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Former Member
Dear Editor:

President Bharrat Jagdeo on August 11, 2011 at the Convention Centre said that young people need to look back at the country’s history, in order to defend its current progress. This is statement loaded with trickery and deception and can only be compared to a statement made by the con artist who tried to sell Parliament to an unsuspecting foreigner. Thus the PPP's deception and political subterfuge must be exposed.

History is defined as “an established record of the past”.

Guyana’s history will tell us the following:

1. Guyanese have the PPP to thank for the tragic indignity of an imposed British settlement to our electoral system in 1964. The facts are the PPP delegation gave Duncan Sandys full power to settle the constitutional issues which in the end gave Guyana a PNC Government;

2. The PPP actively courted the riggers of elections – the PNC in 1977, to form a National Front government by offering them critical support. This fact clearly demonstrates that the PPP and the PNC have always been two peas in the same pod and still are to this day;

3. The PPP has established its track record of violence against those whom it thinks will “split the vote” – actual evidence - Balram Singh Rai in the 60’s and Ravi Dev in the 90’s. Today, some of the perpetrators of violence still hold high positions in the PPP;

4. The PPP under Jagdeo and Ramotar is a bunch of financial zealots and economic opportunists only focused on when they can score the next million in grease so that they can complete Pradoville 2 and the other mansions all scattered over Guyana before November 2011. Look out for the butcher shop deal this time rather than the barber shop computer deal? Were any of these young people in the Convention Centre told that a man in the room was building a house worth $500 million, whom 12 years ago did not have even $5 million in his bank account to pay Varsh?

5. The PPP has a well established record of failing to enhance the economic well being of the average Guyanese. Nothing done under this Jagdeo regime is sustainable; it is all patch work for a “pappy show”. Where are the long term jobs? Where are the deliverables that proves that the personal security of the people has improved? Look at the Le Repentir cemetery, this is classic LCDS in the making (grown more forest in the middle of the City). Guyana is one mass theater in human under development and under utilization. This is Donald Ramotar “jumbie” economics for you;

6. In 2006, the PNC and PPP did a back-room deal to equally share the scruntineer’s money shutting out all the other parliamentary parties; in clear violation of the law;

7. The PPP and PNC conducted a covert coup d'etat in 2006 in Regions 1, 4, 7,8, 9 and 10 to exclude the AFC from Governance in these Regions. What happen to the voices of the 29,000 people who voted AFC in 2006? The combined self interest of the PPP and PNC is always more important that the nation’s well being. Watch carefully as the electoral race heats up. The PPP shall run to the bottom house and preach “don’t split the vote” and in the PNC case, they shall preach “marginalization”. If the people vote the same way then look out for more of the same (back room deals between the PPP and PNC continues). Well the AFC message of change is reaching the people and we are being told resoundingly by the people, we will “tek their lap top, free food, free music and free transportation to the rally but we voting change”;

8. While Donald Ramotar and his cabal shout at the top of their voices that they are all for the working class, they have basically replace the white man as the new privileged class; building multiple properties with their 29 tonnes of imported Italian tiles on lands grabbed from the people. These same members of the Ramotar cabal then turnaround and call on the workers to “tek 5% and mek a sacrifices”. Well apparently they did not hear the Indo-Guyanese women from Bath settlement and the Afro-Guyanese man in Amelia Wards – “this struggulation too much now, enough is enough”

There can be no peace and harmony in the land when the working class perceives a deep sense of injustice and marginalization at the hands of this PPP and PNC privileged class. This is what make the Alliance for Change (AFC) extremely relevant in today’s Guyana ; we are filling a political vacuum that needed to be filled. The AFC is providing political leadership to the working class regardless of race, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

We are the only political force that can honestly stand up and say we may all come from different backgrounds but we all have common challenges and we are all working for a common solution. A Cathy Hughes is powerful enough to influence policy in the AFC for people who share her background; like wise a Neilson McKenszie, a Fitz Ralph, a Rohan Somar, a Sixtus Edwards, a Sasenarine Singh, a Tarron Khemraj, a Martin Cheong, a Sarah Punilal, a Versammy Ramaya and the list goes on.

The AFC is not a Ramjattan party or a Trotman party or a Holder party or an Indo-Guyanese thing or an Afro-Guyanese thing; it is a Guyanese thing.

The AFC is making history since the Indo-Guyanese people are telling us that the Indo-centric PPP has misruled and misrepresented them for 19 years and they are ready to walk away from them. Likewise the Afro-Guyanese are telling us the Afro-centric PNC now APNU cannot win these elections since with 32% Afro-Guyanese support that is a far way from 51% and they know not one Indo-Guyanese will vote for the APNU formerly the PNC.

The only choice left to lead the people out of this period of under development is the AFC. We are ready, we are able and we are willing and all we are asking the people is to give us one chance by voting for change. If after 5 years we do not deliver what should be delivered in that time period, then – kick us out.

Guyana’s future is the AFC.


Sasenarine Singh

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Excellent letter. I am very pleased that the AFC have become very attractive to the youths. The youths want jobs. AFC must show them how it intends to create jobs and restore their dignity.

AFC!!!!!! Big Grin cheers flag
My research revealed that the PPP give the electoral system to the British to help the PNC but in reality, the PR system shows that the PPP got 45% OF THE VOTES AND 45% OF THE seats. That seems fair to me, so why they cried foul?


In 1957, the PPP got 47% of the votes and 64% of the seats.

In 1961 the PPP got 42% of the votes and 57% of the seats.

In 1964 after the PPP submitted to a PR electoral system,

the PPP got 45% of the votes 45% of the seats.
Originally posted by Sase Singh:
My research revealed that the PPP give the electoral system to the British to help the PNC but in reality, the PR system shows that the PPP got 45% OF THE VOTES AND 45% OF THE seats. That seems fair to me, so why they cried foul?


In 1957, the PPP got 47% of the votes and 64% of the seats.

In 1961 the PPP got 42% of the votes and 57% of the seats.

In 1964 after the PPP submitted to a PR electoral system,

the PPP got 45% of the votes 45% of the seats.

They screwed up then, they screwing up now.
Originally posted by Sase Singh:

My research revealed that the PPP give the electoral system to the British to help the PNC but in reality ..

The British government imposed the proportional representation system for Guyana.

Your reserch result differs from the British Government's decisions on the election system for Guyana.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

Guyana’s future is the AFC.

Sasenarine Singh

Guyana's future depends on the Guyanese people.

Your unsubtantiated statement speaks volumes of your emptyness.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by Sase Singh:

My research revealed that the PPP give the electoral system to the British to help the PNC but in reality ..

The British government imposed the proportional representation system for Guyana.

Your reserch result differs from the British Government's decisions on the election system for Guyana.

That's an indictment that the PPP had no backbone. Hence Sase is correct.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

Guyana’s future is the AFC.

Sasenarine Singh

Guyana's future depends on the Guyanese people.

...and that's what the AFC is about, the Guyanese people's future.
Originally posted by cain:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

Guyana’s future is the AFC.

Sasenarine Singh

Guyana's future depends on the Guyanese people.

... and that's what the AFC is about, the Guyanese people's future.

Guyana's future is NOT the AFC.

All political parties advocate for the future of the Guyanese people.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by cain:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

Guyana’s future is the AFC.

Sasenarine Singh

Guyana's future depends on the Guyanese people.

... and that's what the AFC is about, the Guyanese people's future.

All political parties advocate for the future of the Guyanese people.

Agreed! But the difference is the PPP advocate for the future of the people but they have not shown this by their actions.
19 years ago they had the peoples future in their hands and haven't done much with it, only now the heat is on they are trying to buy votes by promising the people the moon and stars. Talk is cheap as we well know.
Originally posted by cain:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

All political parties advocate for the future of the Guyanese people.

Agreed! But the difference is the PPP advocate for the future of the people but they have not shown this by their actions.

19 years ago they had the peoples future in their hands and haven't done much with it, only now the heat is on they are trying to buy votes by promising the people the moon and stars. Talk is cheap as we well know.

Eventually, we will know the winner of the 2011 elections.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by cain:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

All political parties advocate for the future of the Guyanese people.

Agreed! But the difference is the PPP advocate for the future of the people but they have not shown this by their actions.

19 years ago they had the peoples future in their hands and haven't done much with it, only now the heat is on they are trying to buy votes by promising the people the moon and stars. Talk is cheap as we well know.

Eventually, we will know the winner of the 2011 elections.

Your comment is vapid... must be the tea you are drinking. coffee
The AFC can write all it wishes two points.

1. Most Guyanese "know" the PPP will win and so are scared to openly support either opposition party as they are terrified as to what the PPP will do WHEN they win again.

2. Even though most Guyanese will agree with the asessment of the PPP they remain unconvinced that the opposition parties will be any better, or have any prospects of winning. Expect very low voter turnouts this coming election.
Originally posted by caribj:
The AFC can write all it wishes two points.

1. Most Guyanese "know" the PPP will win and so are scared to openly support either opposition party as they are terrified as to what the PPP will do WHEN they win again.

2. Even though most Guyanese will agree with the asessment of the PPP they remain unconvinced that the opposition parties will be any better, or have any prospects of winning. Expect very low voter turnouts this coming election.

That your synopsis and deeply analytical mind at work there Annan?
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by caribj:

.. Most Guyanese "know" the PPP will win ..

Interesting observation.

A sad one too as they dont plan to vote as it wil be a waste of their time. PPP=PNC=AFC so why vote.
Originally posted by caribj:
The AFC can write all it wishes two points.

1. Most Guyanese "know" the PPP will win and so are scared to openly support either opposition party as they are terrified as to what the PPP will do WHEN they win again.

2. Even though most Guyanese will agree with the asessment of the PPP they remain unconvinced that the opposition parties will be any better, or have any prospects of winning. Expect very low voter turnouts this coming election.

You hanging around too much with the Broklyn PNC bunch.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by caribj:

.. Most Guyanese "know" the PPP will win ..

Interesting observation.

A sad one too as they dont plan to vote as it wil be a waste of their time.

PPP=PNC=AFC so why vote.

Individuals have the right to vote.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by caribj:

.. Most Guyanese "know" the PPP will win ..

Interesting observation.

A sad one too as they dont plan to vote as it wil be a waste of their time.

PPP=PNC=AFC so why vote.

Individuals have the right to vote.

or not to vote. clever
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by caribj:
The AFC can write all it wishes two points.

1. Most Guyanese "know" the PPP will win and so are scared to openly support either opposition party as they are terrified as to what the PPP will do WHEN they win again.

2. Even though most Guyanese will agree with the asessment of the PPP they remain unconvinced that the opposition parties will be any better, or have any prospects of winning. Expect very low voter turnouts this coming election.

You hanging around too much with the Broklyn PNC bunch.

AAh. I see. Another indicator of what life under the AFC will be like. A party packed with EX ROARites arriving with their very Indocentric mentalities. Just vex with the PPP thats all....

This must be why Trotman is so silent.

So a black man who doesnt agree with them is a bad black man who must be a PNC.

This is why the AFC will be ignored in core black areas. You dont stand a striking chance if you dont penetrate this group. Funny the PPP m ight do better than you all with this group, a sad testimony given how reviled the PPP is.

Baseman the day after the election when you all are cussing out Guyanese for being idiots because few bothered to vote so my prediction comes true I will send over crates of tissue for you to sob into.

You know whats odd. I predict PPP victory yet youy call me a PNC. Hmmmmmmm. Anyway baseman, neither you nor mitwah want my vote so I guess you think you will win with all those cross over Indo votes. You know the guys who have NEVER voted for anyopne but the PPP. lol

Get these facts straight. You guys will be no more sucessful with this Indo vote than you were when you were with ROAR. So take the black vote for granted and see where that gets you. Somewhere between the UF, the WPA, and GAP...yes and ROAR too!!!!
Unfair comment Carib.

Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by caribj:
The AFC can write all it wishes two points.

1. Most Guyanese "know" the PPP will win and so are scared to openly support either opposition party as they are terrified as to what the PPP will do WHEN they win again.

2. Even though most Guyanese will agree with the asessment of the PPP they remain unconvinced that the opposition parties will be any better, or have any prospects of winning. Expect very low voter turnouts this coming election.

You hanging around too much with the Broklyn PNC bunch.

AAh. I see. Another indicator of what life under the AFC will be like. A party packed with EX ROARites arriving with their very Indocentric mentalities. Just vex with the PPP thats all....

This must be why Trotman is so silent.

So a black man who doesnt agree with them is a bad black man who must be a PNC.

This is why the AFC will be ignored in core black areas. You dont stand a striking chance if you dont penetrate this group. Funny the PPP m ight do better than you all with this group, a sad testimony given how reviled the PPP is.

Baseman the day after the election when you all are cussing out Guyanese for being idiots because few bothered to vote so my prediction comes true I will send over crates of tissue for you to sob into.

You know whats odd. I predict PPP victory yet youy call me a PNC. Hmmmmmmm. Anyway baseman, neither you nor mitwah want my vote so I guess you think you will win with all those cross over Indo votes. You know the guys who have NEVER voted for anyopne but the PPP. lol

Get these facts straight. You guys will be no more sucessful with this Indo vote than you were when you were with ROAR. So take the black vote for granted and see where that gets you. Somewhere between the UF, the WPA, and GAP...yes and ROAR too!!!!
Is it true that once Jagdeo steps down from the presidency he will join the AFC as the new leader which will allow him to run for president again as per the constitution? Will you folks accept him into your fold as the new leader as he is popular among the people and will bring in more votes than many of the retards in the party?
Originally posted by cain:
No,not true. But I did hear something about him using you to scratch his baltz.

But he would give your party a huge boost beyond the 2 seat capability. What ever happened to the inclusive nature of the AFc who welcome all people to their fold? If the AFC can welcome Sase the flour briber then they can welcome anyone. hahahahahahh
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by cain:
No,not true. But I did hear something about him using you to scratch his baltz.

But he would give your party a huge boost beyond the 2 seat capability. What ever happened to the inclusive nature of the AFc who welcome all people to their fold? If the AFC can welcome Sase the flour briber then they can welcome anyone. hahahahahahh

You are most welcome with your goadee and all other bagages. You can bring Jagdeo to polish your jewels. yippie
Guyanese have the PPP to thank for the tragic indignity of an imposed British settlement to our electoral system in 1964. The facts are the PPP delegation gave Duncan Sandys full power to settle the constitutional issues which in the end gave Guyana a PNC Government;

Originally posted by Sase Singh:
Dear Editor:

President Bharrat Jagdeo on August 11, 2011 at the Convention Centre said that young people need to look back at the country’s history, in order to defend its current progress. This is statement loaded with trickery and deception and can only be compared to a statement made by the con artist who tried to sell Parliament to an unsuspecting foreigner. Thus the PPP's deception and political subterfuge must be exposed.

History is defined as “an established record of the past”.

Guyana’s history will tell us the following:

1. Guyanese have the PPP to thank for the tragic indignity of an imposed British settlement to our electoral system in 1964. The facts are the PPP delegation gave Duncan Sandys full power to settle the constitutional issues which in the end gave Guyana a PNC Government;

2. The PPP actively courted the riggers of elections – the PNC in 1977, to form a National Front government by offering them critical support. This fact clearly demonstrates that the PPP and the PNC have always been two peas in the same pod and still are to this day;

3. The PPP has established its track record of violence against those whom it thinks will “split the vote” – actual evidence - Balram Singh Rai in the 60’s and Ravi Dev in the 90’s. Today, some of the perpetrators of violence still hold high positions in the PPP;

4. The PPP under Jagdeo and Ramotar is a bunch of financial zealots and economic opportunists only focused on when they can score the next million in grease so that they can complete Pradoville 2 and the other mansions all scattered over Guyana before November 2011. Look out for the butcher shop deal this time rather than the barber shop computer deal? Were any of these young people in the Convention Centre told that a man in the room was building a house worth $500 million, whom 12 years ago did not have even $5 million in his bank account to pay Varsh?

5. The PPP has a well established record of failing to enhance the economic well being of the average Guyanese. Nothing done under this Jagdeo regime is sustainable; it is all patch work for a “pappy show”. Where are the long term jobs? Where are the deliverables that proves that the personal security of the people has improved? Look at the Le Repentir cemetery, this is classic LCDS in the making (grown more forest in the middle of the City). Guyana is one mass theater in human under development and under utilization. This is Donald Ramotar “jumbie” economics for you;

6. In 2006, the PNC and PPP did a back-room deal to equally share the scruntineer’s money shutting out all the other parliamentary parties; in clear violation of the law;

7. The PPP and PNC conducted a covert coup d'etat in 2006 in Regions 1, 4, 7,8, 9 and 10 to exclude the AFC from Governance in these Regions. What happen to the voices of the 29,000 people who voted AFC in 2006? The combined self interest of the PPP and PNC is always more important that the nation’s well being. Watch carefully as the electoral race heats up. The PPP shall run to the bottom house and preach “don’t split the vote” and in the PNC case, they shall preach “marginalization”. If the people vote the same way then look out for more of the same (back room deals between the PPP and PNC continues). Well the AFC message of change is reaching the people and we are being told resoundingly by the people, we will “tek their lap top, free food, free music and free transportation to the rally but we voting change”;

8. While Donald Ramotar and his cabal shout at the top of their voices that they are all for the working class, they have basically replace the white man as the new privileged class; building multiple properties with their 29 tonnes of imported Italian tiles on lands grabbed from the people. These same members of the Ramotar cabal then turnaround and call on the workers to “tek 5% and mek a sacrifices”. Well apparently they did not hear the Indo-Guyanese women from Bath settlement and the Afro-Guyanese man in Amelia Wards – “this struggulation too much now, enough is enough”

There can be no peace and harmony in the land when the working class perceives a deep sense of injustice and marginalization at the hands of this PPP and PNC privileged class. This is what make the Alliance for Change (AFC) extremely relevant in today’s Guyana ; we are filling a political vacuum that needed to be filled. The AFC is providing political leadership to the working class regardless of race, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

We are the only political force that can honestly stand up and say we may all come from different backgrounds but we all have common challenges and we are all working for a common solution. A Cathy Hughes is powerful enough to influence policy in the AFC for people who share her background; like wise a Neilson McKenszie, a Fitz Ralph, a Rohan Somar, a Sixtus Edwards, a Sasenarine Singh, a Tarron Khemraj, a Martin Cheong, a Sarah Punilal, a Versammy Ramaya and the list goes on.

The AFC is not a Ramjattan party or a Trotman party or a Holder party or an Indo-Guyanese thing or an Afro-Guyanese thing; it is a Guyanese thing.

The AFC is making history since the Indo-Guyanese people are telling us that the Indo-centric PPP has misruled and misrepresented them for 19 years and they are ready to walk away from them. Likewise the Afro-Guyanese are telling us the Afro-centric PNC now APNU cannot win these elections since with 32% Afro-Guyanese support that is a far way from 51% and they know not one Indo-Guyanese will vote for the APNU formerly the PNC.

The only choice left to lead the people out of this period of under development is the AFC. We are ready, we are able and we are willing and all we are asking the people is to give us one chance by voting for change. If after 5 years we do not deliver what should be delivered in that time period, then – kick us out.

Guyana’s future is the AFC.


Sasenarine Singh
The PPP actively courted the riggers of elections – the PNC in 1977, to form a National Front government by offering them critical support. This fact clearly demonstrates that the PPP and the PNC have always been two peas in the same pod and still are to this day


Originally posted by Sase Singh:
Guyanese have the PPP to thank for the tragic indignity of an imposed British settlement to our electoral system in 1964. The facts are the PPP delegation gave Duncan Sandys full power to settle the constitutional issues which in the end gave Guyana a PNC Government;

Originally posted by Sase Singh:
Dear Editor:

President Bharrat Jagdeo on August 11, 2011 at the Convention Centre said that young people need to look back at the country’s history, in order to defend its current progress. This is statement loaded with trickery and deception and can only be compared to a statement made by the con artist who tried to sell Parliament to an unsuspecting foreigner. Thus the PPP's deception and political subterfuge must be exposed.

History is defined as “an established record of the past”.

Guyana’s history will tell us the following:

1. Guyanese have the PPP to thank for the tragic indignity of an imposed British settlement to our electoral system in 1964. The facts are the PPP delegation gave Duncan Sandys full power to settle the constitutional issues which in the end gave Guyana a PNC Government;

2. The PPP actively courted the riggers of elections – the PNC in 1977, to form a National Front government by offering them critical support. This fact clearly demonstrates that the PPP and the PNC have always been two peas in the same pod and still are to this day;

3. The PPP has established its track record of violence against those whom it thinks will “split the vote” – actual evidence - Balram Singh Rai in the 60’s and Ravi Dev in the 90’s. Today, some of the perpetrators of violence still hold high positions in the PPP;

4. The PPP under Jagdeo and Ramotar is a bunch of financial zealots and economic opportunists only focused on when they can score the next million in grease so that they can complete Pradoville 2 and the other mansions all scattered over Guyana before November 2011. Look out for the butcher shop deal this time rather than the barber shop computer deal? Were any of these young people in the Convention Centre told that a man in the room was building a house worth $500 million, whom 12 years ago did not have even $5 million in his bank account to pay Varsh?

5. The PPP has a well established record of failing to enhance the economic well being of the average Guyanese. Nothing done under this Jagdeo regime is sustainable; it is all patch work for a “pappy show”. Where are the long term jobs? Where are the deliverables that proves that the personal security of the people has improved? Look at the Le Repentir cemetery, this is classic LCDS in the making (grown more forest in the middle of the City). Guyana is one mass theater in human under development and under utilization. This is Donald Ramotar “jumbie” economics for you;

6. In 2006, the PNC and PPP did a back-room deal to equally share the scruntineer’s money shutting out all the other parliamentary parties; in clear violation of the law;

7. The PPP and PNC conducted a covert coup d'etat in 2006 in Regions 1, 4, 7,8, 9 and 10 to exclude the AFC from Governance in these Regions. What happen to the voices of the 29,000 people who voted AFC in 2006? The combined self interest of the PPP and PNC is always more important that the nation’s well being. Watch carefully as the electoral race heats up. The PPP shall run to the bottom house and preach “don’t split the vote” and in the PNC case, they shall preach “marginalization”. If the people vote the same way then look out for more of the same (back room deals between the PPP and PNC continues). Well the AFC message of change is reaching the people and we are being told resoundingly by the people, we will “tek their lap top, free food, free music and free transportation to the rally but we voting change”;

8. While Donald Ramotar and his cabal shout at the top of their voices that they are all for the working class, they have basically replace the white man as the new privileged class; building multiple properties with their 29 tonnes of imported Italian tiles on lands grabbed from the people. These same members of the Ramotar cabal then turnaround and call on the workers to “tek 5% and mek a sacrifices”. Well apparently they did not hear the Indo-Guyanese women from Bath settlement and the Afro-Guyanese man in Amelia Wards – “this struggulation too much now, enough is enough”

There can be no peace and harmony in the land when the working class perceives a deep sense of injustice and marginalization at the hands of this PPP and PNC privileged class. This is what make the Alliance for Change (AFC) extremely relevant in today’s Guyana ; we are filling a political vacuum that needed to be filled. The AFC is providing political leadership to the working class regardless of race, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

We are the only political force that can honestly stand up and say we may all come from different backgrounds but we all have common challenges and we are all working for a common solution. A Cathy Hughes is powerful enough to influence policy in the AFC for people who share her background; like wise a Neilson McKenszie, a Fitz Ralph, a Rohan Somar, a Sixtus Edwards, a Sasenarine Singh, a Tarron Khemraj, a Martin Cheong, a Sarah Punilal, a Versammy Ramaya and the list goes on.

The AFC is not a Ramjattan party or a Trotman party or a Holder party or an Indo-Guyanese thing or an Afro-Guyanese thing; it is a Guyanese thing.

The AFC is making history since the Indo-Guyanese people are telling us that the Indo-centric PPP has misruled and misrepresented them for 19 years and they are ready to walk away from them. Likewise the Afro-Guyanese are telling us the Afro-centric PNC now APNU cannot win these elections since with 32% Afro-Guyanese support that is a far way from 51% and they know not one Indo-Guyanese will vote for the APNU formerly the PNC.

The only choice left to lead the people out of this period of under development is the AFC. We are ready, we are able and we are willing and all we are asking the people is to give us one chance by voting for change. If after 5 years we do not deliver what should be delivered in that time period, then – kick us out.

Guyana’s future is the AFC.


Sasenarine Singh
Originally posted by Sase Singh:
The PPP actively courted the riggers of elections – the PNC in 1977, to form a National Front government by offering them critical support. This fact clearly demonstrates that the PPP and the PNC have always been two peas in the same pod and still are to this day


THE PPP and PPP = one big family.

Originally posted by Sase Singh:
Guyanese have the PPP to thank for the tragic indignity of an imposed British settlement to our electoral system in 1964. The facts are the PPP delegation gave Duncan Sandys full power to settle the constitutional issues which in the end gave Guyana a PNC Government;

Originally posted by Sase Singh:
Dear Editor:

President Bharrat Jagdeo on August 11, 2011 at the Convention Centre said that young people need to look back at the country’s history, in order to defend its current progress. This is statement loaded with trickery and deception and can only be compared to a statement made by the con artist who tried to sell Parliament to an unsuspecting foreigner. Thus the PPP's deception and political subterfuge must be exposed.

History is defined as “an established record of the past”.

Guyana’s history will tell us the following:

1. Guyanese have the PPP to thank for the tragic indignity of an imposed British settlement to our electoral system in 1964. The facts are the PPP delegation gave Duncan Sandys full power to settle the constitutional issues which in the end gave Guyana a PNC Government;

2. The PPP actively courted the riggers of elections – the PNC in 1977, to form a National Front government by offering them critical support. This fact clearly demonstrates that the PPP and the PNC have always been two peas in the same pod and still are to this day;

3. The PPP has established its track record of violence against those whom it thinks will “split the vote” – actual evidence - Balram Singh Rai in the 60’s and Ravi Dev in the 90’s. Today, some of the perpetrators of violence still hold high positions in the PPP;

4. The PPP under Jagdeo and Ramotar is a bunch of financial zealots and economic opportunists only focused on when they can score the next million in grease so that they can complete Pradoville 2 and the other mansions all scattered over Guyana before November 2011. Look out for the butcher shop deal this time rather than the barber shop computer deal? Were any of these young people in the Convention Centre told that a man in the room was building a house worth $500 million, whom 12 years ago did not have even $5 million in his bank account to pay Varsh?

5. The PPP has a well established record of failing to enhance the economic well being of the average Guyanese. Nothing done under this Jagdeo regime is sustainable; it is all patch work for a “pappy show”. Where are the long term jobs? Where are the deliverables that proves that the personal security of the people has improved? Look at the Le Repentir cemetery, this is classic LCDS in the making (grown more forest in the middle of the City). Guyana is one mass theater in human under development and under utilization. This is Donald Ramotar “jumbie” economics for you;

6. In 2006, the PNC and PPP did a back-room deal to equally share the scruntineer’s money shutting out all the other parliamentary parties; in clear violation of the law;

7. The PPP and PNC conducted a covert coup d'etat in 2006 in Regions 1, 4, 7,8, 9 and 10 to exclude the AFC from Governance in these Regions. What happen to the voices of the 29,000 people who voted AFC in 2006? The combined self interest of the PPP and PNC is always more important that the nation’s well being. Watch carefully as the electoral race heats up. The PPP shall run to the bottom house and preach “don’t split the vote” and in the PNC case, they shall preach “marginalization”. If the people vote the same way then look out for more of the same (back room deals between the PPP and PNC continues). Well the AFC message of change is reaching the people and we are being told resoundingly by the people, we will “tek their lap top, free food, free music and free transportation to the rally but we voting change”;

8. While Donald Ramotar and his cabal shout at the top of their voices that they are all for the working class, they have basically replace the white man as the new privileged class; building multiple properties with their 29 tonnes of imported Italian tiles on lands grabbed from the people. These same members of the Ramotar cabal then turnaround and call on the workers to “tek 5% and mek a sacrifices”. Well apparently they did not hear the Indo-Guyanese women from Bath settlement and the Afro-Guyanese man in Amelia Wards – “this struggulation too much now, enough is enough”

There can be no peace and harmony in the land when the working class perceives a deep sense of injustice and marginalization at the hands of this PPP and PNC privileged class. This is what make the Alliance for Change (AFC) extremely relevant in today’s Guyana ; we are filling a political vacuum that needed to be filled. The AFC is providing political leadership to the working class regardless of race, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

We are the only political force that can honestly stand up and say we may all come from different backgrounds but we all have common challenges and we are all working for a common solution. A Cathy Hughes is powerful enough to influence policy in the AFC for people who share her background; like wise a Neilson McKenszie, a Fitz Ralph, a Rohan Somar, a Sixtus Edwards, a Sasenarine Singh, a Tarron Khemraj, a Martin Cheong, a Sarah Punilal, a Versammy Ramaya and the list goes on.

The AFC is not a Ramjattan party or a Trotman party or a Holder party or an Indo-Guyanese thing or an Afro-Guyanese thing; it is a Guyanese thing.

The AFC is making history since the Indo-Guyanese people are telling us that the Indo-centric PPP has misruled and misrepresented them for 19 years and they are ready to walk away from them. Likewise the Afro-Guyanese are telling us the Afro-centric PNC now APNU cannot win these elections since with 32% Afro-Guyanese support that is a far way from 51% and they know not one Indo-Guyanese will vote for the APNU formerly the PNC.

The only choice left to lead the people out of this period of under development is the AFC. We are ready, we are able and we are willing and all we are asking the people is to give us one chance by voting for change. If after 5 years we do not deliver what should be delivered in that time period, then – kick us out.

Guyana’s future is the AFC.


Sasenarine Singh
Originally Posted by caribj:
The AFC can write all it wishes two points.

1. Most Guyanese "know" the PPP will win and so are scared to openly support either opposition party as they are terrified as to what the PPP will do WHEN they win again.

2. Even though most Guyanese will agree with the asessment of the PPP they remain unconvinced that the opposition parties will be any better, or have any prospects of winning. Expect very low voter turnouts this coming election.

 I do no know what you are trying to say but in an interest to clarify I am of the opinion that the genie is out of the bottle. The PPP lost. Their base at the polls has always been their ceiling as well. They always needed to gull a few "negroes" and trade beads with the Amerinds to win. Well that base has been eroded and this is no transitory thing.


We are in for a period of divided rule.Who among those who defected from their base will not see better in a reality where corruption can fester unchecked and unacknowledged? After all they left because they were displeased and Ramotar recycling the same hacks has not done anything to changed their minds.


The Scandinavian nations all have similar divided governments and they are the head all the indices of contentment of their citizens. It is only the griping of plutocrats in the PPP and intractable racists in the population that wants the old system. Well, in my opinion that is gone forever.

Originally Posted by D2:
Originally Posted by caribj:
The AFC can write all it wishes two points.

1. Most Guyanese "know" the PPP will win and so are scared to openly support either opposition party as they are terrified as to what the PPP will do WHEN they win again.

2. Even though most Guyanese will agree with the asessment of the PPP they remain unconvinced that the opposition parties will be any better, or have any prospects of winning. Expect very low voter turnouts this coming election.

 I do no know what you are trying to say but in an interest to clarify I am of the opinion that the genie is out of the bottle. The PPP lost. Their base at the polls has always been their ceiling as well. They always needed to gull a few "negroes" and trade beads with the Amerinds to win. Well that base has been eroded and this is no transitory thing.


We are in for a period of divided rule.Who among those who defected from their base will not see better in a reality where corruption can fester unchecked and unacknowledged? After all they left because they were displeased and Ramotar recycling the same hacks has not done anything to changed their minds.


The Scandinavian nations all have similar divided governments and they are the head all the indices of contentment of their citizens. It is only the griping of plutocrats in the PPP and intractable racists in the population that wants the old system. Well, in my opinion that is gone forever.


Well said, D2.


Destroying the PPP at this time won't solve Guyana's problems whether economic, social, political, or ethnic.  Sase and his comrades need to go back to the drawing board and look carefully at the possible consequences of removing the PPP from office. If it was bad in the sixties then it would ten fold worse today. Start thinking with your brain and stop relying on the nonsense that's being peddled by ambitious politicians who have lost their groove/


Sase, himself, might have to shut his mouth and run.


Billy Ram Balgobin

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