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Officials of the Shanghai Construction Group along with their Guyanese counterparts after a brief tour of the construction site

The Guyana Times today reported that Atlantic Hotels Inc Chief Executive Officer Winston Brassington said scores of Guyanese are benefiting directly and indirectly from the construction work ongoing at the site where the multimillion-dollar Marriott Hotel is being built in Kingston.

This disclosure, according to the Times report comes on the heels of a plethora of media stories which suggested that a Chinese-only workforce is being used to construct the hotel without any input from locals or contribution from Guyanese construction companies. To this Brassington responded by saying, “absolutely not true, there are many service providers and sub-contractors that are benefiting significantly from this job,” . He said that scores of Guyanese workers were engaged directly and indirectly at different stages of the construction of the hotel which requires a pool of specific technical and non-technical skills

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there are many service providers and sub-contractors that are benefiting significantly from this job,” . He (Brassington) said that scores of Guyanese workers were engaged directly and indirectly at different stages of the construction of the hotel which requires a pool of specific technical and non-technical skills

Originally Posted by Conscience:

there are many service providers and sub-contractors that are benefiting significantly from this job,” . He (Brassington) said that scores of Guyanese workers were engaged directly and indirectly at different stages of the construction of the hotel which requires a pool of specific technical and non-technical skills

This is a LIE concocted by a PPP which is embarrassed.  How come only now are we getting this response?  Why not a specification of exactly what activities that Guyanese wil get employment?  Are the subcontractors supplying chow mein?  Wouldnt be surprised if these socalled "Guyanese" are Chinese resident in Guyana.


Its clear to see the goons of the opponents of state are spreading false propaganda against the Marriott Hotel project, those goons knows very well, when the project is completed it has enormous potential to provide employment for hundreds of Guyanese workers, those opposition goons seems to be on a quest, to carry out the opposition's agenda, by any means necessary, even it if it entails, selling their souls

PPP/C government haters on the offensive peddling lies, innuendoesPDFPrintE-mail
Written by NEIL ADAMS   
Wednesday, 13 February 2013 22:13

THERE is an ongoing discussion, oftentimes open warfare, in the press concerning Chinese labour and expertise in the building of the Marriott Hotel in Guyana. The discussion has taken a turn for the worst as the charlatans and haters of the PPP/C government have gone on the offensive to peddle their lies and innuendoes as to the motive behind the Chinese sole dependence on their labour force and none of our local people.
These clowns, through the media that afford them the opportunity, are casting blame on the government and, in particular, former President Jagdeo for selling out our sovereignty to the

This is furthest from the truth. The Chinese have always maintained that policy of utilising their technology and labour force wherever they conduct business whether it be in Africa, Asia, The Caribbean or even in the United States. This is standard practice.

Ever since the Chinese attained superpower status they have carried out that form of policy framework. Wherever they go they stake out that turf of only hiring their workers on major building projects, especially when they are the major financiers in those projects.
Probably that is why they are so successful. So why should Guyana be different? When the hotel is completed it would be staffed and operated by Guyanese; so what's the problem? The problem is with the opposition, who has nothing constructive to do with their time but to babble nonsense.
Let me pose this question which will sober them up:could the haters enlighten us where in the world Chinese construction is being conducted and local labour is utilised? Where can we find this place? The point is there is none. So trying to fool the people that there is some ulterior motive behind the Marriott construction is utter rubbish.
What I think they should be worried about and that is my problem also, that is, to make out a case as to the benefits to be accrued from Chinese help altogether. That I am more inclined to entertain. China has been amassing great wealth in their business strategies worldwide and I will take Africa as a case study. When you look at the way these people have taken over Africa it’s simply phenomenal. They are all over Africa with their cheap technology which is very successful there. And the Chinese brag about their developmental work there. But I take the line of argument where there was no investment in Africa, then, when there is investment, any investment, it becomes significant.
If Africans were starving yesterday, when the Chinese came today with bread that was taken out of the garbage then, they have bread today which makes the Chinese "God sent."

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its clear to see the goons of the opponents of state are spreading false propaganda against the Marriott Hotel project, those goons knows very well, when the project is completed it has enormous potential to provide employment for hundreds of Guyanese workers, those opposition goons seems to be on a quest, to carry out the opposition's agenda, by any means necessary, even it if it entails, selling their souls

You mean that the PPP screamed that Guyanese are lazy and unproductive and do not speak Mandarin Chinese so cant be allowed to get jobs.


Now a blurb about all the "benefits" when no example of this is provided.


You know Brassington could have disclosed where Guyanese are finding employment when asked/  Instead his initial response was to say that Guyanese are lazy, injdisciplioned, do not speak Chinese and so Chinese were hired.


Now we get a new story as this disrespect for Guyanese has taken on new life.

Originally Posted by Conscience:
PPP/C government haters on the offensive peddling lies, innuendoesPDFPrintE-mail
Written by NEIL ADAMS   
Wednesday, 13 February 2013 22:13

. When you look at the way these people have taken over Africa it’s simply phenomenal. They are all over Africa with their cheap technology which is very successful there.

no one doubts how successful the Chinese have been by building projevcts using their own technology, management, technicians and EVEN LABOR, and then getting poor nations to pay for it.


Our questions is where will the benefits be for these countries and many people in Trinidad, Suriname, Jamaica and all over Africa are asking the same question.


I will pose this question.  When a UK company in 1966 built the Bank of Guyana and Pegasus hotel, the FIRST structures of their type in Guyana, they used Guyanese workers.


Is the PPP suggesting that 47 years later Guyanese are LESS skilled, or is it that Chinese imperialism is even worse than that of our former colonial masters?

Originally Posted by Conscience:



Officials of the Shanghai Construction Group along with their Guyanese counterparts after a brief tour of the construction site

The Guyana Times today reported that Atlantic Hotels Inc Chief Executive Officer Winston Brassington said scores of Guyanese are benefiting directly and indirectly from the construction work ongoing at the site where the multimillion-dollar Marriott Hotel is being built in Kingston.

This disclosure, according to the Times report comes on the heels of a plethora of media stories which suggested that a Chinese-only workforce is being used to construct the hotel without any input from locals or contribution from Guyanese construction companies. To this Brassington responded by saying, “absolutely not true, there are many service providers and sub-contractors that are benefiting significantly from this job,” . He said that scores of Guyanese workers were engaged directly and indirectly at different stages of the construction of the hotel which requires a pool of specific technical and non-technical skills



where is the proof counsee.  Ah just another PPP lie.  They stab the working class in the back and then turn around and tell them, sabbing is good for them.


What deception.  These PPP bandits will even sell their daughters and mothers to continue their corrupt mentality.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

What a Magnificent Hotel will it be. When we open it up, even the ones here talkin SHIT would be visiting the Hotel

Dont worry nehru when it opens up all the workers will be from the Phillipines because Marriott will say (and this time with justification) that Guyanese arent trained to work in 4 star hotels, given that the ones that exist are 3 star at best...and poorly run 3 stars at that, or small hotels like Cara.


Dont worry Guyanese will find work entertaining the guests....fees for ensuring that the guests dont go to sleep alone....and if they need stimulants Guyanese will find work supplying that too...and if the guests see all the poverty in Guyana, Guyanese will ensure that their wealth is distributed, whether the guests agree to it or not.


i wonder what will happen with all the small hotels that get some government bussiness when this hotel is build example buddys and sleep inn seeing this hotel is build with aim of getting all the government bussines


Why build a hotel for Marriott on the backs of Guyanese Taxpayers? This type of investment should be put into our schools and university. It would also be better spent on restoring our City to a clean and beautiful place.

Stealing the City Council's land to build a Marriott hotel is pure vindictiveness by the PPP against Badal and his Pegasus hotel.

Marriott controversy… Contractors would automatically work with comfortable labour force – HPS LuncheonPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Telesha Ramnarine   
Thursday, 14 February 2013 22:22

HEAD of the Presidential Secretariat (HPS), Dr. Roger Luncheon said, yesterday, that the most sensible and reasonable contractors would “automatically” work with a labour force with which they are comfortable and familiar.



Dr. Roger Luncheon

He was addressing issues surrounding the construction of the controversial Marriott Hotel which is drawing criticism from, among others, the political opposition and the Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC).
Speaking at his weekly media briefing, in Office of the President, Shiv Chanderpaul Drive, Georgetown, the Cabinet Secretary said he stands corrected to believe that some in the Private Sector are complaining, too.
The Marriott Project has attracted severe critics, to the effect that Guyanese are not allowed to work on it, whereas the Home Affairs Ministry has granted work permits to the Chinese for them to complete the building.
Labour Minister Dr.Nanda Gopaul has, since, publicly articulated Government’s stance on the issue and Luncheon, yesterday, said Cabinet stands by this position, which in essence, justifies the acceptance and execution, by National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL), the contract that now has the public’s attention.

The HPS said it was no surprise, to the Government, that China had chosen to use a labour force from that country. He said the contractor is responsible for discharging the terms of the contract.
“This firm went through the administrative arrangements, applied for visas for the workers to get here. When the firm started its recruitment of labour, it was clear that they were recruiting from the population in China.
“We have not addressed, in contracts, a discretion that has always been left to the contractor. He has to get the labour. We have never really inserted into contracts the sourcing of labour.
“My feeling was the Chinese firm resorted to their labour force as any contractor moving into the execution of a contract would resort to the labour force with which they are comfortable. And this firm, apparently, is in the international realm in the construction industry,” Luncheon observed.
Meanwhile, Atlantic Hotels Inc. (AHI), the special-purpose company established for the erection of the Marriott, is, currently, seeking investors to outfit, operate and maintain an entertainment complex “annexed” to the hotel.
AHI has indicated that expressions of interest are being solicited for the operation of the entertainment complex which would require a five-year business plan, including employment and training. The entertainment complex comprises a specialty restaurant, nightclub and casino.
Marriott, a U.S.-based high-end hotel chain, operates some 3,700 properties in 74 countries and territories worldwide and reported revenues of more than US$12 billion in 2011.
The Georgetown Marriott Hotel was designed to receive LEED® (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification from the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) and is on track to be Marriott’s first LEED hotel in the Caribbean and Latin America.
It will operate as part of a public/private partnership between the Government of Guyana and Private Sector investors.


Spice Girl, like you like the contraband business or wuh?  If you like Badal then you like contraband. Maybe some of you policeman family used to benefit from the man's contraband trade during the Burnham/Hoyte years?  IS poor people money they tek@

Billy Ram Balgobin

If an act of parliament can create NICIL why can an act of Parliament not break it up into different parts so the crooked deals that go on and the shuffle of money from one entity to another be stopped?  We know the president will veto it but that brings the matter clearly in focus with the people.


Why can the Opposition also not have a no confidence vote  ( via legislation of some sort) against Brassington and force the president hand to keep the crook in place so be directly linked to his crookedness?


Some of you so slavish to the PPP that even yuh get screwed in the ass, once it's PPP, you'll say push it in further...








Conscience...and some other PPPites

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Spice Girl, like you like the contraband business or wuh?  If you like Badal then you like contraband. Maybe some of you policeman family used to benefit from the man's contraband trade during the Burnham/Hoyte years?  IS poor people money they tek@

Here is the lady stating an opinion about something and you immediately assert a bunch of rather stupid claims against her.


What the hell does all of that has to do with a present cabal of crooks in the Administration? If that happened for a lack of citizens protestation here is an active citizen protesting a corrupt act by the government.


Here is an administration whose personnel to a man were shit poor  before they got into office and now they are fatted calves on the nations back for sure since their salaries can not justify their present holdings. Address that instead of acting as an amoral an condescending fool.


The lady complains about their present brazen behavior in the construction of this building. Despite protestations about the lack of transparency, they are up to their hacks in building this hotel and on top of that they got a kickback of 14 million US to not hire Guyanese citizens....shat kind of cruel injustice is this? Why should the nation tolerate it?

Originally Posted by raymond:

Some of you so slavish to the PPP that even yuh get screwed in the ass, once it's PPP, you'll say push it in further...








Conscience...and some other PPPites

I heard you love it in the ASS, so dat make you more of a PPP????

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by raymond:

Some of you so slavish to the PPP that even yuh get screwed in the ass, once it's PPP, you'll say push it in further...








Conscience...and some other PPPites

I heard you love it in the ASS, so dat make you more of a PPP????

Mr Nehru should come back an slap your rass sill...OOPS! neva mind the silly part, that already deh, he should slap some sense upside yo flippin head, for running his good name into the ground.

Originally Posted by Conscience:
PPP/C government haters on the offensive peddling lies, innuendoesPDFPrintE-mail
Written by NEIL ADAMS   
Wednesday, 13 February 2013 22:13

THERE is an ongoing discussion, oftentimes open warfare, in the press concerning Chinese labour and expertise in the building of the Marriott Hotel in Guyana. The discussion has taken a turn for the worst as the charlatans and haters of the PPP/C government have gone on the offensive to peddle their lies and innuendoes as to the motive behind the Chinese sole dependence on their labour force and none of our local people.
These clowns, through the media that afford them the opportunity, are casting blame on the government and, in particular, former President Jagdeo for selling out our sovereignty to the

This is furthest from the truth. The Chinese have always maintained that policy of utilising their technology and labour force wherever they conduct business whether it be in Africa, Asia, The Caribbean or even in the United States. This is standard practice.

Ever since the Chinese attained superpower status they have carried out that form of policy framework. Wherever they go they stake out that turf of only hiring their workers on major building projects, especially when they are the major financiers in those projects.
Probably that is why they are so successful. So why should Guyana be different? When the hotel is completed it would be staffed and operated by Guyanese; so what's the problem? The problem is with the opposition, who has nothing constructive to do with their time but to babble nonsense.
Let me pose this question which will sober them up:could the haters enlighten us where in the world Chinese construction is being conducted and local labour is utilised? Where can we find this place? The point is there is none. So trying to fool the people that there is some ulterior motive behind the Marriott construction is utter rubbish.
What I think they should be worried about and that is my problem also, that is, to make out a case as to the benefits to be accrued from Chinese help altogether. That I am more inclined to entertain. China has been amassing great wealth in their business strategies worldwide and I will take Africa as a case study. When you look at the way these people have taken over Africa it’s simply phenomenal. They are all over Africa with their cheap technology which is very successful there. And the Chinese brag about their developmental work there. But I take the line of argument where there was no investment in Africa, then, when there is investment, any investment, it becomes significant.
If Africans were starving yesterday, when the Chinese came today with bread that was taken out of the garbage then, they have bread today which makes the Chinese "God sent."


Neil should go to Africa and see how the Chinese have been bribing the locals to slaughter every elephant rhino, and shark in sight for the Chinese market. Soon Guyana will be engolfed by them. A Chinaman does not come to do you favours. He comes to rip you off and hoard away whatever he can. I know because I have Chinese blood and my former wife is Chinese. I am fully aware of the culture and customs. They see us Guyanese as dumb savages who can be bought off with a few beads.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Neil should go to Africa and see how the Chinese have been bribing the locals to slaughter every elephant rhino, and shark in sight for the Chinese market. Soon Guyana will be engolfed by them. A Chinaman does not come to do you favours. He comes to rip you off and hoard away whatever he can. I know because I have Chinese blood and my former wife is Chinese. I am fully aware of the culture and customs. They see us Guyanese as dumb savages who can be bought off with a few beads.

 You are a chameleon, a man of every season and race. You claimed to be Black, White, Indian, Amerindian and now Chinese. You must be related to D2 as he too invents different personalities to suit each circumstance.  

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Neil should go to Africa and see how the Chinese have been bribing the locals to slaughter every elephant rhino, and shark in sight for the Chinese market. Soon Guyana will be engolfed by them. A Chinaman does not come to do you favours. He comes to rip you off and hoard away whatever he can. I know because I have Chinese blood and my former wife is Chinese. I am fully aware of the culture and customs. They see us Guyanese as dumb savages who can be bought off with a few beads.

83,0000 square miles with 750,000 people living on a narrow strip on the coast. And all hoping to migrate to America.


A land rich with water, minerals and forests.


The Chinese upper class exploiting the lower class chinese is slowly coming to an end.


Dey looking for new lands to occupy. They will build factories in Guyana and bring impoverished chinese to work for just food and build products for Walmart.


The Marriott is a place for the affluent chinese to stay in their schemes of exploitation.


Any Government of Guyana will be useless by that time-just puppets.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Critics of the Marriot Hotel have in the past made more dire predictions about hotel projects in Guyana. Of course, they have all been wrong.

We said that Buddies will fail.  It did.  We said that Princess will not result in a massive build up of tourism into Guyana attracted by its casino.  It did not.  The hotel sector claims that most facilities have under 50% occupancy rates, saying this as recently as this year.


So where were we wrong?


It turns out that the investors in Marriott are just as fearful as those who you accuse of making dire predictions.  Not only did thyey demand that the govt assume most of the risk of the project, but they demanded that should this project fail that the govt would reimburse them of their lost investment.



If investors think that a project will work, the last people who they want involved in their business as the govt.

Originally Posted by Conscience:
Marriott controversy… Contractors would automatically work with comfortable labour force – HPS LuncheonPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Telesha Ramnarine   
Thursday, 14 February 2013 22:22

HEAD of the Presidential Secretariat (HPS), Dr. Roger Luncheon said, yesterday, that the most sensible and reasonable contractors would “automatically” work with a labour force with which they are comfortable and familiar.



Dr. Roger Luncheon

He was addressing issues surrounding the construction of the controversial Marriott Hotel which is drawing criticism from, among others, the political opposition and the Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC).
Speaking at his weekly media briefing, in Office of the President, Shiv Chanderpaul Drive, Georgetown, the Cabinet Secretary said he stands corrected to believe that some in the Private Sector are complaining, too.
The Marriott Project has attracted severe critics, to the effect that Guyanese are not allowed to work on it, whereas the Home Affairs Ministry has granted work permits to the Chinese for them to complete the building.
Labour Minister Dr.Nanda Gopaul has, since, publicly articulated Government’s stance on the issue and Luncheon, yesterday, said Cabinet stands by this position, which in essence, justifies the acceptance and execution, by National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL), the contract that now has the public’s attention.

The HPS said it was no surprise, to the Government, that China had chosen to use a labour force from that country. He said the contractor is responsible for discharging the terms of the contract.
“This firm went through the administrative arrangements, applied for visas for the workers to get here. When the firm started its recruitment of labour, it was clear that they were recruiting from the population in China.
“We have not addressed, in contracts, a discretion that has always been left to the contractor. He has to get the labour. We have never really inserted into contracts the sourcing of labour.
“My feeling was the Chinese firm resorted to their labour force as any contractor moving into the execution of a contract would resort to the labour force with which they are comfortable. And this firm, apparently, is in the international realm in the construction industry,” Luncheon observed.
Meanwhile, Atlantic Hotels Inc. (AHI), the special-purpose company established for the erection of the Marriott, is, currently, seeking investors to outfit, operate and maintain an entertainment complex “annexed” to the hotel.
AHI has indicated that expressions of interest are being solicited for the operation of the entertainment complex which would require a five-year business plan, including employment and training. The entertainment complex comprises a specialty restaurant, nightclub and casino.
Marriott, a U.S.-based high-end hotel chain, operates some 3,700 properties in 74 countries and territories worldwide and reported revenues of more than US$12 billion in 2011.
The Georgetown Marriott Hotel was designed to receive LEED® (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification from the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) and is on track to be Marriott’s first LEED hotel in the Caribbean and Latin America.
It will operate as part of a public/private partnership between the Government of Guyana and Private Sector investors.

Originally Posted by Conscience:
Marriott controversy… Contractors would automatically work with comfortable labour force – HPS LuncheonPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Telesha Ramnarine   
Thursday, 14 February 2013 22:22

HEAD of the Presidential Secretariat (HPS), Dr. Roger Luncheon said, yesterday, that the most sensible and reasonable contractors would “automatically” work with a labour force with which they are comfortable and familiar.



Dr. Roger Luncheon

He was addressing issues surrounding the construction of the controversial Marriott Hotel which is drawing criticism from, among others, the political opposition and the Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC).
Speaking at his weekly media briefing, in Office of the President, Shiv Chanderpaul Drive, Georgetown, the Cabinet Secretary said he stands corrected to believe that some in the Private Sector are complaining, too.
The Marriott Project has attracted severe critics, to the effect that Guyanese are not allowed to work on it, whereas the Home Affairs Ministry has granted work permits to the Chinese for them to complete the building.


 I wonder if Butch Stewart, the owner of Sandals, opened up a hotel in Guyana and used only Jamaican laborers I wonder what all those who hate blacks in the PPP (inclusive of skeldon man, baseman, rev al, abidha, and virtually every other PPP supporter on GNI) would say.


Not one thing about Butch being more comfortable with Jamaicans!


If a PNC govt had allowed that we would hear loud shouts of genocide of Indians.


Interesting though that when Indian pockets get lined, the silly bl;ack man Luncheon is being used to praise the exclusion of Guyanese tax payers from getting work in this project, even while they a directly or indirectly funding 100%.


I cant imagine any nation allowing foreigners to work without forcing the contractor to determine that there is no labor supply available.  given the huge numbers of Guyanese in construction throughout the Caribbean, many involved in projects just like this, I will find it hard to believe that Guyanese arent available, given the decline in constrcution in those islands.


If Guyanese could have built the Bank of Guyana and Pegasus, at a time when they were less skilled they can build Marriott...but greed and corruptuion prevents this.


So here is to the Working Class party, I mean the one which supports the CHINESE working class, while it kicks the GUYANESE working class to the curb.


Y the chinese demand from Westinghouse that the contract they recieved to supply sub-way systems to China must have 30% Chinese content? American workers doan speak mandarin and they cooperating.


Suh wah happen Guyana-we DUNCE or sumthing.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Y the chinese demand from Westinghouse that the contract they recieved to supply sub-way systems to China must have 30% Chinese content? American workers doan speak mandarin and they cooperating.


Suh wah happen Guyana-we DUNCE or sumthing.

No.  The PPP thinks that they own Indians, and will always get their vote by scaring them about "bad blackman".  They dont care the slightest about blacks and if that segment remains impoverished then better yet, as some will be recruited as mercenaries to do the bidding of the pluto/kleptocrats.


So both can remain unemployed for all the PPP cares. 


This is an opportunity for Guyanese to show whether thay have back bone by deamnding that the PPP protects their interests.  Or whether they are mice in Guyana, and then fleeing to little islands trying to snatch up the scarce jobs available in those places.


The HPS said it was no surprise, to the Government, that China had chosen to use a labour force from that country. He said the contractor is responsible for discharging the terms of the contract.
“This firm went through the administrative arrangements, applied for visas for the workers to get here. When the firm started its recruitment of labour, it was clear that they were recruiting from the population in China.
“We have not addressed, in contracts, a discretion that has always been left to the contractor. He has to get the labour. We have never really inserted into contracts the sourcing of labour.
“My feeling was the Chinese firm resorted to their labour force as any contractor moving into the execution of a contract would resort to the labour force with which they are comfortable. And this firm, apparently, is in the international realm in the construction industry,” Luncheon observed

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its clear to see the goons of the opponents of state are spreading false propaganda against the Marriott Hotel project, those goons knows very well, when the project is completed it has enormous potential to provide employment for hundreds of Guyanese workers, those opposition goons seems to be on a quest, to carry out the opposition's agenda, by any means necessary, even it if it entails, selling their souls


I am willing to believe you if you can list some of these providers.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The HPS said it was no surprise, to the Government, that China had chosen to use a labour force from that country. He said the contractor is responsible for discharging the terms of the contract.
“This firm went through the administrative arrangements, applied for visas for the workers to get here. When the firm started its recruitment of labour, it was clear that they were recruiting from the population in China.
“We have not addressed, in contracts, a discretion that has always been left to the contractor. He has to get the labour. We have never really inserted into contracts the sourcing of labour.
“My feeling was the Chinese firm resorted to their labour force as any contractor moving into the execution of a contract would resort to the labour force with which they are comfortable. And this firm, apparently, is in the international realm in the construction industry,” Luncheon observed

So if Butch Stewart builds ahotel in Guyana and brings in a team of big BLACK Jamaicans I do not expect to hear any screams from you.


But of course Butch will NEVER be allowed to do this.


Cheap Chinese SLAVES is OK though.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Take your head out of the sand TK....the mean reason the joint opposition is picketing the construction site of the Marriott Hotel is to attract a ray of  limelight

And they will get more than a ray as those who stupidly voted for the PPP learn that the PPP have no interest in protecting their rights to decent employment IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY!!!


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