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Guyana’s diplomats reminded to maintain sovereignty, territorial integrityPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Priya Nauth-Ali   
Monday, 09 July 2012 22:38
PRESIDENT Donald Ramotar yesterday reminded the Heads of Guyana’s diplomatic missions abroad of their role to help maintain the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.
They must also provide, for all Guyanese, opportunities

President Donald Ramotar, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds and Minister of Foreign Affairs Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett with Guyana’s appointed foreign mission heads yesterday.

for economic advancement and social well-being, he told them at the opening of the Heads of Mission Conference, which gathers all the heads of overseas Embassies, High Commissions and Consulates.
The three-day meeting is taking place at the Guyana International Conference Centre, Liliendaal, Greater Georgetown, and will be followed by a wrap-up session with Cabinet Ministers on July 13.
Welcoming all the participants home, President Ramotar told them: “You are, of

Minister of Foreign Affairs Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett speaking at the conference of appointed overseas Ambassadors.

course, as is often said, on the very frontlines of our country’s foreign policy and in the area where you have to promote Guyana and pursue our people’s interest internationally.”
He said foreign policy is the continuation of domestic policy on one hand and advised them: “You reflect the relation which we want to display internationally.
“Clearly, therefore, you must be plugged into what is happening at home. You must know everything that is taking place and you should be asking questions when you do not have all the information. You must be aware of our plans in your day-to-day work for you to contribute to those plans that we have to develop Guyana.”
Mr. Ramotar continued that, at the same time, they must always be aware of what is happening internationally, to assess the impact on the country and determine what measures to take to “get advantage of or to minimise any impact on our country.”
In this regard, he underscored that government rely on them, tremendously, to advise on what is happening abroad, particularly in neighbouring countries and even further afield.

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