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GuyanaNRA/Secure Innovations & Concepts Inc./IPSC Level 1 Shoot… Dale Hing, Murthland Smith and Surujbali Persaud are A, B & C Class winners

Aug 04, 2017 Sports, http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....a-b-c-class-winners/

The Guyana National Rifle Association (GuyanaNRA) Smallbore Captain, Dale Hing emerged winner of the Secure Innovations and Concepts Inc’s sponsored IPSC Sanctioned Level I Match at the refurbished Timehri Rifle Ranges on Sunday last.
Hing accumulated 225.6469 match points out of a possible 230 points from the three contested stages.
The first stage, a .32 round long stage, was the highlight of the day. Designed by the IPSC Regional Director, Harold Hopkinson who said it was intended to encompass a multitude of IPSC Sanctioned rules.
This stage had the competitors place their unloaded firearm on one of the two barrels and all magazines to be used on the other barrel at opposite ends of the stage. On the start signal, the shooter had to run to the barrel of their choosing, while adhering to all the rules of firearm safety to avoid disqualification.
After completing the task the competitor had to engage 10 classic targets and 12 poppers and plates from 4 positions on the stage. Gordon Richards won this stage with 160 points in 51.04 seconds while second in a blistering time of 48.90 seconds was Hing with 158.3266 points.
Dr. Johan Da Silva did enough to claim the third position with 144.4319 points.
Hopkinson with 138.4939 points and Terry Milling 128.0507 took the 4th and 5th positions.
The second Stage was an 8 round IPSC classifier which comprised of 3 classic targets and 2 plates. Emerging at eh helm of the field was Dr. Da Silva with the fastest time of 5.71 seconds and 40 stage points with the second place going to Murtland Smith 6.52 seconds and 39.151 stage points.
Third was Hing in 6.84 seconds and 37.3203 stage points closely followed by Gordon Richards with 37.0779 points and Jermaine Softly took fifth with 35.7322. The Third stage comprised of two IPSC classic targets and 2 plates, Hing took this stage with 30 points, second was Dr. DaSilva with 24.1889, third Lawrence Layne 20.3359, fourth Lindsay Baird, 19.6171 and Fifth Hopkinson with 19.1105.
The overall winner of the A Class was Smallbore Captain Hing followed by Richards, Dr. DaSilva, Hopkinson and Terry Milling in that order. Topping the B Class was Murthland Smith followed by Sherrard Williams, Lawrence Payne, Gordon Pearson and Jermaine Softly. In the C Class, first was Surujbali Persaud ahead of Jermaine Softleigh, Charles Clayton, Bassu Dawarkha and Lindsay Baird in that order.
The GuyanaNRA Smallbore section is extending thanks the IPSC Regional Director Harold Hopkinson and his team comprising of members Clayton Charles, Terry Milling, Mike Tang, Lindsay Baird and Sherwin Solomon for making the event a reality and success.
Hopkinson remarked that he would be happy and pleased to tour with any of the new shooters who completed the three stages. He is meanwhile preparing for the IPSC World Shoot that will be held in France, this month. This IPSC Level 1 event was sponsored by Secure Innovations and Concepts Inc., Guyana’s premiere security company.


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