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GuyanaNRA 150th Anniversary/WIFBSC Caribbean C/ships… Shooters impress at Recorded Team Training

Oct 04, 2017 Sports, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...orded-team-training/

The marksmen in contention to make the Guyana team for the Guyana National Rifle Association (GuyanaNRA) 150th/West Indies Fullbore Shooting Council (WIFBSC) Caribbean Championships have churned in some impressive performances in a simulation Short Range Match on Sunday last.
Competing at the newly refurbished Timehri Rifle Ranges, the Guyana Rifle Team shot an impressive 1142 points and 74 Vees after competition at the 300, 500 and 600 Yards Banks as they strategically tested the conditions all over the range.
Fullbore Captain Mahendra Persaud reported that the scores were of an exceptionally high standard.
At 300 yards, three shooters shot scores of 49, veterans Ransford Goodluck (49:6), Lennox Braithwaite (49:5) and Captain Persaud (49:4). At this range, the team combined for a total of 378:26.
At 500 yards there was further improvement with the team only dropping 8 points, shooting 392 out of the possible 400 points; Possibles were recorded by Captain Persaud (50:5), Braithwaite (50:4) and Sherwin Felicien, 50:4.
The winds got trickier at 600 yards when the shooters shot from the extreme right of the newly renovated Timehri Rifle Ranges for the first time in over four (4) years; the scores dipped in the process.
The Wind Coaches had their work cut out for them and had to call on all their experience to conquer the conditions. The wind was switching quickly and the speed was changing rapidly also, at times it was difficult to even judge what was happening. Topping the scores at this 600 yards range were Felicien (48:2) and Goodluck, 48:1.
The GuyanaNRA in association with the Guyana Defence Force expended large sums of monies and effort in renovating the Timehri Rifle Ranges and can now boast of having a truly International Shooting Range.
The Fullbore shooters especially played an important part in making this a reality with lots of days in the hot sun replanting grass on the shooting banks, installing and renovating target mechanisms and in general, rebuilding and redesigning the range.
This was part of the preparations for the celebrations to commemorate the 150th Anniversary of the Guyana National Rifle Association which makes it one of the oldest Rifle associations in the world.
The only negative spot in the Association’s history is the inability on the part of successive administrations to recognise this prestigious association and grant them a piece of land that they can call home. A piece of land that is both conveniently placed and close enough to the arms stores and security forces in Georgetown which would facilitate the easy movement of arms and ammunition taking security into consideration and at the same time, promoting the sport of Air Rifle, Air Pistol, Small Bore and Pistol shooting.
The association is hoping that with its 150th milestone, fortune and recognition would erase this negative spot.
The association is further noting that with Guyanese shooters starting to make a name for themselves and the nation in the world of Rifle Shooting and gaining recognition, it is hopeful that more corporate entities will be on board to make this historic championship, a true success.
The GuyanaNRA is expressing sincere gratitude to all its sponsors, well wishers, friends and supporters who over the years have stood with them, noting that without their support, their achievements, which include being the #1 Short (300, 500, 600) and Long Range (900, 1000) nation in the West Indies, would not have been possible.
The Guyanese have been dominant in this regard for the past 20 years or so, to the point where other Caribbean nations have been scrambling for second place and at times not even thinking of winning.


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