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September 2, 2017 Source

Dear Editor
2017“…Based on that report, the IMF predicts that Guyana will earn $380M a year, in the first couple years…” Minister of Natural Resources, Raphel Trotman (Kaieteur News August 24, 2017)
Editor, please be reminded that Guyana will receive 2% of what our oil will be sold for. So if Guyana is receiving say $400M a year, Exxon is receiving 98 times that amount, or $40 Billion, a year.
The very sad thing about Guyana is that we have never had good governance. Or maybe I should say it another way. The successive governments that we have had have severely crippled Guyana. And what compounds the frustration of objective Guyanese, is that only when a political ideologue is in the opposition, they agree with that statement. Guyanese have this very blighted approach to our development that we can only speak truth to power when it is not “our part” that is “running things.”
Over the past 50 years, we sat as a divided nation and literally watched as our political leaders decimated our country; especially using the self-inflicted racial divide. There is no way the PNC could have sat at the helm for 28 years and retard the progress of Guyana, if PNC supporters did not allow it. And conversely, there is no way that the PPP could have sat at the helm and raped our country for 23 years if their supporters did not allow it.
Now we have come to full circle and the possibility of the dreaded past being repeated is hovering like an eliminated drone over this nation. Again, there seems to be no room for any dissenting or objective voice. It is as if one cannot support a particular party and at the very time hold that party accountable. Guyana is so stuck in a developmental morass that there seems to be zero correlation between politics and patriotism.
Guyana’s resources are being daily depleted. There resources are not renewable. Yet there seems to be such ambivalence on the part of all the governments to be forthright with the populace. It is as if these politicians know that they could do to the Guyanese what no other leaders, in democratic countries, could do to their people.
Imagine that ExxonMobil will make 98% more than the $380M crumbs that they will throw Guyana’s way and we don’t know how many years they will do that for. Every year we get $400M, Exxon will get $40 Billion. And yet the Guyanese people do not have any idea of how much Exxon plans to invest in Guyana’s oil. Neither do we know how long the contract is for. So we don’t know how much Guyana will make as it relates to how much Exxon will make. And our current politicians, like the previous one they ousted, think that we don’t deserve any better.
So we are at a point where Guyana is likely to lose out on yet another deal; another transaction where the country can be raped. Like Skeldon! Like the Marriott! Like the Berbice Bridge! Like bad bauxite deals! And like all those previous investments, where the Guyanese people were again left in the dark.

When will the eyepass end?
Vishnu Bandhu

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So we are at a point where Guyana is likely to lose out on yet another deal; another transaction where the country can be raped. Like Skeldon! Like the Marriott! Like the Berbice Bridge! Like bad bauxite deals! And like all those previous investments, where the Guyanese people were again left in the dark.

Guyanese are a cursed people. Guyana should cease to exist(if it's possible). Need to throw all these idiots out of office. Guyana needs new blood with young aggressive folks who can think outside the box. What happened to these people brains. Every electronic gadget we use today is programmed with an "IF" statement. If this, then do this. Why couldn't these amoeba brains think ahead and ask the "IF" questions? Is being proactive not a function of their brain.


Editor, please be reminded that Guyana will receive 2% of what our oil will be sold for. So if Guyana is receiving say $400M a year, Exxon is receiving 98 times that amount, or $40 Billion, a year.

WHAT!!!WHAT!!! The little girl selling lemonade would make a better deal, DESPERATION DEAL.

skeldon_man posted:

So we are at a point where Guyana is likely to lose out on yet another deal; another transaction where the country can be raped. Like Skeldon! Like the Marriott! Like the Berbice Bridge! Like bad bauxite deals! And like all those previous investments, where the Guyanese people were again left in the dark.

Guyanese are a cursed people. Guyana should cease to exist(if it's possible). Need to throw all these idiots out of office. Guyana needs new blood with young aggressive folks who can think outside the box. What happened to these people brains. Every electronic gadget we use today is programmed with an "IF" statement. If this, then do this. Why couldn't these amoeba brains think ahead and ask the "IF" questions? Is being proactive not a function of their brain.

You got to be kidding,

The cursed are some of the "Dharpoke Politicians" who fooling the people.


Guyana will get 2% oil royalty and ExxonMobil will get 98%. Bandhu is calculating correctly. But Bandhu calls it eyepass. Gilbakka disagrees. Yuh see, ExxonMobil did not find de oil by just putting a dipstick into de ocean. They're investing US$$$$MMM from exploration to production to distribution. Guyana just has to sit with arms folded and wait to collect its 2% share. Sweet. But, like Bandhu, I want to see de contract, or a fair summary at least.

kp posted:

Editor, please be reminded that Guyana will receive 2% of what our oil will be sold for. So if Guyana is receiving say $400M a year, Exxon is receiving 98 times that amount, or $40 Billion, a year.

WHAT!!!WHAT!!! The little girl selling lemonade would make a better deal, DESPERATION DEAL.

2% is Royalty until ExxonMobil recover their cost of investment,after that revenues will be increased,the amount is a little shady no clarity on what percentage,some numbers are 12% or 25% after deducting pumping cost.

Django posted:
kp posted:

Editor, please be reminded that Guyana will receive 2% of what our oil will be sold for. So if Guyana is receiving say $400M a year, Exxon is receiving 98 times that amount, or $40 Billion, a year.

WHAT!!!WHAT!!! The little girl selling lemonade would make a better deal, DESPERATION DEAL.

2% is Royalty until ExxonMobil recover their cost of investment,after that revenues will be increased,the amount is a little shady no clarity on what percentage,some numbers are 12% or 25% after deducting pumping cost.

That will never happen.

kp posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

Editor, please be reminded that Guyana will receive 2% of what our oil will be sold for. So if Guyana is receiving say $400M a year, Exxon is receiving 98 times that amount, or $40 Billion, a year.

WHAT!!!WHAT!!! The little girl selling lemonade would make a better deal, DESPERATION DEAL.

2% is Royalty until ExxonMobil recover their cost of investment,after that revenues will be increased,the amount is a little shady no clarity on what percentage,some numbers are 12% or 25% after deducting pumping cost.

That will never happen.

There are grey areas,Gov't need to come clean,let the people know how much revenues Guyana will be getting.


You are all wasting your time over low probabilities.  Anyway, it sounds simplistic Guyana will get 2%.  2% of what, does anyone know.  They benchmark with TT and other nations.  Is that what they get?

I don't see a Gov't, even one as incompetent as the PNC, would make such a simple and stupid deal.  There is probably a lot more to it that that simple headline!


I believe in transparency. Let's see the Royalty agreement. It's  normal for 1% to 2% Royalty on Gross Revenue with step up incremental clauses every year or 18 months  by 1% to maximum of 5%.  After then it may specify the greater of 5% on Gross Revenue or 25% to 30% of Net Revenue. The will allow the investor a fair ROI on the initial investment.

ba$eman posted:
Mitwah posted:

I believe in transparency. Let's see the Royalty agreement. .

I told you before on another thread, you too frigging fast!!

I thought you are a Curious Public Accountant. 

Gilbakka posted:

Guyana will get 2% oil royalty and ExxonMobil will get 98%. Bandhu is calculating correctly. But Bandhu calls it eyepass. Gilbakka disagrees. Yuh see, ExxonMobil did not find de oil by just putting a dipstick into de ocean. They're investing US$$$$MMM from exploration to production to distribution. Guyana just has to sit with arms folded and wait to collect its 2% share. Sweet. But, like Bandhu, I want to see de contract, or a fair summary at least.

What we also need to know what is the standard arrangement for contracts like this. If 2% is standard not much that Guyana can do.  The real money is in getting as much integration into the economy as possible. We cannot have a refinery so why not get paid in oil and then have Guyana negotiate with Trinidad or Suriname to make some extra cash.

But yes screaming that Exxon will get 98% is illiterate.  Suppose Exxon told Guyana to put in 50% of the investment in order to get 50% of the profits, which is where I think this person seems to want?

Mitwah posted:

I believe in transparency. Let's see the Royalty agreement. It's  normal for 1% to 2% Royalty on Gross Revenue with step up incremental clauses every year or 18 months  by 1% to maximum of 5%.  After then it may specify the greater of 5% on Gross Revenue or 25% to 30% of Net Revenue. The will allow the investor a fair ROI on the initial investment.

Let us do gross revenue.  With net revenues you get ZERO as Exxon will do internal pricing to shift the profits out of Guyana.

caribny posted:
Mitwah posted:

I believe in transparency. Let's see the Royalty agreement. It's  normal for 1% to 2% Royalty on Gross Revenue with step up incremental clauses every year or 18 months  by 1% to maximum of 5%.  After then it may specify the greater of 5% on Gross Revenue or 25% to 30% of Net Revenue. The will allow the investor a fair ROI on the initial investment.

Let us do gross revenue.  With net revenues you get ZERO as Exxon will do internal pricing to shift the profits out of Guyana.

That's one of the reasons why the "greater of " clause should be included.

Last edited by Mitwah

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