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Guyanese can’t take promises to the supermarket

April 20, 2015 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,     I am convinced that the PPP is politically bankrupt, devoid of ideas, a lost ship with a broken rudder, sailing aimlessly on the high seas of this political campaign. All the great thinkers and strategists are gone. The Jagans, the Ramkarrans, Pandit Reepu, Narbada Persaud, Feroze, Navin, Moses, Shree-Chand, Sir Fenton, Mr. Benn, Mr. Wilson. Men and women who have struggled tirelessly, fought valiantly, wept sometimes and once in a while smiled, all in that monumental effort to make the PPP a great party. Today, a group of upstarts, political charlatans have besmirched this once celebrated party of the Caribbean. For 12 years, Jagdeo’s rule was layered with deceit, contempt and bad governance. Ramotar’s three years sleep was filled with excuses and, well whatever. For twelve years Jagdeo had only bad ideas, Skeldon, Amaila, Berbice Bridge, Mariott, etc. For three years Ramotar had only, well, no ideas. Jagdeo tells his followers that they should focus on his work and vote for the PPP. Ramotar tells his supporters to focus on what Jagdeo did and vote for him. Jagdeo perfected the science of pan-handling economics. Ramotar tried that science and failed. No sane foreign government or lending agency will give aid or loans to a government that does not have the confidence of its people. I guess that is too much for Ramotar to comprehend. Today Guyanese are asked to vote for a PPP candidate who has no ideas, no experience in economics, finance, government, planning or even basic people skills. His campaign handlers are afraid to impart too much information to him, lest he chokes on it. They did not inform him that there will be no prime ministerial debates, so, at his press conference he sacrificed the poor woman. For 12 years Ramotar allowed Jagdeo to run roughshod over the country. As General Secretary he had the power to stop this evil. He was either too afraid to do so, or was promised bigger things. He presided over the demise of Guysuco as Chairman. Today he tells the country that Guysuco is in trouble because Parliament cut his budget. He further sealed the fate of the industry when he hired Shaik Baksh and Rajendra Singh. One is of questionable repute and the other with no management experience and no idea what a sugar plant looks like. This schlick happens only in Guyana. The PPP has an advertisement called Vision – Guyana Version – 2.0.  I must ask, what the hell happened to 1.0? This ad is covered with beautiful pictures of foreign structures and neatly written text on their failed promises of 2011. They are asking the electorate to forget 2011. Ramotar promises this time around he will get it done. What doggy doo! Who is this man trying to fool? The simplest of all his promises was Local Government Elections. That he could not deliver. He could not deliver a half done project – Hope Canal. Ramotar and that political charlatan, Ramsammy, made dozens of deadline promises. All lies. Their last promise was March 31, that too, came and went, no Hope Canal. The financing of that project is another of Jagdeo’s debacle. Story for another day.     Today it’s about Ramotar and his empty promises, promises, promises. Guyanese can’t take promises to the supermarket. With this man in charge for one more year, there will be NO HOPE FOR GUYANA. Amar Chinkan

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