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Hi all,

I'm a student from the United States looking into relations between Venezuela and Guyana, and I'm having a bit of difficulty finding sources. Specifically, I'm having trouble locating evidence regarding the threat of Venezuelan military action a little while ago and the corresponding response from Brazil. If anyone could help me with some articles on this topic (especially more recent ones), that would be an enormous help.


Cran32 posted:

Hi all,

I'm a student from the United States looking into relations between Venezuela and Guyana, and I'm having a bit of difficulty finding sources. Specifically, I'm having trouble locating evidence regarding the threat of Venezuelan military action a little while ago and the corresponding response from Brazil. If anyone could help me with some articles on this topic (especially more recent ones), that would be an enormous help.


Hey Dude...I was going to tell you to write Bharrat Jagdeo and Irfaan Ali...but those 2 are not real sources because they are fake doctors.

But on a serious note, you are not going to find a lot of information on this request mainly because they are recent events and involve sensitive military information.

In terms of the weapons assessment of the 3 countries, you may want to check the CIA Factbook...much of the military information there are legitimate since the CIA does a good job of collecting such information.

You would also have to go back and look at main newspaper reports from the three countries in question...and thats not very difficult to do (though information regarding Venezuela may be a little sketchy). 

Guyana has had a long-standing dispute over an island called Ankoko and a territorial dispute claiming the Essequibo region of Guyana.

Other than that, depending on how serious this research is, you may have to be on the ground interviewing government officials from the 3 countries....hope this helps. 



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