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Guyana’s economy growing exceptionally well- Global Competitiveness ReportPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Gabreila Patram   
Sunday, 16 June 2013 22:27

ACTING Minister of Tourism, Irfaan Ali has noted that Guyana’s economy is growing exceptionally well. These sentiments were shared as he delivered remarks at the launch of GuyExpo 2013 last Friday evening.

The minister made this observation in reference to the Global Competitiveness Report- World Economic Report 2012-2013.
The report states that in terms of the Quality of Primary Education, Guyana is ranked #50 compared with the ranking of 109 for Jamaica, 66 for Suriname and 34 for Trinidad and Tobago.
In terms of the quality of the education system, Guyana is ranked #42 compared with a ranking of 76 for Jamaica, 84 for Suriname and 40 for Trinidad and Tobago.
For the quality of management of schools Guyana is ranked #64 compared with 77 for Jamaica, 63 Suriname and 36 for Trinidad and Tobago.
Ali went to say that as a result of the government’s intention to improve the suitability of the local workforce for the private sector the government has recently established two technical institutes and intends to place greater emphasis on programmes offered by the University of Guyana in the areas of Mathematics, Engineering, Information Technology; all of which are aligned to the priority sectors. Currently 3,500 persons are trained annually in the technical and vocational areas.
Meanwhile, the local financial sector is highly liquid and extends credit on relatively low interest rates. The ease of access and low finance is reflected in the country’s ranking with respect to the availability of financial services, affordability of financial services, and ease of accessing loans.
The Global Competiveness Report states that in the area of Cost and Availability of Finance; the availability of financial services Guyana is ranked 70 while Jamaica is ranked 64, Suriname is ranked 123 and Trinidad and Tobago is ranked 82.
In terms of the affordability of financial services Guyana is ranked 72 while; Jamaica is ranked 92, Suriname 120 and Trinidad and Tobago 109.
With respect to accessing of loans Guyana is ranked 76 while Barbados is ranked 79. Jamaica is ranked 127, Suriname 103 and Trinidad and Tobago is ranked 77.
For the Cost and Productivity of Local labour, the Tourism Minister stated that the country has an adequate supply of skilled, semi-skilled and un-skilled workers.  According to the Report the cost of local labour is not only low, but the productivity is among the highest in Caribbean and Latin America.
In terms of pay and productivity Guyana is ranked 69th compared with a ranking of; 86 for Barbados, 89 for Jamaica, 123 for Suriname and 126 for Trinidad and Tobago.
In terms of the labour tax contributions as percentage of commercial profits, Guyana is ranked above Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago and Countries in Latin America and Caribbean.
Labour tax and Contribution (% of profit0- Guyana 8.8, Barbados 12.7, Jamaica 12.9 and Trinidad and Tobago 5.8.
Ali noted that the country has made remarkable progress in terms of encouraging investments over the past two decades pointing out that the government in its effort to stimulate growth in all major sectors the Government of Guyana has developed a comprehensive Action Plan aimed at improving the business and institutional environment. This Action Plan consists of more than 60 competitiveness and efficiency- enhancing reforms and will be implemented in a coordinated manner across 10 targeted policy areas.
These include: Starting a Business, Dealing with Construction Permits / Licences, Getting Electricity, Registering Property, Getting Credit, Protecting Investors, Paying taxes, trading across Borders, enforcing Contracts and Resolving Insolvency.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The US was doing well until the bust...and it was a net producer of man tangible products. Guyana produces zilch and survives on the bounty of vending its natural resources. Gold has plummeted and that has constituted some 51 percent of its earnings.  What is there left to keep it afloat? rice? sugar, fishing?....surely you jest that we have good fundamentals. Maybe you mean remittances and begging plus the parallel underground economy of drug money. No one comes in to make anything. They come in to take. That is the only kind of investment the PPP generates.


As I said they come to take.....and the only thing we have is the natural bounties  not anything there on account of the PPP. They do not come to make a paper cup or a candle stick. They come to take our natural non renewable assets.


Originally Posted by Conscience:

I met a woman working in a restaurant in Queens who just migrated from Guyana.  She is 50, a Grand mother from Corentyne.  I asked her why she left because things seem well.  She said not for the poor, they suffer, the PPP is corrupt and don't give a damn and the opposition are ruthless and destroying whatever little there is.


So, while the investors cheer, the ministers like Priya could build million USD mansions, the poor suffer and leave.  This woman is getting her kids and grands out since, as she puts it, poor ain't gatt no future in Guyana.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

"Danyael" continues to be a doomsday preacher, while the country develops

 If an asteroid is on a collision course with the planet one has to speak to it. One is not a doomsday speaker if one speak of the pending danger. The corrupt PPP are our asteroid.


"Danyael" ease with the doomsday preaching and advise your political gathering to put their shoulder to the wheel and assist in national building, Guyana should always be placed first.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

"Danyael" ease with the doomsday preaching and advise your political gathering to put their shoulder to the wheel and assist in national building, Guyana should always be placed first.

 It is happening as we speak. Keeping the thieving PPP in check is part of the axial grease to progress.

Originally Posted by baseman:

her why she left because things seem well.  She said not for the poor, they suffer, the PPP is corrupt and don't give a damn and the opposition are ruthless and destroying whatever little there is.


So, while the investors cheer, the ministers like Priya could build million USD mansions, the poor suffer and leave.  This woman is getting her kids and grands out since, as she puts it, poor ain't gatt no future in Guyana.



Just returned from a Caribbean island, which has its own share of problems due to the continued slow tourism, yet its PACKED with IndoGuyanese.


Why when Guyana is this paradise I wonder?


Note that I see no evidence that the IndoGuyanese males there are in especially good jobs as all the large construction sites are populated almost exclusively with blacks, most likely locals.


So people like druggie who post statistics which are supposed to indicate that Guyana is now ahead in CARICOM are laughable.


If he wants to show that our education is good then he ought to show what % of Guyanese kids reach CXC levels, and how many of them get grades I-III in English and Maths vs what happens elsewhere.  I know up to 2011 we were still a laggard, alongside Jamaica and St Vincent.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny: 

Just returned from a Caribbean island, which has its own share of problems due to the continued slow tourism, yet its PACKED with IndoGuyanese.


Why when Guyana is this paradise I wonder?


Note that I see no evidence that the IndoGuyanese males there are in especially good jobs as all the large construction sites are populated almost exclusively with blacks, most likely locals.


So people like druggie who post statistics which are supposed to indicate that Guyana is now ahead in CARICOM are laughable.


If he wants to show that our education is good then he ought to show what % of Guyanese kids reach CXC levels, and how many of them get grades I-III in English and Maths vs what happens elsewhere.  I know up to 2011 we were still a laggard, alongside Jamaica and St Vincent.

Now you who normally quote statistics resort to urban legends and hearsay to put down the development and prosperity in Guyana.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny: 

Just returned from a Caribbean island, which has its own share of problems due to the continued slow tourism, yet its PACKED with IndoGuyanese.


Why when Guyana is this paradise I wonder?


Note that I see no evidence that the IndoGuyanese males there are in especially good jobs as all the large construction sites are populated almost exclusively with blacks, most likely locals.


So people like druggie who post statistics which are supposed to indicate that Guyana is now ahead in CARICOM are laughable.


If he wants to show that our education is good then he ought to show what % of Guyanese kids reach CXC levels, and how many of them get grades I-III in English and Maths vs what happens elsewhere.  I know up to 2011 we were still a laggard, alongside Jamaica and St Vincent.

Now you who normally quote statistics resort to urban legends and hearsay to put down the development and prosperity in Guyana.

When I quote statistics I reveal the source.  But then you a man who thinks that 10% of 43% is 10% can be forgiven for not understanding this.


Now run along and confirm that Guyana a higher % of Guyanese kids take CXC and that a higher % score passing grades for English and Maths.  Thst is what will reveal how Guyana scores in comparison with its CARICOM neighbors. 


Druggie if IndoGuyanese remain on an island where things are tough then cleArly life is even tougher for them in Guyana.  I cannot comment on AfroGUyanese as they are invisible until they open their mouth,ms but I will say that the Guyanese accents I heard, and I heard more of them than of any Caribbean accent, aside from the locals, came almosty exclusively from PPP supporters.  People who looked impoverished and very rural.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The picture "caribny" paints of Guyana is far from reality, if he take time off his his schedule, and pay Guyana a visit he'll be shell-shocked.

You were so conscientious in condemning an AFCite calling a woman "fat"; please comment on this serial abuser

Govt minister's son allegedly assaults ex-girlfriend

Govt minister's son allegedly assaults ex-girlfriend


The son of a government minister has allegedly assaulted his ex-girlfriend, leaving her with a swollen right eye and tender head just days before she had been due to give birth to their baby.

27-year old Vanisha Seenauth alleged that Robeson Benn Jr. barged into her home during the pre-dawn hours of Sunday when she opened the door and assaulted her.

Obviously traumatized by an abusive relationship, a crying Seenauth said that on hearing someone knock on the door she opened thinking that it was her brother whom she had been expecting. She said when her brother arrived later, she sent him away because she did not want him to see her face.

When told of the alleged occurrence, the younger Benn’s mother sounded quite distressed.

Seenauth said police at Brickdam Police station declined to take a report immediately although she had obtained a medical certificate from the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC). 

However, she intends to return to the station on Monday to make a report as part of steps to have Benn Jr. charged and the court issue a restraining order to stay away from her.

The woman said that Benn called her later on Sunday, apologising for what he had done to her. 

Seenauth did not deny that she had begged for him in the past after having reporting previous instances of alleged assault to the police. But this time, she is determined to let him face the full force of the law.

Sunday’s incident came two days before she had been due to give birth to their baby which she miscarried allegedly because Benn had kicked her several months ago at her home. During that incident, she had stabbed him once at her home resulting in him being hospitalized for several days at the GPHC.

They had been in a relationship for almost one year now until it ended when she was assaulted during the pregnancy. The woman lamented repeatedly that she has lost her baby and she would be going to a function at an orphanage without her child.

Already receiving support from Caribbean American Domestic Violence Awareness (CADVA), the woman expressed reluctance seeking assistance from other women’s rights organisations or counsellors.

Now virtually a recluse because of her traumatic experiences, Seenauth said that on one occasion she had decided to go to Hibiscus, Middle Street where she was allegedly assaulted in public by Benn.


"Danyael" one notice the "red herring" you're throw into the thread indeed it warrants comments, but this thread is solely speaking at the Guyana's economy and its exceptional growth.


ACTING Minister of Tourism, Irfaan Ali has noted that Guyana’s economy is growing exceptionally well. These sentiments were shared as he delivered remarks at the launch of GuyExpo 2013 last Friday evening.

The minister made this observation in reference to the Global Competitiveness Report- World Economic Report 2012-2013.
The report states that in terms of the Quality of Primary Education, Guyana is ranked #50 compared with the ranking of 109 for Jamaica, 66 for Suriname and 34 for Trinidad and Tobago.
In terms of the quality of the education system, Guyana is ranked #42 compared with a ranking of 76 for Jamaica, 84 for Suriname and 40 for Trinidad and Tobago.
For the quality of management of schools Guyana is ranked #64 compared with 77 for Jamaica, 63 Suriname and 36 for Trinidad and Tobago.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

"Danyael" one notice the "red herring" you're throw into the thread indeed it warrants comments, but this thread is solely speaking at the Guyana's economy and its exceptional growth.


ACTING Minister of Tourism, Irfaan Ali has noted that Guyana’s economy is growing exceptionally well. These sentiments were shared as he delivered remarks at the launch of GuyExpo 2013 last Friday evening.

The minister made this observation in reference to the Global Competitiveness Report- World Economic Report 2012-2013.
The report states that in terms of the Quality of Primary Education, Guyana is ranked #50 compared with the ranking of 109 for Jamaica, 66 for Suriname and 34 for Trinidad and Tobago.
In terms of the quality of the education system, Guyana is ranked #42 compared with a ranking of 76 for Jamaica, 84 for Suriname and 40 for Trinidad and Tobago.
For the quality of management of schools Guyana is ranked #64 compared with 77 for Jamaica, 63 Suriname and 36 for Trinidad and Tobago.

I am sure you can spend a few words commenting on this. Need I remind you of the many days and the multiple threads you spend lamenting the insult to all women because an AFC member referred to a woman as "fat".  This is your colleague and he is a serial abuser and his daddy, a PPP minister is quick to say this psycho is being mishandled whenever he commits one of his indiscretions.


I need your comment.


Govt minister's son allegedly assaults ex-girlfriend

Govt minister's son allegedly assaults ex-girlfriend


The son of a government minister has allegedly assaulted his ex-girlfriend, leaving her with a swollen right eye and tender head just days before she had been due to give birth to their baby.

27-year old Vanisha Seenauth alleged that Robeson Benn Jr. barged into her home during the pre-dawn hours of Sunday when she opened the door and assaulted her.

Obviously traumatized by an abusive relationship, a crying Seenauth said that on hearing someone knock on the door she opened thinking that it was her brother whom she had been expecting. She said when her brother arrived later, she sent him away because she did not want him to see her face.

When told of the alleged occurrence, the younger Benn’s mother sounded quite distressed.

Seenauth said police at Brickdam Police station declined to take a report immediately although she had obtained a medical certificate from the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC). 

However, she intends to return to the station on Monday to make a report as part of steps to have Benn Jr. charged and the court issue a restraining order to stay away from her.

The woman said that Benn called her later on Sunday, apologising for what he had done to her. 

Seenauth did not deny that she had begged for him in the past after having reporting previous instances of alleged assault to the police. But this time, she is determined to let him face the full force of the law.

Sunday’s incident came two days before she had been due to give birth to their baby which she miscarried allegedly because Benn had kicked her several months ago at her home. During that incident, she had stabbed him once at her home resulting in him being hospitalized for several days at the GPHC.

They had been in a relationship for almost one year now until it ended when she was assaulted during the pregnancy. The woman lamented repeatedly that she has lost her baby and she would be going to a function at an orphanage without her child.

Already receiving support from Caribbean American Domestic Violence Awareness (CADVA), the woman expressed reluctance seeking assistance from other women’s rights organisations or counsellors.


Now virtually a recluse because of her traumatic experiences, Seenauth said that on one occasion she had decided to go to Hibiscus, Middle Street where she was allegedly assaulted in public by Benn.


There is a thread open by "God" that deals with this issue, lets share our views there, come on Danyeal don't spam the board, as stated earlier this thread is dealing with the Guyana economy

Originally Posted by Conscience:

There is a thread open by "God" that deals with this issue, lets share our views there, come on Danyeal don't spam the board, as stated earlier this thread is dealing with the Guyana economy

I do not give a damn who opened a thread. For one who yammered about abuse to women across countless threads and for days on the mere calling of a lady "fat". you can comment on this.


Govt minister's son allegedly assaults ex-girlfriend

Govt minister's son allegedly assaults ex-girlfriend


The son of a government minister has allegedly assaulted his ex-girlfriend, leaving her with a swollen right eye and tender head just days before she had been due to give birth to their baby.

27-year old Vanisha Seenauth alleged that Robeson Benn Jr. barged into her home during the pre-dawn hours of Sunday when she opened the door and assaulted her......



Now virtually a recluse because of her traumatic experiences, Seenauth said that on one occasion she had decided to go to Hibiscus, Middle Street where she was allegedly assaulted in public by Benn.



You should not only comment on this issue, but should also comment on the Amerindians you exploited on your farm.....and also the region 8 councillor/teacher who was caught with a male student in his living quarters

Originally Posted by Conscience:

You should not only comment on this issue, but should also comment on the Amerindians you exploited on your farm.....and also the region 8 councillor/teacher who was caught with a male student in his living quarters are a liar. Dont know what the hell you are talking about with my farm.


There was no "caught" from my direct sources. He live there. Slept on a bunk on the floor. We do not have mansions in the interior but usually single room benabs with flimsy truly or manicole walls



Still need a comment


Govt minister's son allegedly assaults ex-girlfriend

Govt minister's son allegedly assaults ex-girlfriend


The son of a government minister has allegedly assaulted his ex-girlfriend, leaving her with a swollen right eye and tender head just days before she had been due to give birth to their baby.

27-year old Vanisha Seenauth alleged that Robeson Benn Jr. barged into her home during the pre-dawn hours of Sunday when she opened the door and assaulted her......



Now virtually a recluse because of her traumatic experiences, Seenauth said that on one occasion she had decided to go to Hibiscus, Middle Street where she was allegedly assaulted in public by Benn.



AFC Councillor Clyde Edwards accused of sleeping with underage boy

An Alliance for Change(AFC) Councillor of the Region 8 Regional Democratic Council(RDC) who is also a teacher at the Mahdia Secondary School and chairman of the region's education committee was caught sleeping with a male underage student. Clyde Edwards was caught in the teacher's quarters of the Mahdia Secondary School sleeping with the lad. They were both clad only in their underpants. The incident which took place in May is currently the subject of an investigation by education officials and was being kept low key by several of Edwards' colleagues.

He has since been sent on administrative leave after the matter became public and the incident is being investigated by the police

Originally Posted by Conscience:


AFC Councillor Clyde Edwards accused of sleeping with underage boy

An Alliance for Change(AFC) Councillor of the Region 8 Regional Democratic Council(RDC) who is also a teacher at the Mahdia Secondary School and chairman of the region's education committee was caught sleeping with a male underage student. Clyde Edwards was caught in the teacher's quarters of the Mahdia Secondary School sleeping with the lad. They were both clad only in their underpants. The incident which took place in May is currently the subject of an investigation by education officials and was being kept low key by several of Edwards' colleagues.

He has since been sent on administrative leave after the matter became public and the incident is being investigated by the police

Lies like this means you lost that community. You folks did the same with the APA fellow. We are coming to know you and you are not going to get our votes. We are organizing around these slights by racist liars  in the PPP



Still need a comment


Govt minister's son allegedly assaults ex-girlfriend

Govt minister's son allegedly assaults ex-girlfriend


The son of a government minister has allegedly assaulted his ex-girlfriend, leaving her with a swollen right eye and tender head just days before she had been due to give birth to their baby.

27-year old Vanisha Seenauth alleged that Robeson Benn Jr. barged into her home during the pre-dawn hours of Sunday when she opened the door and assaulted her......



Now virtually a recluse because of her traumatic experiences, Seenauth said that on one occasion she had decided to go to Hibiscus, Middle Street where she was allegedly assaulted in public by Benn.



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