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Guyana/China relations bearing fruits - Foreign Minister

Georgetown, GINA, January 5, 2012
Source - GINA

Chinese Ambassador to Guyana, His Excellency Yu Wenzhe, Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Elisabeth Harper and then Permanent Secretary –Ministry of Foreign Trade and International Cooperation, Lorene Baird are flanked by the 17 Chinese Volunteers and other Government officials in 2011

The 11th session of the Guyana/China Joint Commission brought much rewards to Guyana since several agreements were signed under that Commission, Minister of Foreign Affairs Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett told the media at a briefing today at the Ministry where she outlined some of the agreements signed between the two countries.

Agreements for the provision of laptops, firefighting equipment for the Ministry of Home Affairs and for the continuation of the Chinese Youth Volunteers were among those signed when the Guyana China Joint Commission met in Guyana last year.

The contract for the delivery of 27,000 laptops was sealed on September 14 when then Permanent Secretary at the Office of the President Dr. Nanda Gopaul and Haier Electrical Appliance Limited General Director of Key Projects Sun Yongle inked the US$7.5M agreement at the Office of the President. Haier had won the award after the tender was re-advertised in July for wider participation for the supply of the laptops. Eleven bids were received and subsequently evaluated by a technical team to ascertain whether they were substantially responsive.

The 17 youth volunteers who are specialised in the field of environment engineering, geology, physical education, sports (table tennis and karate), computer technology, agriculture and ornamental horticulture were placed at the Ministries of Home Affairs, Education, Agriculture and Culture Youth and Sports, the Office of the President and the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission, for a period of one year.

Guyana benefited from a similar project in 2007 and 2009 which saw the volunteers contributing to capacity and institutional strengthening in the sectors in which they were placed.

Former Permanent Secretary in the Office of the President Dr. Nanda Gopaul and Haier Electrical Appliance Limited General Director of Key Projects Sun Yongle shaking hands after sealing the laptop delivery deal in 2011

The governments of Guyana and China entered into an agreement to provide Guyana with two roll-on/roll-off ferries valued US$14.4 million, which allow for easier and faster loading and off-loading since they connect directly to the stellings built to accommodate them.

The vessels are intended to provide services at the crossing between Parika, Region Three, and Adventure, Region Two, and as such the construction of roll-on/roll-off stellings at Parika and Supenaam to accommodate the vessels has commenced.

A grant agreement was also signed for 30M Yuan to fund projects that will be determined this year.

Meanwhile, at the Third China Economic Trade Forum, Guyana signed another grant agreement for an additional 30M Yuan bringing the total funding for projects to 60M Yuan.

The two roll on roll off ferries acquired from China

Minister Rodrigues-Birkett stated that Guyana also facilitated the arrangement for the signing of the framework agreement for the e-governance project to the tune of 215M Yuan.
On December 30, Guyana also signed the NCN/CCTV Project where broadcast from the Chinese TV station will be done in Guyana on a regular basis.

The Eleventh Session for the Guyana/China Joint Commission on Economic Trade and Technical Cooperation was held at the Guyana International Conference Centre (GICC), on March 30, 2011 and saw the participation of China’s Ambassador to Guyana Hu Wenzhe and other key Government functionaries and Chinese delegation.

Minister Rodrigues-Birkett at that meeting pointed out that through a joint commission the two countries have been able to concretise measures to promote programmes of functional cooperation.

This year marks the 28th Anniversary of the Guyana/China Joint Commission and according to the Foreign Affairs Minister; the sustained exchange over the years has given added impetus to collaboration at economic and technical levels.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by ABIDHA:
The ferries look better than Malali and Torani, but you must realize our two ferries were older models. They both serve their time and get people to and from both ends of the rivers. What is the name of Guyana third ferry? Anyone knows?

Please note that the Malali and the Torani were built in Guyana. So much for progress.

Dont know if you refer to the Makouria, but I doubt that is still in service.

There was also the Arapaima, also built in Guyana.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
The ferries look better than Malali and Torani, but you must realize our two ferries were older models. They both serve their time and get people to and from both ends of the rivers. What is the name of Guyana third ferry? Anyone knows?

Please note that the Malali and the Torani were built in Guyana. So much for progress.

Dont know if you refer to the Makouria, but I doubt that is still in service.

There was also the Arapaima, also built in Guyana.

So much for progress? they can't last forever..
When are you going to learn how to think or this is juat another of your negative portrayal of your racial attitude?..
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
China and India are becoming great friends of Guyana. Guyanese will be soon migrating to these two pregressive countries.

Donald gajraj is doing a great service in India selling Guyana to the Indians. India will soon be building a Medical college in Guyana..

Africa cannot afford to buy food for their own citizens and are begging bowl in hand everywhere in the world. India and China are the next world super powers. America is broke under Obama. History lesson anyone ?
Originally posted by yuji22:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
China and India are becoming great friends of Guyana. Guyanese will be soon migrating to these two pregressive countries.

Donald gajraj is doing a great service in India selling Guyana to the Indians. India will soon be building a Medical college in Guyana..

Africa cannot afford to buy food for their own citizens and are begging bowl in hand everywhere in the world. India and China are the next world super powers. America is broke under Obama. History lesson anyone ?
Get real. Guyana has never balanced a budget on its earnings in its entire history. And it suffered less indignities than Africa in colonization. We survive on begging bowl economics. Despite our great bounty of natural resource abundance we are still in the poor house.

America is not broke. It has over 64 trillion in fairly liquid assets it can easily convert to workable capital if the rich would use it. You not only need to brush up on history but economics as well.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by yuji22:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
China and India are becoming great friends of Guyana. Guyanese will be soon migrating to these two pregressive countries.

Donald gajraj is doing a great service in India selling Guyana to the Indians. India will soon be building a Medical college in Guyana..

Africa cannot afford to buy food for their own citizens and are begging bowl in hand everywhere in the world. India and China are the next world super powers. America is broke under Obama. History lesson anyone ?
Get real. Guyana has never balanced a budget on its earnings in its entire history. And it suffered less indignities than Africa in colonization. We survive on begging bowl economics. Despite our great bounty of natural resource abundance we are still in the poor house.

America is not broke. It has over 64 trillion in fairly liquid assets it can easily convert to workable capital if the rich would use it. You not only need to brush up on history but economics as well.

You are living in a coconut shell, just like burnham. 64 trillion "fairly" liquid assets. If China were to do a recall America will have to default on their debt obligation. Get real.

Highest unemployment due to coconut shell economics by Obama. Downgrade of credit ratings etc, do not get me going on this. All because of coconut shell economics by Obama.
Originally posted by yuji22:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by yuji22:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
China and India are becoming great friends of Guyana. Guyanese will be soon migrating to these two pregressive countries.

Donald gajraj is doing a great service in India selling Guyana to the Indians. India will soon be building a Medical college in Guyana..

Africa cannot afford to buy food for their own citizens and are begging bowl in hand everywhere in the world. India and China are the next world super powers. America is broke under Obama. History lesson anyone ?
Get real. Guyana has never balanced a budget on its earnings in its entire history. And it suffered less indignities than Africa in colonization. We survive on begging bowl economics. Despite our great bounty of natural resource abundance we are still in the poor house.

America is not broke. It has over 64 trillion in fairly liquid assets it can easily convert to workable capital if the rich would use it. You not only need to brush up on history but economics as well.

You are living in a coconut shell, just like burnham. 64 trillion "fairly" liquid assets. If China were to do a recall America will have to default on their debt obligation. Get real.

Highest unemployment due to coconut shell economics by Obama. Downgrade of credit ratings etc, do not get me going on this. All because of coconut shell economics by Obama.
Separate the crapola from the rhetoric. At 8.6% unemployment, Obama is adding workers to the work force presently even if he has the Bush monkey on his back. The downgrade of the credit ratings was also due to poor mathematics from the credit agency. Check that out if you please also. Further, it did not hurt the US interest rates which is rock bottom at the moment. To whom will the world sell their products? You are as silly as the come.

As for China, they better pray a republican does not get into office or in a jiffy the would run China to the ground. Note, it was the US that brought them out of the middle ages. only 3 decades ago.
Originally posted by yuji22:
D2, I will not waste my time with your coconut shell responses. Wait for the next Presidential elections and watch Americans kick out the coconut shell Obama from office.
You are fortunate to be receiving the benefit of insight that is obviously alien to you. I can assure you that if Americans kick Obama out is will indeed be because of incompetence.
Originally posted by yuji22:
All Black leaders perform like Obama....... incompetence.
It is a pity you have such chronically attached blinders. Much of Americana is black, from fashion and across the spectrum of music. We have many inventions to thank black people for and much in science that came from their minds. I bet you did not know that without black fighter squadron we would certainly have lost the Battle North Africa. Yes, to be so myopic takes work. You need to be a little lazy at being a racist.
Originally posted by yuji22:
You speak so highly of Black civilisation. Remember, America had slavery. Blacks are still living in a slavery mentality and will never prosper until they shake it off and stop blaming others for their problems. In the end Blacks are now the most racist people that I have met.
I speak highly of all human civilization because it is clear that all cultures can create civilizations on a grand scale. The rest of you post is pure unadulterated crap.
Originally posted by yuji22:
You are as racist as they get. Loser and Dunce.
First I am not in the poorhouse so the label "loser" carelessly thrown about by a hapless ignoramus can be excused as simply gratuitous utterances to placate your own sense of inadequacy. That I am a dunce would mean you are smart. Indeed you my beloved beagle!
Originally posted by yuji22:
D2 dunce in high school and now coconut head. Give him a big applause cause he can use it shake the coconut from his head.
Try replacing the word "coconut" with a phrase that would actually convey information. It is but a short step but it will truly be a monumental leap for you. It will mean you can learn.
Originally posted by yuji22:
Dunce, D2. You have no idea what the reference to coconut head means. One a dunce you will always be a dunce. Just like you were in High school. Ha Ha Ha !!
It is a matter about the pedestrian use of words. It is non-informative. Words are supposed to convey meaning.

I would be very surprised if you went to high school much less that you knew me in high school.
Originally posted by yuji22:
Since when calling out black leaders as incompetence is racial ? Look around Africa, starvation is everywhere.


Remember the old saying in Guyana:

"Black man cyan run cake shop--how dem gon run country."

That's a very true saying.

And you are dead right about Obama---the man has run up more debt than all the Presidents from Washington to Clinton combined.

America is becoming a banana republic under Obama.

That old Guyanese saying again:

"Black man cyan run cake shop--how dem gon run country."

Thank God Ramotar is President of Guyana and not losers like Granger and Trotman.

Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
The ferries look better than Malali and Torani, but you must realize our two ferries were older models. They both serve their time and get people to and from both ends of the rivers. What is the name of Guyana third ferry? Anyone knows?

Please note that the Malali and the Torani were built in Guyana. So much for progress.

Dont know if you refer to the Makouria, but I doubt that is still in service.

There was also the Arapaima, also built in Guyana.

The Guyana government got 1000% out of Malali and Torani. I never heard of boats giving 70 years of full service. They paid for themselves many times over. They don't make them like that anymore.
Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by yuji22:
Since when calling out black leaders as incompetence is racial ? Look around Africa, starvation is everywhere.


Remember the old saying in Guyana:

"Black man cyan run cake shop--how dem gon run country."

That's a very true saying.

And you are dead right about Obama---the man has run up more debt than all the Presidents from Washington to Clinton combined.

America is becoming a banana republic under Obama.

That old Guyanese saying again:

"Black man cyan run cake shop--how dem gon run country."

Thank God Ramotar is President of Guyana and not losers like Granger and Trotman.


Two mentally deficient dalits shitting pun de BB again.

Try . . . disinfect yuh orifice(s) and wash yuh panties deh.

Stink & Sour is a bad combination!!
Originally posted by yuji22:
Since when calling out black leaders as incompetence is racial ? Look around Africa, starvation is everywhere.

Stupidness. As Walter Rodney demonstrated, the starvation in Africa was imposed from the outside. And "Since when calling out black leaders as incompetence is racial?" Seriously, you need help.
Originally posted by Henry:
Originally posted by yuji22:
Since when calling out black leaders as incompetence is racial ? Look around Africa, starvation is everywhere.

Stupidness. As Walter Rodney demonstrated, the starvation in Africa was imposed from the outside. And "Since when calling out black leaders as incompetence is racial?" Seriously, you need help.

Yea yea, an da prablim wid Afros in Guyana wazz dem Brits, den da PNC, now da PPP. Afros dozz juss point to adda people, but dem a dem own prablim.
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Yea yea, an da prablim wid Afros in Guyana wazz dem Brits, den da PNC, now da PPP. Afros dozz juss point to adda people, but dem a dem own prablim.

spoken like a knowledgeable dalit . . . tortured by his own blackness

Preach lilHammer . . . Preach!!

Eh eh refux, yuh up early bai!
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Yea yea, an da prablim wid Afros in Guyana wazz dem Brits, den da PNC, now da PPP. Afros dozz juss point to adda people, but dem a dem own prablim.

spoken like a knowledgeable dalit . . . tortured by his own blackness

Preach lilHammer . . . Preach!!

Eh eh refux, yuh up early bai!

bai, ah just tryin to be of service to meh dalit brethren . . .
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Yea yea, an da prablim wid Afros in Guyana wazz dem Brits, den da PNC, now da PPP. Afros dozz juss point to adda people, but dem a dem own prablim.

spoken like a knowledgeable dalit . . . tortured by his own blackness

Preach lilHammer . . . Preach!!

Eh eh refux, yuh up early bai!

bai, ah just tryin to be of service to meh dalit brethren . . .

Me deh hay wid ma lil dougla gyal, she waan slap yuh rass. Shi like da dalit treatment.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Yea yea, an da prablim wid Afros in Guyana wazz dem Brits, den da PNC, now da PPP. Afros dozz juss point to adda people, but dem a dem own prablim.

spoken like a knowledgeable dalit . . . tortured by his own blackness

Preach lilHammer . . . Preach!!

Eh eh refux, yuh up early bai!

bai, ah just tryin to be of service to meh dalit brethren . . .

Me deh hay wid ma lil dougla gyal, she waan slap yuh rass. Shi like da dalit treatment.

. . . but does she know bout de backstage action wit dem StormFront bais??
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
bai, ah just tryin to be of service to meh dalit brethren . . .

Me deh hay wid ma lil dougla gyal, she waan slap yuh rass. Shi like da dalit treatment.

. . . but does she know bout de backstage action wit dem StormFront bais??[/QUOTE]
Yea yea, she a read everyting hay. She ah
laff at yuh and tink yuh stupid no ass.

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