a startling declaration to the country that he had a tape in his possession to show that the PNC was involved in the criminal activities at Buxton. He also claimed that he knew the identity of those in the PNC and of the armed bandits who were involved in kidnapping, drug smuggling, murder and armed robbery and he would make the information public. If Jagdeo is telling the truth, then why he, as President, allowed the country to descend into such raw and inhumane criminal acts against innocent citizens. Which president in his right mind would have allowed criminals to take over the country? More than five years have elapsed and Jagdeo has not released the tape as yet. Where is the tape Mr. Jagdeo? You need to present it to the public in order to save the little credibility you have left? Although Jagdeo’s claim was a fabrication, a sham perpetrated by him and his cronies to scare the PNC, it nevertheless found currency in a population gullible enough to believe anything, even Jagdeo’s own fibs. I believe that there is simply no way that these criminals were anywhere smart enough to mastermind a crime wave that reaped havoc on the nation for almost four years without help from those in the authority. They did not have the intellect and were not barefaced enough to commit such massive crime and yet walk in public in the nation’s capital without disguise. The fact that the criminals did not even attempt to hide or evade the public clearly shows that they had the support of certain individuals in the administration. This is the reason why a former Minister of Home Affairs had to resign. This leaves the question then as to whether any tape existed at all and whether Jagdeo had ever told the truth on anything. It is easy to say that he did not, knowing the truth about his bogus marriage, all the corrupt practices that took place during his presidency and the secret deals he signed with the various foreign companies that benefited his wealthy friends and relatives at the expense of the poor and the working class. So whatever the genesis of the epidemic of crime, it has transcended those in Buxton. As the nation descended in criminality between 2002 and 2006, the people had lost trust in just about everything, including the leaders, and especially Jagdeo and his ruling cliche. During this period, Guyanese had lost their closeness, their serenity, civility and trust in the regime and the police force. These were replaced with a nation at war with itself which the PPP/C administration allowed. In every aspect of his political life, Jagdeo had embarrassed himself with unseemly pronouncements and approaches destined to elicit combative response. And his raw and unsolicited cuss-down of the media and those who challenged him proved that he was destined to fail as president. The upshot was a society seething with anger where everyday disagreements, inevitable in the society, turn murderous very quickly. It was a period in which armed bandits and organized gangs roamed the streets with impunity and with the blessings of those in authority. It is at this juncture that the convicted drug baron, Roger Khan’s loyalty to the regime fits in. He intimidated, kidnapped and murdered those who had opposed the regime with the promise of repayment. And it is here that the truth was unmasked, for he was the prime mover in the narco-trafficking activities in Guyana. The PPP unethical actions, put together, weave a tapestry of corruption, greed, extra-judicial killings and disrespect for the security forces and the people for all to gaze upon in awe. In panic, the nation was desperately in search for solutions to combat the crime wave. Not that the Police Force was unable to do it, it could have, but it was hampered by political interference, whereby Commanders were told who to prosecute and who not to prosecute. Well, not much has changed since and today we have a Force that is not only short of vehicles and qualified personnel but one that is unprofessional, corrupt and demands bribes from the citizens. Today, we have a Police Force that is incompetent to find the killers of the many unsolved murders. The families as well as the nation would like to know who killed Monica Reece, the former Minister of Agriculture Satyadeow Sawh, Alicia Foster, Seema Mangar and the more than four hundred extra judicial murders that occurred during Jagdeo’s horrible reign as the worst president of Guyana. Dr. Asquith Rose and Chandra Deollal, Esq.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

APNU moves to Parliament to reduce Berbice Bridge toll


If the corrupt and incompetent APNU ever gets into office this is what will happen to that Berbice bridge:




Everything the PPP built---all the progress made in Guyana--- will be ruined if the PNC ever rules Guyana again.





Poor you, 90 percent of Guyanese at home do not know the PNC. They only know the corruption of the PPP. They see a bridge built with the lions share of the nations capital turned over to PPP friends and family inc; understand that said cronys have begun a price gouging scheme so their reality is in the living with the corrupt.


Your cartoon dreams may instill a personal nightmare; your racism may further give rise to disquieting sleep but that is of little concern to a people who are burdened by real and present corruption. The average Berbician needs to work a whole day to pay the fee to cross that infernally, ugly bridge.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:

If the corrupt and incompetent APNU ever gets into office this is what will happen to that Berbice bridge:



Everything the PPP built---all the progress made in Guyana--- will be ruined if the PNC ever rules Guyana again.





Rev, it's time to stop your scaremongering.

You're sounding like a fire-and-brimstone Jordanite preacher outside Stabroek Market.

Very soon people gon pass yuh and ignore you.

We must learn to accept hard facts of life, like Death and Impermanence.

The PPP/C cannot rule Guyana forever.


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Rev, it's time to stop your scaremongering----The PPP/C cannot rule Guyana forever.




* I rather suspect you harbor ill feelings and deep resentment against the PPP and like Moses Nagamootoo and Khemraj Ramjattan you would love to see the PPP defeated at the polls.


* The Rev is a man of empathy and clearly understands the mental torture you are going through with the PPP being in power and enjoying the fruits of their corruption.


* But until which time the good people of Guyana decide to commit political suicide and put the PNC in power---the Rev will continue to support the PPP and root for continued progress in the old country.




Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Rev, it's time to stop your scaremongering----The PPP/C cannot rule Guyana forever.




* I rather suspect you harbor ill feelings and deep resentment against the PPP and like Moses Nagamootoo and Khemraj Ramjattan you would love to see the PPP defeated at the polls.


* The Rev is a man of empathy and clearly understands the mental torture you are going through with the PPP being in power and enjoying the fruits of their corruption.


* But until which time the good people of Guyana decide to commit political suicide and put the PNC in power---the Rev will continue to support the PPP and root for continued progress in the old country.




Rev, I respect your decision to support the PPP even "with the PPP being in power and enjoying the fruits of their corruption."

Frankly, truthfully, sincerely, I have given up on the PPP.

I won't lose sleep if the PPP loses general elections. The voters in Guyana have to decide.

Being the person I am, Rev, it doesn't mean I will condemn any and every PPP action. I will openly support whatever PPP decision I happen to agree with. Trust me, brother.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Where is the tape Jagdeo claimed he has about the PNC’s involvement in criminal activities at Buxton?





* Didn't you start a new thread with the above posting ?


* Looks like nobody paid you any heed so you are posting it on this thread.


* Guess Rev's threads are always more interesting and thought provoking.






RIOTS BREAKOUT IN SINGAPORE: When Will The PNC Terrorists Start Rioting in Guyana ?




Yesterday, a 33-year old Indian man got hit by the proverbial bus in Singapore’s Little India neighborhood. That was the catalyst. What transpired for the next several hours was a full blown riot... the first of its kind since 1969.


Singapore has had years of tensions building.
These issues are commonplace. Ideological differences. The wealth gap and economic uncertainty. Immigration challenges. They’re the same  issues, for example, that have plunged much of Europe into turmoil, including
the rise of a blatantly fascist political party in Greece. And these same issues  exist, in abundance, in the Land of the Free… where a number of serious
ideological divides are becoming obvious social chasms. And if it can happen in Singapore - one of the safest, most stable countries on the planet, it can happen anywhere. Even in a sterile American suburb or in a country like Guyana where the PNC terrorists are dying to start a riot






Originally Posted by Rev:




* Let the discussion on CORRUPTION in Guyana begin---and let's focus on how to end corruption.


* Is it possible to end corruption in a country like Guyana where the morals of the people have disintegrated over the decades ?

Worldwide, corruption existed and will continue for centuries.


Corruption may be minimized, but never eliminated.


Unaccounted $8,000 million…Money

used for additional staff and promotions

– Ashni Singh

December 9, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

..his explanation has more holes than a cast net, Ramjattan

Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh, responding to an article by the Kaieteur News, which said that he failed to account for just about $8000M over the past five years, has offered an explanation that AFC leader Khemraj Ramjattan says β€œhas more holes than a cast-net.”

Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh

Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh

AFC leader, Khemraj Ramjattan

AFC leader, Khemraj Ramjattan

According to Leader of the Alliance for Change (AFC), Khemraj Ramjattan, who debunked the Finance Minister’s response, this does not hold water when one looks at the actual estimates of the Budget for the revision of wages and salaries. It defies logic, fact, and the norms of the budgetary process, and even common sense, he added. Dr Singh in his explanation of the unaccounted monies in the budget over the years sought to argue that   as a matter of policy, and of practical necessity, the National Budget only provides allocations to meet the cost of posts filled in budget agencies at the time the National Budget is finalised. He said that should a budget agency promote or recruit new staff, increase salaries or otherwise adjust salaries during the course of a year, that budget agency must revise its budgeted allocation to meet its shortfall. According to Dr Singh, β€œThe shortfall is met by what is described as an inter-departmental warrant of funds provided by the Ministry of Finance from the revision of wages and salaries allocation to the agency where the shortfall has arisen. β€œThis treatment of financial allocations for positions that are unfilled at the time of preparation of the national estimates or other employment cost shortfall is long established and honoured by time.” Ramjattan sees the explanation as leaking more than a cast net and defies logic. He said that even a cursory examination of the Annual Estimates Approved by the National Assembly, would expose the Finance Minister. According to Ramjattan, the staffing details in respect of each budget agency is illustrated in the budget and represented under line items. β€œThe Minister proposes and Parliament has approved for each of those agencies and programmes,” Ramjattan said. He used as example, the staffing details for Office of the President which is represented at page 29 of the National Estimates, and points to a 5.8 per cent increase in staff. According to Ramjattan, an analysis of the voted provisions for the revision of wages and salaries point to a 21.3 per cent increase in employment cost. He said, too, that the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment’s Administration, which is represented on page 122 and 123 of the Estimates, shows that the staffing strength went up from 10 to 14, a 40 per cent increase. β€œWhen one looked at the voted provision for this increase of four staffers one saw an 80 per cent increase in wages and salaries. There was a line item captioned Total Wages and Salaries. It shows wages and salaries moving from $22 M to $40M. The AFC leader noted, also, that for Region Three, there is  just a five per cent increase in staffing strength while the voted provisions represent a 10 per cent increase in employment cost under Total wages and Salaries. Ramjattan said that perhaps most glaring, is over at the Ministry of Social Services and Social Security, Agency 48, Programme 482. According to Ramjattan, the staffing strength at that agency went down from 352 staffers to 285 staffers, a decline of 20 per cent, but under the monies voted for under Total Wages and Salaries, there is a 15 per cent increase from $291 M to $336M. There were 67 less staffers; but employment costs shot up by $45M! β€œSo we have made the adjustments for increased staffing and consequential increases Wages and Salaries as a result of these staffing, at the time of passing of Budget. β€œThe line item dealing with Revised Wages and Salaries is a wholly different thing. This line item for 2013 was $4,4B for a 15 per cent increase for all the employment costs of all staffers for all Agencies and Ministries which we would have taken in the projected increase of staffers for 2013! We would have already by March 2013 determined how many staffers there will be in all Agencies and Ministries. β€œIt could never be that from March 2013 to December 2013 there could be so many more staffers contracted or so many promoted to offset approximately $2,2M. Utter nonsense! This is a huge scam that has been stumbled upon here.” Ramjattan said that he has every reason to believe that this situation is reflected across each of the Government agencies for which monies would have been voted for in the yearly estimates. The AFC Leader charged that the budgetary allocations for Revision of Wages and Salaries for public servants are now being regarded as a slush fund given that over the past five years there is more than $8B unaccounted for. According to Ramjattan the amount budgeted for Revised Wages and Salaries for 2013 represents an almost 15 per cent increase for public servants and not the five per cent that is being touted by Government. β€œThis is a deception being perpetrated by the Ministry and is wholly wrong this does not accord with the norms of the budgetary process at all.” He said that according to the party’s calculations at this stage it is proving that for the past several years there has been a huge difference between what was allocated for revised wages and salaries and what was actually paid out.” β€œA substantial amount is definitely not accounted for,” said Ramjattan. The AFC will certainly be asking questions in Parliament β€œnow that our confidence has waned so terribly as a result of this development… β€œWe are now appreciating why the President does not want to assent to that amendment to the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act, namely section 85, which expands β€œofficial” to mean the Minister.” Under this amendment the Opposition is looking to expand the category of government officials that can be held accountable for the misuse of public funds. β€œHe (Minister of Finance, Dr Ashni Singh) is the one who ought to be made culpable for any delinquencies on this score, rather than the other officials there.




This is an interesting post. Does corruption exist under the PPP ? Yes.

How does the PPP end corruption ? One step at a time. They cannot demolish their army and leave the racist and corrupt PNC to take over govern Guyana.


How many government ministries were audited under Carl Greenidge during the PNC dictatorship days ? ZERO


Rammo will eventually take out the big cannot and fire but he needs to do so very carefully with a minority government. 


Has Guyana prospered under the PPP ? Yes tremendously, take a look and you will see for yourself. Politicians and corruption are like milk and honey and this happens across the world including USA and Canada.


Should it be stamped out ? Yes. The PPP can start by clipping the wings of some of the boys at the top and we can move Guyana forward. 


Will corruption end if the PNC takes over ?


Never, the PNC is the most rotten and corrupt party. Remember the man who allowed corruption to flourish under the PNC dictatorship rule (Carl Greenidge) is still the PNC top dog financial adviser who is now in a power struggle with TK.


Last edited by Former Member



* As long as man inhabits this planet there will be corruption.


* It's the same thing with prostitution---as long as man inhabits planet earth there will be prostitution.




* There will always be CORRUPTION and PROSTITUTION as long as man exist.


* Listen! In Guyana today every dishonest man wants to feather his own nest.


* You have the elite PPP politicians helping themselves----and you have the little people---like those hustlers at the airport who harassed cobra's aunt for a bribe---every man jack---big or small---is feathering his own nest---so corruption will continue.





Guyana continues to make progress under the corrupt PPP----but that progress will come to a complete halt if the more evil and more corrupt PNC were to be put in power by the people of Guyana.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:



* As long as man inhabits this planet there will be corruption.


* It's the same thing with prostitution---as long as man inhabits planet earth there will be prostitution.




* There will always be CORRUPTION and PROSTITUTION as long as man exist.


* Listen! In Guyana today every man wants to feather his own nest.


* You have the elite PPP politicians helping themselves----and you have the little people---like those hustlers at the airport who harassed cobra's aunt for a bribe---every man jack---big or small---is feathering their own nest---corruption will continue.




Guyana continues to make progress under the corrupt PPP----but that progress will come to a complete halt if the more evil and more corrupt PNC were to be put in power by the people of Guyana.




I could not agree more. Listen, prostitution has even been mentioned in Vedic scriptures that date back some 5,000 years. Some men just cannot control their senses.


We need to keep our eyes open and speak out against corruption in hopes that someone will listen and start working to eradicate it. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:

. . . Guyana continues to make progress under the corrupt PPP----but that progress will come to a complete halt if the more evil and more corrupt PNC were to be put in power by the people of Guyana.



ow bai, u coulda save everbady the chore of sifting thru yuh vomit by boiling it down to the threadbare PPP Criminals Protection formula above


give alyuh credit though, the gross appeal to race has worked - but not so well lately . . . hmmmm?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

We need to keep our eyes open and speak out against corruption in hopes that someone will listen and start working to eradicate it. 



* Here's the deal.


* You have honest people and you have dishonest people.


* Honest people will not keep quiet about corruption---they will not close their eyes to corruption---they will not close their ears to corruption.


* The problem is with the dishonest people----these people see nothing wrong with bribery, fraud, nepotism, payoffs, etc.


* And so as long as there are dishonest people there will be corruption.





You need strict laws that says people guilty of corruption will be put away----but that might mean the entire PPP cabinet might have to be put away.hahahahaha


And so the PPP will never agree to strict laws against corruption.





Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

We need to keep our eyes open and speak out against corruption in hopes that someone will listen and start working to eradicate it. 



* Here's the deal.


* You have honest people and you have dishonest people.


* Honest people will not keep quiet about corruption---they will not close their eyes to corruption---they will not close their ears to corruption.


* The problem is with the dishonest people----these people see nothing wrong with bribery, fraud, nepotism, payoffs, etc.


* And so as long as there are dishonest people there will be corruption.





You need strict laws that says people guilty of corruption will be put away----but that might mean the entire PPP cabinet might have to be put away.hahahahaha


And so the PPP will never agree to strict laws against corruption.






Ok Rev


Then let us start pushing for legislation to fight corruption. Let us reign in a couple of the top boys who feasted in honey and the rest will smarten up. We have to start somewhere. Elections are coming up and the PPP is not at full strength right now.


The country is still progressing under the PPP but a PNC administration will bring back massive corruption and racism and will once again destroy Guyana. Let us not forget that the monster Carl Greenidge is still the PNC top dog. He made Guyana a basket case.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

 Ok Rev Then let us start pushing for legislation to fight corruption. Let us reign in a couple of the top boys who feasted in honey and the rest will smarten up.




* You can arrest all the high profile PPP politicians.


* You can have high profile investigations.


* But that won't stop corruption.


* The fight against corruption will only be successful if you prevent corruption from taking place.


* And therein lies the problem.


* The will to stop bribery, fraud, nepotism, payoffs, skimming, etc, etc is just not there.


CORRUPTION IS IN THE PEOPLE---and right now---the people of Guyana see nothing wrong with bribes, fraud, payoffs, nepotism, skimming, etc, etc----they tolerate it----and so corruption will continue.


By the way, the opposition leaders screaming and barking about corruption----they are among the most evil and dishonest people in Guyana-----they will be 100 times more corrupt than the scoundrels in the PPP.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:



You need strict laws that says people guilty of corruption will be put away----but that might mean the entire PPP cabinet might have to be put away.hahahahaha


And so the PPP will never agree to strict laws against corruption.



??? is there something i'm missing here . . .?


other than your vicarious enjoyment/satisfaction that your tribesmen can tief with impunity, that is

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

 Ok Rev Then let us start pushing for legislation to fight corruption. Let us reign in a couple of the top boys who feasted in honey and the rest will smarten up.




* You can arrest all the high profile PPP politicians.


* You can have high profile investigations.


* But that won't stop corruption.


* The fight against corruption will only be successful if you prevent corruption from taking place.


* And therein lies the problem.


* The will to stop bribery, fraud, nepotism, payoffs, skimming, etc, etc is just not there.


CORRUPTION IS IN THE PEOPLE---and right now---the people of Guyana see nothing wrong with bribes, fraud, payoffs, nepotism, skimming, etc, etc----they tolerate it----and so corruption will continue.


By the way, the opposition leaders screaming barking about corruption----they are among the most evil and dishonest people in Guyana-----they will be 100 times more corrupt than the scoundrels in the PPP.






We know how corrupt the opposition are.


Yusuf exposed massive corruption in the AFC. It was an eye opener for me since the AFC were the ones hollering about corruption. 


As for the PNC, we know that the man who encouraged corruption and made Guyana a basket case (Carl Greenidge) is in charge of the PNC. Therefore we are certain that the opposition will be worse.


We can start from within the PPP to encourage legislation to fight corruption. That will be a start. The people of Guyana see progress but some of the folks at the bottom of the economic ladder are experiencing hardships. We can do our part to help by pushing for change within the PPP.

Originally Posted by redux:

??? is there something i'm missing here . . .?



* sourpuss redux is a 3rd rate intellect who graduated from 3rd rate schools but fancies himself to have a first rate mind---this 'yute' is severely delusional.


* Dirty Harry was right: "A man's got to know his limitations"


*Sourpuss redux needs to accept that he will always be 3rd rate.




Originally Posted by Rev:

* sourpuss redux is a 3rd rate intellect who graduated from 3rd rate schools but fancies himself to have a first rate mind---this 'yute' is severely delusional.


* Dirty Harry was right: "A man's got to know his limitations"


*Sourpuss redux needs to accept that he will always be 3rd rate.



u really, really envy me my brains . . . don't u?


heh hehheh

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Originally Posted by Rev: 

* Just imagine. Sourpuss redux comes here and brags about his brains ?


* The 'yute' is severely delusional.


* Can someone remind sourpuss redux of the following:


Brains aren't everything. In fact in redux's case they are nothing.


ha ha ha ha ha



more nervous antiman 'laughter' . . .  hmmmmmm?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

??? is there something i'm missing here . . .?


Yes, you are missing your purple panties.

like u waan come in de kitchen wid me bai?


u doan have the brains for dat . . . ress lil

Bai, me cyan't do dah. You battie too free. Aids ah go rung yu no?

yuh vocab too limited and yuh IQ too low fuh wuh u attempting to do


but, tell me more about my days as a "jock" on football scholarship . . . har de har har har harrr

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

??? is there something i'm missing here . . .?


Yes, you are missing your purple panties.

like u waan come in de kitchen wid me bai?


u doan have the brains for dat . . . ress lil

Bai, me cyan't do dah. You battie too free. Aids ah go rung yu no?

yuh vocab too limited and yuh IQ too low fuh wuh u attempting to do


but, tell me more about my days as a "jock" on football scholarship . . . har de har har har harrr

How about you being so ignorant and illiterate you count understand the playbook. They assigned you to being water boy. They realized that your scholarship(if it's true) was a waste. You know the saying on the United College Negro Fund ad: "A mind is a terrible thing to waste; except for Redux's".

Guyana will always progress under the PPP. PNC = Starvation. 


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